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My Sister's Ex-Girlfriend Ch. 05

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Laurel and Nyssa at Sara's and Felicity's wedding.
11.1k words

Part 5 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/22/2016
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Disclaimer: I do not own Arrow or anything to do with DC. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.


"Oliver, I told you, I'm fine." Felicity said softly, turning around to find someone else entirely. Her eyes then went wide and she squeaked, "Nyssa."

Briefly looking the other woman up and down Nyssa softly said, "You're a vision."

"Thank you." Felicity mumbled, the two women then fell into a long silence as clearly neither was sure what to say.

"I, I don't think I have given you my blessing. Not truly." Nyssa said softly, "And I am not implying that you need it, and I'm not sure you'd even want it, but I'm here to say you have it. Honestly and truly."

Felicity smiled nervously, and then said as firmly as she could, "Nyssa, of course I want it. You're part of the team. I, I even liked to think we're friends. Which I know is super awkward considering... everything, but-"

"I'd like that." Nyssa said softly, "If we could be friends."

"Me too." Felicity smiled softly.

Nyssa took a step forward and then said breathlessly, "I, I never thought I'd be happy to be at Sara's wedding without being the other bride, or to see her marrying someone else, but you're perfect for her. I see that now."

Another pause, and then Felicity mumbled, "I'm sorry to come between you two."

"No, you're not." Nyssa said with a soft smile, "And you shouldn't be. Laurel is my soulmate. Just as you are Sara's, and Sara is yours."

"Maybe." Felicity murmured, lowering her head. Then she rushed to explain, "I mean, I love Sara. With every ounce of my being. And I want to be with her more than anything. But... she has a habit of running away."

"And you fear she may leave you at the altar?" Nyssa nodded knowingly, before stepping directly in front of Felicity and ordering, "Felicity, look at me. Sara only runs when something is not right. And this, this is right. She knows it. We all do. You're her light in the darkness, just as Laurel is mine. How could she ever run from that?"

There was yet another pause, then Felicity timidly went in for a hug and Nyssa pulled her into her arms and held her tight, causing Felicity to whimper, "Thank you."

Nyssa gulped, tears forming in her eyes, "Just, just promise me you'll take care of her. Okay? We were never meant to be, but I loved her. Part of me will always love her."

"I know." Felicity said softly into Nyssa's shoulder, "And I will. I promise."

Smiling softly Nyssa just closed her eyes and just enjoyed the hug for as long as it lasted, then when Felicity finally pulled back asked, "So, are you ready to be Mrs Felicity Lance?"

Felicity smiled warmly, "More than anything."


"Sara!" Laurel exclaimed, becoming angry, "Don't you dare jump out of that window!"

Sara had been so lost in her own thoughts that she hadn't even been aware that Laurel had slipped into her room, which was a testament to Laurel's improvement at stealth, and just how much she had been lost in her own thoughts. She wasn't even able to hide her surprise, softly murmuring, "I was just..."

"Just what? Ruining your life?" Laurel snapped, rushing past Sara and quickly closing the window, before turning back to her sister, "What the hell is wrong with you? I've been... I mean, Felicity has been planning this day forever. Everyone's here, waiting for you and your bride, and you're just going to leave? Really?"

"I can leave if I want too." Sara growled, "You can't stop me."

"Maybe not." Laurel sighed, reluctantly acknowledging Sara had more training, "But why would you ever want too?"

"I don't!" Sara snapped, "That's the last thing I want to do, which is why I've just been standing here staring at that window, thinking about how quickly I could get out of here. But I don't, because I'm selfish. I want to marry Felicity Smoak, even though I don't deserve her. Even though she deserves better. Even though she be better off with Oliver. Or anyone else. And even though in the end, I'm just going to hurt her."

"Sara, Sara, Sara!" Laurel quickly repeated her sister's name until she finally got her attention, then she stepped forward, grabbed her and firmly told her, "If you leave her now, at the altar, that will be worse than anything else you could possibly do to her."

"You don't know that." Sara murmured.

"Yes I do." Laurel said firmly, "Just, just the thought of Nyssa doing that to me... I love her, but I don't think I could ever forgive her for that. And Felicity wouldn't, and shouldn't forgive you for something like that. And you shouldn't put her in that position. I know part of you wants to push her away, because you're scared, but you need to fight that instinct. She's the one who gets to decide who makes her happy, and she choose you. Not Oliver, or anyone else, you. And you, you deserve to be happy. Because I know you've done some things you're not proud of, but when it matters you do the right thing. You choose good. You are good. You deserve to be happy, so for God sakes just let yourself be happy."

