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My Sister's Ex-Girlfriend Ch. 06

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Nyssa asks Laurel an important question.
6.1k words

Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/22/2016
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Disclaimer: I do not own Arrow or anything to do with DC. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.


"Is something wrong, beloved?"

Nyssa al Ghul smirked at her own term of endearment being used on her, "It is nothing my love."

Laurel gently pushed, "I thought you promised never to lie to me."

"It is not a lie. It is..." Nyssa protested, briefly searching for the right words before settling on, "An old discussion. One we should be long since passed."

"You and Sara?" Laurel said knowingly, and then when her girlfriend didn't deny it she sighed, "I know this must be tough for you-"

"My only concern are your feelings." Nyssa interrupted quickly, turning to Laurel and gently pulling her into her arms as she softly continued, "Sara is a sister to me now, nothing more."

"Yes, but-" Laurel lowered her head.

"But nothing." Nyssa cut her off and gently lifting her chin up, "You are my world Laurel Lance, and I'm so mad at Felicity for stealing my thunder."

"Wha, what do you mean?" Laurel asked, heart hammering in her chest as she dared to get her hopes up.

"I mean there was a question I was going to ask you just before Felicity announced her pregnancy, and although I was going to wait until sometime after her and your sister's child was born I just couldn't possibly wait another day to ask you for your hand." Nyssa explained, quickly adding as Laurel's face lit up, "This is not me asking. You deserve more than this when it comes to that question. I am merely asking whether you are ready to hear it. Or you wish to hear it at all."

"Yes. Yes, of course! Of course I want to hear it! God Nyssa, I've been waiting for the right person to asked me that my entire life." Laurel giddily confessed, grinning as she added, "I'll say yes, if that helps."

"It does." Nyssa grinned, "Fortunately I anticipated that reaction..."

Laurel was so overwhelmingly happy from that last little exchange it took a while to realise what Nyssa was implying, and sure enough when the elevator opened up to Arrow HQ Laurel realised she had been setup. That this was not a baby shower for her now heavily pregnant sister-in-law, but the proposal Nyssa had been alluding too.

And a party celebrating it, given that all of Laurel's friends and family, or at least the ones she was closest too and knew about or were part of her nightlife, were waiting for them with smiles on their faces. Although Laurel barely notice them as directly in front of her was a giant banner with the words 'Laurel Lance Will You Marry Me' in big letters.

Completely overwhelmed by her happiness and the words in front of her Laurel stumbled into the room, both searching for what to say and especially anticipating what was waiting for her when she inevitably turned around.

Sure enough when she did the usually terrifying Nyssa al Ghul was down on one knee and holding out a tiny ring box, which was open allowing Laurel to see the engagement ring inside. And Nyssa was just staring up at her with these eyes filled with love and devotion, and it was almost more than Laurel could take. Already she was beginning to cry, and Nyssa's next words completely wrecked her.

"Laurel Lance... I love you." Nyssa said softly, "I love you more than anyone or anything in this world. I, I once thought I found my light in the darkness, but I knew before we even got together I was wrong. That back then I knew nothing of light, and was simply dragging someone else into the darkness with me. But not you. Only you were strong enough to do what I couldn't, lift me up from out of the darkness and into the light. You saved me Laurel, from myself and my father's teachings. But that is not why I love you. It is perhaps one of the many reasons, but I also adore your smile, your laugh, and your kind heart. Perhaps most of all, I love the way you have introduced me to myself. Allowed me discover who I truly was, and accept me for all of my flaws. And if you're still willing, I swear to spend the rest of my life making you as happy as you have made me."

The second Nyssa paused for long enough Laurel squealed with joy, "Yes! Yes, of course, YES!"

Returning the beaming smile that Laurel was giving her Nyssa gently placed the ring on her new fiancé's finger and stood up to be greeted with a passionate kiss. Laurel was vaguely aware that that was accompanied by applause, but that was just background noise in this perfect moment.

Fortunately, even though they forgot their audience, the kiss remains soft and gentle, the kind you see at the end of a cheesy romantic comedy, even though either of them could have so easily ruined it by becoming overwhelmed by the moment. Honestly Laurel was just glad that Nyssa pulled away when she did, because she wasn't sure she could have ended the kiss, or kept things PG-13 for much longer.

