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My Sister's Wedding Ch. 03

Story Info
Kara and Alex come out.
6.7k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 08/21/2018
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Disclaimer: I do not own Supergirl or anything to do with DC. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.


"We don't have to do this tonight." Kara said softly, and sadly, "Or, you know... ever."

"No, no... it's been months. And I promised you." Alex pointed out reassuringly.

"But, do you want too?" Kara softly pushed, not the first time.

"Yes." Alex insisted, holding up a shot, "This is just a bit of liquid courage, that's all."

Kara wasn't so sure, as that was the third shot of liquid courage Alex had taken over the last half an hour, and the third bottle of beer. Alex was by no means a lightweight, but Kara didn't want to tell their friends about a relationship which meant so much to her when they might be too drunk to remember. More importantly she didn't want Alex to tell them when she was drunk out of her mind.

But she also didn't want to be the one to start the conversation, because she knew just how nervous Alex was about this. Kara was nervous too, but she was confident her friends would accept them. And even if they didn't right away, it didn't change anything. Not for her. She would still be Supergirl, and she would need the support of the DEO, and she was confident her friends would be professional. Most of all, nothing was taking Alex away from her.

Although the truly scary thing was that wasn't technically true, as Alex could take Alex away from her, if her adopted sister freaked out during telling people about them, or worse, their friends initially freaked out, which sent Alex down a downward spiral. Which Kara was very, very aware of, which was why she had agreed to do this in their favourite bar instead of in their home, where Alex could drink and they could both make a run for it if things got uncomfortable.

Not that it seemed to be helping Alex with her nervousness, even the less observant of their friends noticing that she seemed off for some reason, and Alex offering up increasingly lame excuses didn't help. Then, just as Kara thought Alex was going to seriously call it off, she took her hand underneath the table, took a deep breath, and began.

"You guys remember when Kara was under the influence of The Black Mercy?" Alex blurted out, interrupting a conversation between Winn and James.

"Erm, yeah?" Winn frowned, "Why?"

"Well..." Alex continued, briefly taking a sip of her beer, "You guys sent me into her brain, and I found myself on Krypton, and we were all there, just like it says in my report. But, I didn't mention it was also Kara's wedding."

"Why not?" James frowned.

"Presumably, she didn't think it was relevant." J'ohn shrugged.

"No, it's not that." Alex said softly.

"Was it because the groom was somebody really weird?" Winn guessed, before correctly guessing, "Or one of us?"

"There was no groom." Kara spoke up for the first time in a while.

"How can you have a wedding with no groom?" Winn laughed, as if the idea was absurd.

Which earned him a slap to the arm from Lucy, before she corrected him with a grin, "Because it was a girl, wasn't it?"

"Yeah." Kara admitted with a happy smile, finding it amusing how everyone seemed shocked except Lucy, and Alex of course.

"Was it me?" Lucy teased, "Because I'm flattered Kara, and I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about it, but I just wouldn't feel right leaving James for you."

"Hey!" James complained.

"What? I said I wouldn't do it?" Lucy pointed out.

"Yeah, out of obligation." James grumbled.

"Well, there might be other reasons." Lucy grinned.

"So if not Lucy, then who?" Winn asked cautiously, still rubbing his arm.

"Oh, was it your precious Cat Grant?" Lucy grinned.

"Erm, no." Kara frowned, "Why would it be."

"Well, you talk about her a lot." Alex pointed out.

"And look at her, and talk about her, and do every little thing she says." Lucy teased.

"I'm her assistant!" Kara pointed out.

"You're her favourite assistant." Lucy continued to tease.

"Yeah, she never says it, but she actually likes you. You can tell." Winn murmured, thinking back to previous interactions, "And you guys seem super close."

"I'm not dating my boss! I'm dating my sister!" Kara loudly exclaimed in frustration. Then realising what she just said, and the way everyone was looking at her, she quickly added, "Adopted! Adopted sister. Because you see I'm adopted, so it's not weird."

There was a long pause and then Lucy quipped, "Well, as long as it's not weird."

"It's not!" Kara protested.

"Saying it's not weird makes it weird." Lucy pointed out.

"No it doesn't." Kara whined petulantly.

"Yes it does." Winn argued, "That's your sister Kara! How could you do this?"