There was long pause, then Sara closed her eyes, took a deep breath, then softly asked, "Can we never tell Felicity about this?"

Laurel smiled, and reassured her sister, "It will be our little secret."

"Thanks sis." Sara smiled, embracing her sibling, "I love you."

"I love you too." Laurel smiled, and then when Sara pulled back she told her, "Now, go out there and get the girl like a good little superhero."

Normally Sara didn't like that term, but today she smiled and said, "I've already got her. Today is about marrying her."

"So it's a happy superhero ending." Laurel grinned, "My favourite kind. Now go out there and enjoy the happiest day of your life, then your happy ever after."

"I'll try." Sara rolled her eyes, although the effect was ruined by the wide grin on her face.


Nyssa had worried that her smile wouldn't be genuine, but when the time came and she watched her first love Sara Lance marry the love of her life Felicity Smoak and get their happy ever after she was beaming proudly. Although that probably wouldn't have been the case if it wasn't for the maid of honour Laurel Lance.

Or more accurately, that she got to call that wonderful woman hers. And the fact that Laurel was standing by her side the entire time, even subtly taking her hand in hers when it came time for Sara and Felicity to recite their vows, each taking a turn to tell the other how much they loved each other, before saying their I dos and kissing softly.

Just like that the moment Nyssa had been dreading was over. More or less. There was still the reception, but with the exception of the first dance of Mrs and Mrs Lance there was nothing that upsetting, as evidenced by the fact that Laurel seemed to become more relaxed. Which disappointed Nyssa, but didn't surprise her.

She was sure that Laurel wasn't the only one half expecting her to make a scene, proven by the half a dozen glances she got when the Minister asked if anyone objected to the union, but she had hoped that Laurel was more confident in their relationship by now. Clearly she was in need of some reassurance, and it just so happened that reassuring Laurel was one of Nyssa's favourite things to do.

"Dance with me." Nyssa said softly.

Laurel smiled shyly, "I thought you'd never ask."

Taking her lovers hand gently Nyssa guided them to the dance floor, wrapped her arms around her lover and began gently guiding her through the room. Of course Nyssa was the one to lead, just like everything else in their relationship. Likewise about how natural this felt, and it must have showed because the other people on the dancefloor initially looked nervous until it became clear that once again Nyssa only had eyes for Laurel.

Although everyone else quickly faded away, and for a while Nyssa forgot her original intent in favour of continuing the slow dance. But soon this proper dancing would give way to the noise Sara called her 'booty shaking' music, and as the Heir to the Demon did not shake her booty she eventually forced herself back to reality.

"I know what everyone thinks." Nyssa began, whispering it into Laurel's ear so hopefully she would be the only one to hear it, "That everyone here thinks that I'm still in love with Sara, and I'm going to cause a scene. But I'm not. They also think this is hard for me. It isn't. Not with you by my side. Because despite what everyone else thinks, I choose you. I love you. Please tell me you know that."

There was a brief pause as Laurel debated her answer, ultimately deciding to tease her lover, "Not everyone here believes those things."

Momentarily pulling back Nyssa frowned in confusion, then when Laurel pointed out her sister and her new wife, prompting Nyssa to sigh, "They don't count."

"Why not?" Laurel grinned as Felicity and Sara waved at her like dorks, although impressively they kept dancing while doing it.

"One is the smartest person in here. The other, knows me too well." Nyssa grumbled, "But more to the point, while their opinions matter to me, the only true opinion that matters is yours. And I want to make sure you're aware of it."

Laurel smiled softly, "I am."

"Are you sure?" Nyssa pushed gently.

"Well..." Laurel trailed off briefly and teasingly, before finishing, "I don't hate being reminded."

Nyssa initially looked worried, and then just annoyed, at this response, before leaning in and whispering in Laurel's ear, "I loved Sara. You loved Oliver. Just because we loved other people doesn't mean we can't fall in love again, and that love to be deeper and stronger than the first. Be the one that lasts. I truly feel I found that with you, Laurel Lance. Which is why something that would have devastated me a year or two ago is now nothing but a happy occasion to me, as I am watching my girlfriend's sister marry the love of her life, while I dance with mine."