Once the kiss was over the happy couple just held each other for a few long seconds, before finally turning to their grinning audience. The widest grins were of course from Felicity and Sara, who were the first to congratulate them and hug them, even if it was a bit awkward with Felicity's swollen belly. Laurel's parents quickly followed, then Thea and the rest of Team Arrow, ironically ending with Oliver. Laurel's first love?

It was hard to say now she knew she was a lesbian, but he still meant so much to her and she was thrilled to have his blessing. At the same time Laurel hoped that this party would be short, as she was eager to get back home and reward her new fiancé with a night of passionate love making.


Nyssa knew it was cruel of her given the look in the eyes of her beloved, and new fiancé, but she dismissed all of Laurel's attempts to leave the party early, partly because she knew Laurel would forgive her later, and partly just because she enjoyed teasing her lover.

Perhaps she had gone too far on insisting on a brief patrol, but that totally backfired on her as Laurel Lance was truly irresistible at the best of times, but in her Black Canary outfit Nyssa just couldn't control herself. Honestly it had been a miracle that she ever could. So it was only a few blocks before Nyssa shoved Laurel up against the wall of a dingy alley and almost literally shoved her tongue down her throat.

That kiss was significantly more rough and needy than the one they'd had right after Laurel had accepted her proposal, and when they finally parted there was no gentle hug before pulling away. No, Nyssa's lips immediately travelled down to Laurel's neck where she practically attacked the vulnerable flesh which she so loved marking as her own, while Laurel let out a soft but blissful cry.

Nyssa was determined to make her let out loud cries tonight, but not here. This was too public. Also dirty, and now she was analysing it more closely it had a faint odour which was detestable. Besides, unsurprisingly Laurel made it clear she wasn't fond of the idea.

"Here?" Laurel whimpered softly, and then when there was no immediate reply pushed herself to add, "Baby, no. Our, ohhhhhh, our apartment's not far. We can make it."

"We can't." Nyssa insisted softly, "I have to have you now."

"But-" Laurel began to protest.

"Not here? I agree. Luckily, there is an alternative." Nyssa smiled wickedly, craning her head upwards.

Laurel followed her gaze, then cautiously murmured, "The roof?"

"The roof." Nyssa confirmed with a wicked grin.

There was a brief pause and then Laurel nodded, "Okay."

What seemed like seconds later, and in reality was only a matter of minutes thanks to a nearby fire escape, Nyssa was blocking the door to the roof and then pressing Laurel up against it for another long, passionate kissing session. The main difference to this kissing session than the others, at least tonight, being that Nyssa's hand wandered Laurel's body and vice versa.

Well, mostly Nyssa did it, as she made it very clear just with that kiss that she was in no mood for any rebellion tonight, and as always Laurel was happy to play the role of submissive little bottom to Nyssa's dominant top, a fact which she showed by allowing the Heir to the Demon to control the kiss and she only caressed Nyssa's arms and back, while Nyssa's hands were a lot less coy.

Perhaps in the beginning they were a little coy, but it wasn't long before she was sliding her hand to Laurel's ass, then up to her tits, and then finally down to between the other woman's legs. Each time she went further Nyssa grinned into the kiss because of the reaction she got from Laurel, which at first were just moans and gasps.

Then Nyssa slid a hand between Laurel's legs, and even through her fiancé's jet black pants she could feel heat and wetness which told her that her girl was more than ready for her. And it was very tempting to slide her hand into those pants and take her, the same way Nyssa had done so many times before when they were in public bathrooms and couldn't wait until they got home. But no, she had something more ambitious in mind, especially considering where they were.

So Nyssa broke the kiss, rested her forehead against Laurel's and whispered, "I love you."

Beaming happily Laurel replied, "I love you too."

Having counted on that response Nyssa grinned wickedly, grabbed the back of Laurel's head and started gently pushing it downwards while challenging her to, "Prove it."

"Gladly." Laurel grinned wickedly as she allowed herself to be pushed downwards.

Laurel considered teasing her woman, and maybe if they were safely back at their apartment she would have done. However while they had chosen nice tall building there were still tall ones around, so it wasn't impossible that they would be seen. Or that someone would hear a noise, and check the roof. Besides, she was overwhelmed with gratitude towards Nyssa for finally proposing.

So not only did Laurel allow herself to be pushed down to her knees but as soon as she was there she went right for Nyssa's pants, undoing them quickly and pulling them and her lover's underwear down in one quick motion. God, she'd loved Nyssa's original outfit, but she loved this one even better, as it provided easy access to do this whenever she wanted. Or more accurately, whenever Nyssa wanted it.