Alex had been busy downing her beer since Kara outed them, but this made her lose her temper, "Seriously Winn? Seriously? We're not even the same species! Just because my Mom told us we were sisters, it doesn't mean it was true. We've been more like best friends the past ten years, and while I didn't used to think of Kara as anything more than that, after that wedding, I can't not think of her that way. And what we have is good.

It's so, so good. And I will not be judged by someone whose last date turned into a super villain. Kara is amazing in so many ways, and I never thought I'd be lucky enough to be with someone like her, but now I am so, so happy. So do you think you could just be happy for us? Please?"

There was a long pause, perhaps even longer than the first, and then J'ohn got up and explained when Kara gave him an angry look, "I'm just going to get more drinks. I think we could all use them. But I'm happy for you both. I really am. Of course I expect both of you to fill out the appropriate paperwork. And attend a sexual harassment seminar."

"Yes Sir." Alex grumbled.

"A what?" Kara whined, before Alex nudged her, and she quickly corrected herself, "I mean, yes Sir."

Once he was gone Lucy spoke up, "You know what? I'm happy for you too."

"Thanks-" Kara began.

"Don't get me wrong." Lucy quickly added, "I still think it super weird, but you're right, you guys don't share blood, or anything."

"Thanks." Kara repeated a little less enthusiastically, before turning to James and looking at him expectantly.

"I'm going to need a little time to wrap my head around this." James admitted, "But I want to be happy for you guys. I really, really do."

"Thanks..." Kara nodded, before turning to Winn.

Yet another long pause, then Winn grumbled, "I still think it's icky, but whatever makes you happy, I guess."

"Winn." Alex warned.

"What? I'll try and be happy for you, it's just weird for me." Winn protested.

"It's weird because you're losing Kara to her sister." Lucy teased.

"No." Winn lied, "It's just... that... erm, I-"

"What are you going to tell your Mom?" James asked softly, but not cruelly, "What are you going to tell Clark?"

"He kind of figured it out when he walked in on us having sex in the Fortress of Solitude." Kara admitted casually, oblivious to everyone else's reaction, "Well, it was more like he flu in, but I guess it still counts. And Alex was right, we were tempting fate after we got away with it the first time."

"Too much information sweetie." Alex quipped.

"And your Mom?" James pushed softly.

Kara and Alex exchanged a look.


"But you're sisters!" Eliza Danvers said softly in disbelief.

"Kara's an alien." Alex quickly and softly pointed out.

There was a long pause and then Eliza repeated, "But you're sisters."

"No, we're not." Alex sighed, trying not to get frustrated as she unnecessarily spelt it out, "Kara and I were literally born light-years apart from each other, with different parents and even different cultures. Then we met when we were both entering puberty, and after a rocky start we became best friends, but that's all we ever were. And now we're more. That's all. There's no need to freak out about this."

Which instantly triggered the older woman, "Kara, will you give me a minute alone with your sister."

"No." Kara said softly, clearly surprising her adopted parent, but then firmly telling her, "Not this time. Anything you have to say to her, you can say to me as well."

"Fine." Eliza took a deep breath after a few long seconds, and then scolded her eldest daughter, "Alex, how could you let this happen?"

"What?" Kara frowned.

"You're the big sister. You should know better." Eliza continued to scold.

"Oh really?" Alex laughed.

"Really!" Eliza said angrily.

"Oh please Mom, please tell me how this is my fault." Alex pleaded sarcastically.

"You're the big sister!" Eliza repeated in disbelief, "It's your responsibility to keep Kara's head out of the clouds and down to Earth where she belongs. I told you that."

"Yeah, when she was 12!" Alex pointed out, "Now she's grown up, perfectly capable of making her own decisions."

"Dating your sister isn't a decision, it's a felony." Eliza countered.

"Not if you're not actually related." Alex countered.

"It's still wrong!" Eliza argued.

"Alex saved me!" Kara snapped angrily, "Was that wrong?"

"Kara..." Eliza began.

"Alex saved me from an evil plant, which was slowly killing me, but distracting me from it by showing me the thing I wanted most." Kara exclaimed, "Alex went into my head and saved me, finding out the thing I most wanted was her. That my idea of a perfect day is marrying her in front of all our friends and family on Krypton. And I can never do it on Krypton, but I... I still want to marry her, someday."

"Kara?" Alex said softly.

"Alex, I..." Kara hesitantly confessed, "I know it's way too early to talk about this, but... well, our relationship isn't exactly normal. And I love that. I don't want normal Alex. I want you. I want everything with you. A wedding, along happy marriage... kids. I remember you said you wanted kids, and I do too. So bad. I want to have them with you."