"Wow." Laurel murmured softly after a few moments of silence, unsure what else to say.

"And you know what else?" Nyssa continued.

"What?" Laurel asked.

"I'm ready for you to go down on me." Nyssa whispered right up against Laurel's ear.

"Really?" Laurel beamed happily.

"Yes..." Nyssa murmured hesitantly, before admitting, "Although I do admit, I have been hesitant to bring it up recently in case you might think it has something to do with your sister's wedding. That I was trying to prove something to you, or myself, instead of just doing it because I truly wanted too allow myself to be that vulnerable with you."

There was a long pause and then Laurel asked, "Do you truly think it matters?"

Another long pause, and then Nyssa firmly stated, "It only matters to me, if it matters to you."

Yet another long pause, then Laurel pulled back slightly so she could look into her lover's eyes, "If you are bothered about taking this step with me because of your ex-girlfriend's wedding, it matters. It matters even more if you're hiding that feeling, even subconsciously, because of concern of what I might think. Honestly, I'd eat you out in the bathroom right now if you let me."

The vivid image that conjured caused a brief pause, then Nyssa growled, "Don't tempt me."

Leaning into whisper into Nyssa's ear Laurel practically purred, "Say the word, and I'll take you by the hand into the nearest bathroom, push you into one of the stalls, fall to my knees and stick my head underneath your dress. Then I'll lick you through your panties. You know, tease you a little. And I'll keep teasing you until you grab the back of my head and start telling me what to do, and then I'll do it. I'll obey all your commands until you're cumming all over my face. And I won't even wash it all off. I'll walk around my sister's wedding with my face stained with your cum, just to make her jealous. Because she's not your bitch any more, I am! I'm your hot little bottom Nyssa, and I can't wait to worship my sexy top's cunt."

This was far from the first time one of them whispered inappropriate things into the other's ear while they were with other people, but Nyssa did not recall Laurel being this bold before without serious prompting. She certainly wasn't expecting it from her in the middle of her sister's wedding. Honestly it probably should have been horrifying, but it just made Nyssa fall even more in love with her.

Especially as Nyssa had to call upon every ounce of restraint she possessed not to tear off both their clothes, or at least Laurel's, and then force the bride's sister to her knees and demand that she eat her out in front of the entire wedding reception.

Instead Nyssa took a calming breath, then growled into Laurel's ear, "Tempting. Very tempting. But as it will be a first time for us, I insist we wait until we get home so we can do it in a bed. And as I am the top of this relationship, it's what I say that really matters. So do not bring it up again, unless you want a spanking as soon as we get home. Either way I will then fuck that pretty face of yours and make it mine. Just like I should have done in the beginning. Then I will destroy your ass hole. Not fuck it, destroy it. I will stretch it like I have never stretched it before and leave it a gaping crater which you will not be able to use as anything but a fuck hole for a week, and you will not sit properly for a month. I shall ram my favourite fuck hole over, and over, and over again until you beg me to stop, and then I will brutalise it some more. Not because I have to prove anything, but because I want too. Because you're mine. Because I can. Because I love you, and I know what you truly want."

Laurel groaned, gasped and whimpered at those words, especially at the end. Honestly she loved all of these words, but as delightful as Nyssa's promise was, even if it did sound like a threat, they could never be quite so overwhelming as her final words of love and devotion.

The only problem was that she was struggling to keep those sounds soft enough so that nobody else in the room would hear it, although Nyssa didn't exactly make that easy, as not only did her soft words sound as deafening but she punctuated those words by gently biting down her earlobe and then sucking it, forcing an extra loud sound out of Laurel which did turn a few heads.

Blushing furiously Laurel whispered into Nyssa's ear, "You'll pay for that."

"No, I won't." Nyssa replied boldly.


She was both right and wrong about that, as on the one hand it seemed almost impossible to embarrass Nyssa, as she was just as shameless as Sara. On the other hand Laurel totally got her revenge in another way, namely teasing Nyssa whenever she got the opportunity, without so much as a passing mention of offering her any relief.

All it took was the right body language, a little flirting, bending over a few times unnecessarily and of course grinding herself gently against Nyssa's body as the dancing got dirtier and the Heir to the Demon was obviously itching to fuck her. Honestly it was embarrassing, and very flattering, just how easy it was for Laurel to turn Nyssa on.