Usually they could just about wait until they return to their apartment before having sex, but especially during the beginning of their relationship it wasn't uncommon for Nyssa to talk her into a bathroom or an abandoned building for a quick fingering. Whether it happened before or after she got fingered Laurel would find herself on her knees and eating Nyssa's pussy just like she was about to do, hence the reason for the slight adjustment of Nyssa's outfit.

She still looked hot as hell in it, and God, did Laurel love being on her knees while Nyssa was wearing it. Also just being on her knees in front of Nyssa under any circumstances. It was after all, where she belonged, kneeling before the superior woman and pleasing her in any way she wanted.

Right now that included one of their favourite ways, Laurel eagerly burying her face in between Nyssa's thighs both to hide her fiancé's nakedness from the waist down in this public place, and more importantly so she could slide her tongue over Nyssa's pussy. As always she started with a nice slow lick starting from the bottom of Nyssa's cunt and working her way up to the top.

This time around Laurel even lingered on Nyssa's clit for a few extra seconds, which even got the mighty Nyssa al Ghul to let out a sharp cry. Then she would repeat the process, albeit without touching Nyssa's clit, which seemed just fine for her dominant lover. At least for now.

Nyssa even started providing some gentle, delightfully wicked, encouragement, "Yessssss, lick me Laurel. Lick me just like that. Ohhhhhh yes, oh Laurel, that's a good girl. That's a good fiancé. Oooooooh yes, you're my fiancé Laurel. My future wife. I'm going to marry you, mmmmm, and feel your hot little tongue against my cunt for years to come. Oh yes, oooooohhhhhhh Goooooodddddd!"

Encouragement from Nyssa was always welcome, but Laurel especially loved it as Nyssa was referencing their engagement and referring to her as her future wife. Oh God, Laurel had no idea how badly she wanted to hear that until now. She thought she knew she was falling in love with Nyssa al Ghul, but really, she had no idea. Because hearing it just now made her overwhelmingly happy.

Just as pleasing this goddess made her happy, Laurel reminded them that she would do anything to please this woman. Even if that meant The Black Canary had to spend hours kneeling on top of a roof with her face buried in her teammate's cunt. Or maybe especially when it meant that.

Nyssa knew that they should not linger in a semi-public place. That she should have practised the same restraint she had with everything else in her life, and simply waited until they got back to their home to have Laurel spoil her like this. Or at the very least they should be making this quick, and if Laurel wasn't doing it of her own accord she should be ordering her to hurry it up, and punishing her if she didn't comply.

But Nyssa just loved having Laurel eat her out, and the danger of doing this out in the open was only making it more enjoyable, seemingly for the both of them given how eagerly Laurel was licking her cunt. So despite her training Nyssa just gently stroked Laurel's hair and continued to offer her words of encouragement.

"Oooooh, that's it, lick my cunt you beautiful woman. Prove what a little lesbian slut you are." Nyssa moaned happily, "Prove exactly what I've turned you into, mmmmm, and how much you love pussy, ohhhhhh Laurel, OH FUCK! Yesssssss, prove just how much you love me and my twat, oh God yes, oooooooohhhhhhhhh fuckkkkkkkk!"

That encouragement worked a little too well, Laurel beginning to hit her clit with every stroke of her tongue instead of every other stroke, and then eventually lingering on it. Obviously Laurel was either anticipating that from the encouragement Nyssa wanted to end this early given they were in public, or Laurel wanted this to end this quickly to save herself from the embarrassment of being caught.

Either way Nyssa was left with a choice, do nothing and let Laurel make her cum, or tell her to slow down. Well, she could also tell the other woman to make her cum, which was extremely tempting in that moment, but no. If Nyssa needed to make a choice, then she would choose the one that she truly wanted.

"That's good Laurel, mmmmm, too good." Nyssa warned through a moan, "Slow down. I'm not ready to cum in your hot little mouth. Not yet. Ohhhhhh yessssss, that's it, lick me nice and slow. Lick my pussy nice and slow like a good girl. Ooooooh yeahhhhhhh, oh fuck, but don't completely abandon my clit. Yessssss, oh yes, lick it like that, oh yessssss, ah fuck!"