There was a brief pause and then Alex smiled, "Me too. I want that. I want it all with you."

There was another pause, this one much longer, and then Eliza said in disbelief, "I can't believe this is happening."

"Well it is." Alex said sharply, turning her attention back to her mother, "And we're not kids any more, you can't forbid us from dating. We're two, unrelated adults who love each other very much, and want to be together. Please Mom, try to understand that."

Yet another pause, this one brief, and then Kara chimed in, "If you need some time, that's okay-"

"Some time!" Eliza snapped, "Some time? I don't need some time to understand what's right and what's wrong, and neither should you. For God sakes Kara, what would people think if they knew"

"Our friends were surprised, but they support us." Kara argued, trying not to think of Winn or mention there was an exception, "I don't care what anyone else thinks."

"What would your father think?" Eliza asked Alex.

"Hopefully he'd realise that if I am telling him about us, I must be pretty serious about the way I feel about Kara." Alex argued, "And I'd hope a man who welcomed an alien into his home and raised her as his daughter would be tolerant of that alien and his real daughter developing feelings for each other. Even if it took him some time to get over the initial shock, really think about it, and ultimately accept it."

"Accept it?" Eliza laughed in disbelief, before trying one last time to get through to her real daughter, "Alex, this isn't just liking someone of the same gender. She's your-"

"Please stop calling her my sister." Alex snapped.

"Well that's what she is, whether you want to admit it or not." Eliza sighed, standing up, "I hope you realise that, and soon, because this thing between the two of you, it's wrong."

"No it's not." Alex argued, although instead of answering her mother just turned and left the apartment without another word. Then after a few long seconds of silence Alex murmured softly, "It's not."


While it was hard to imagine how coming out as a couple to Alex's Mom could have gone worse at least that was pretty much it. They weren't close to other family members, and Clark had already told Lois, because there were no secrets between them, at least not any more. The two couples even had a double date scheduled for the weekend. And one with James and Lucy the following weekend. Even Winn seemed to be getting over it.

All of which was little comfort to Alex, which broke Kara's heart, but there wasn't much she could do. She tried to give Alex some space for a few hours, the entire time searching her mind for something to cheer Alex up. Something which ideally didn't evolve sex, as it just didn't seem appropriate, and especially anything involving alcohol, as Kara knew that would only make things worse.

Then Kara got a great idea, so she approached her lover from behind, wrapped her arms around her, and then after just holding her for a few long seconds of comfort she whispered in her ear, "Alex, honey?"

"Yes sweetie." Alex smiled softly, the cutesy nicknames and Kara's smile already lightening the mood.

"How about I take you flying?" Kara suggested.

"Flying Kara, really?" Alex laughed, turning around in Kara's arms and wrapping her own around her girlfriend.

"Yeah..." Kara grinned, "You used to love that when we were kids."

Which made Alex give her a look, "Do you really think reminding us of our childhood is what's best right now."

"If it's something that can make you happy, yeah." Kara admitted, before frowning, "And why would reminding us of our childhood be a problem? We were friends, not sisters. I thought we were over this? Your Mom didn't get to you, did she?"

"No, no, no... it's just..." Alex sighed, before admitting, "Okay, maybe she got to me a little bit. But I'm with you. I am! And that's what makes me happy, more than anything."

Kara smiled softly, "You make me happy too."

"I know." Alex teased, before pointing out, "And flying makes you happy too, huh?"

"Yeah. Nothing is better for putting my mind at ease." Kara admitted, not for the first time. Then she confessed something new, "Except flying with you. Nothing was more fun, but even back then, I wanted you to be my girlfriend. Heck, part of the fun was imagining all those little trips were dates."

"I should have probably realised that when you took me to Paris and we danced on top of the Eiffel tower." Alex said dryly, and then when Kara lowered her head in embarrassment Alex pulled her chin up and softly told her, "Hey, I'm your girlfriend now, and I'd love to go on a date to Paris with you."

"Actually, I had somewhere else in mind." Kara confessed.

"Whatever you want." Alex reassured, clutching her girlfriend tightly and then jokingly telling her, "Up, up, and away Supergirl."


Kara tried to take the scenic route, partly because she didn't want Alex to guess where they were going, and partly because she just loved flying in the night sky with Alex Danvers in her arms, a pleasure she so rarely got to enjoy these days. But inevitably she didn't hide the fact that she was flying to Midvale, the place Kara had spent most of her childhood, and Alex had spent all of hers.