As a result of all the shameless flirting as soon as they got in the door Nyssa slammed her up against the nearest wall and passionately kissed her. Not that Laurel was complaining, as the teasing had backfired a little and left her just as eager for this. Not to mention that Nyssa had been quick to remind Laurel of everything she wanted to do to her it pretty much every opportunity, especially after one of her teasing moves.

So by the time they were home both women were desperate for the other's touch, Laurel kissing Nyssa just as passionately. Their tongues even battled for dominance. It was a short battle that Nyssa won with ease, but the point was it pushed Nyssa to give her what she wanted even more.

Perhaps it even did too good a job, as Nyssa literally tore Laurel's clothing off her body without touching her own, and then after only a few minutes of groping and kissing both her lips and her neck Nyssa started making her way downwards. Laurel wanted to let Nyssa just do whatever she wanted to her, but that wasn't right. It was supposed to be her turn.

Finally it was supposed to be her turn to go down on Nyssa, and while Laurel did briefly entertain the idea of leaving herself to do that after Nyssa had gone down on her she wanted to save her energy for licking Nyssa's pussy. Which she may need considering it would be the first time she would have done anything like this.

So just as Nyssa reached her boobs Laurel protested, "Wait! It's, it's my turn. Please? Please Nyssa, let me..."

Nyssa had honestly been lost in her lust for her girl, but now the memory came rushing back, along with all her fear and doubt. But Laurel was begging for it, just like she had ever since they had got together, and Nyssa had promised her that they could finally take this big step in their relationship.

The timing could be better, and Nyssa still worried that this could be seen as trying to prove something to herself or to Laurel, but in that moment she didn't care. She just wanted to fuck Laurel in some way, and the promise of receiving pleasure was far from displeasing. Exactly the opposite in fact. So reluctantly Nyssa pulled back and stripped off her clothes.

When she was naked she quickly returned to the bed to give Laurel another long drawn-out kiss, flipping their positions during it so that it was Laurel on top. Laurel then wasted no time in moving her lips down to Nyssa's neck and then to her breasts, in both cases kissing and sucking the sensitive flesh. The difference was that Laurel spent a lot longer on her breasts.

Too long, if she bother to ask Nyssa. But she had promised to allow Laurel, or at least as much as Nyssa would ever allow another woman, or anyone for that matter, to take control of her, and it was important that she lived up to her promise, if only to finally get it over with.

It wasn't long before Nyssa regretted that promise, as Laurel spent an agonising amount of time going back and forth between her nipples. At least while she had only just gently kissed and sucked her neck a little Laurel was far rougher with Nyssa's tits, swirling her tongue around each nipple, and flicked it.

This did admittedly make Nyssa moan with delight, and she cupped the back of Laurel's head to push her more firmly against her chest, and more importantly to encourage her to suck harder and lick quicker, but in a surprising move Laurel continued not to give her what she wanted. Then of course Nyssa tried asking for what she wanted, but even that didn't work.

"More! Give me more! Mmmmmm, come on Laurel, I know you can do better than that. Ohhhhhh God, use that tongue of yours. And suck my nipples harder! Ooooooh fuck!" Nyssa ordered, and when she grew tired of not receiving the result she wanted Nyssa instead pushed, "Lower! Oh yes, go lower. Mmmmm, you want to eat my pussy so bad then do it. Eat me! Eat my pussy! AH fuck, mmmmm yesssss, fuck me! Oh Laurel! Oh fuck! Laurel?"

Again Nyssa didn't have much luck, and it was only when she started pushing Laurel's head downwards did she start to get some luck. Even then Laurel insisted on lingering on her stomach for a few seconds too long, and even when she was finally at her destination in between Nyssa's legs Laurel seemed to stop to savour the moment, further frustrating the assassin.

However just as Nyssa was opening her mouth to complain again she found herself letting out a long loud cry as she finally got what she wanted. It was then followed by soft moans and whimpers that Laurel forced out of Nyssa's lips, Nyssa in turn forcing Laurel to earn each and every one of those sounds. And oh God, did she earn them.

Laurel hadn't felt nervous about this all day, or technically for weeks as she had been waiting a very long time for this, however as soon as Nyssa flipped them over suddenly her nervousness returned. Although that was a distant second reason she had lingered on the foreplay, the first being that Nyssa's beautiful body deserved to be properly worshipped, and for all she knew this could be her only chance to give it the attention it deserved.

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