In many ways it was tough to give those orders, and heart-breaking for the pleasure to diminish, but if it meant Nyssa had longer to look down in between her legs to find Laurel Lance eating her pussy it would totally be worth it. Even if they were discovered in the process. Actually, part of Nyssa wouldn't have minded that.

In fact, Nyssa liked it. After all, most of the general public she could just scare away with a look, and the humiliation of being discovered will probably turn the super submissive Laurel on, and just make it easier for her to make her girl cum. And if they were discovered by the police, well, Nyssa pitted the poor officers who tried to interrupt them.

Of course those thoughts pushed Nyssa closer to climax, so she quickly had to try and think of something less pleasant. Like being discovered by Oliver Queen. Oh yes, while showing him what had become of his first girlfriend would have once brought her great joy, now that particular interruption would be nothing but annoying.

As would being discovered by just about any other member of the team. Except one. Except Sara. Because while Sara and Laurel would find it unpleasant, part of Nyssa would have liked it. To show her former lover that she was over her. That she preferred her sister. And on an extremely petty level, remind Sara what she had given up by falling for the hacker.

For a little while those thoughts kept her desire to cum at bay, but inevitably they just weren't enough and Nyssa was almost overwhelmed by a desire for more. At that point the pleasure became torturous, and instead of distracting herself from it with negative thoughts Nyssa tried a different approach. Namely imagining Laurel on their wedding day, dressed in white and promising to be hers forever in front of a filled room of their family and friends, just like Felicity and Sara had done so recently.

Then she imagined Laurel's belly swollen with child, as Felicity's was now, preparing for the day she would give Nyssa an heir. And she imagined them living the boring American family life which she never thought she'd have, or could have ever wanted until Laurel Lance.

Those thoughts made her overwhelmingly happy, particularly the thought of having children and growing old together with painfully ordinary lives helped at least somewhat hold her desire at bay, at least for a few more precious minutes. And to her credit Laurel resisted the urge to push her.

Oh yes, Laurel once again proved herself the perfect bottom, as she continued gently licking Nyssa's pussy, mostly avoiding her entrance and her clit so the pleasure didn't become overwhelming. Waiting for permission to do more, just like a good girl. And inevitably Nyssa gave her that permission, and soon after that she told her to make her cum, because even the Heir to the Demon had her limits.

"More, mmmmmm, lick my clit more! Ooooooh yessssssss, oh Laurel, just like that, lick my clit just like that. Yesssssss, tease my entrance, ohhhhhhhh Goooooooddddddd! Oh Laurel, you exquisite little tart. Yes lick me, lick my pussy! Show me just what kind of pussy licker you are! Ohhhhhhhh yessssssss, you're so good. So good at licking my pussy! Mmmmmm, you might even be better than Sara. Oh yes, mmmmmm, or even better at eating pussy than your sister, ohhhhhhhh, who was practically a professional rug muncher by the time I was through with her! Oooooooh yeahhhhhhh, suck my clit, take it deep into your mouth you wonderful woman, ah fuck!" Nyssa cried out, before giving up almost entirely, "Fuck me! Tongue fuck me my beloved, oooooooh, fuck me with your tongue, oooooohhhhhhh yeeeeeeessssssssss, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh fuckkkkkkkkkk!"

Like the well-trained muff muncher Laurel Lance now was she gently built Nyssa up until she couldn't be closer to the edge of orgasm, simply by increasing attention to her clit and teasing her entrance.

Truth be told it was mostly the former, as Laurel began wrapping her lips around that sensitive bundle of nerves and sucking on it as well as licking it, but she didn't allow Nyssa's entrance or any other part of that pussy to go unloved for long, inevitably making it impossible for Nyssa to hold back. Then as soon as she gave Laurel permission her perfect little pussy pleaser pushed her tongue inside her and fucked her with it until both women got what they wanted.

It was extremely hard not to instantly cum, and admittedly Nyssa had not been able to avoid 'suffering' that fate when it came to having one of Lance sisters going down on her. However this was a special occasion, the night of their engagement, and thus Nyssa wanted to make it special.

Although even she was impressed by her restraint, and she wasn't sure she had ever suffered anything more painful than not immediately cumming when she felt that talented tongue invading her. Especially as when Nyssa did allow herself to cum it was quickly followed by another, and another, and another, Laurel working tirelessly to give her the maximum amount of pleasure possible, just like the perfect little sub she was.


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