There were lots of meaningful places to choose for their little date, but if they had a spot, it would be this, a picturesque lake, surrounded by forest which for the most part was abandoned and this time of night. Thankfully that was the case tonight, Kara briefly using her x-ray vision to check, otherwise somebody would have probably spotted Supergirl hovering over the lake with a woman in her arms.

"Our spot." Alex grinned.

"Uh-huh." Kara beamed.

After a few long seconds Alex asked, "So, are you going to let me down, or what?"

"Actually I was hoping to take in the view for a little bit." Kara said sheepishly.

"Right..." Alex frowned suspiciously, staring at the other girl for a few long seconds before pushing, "Kara?"

"What?" Kara protested, then a few seconds later admitting, "Okay, okay, okay. We had so many great memories here, I thought we could make another one?"

"By having sex in the place we played together when we were kids?" Alex said dryly,

"Teenagers!" Kara protested, "We, we were teenagers."

Alex's eyes went wide, as realisation hit, "Oh my God, this is a fantasy for you, isn't it?"

Kara hung her head and bit her lip, before admitting, "It's... it's not just that. I... I was hoping that we could, you know... do it like this."

"In the air? Are you crazy!" Alex exclaimed.

"I won't drop you!" Kara protested.

"Kara!" Alex warned.

"I won't!" Kara insisted, "Look, we're right over the water, so if I did drop you, which I wouldn't, but if I did, and I couldn't get to you in time, which is unlikely because I'm me, but if I didn't you'd be fine."

"But-" Alex began.

"Can you honestly say you haven't thought about it?" Kara blurted out, and then quickly adding, "And isn't this the perfect place to do it? In the middle of the night, in a deserted area, with no one for miles? And in a place we both feel safe? I mean, can you think of a better time or place?"

There was a long pause and then Alex said unconvincingly, "I don't know..."

"Come on Alex, please..." Kara whined, before pleading, "We can do anything you want."

"Anything?" Alex asked softly, and then when the alien eagerly nodded her head she firmly said, "Clothes stay a on!"

"As much as possible." Kara grinned in happy agreement.

"And you follow my lead, do what I say?" Alex pushed.

"Like every single day of our lives, you mean?" Kara teased, before correcting herself as Alex gave her a warning glare, "I mean, yes Alex."

Alex continued that glare for a few long seconds, before softening and leaning in. She then stopped briefly as Kara grinned widely in triumph, before quickly pushing that expression off her face and just waiting patiently for Alex to close the distance between them. Only then did Kara kiss her. Or more accurately, only then did she kiss Supergirl while hovering in mid air, the only thing keeping her from falling being those incredibly strong arms.

Which had to be the fantasy of every woman who swung that way, including hers. Well, at least since that fake wedding. Although Alex couldn't claim with any certainty that it wasn't a passing thought of hers even before then.

Either way it was incredibly thrilling to be able to kiss Kara like this, especially because while the mighty Supergirl had to keep her arms holding Alex in place the older of the two had the luxury of sliding her hands all over the other's body. Mostly during that early stage Alex concentrated on the muscular arms literally keeping her alive right now, and had used to save her and the world multiple times.

Which Alex had grown to like showing some love ever since they'd gotten together. Sometimes she would even run her lips over them, mostly to make Kara giggle. There was no way she could be that bold tonight though. No, she was too focused on Kara's lips, and eventually her neck. At least with her lips.

Her hands were a different story, as eventually she pushed them up Kara's shirt, making that big S bulge out as her hands cupped Kara's tits underneath that fabric. Which was a tight squeeze, but worth it to hear the mighty Supergirl cry out with pleasure, something else Alex got to enjoy a lot more when she broke the kiss and moved her lips downwards to Kara's neck.

Which was where they stayed for quite a while, along with her fingertips barely paying attention to Kara's nipples, as her little way of punishing this little super brat. Of course given where they were Alex didn't stretch this out as much as she might have, and would do later, but it was still quite a while before she pushed a hand downwards.

Even when she did Alex turned that cry of pleasure into an excited gasp from Supergirl into a whimper of disappointment as that hand slid down her stomach, passed the point where she really wanted it and down to Kara's strong thighs which she gently massaged for quite a while. She then got a similar reaction when Alex slid that hand up Kara's skirt and simply let her fingertips slide over those bright red panties.


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