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My Son's Girlfriend: Ch. 03 - XXXMas

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Tori teaches her stepson about sex.
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This is the third installment in the "My Son's Girlfriend" series. If you haven't already done so, go back and read parts 1 and 2

Tori rushed home from work on Friday. Her stepson Jason had flown in today for Christmas break. She had hoped to pick him up at the airport but ended up with some last minute showings she couldn't avoid. He had Ubered to her apartment a couple of hours ago. Admittedly, Tori was disappointed that Kendra wouldn't be flying in with him, but they assured her she would come later.

"Jason," Tori called excitedly when she entered her apartment.

"Hey mom," replied her stepson, matching her enthusiasm. It was true that Jason was technically Tori's stepson, but she had served as mother for most of his life, even after his father passed away and felt she had earned the title.

The two ate dinner in the apartment and caught up on the happenings over the past several weeks since they were together during fall break. There was a subtle tension in the air. Tori assumed it was a result of their taboo hot tub experience over fall break, but wasn't sure how to approach such a delicate subject.

"Are you okay?" Tori finally asked her son.

After a long drawn out silence, Jason finally managed to say, "I'm really sorry about last time."

"It's okay hon...," she started to answer.

Jason interrupted adding, "no, you're so much more to me than just an incredibly sexy woman and I shouldn't have done what I did. Also, sorry for puking on you."

A quick laugh escaped Tori's lips before she collected herself and consoled him saying, "Jason, we all had too much to drink that night and I like that you make me feel pretty."

"Because you are," Jason chimed quickly.

More awkward silence.

Tori searched for a subject they could discuss to get past the silence.

"How are you and Kendra doing?" she asked. Tori thought that it was a good subject between a mother and son, but she quickly recognized this had been the tension in the air.

"Is everything okay?" Tori rephrased her question.

"We're fine mom," Jason answered then added, "mostly."

Tori let the silence work until Jason continued, "we're just not connecting sexually."

Silence seemed to be a successful technique in coaxing more information from her son and Tori wasn't sure what to say so she just looked at him.

"Mom," said Jason quietly. "Kendra.... told me.... about you...... and what you did." Tori's expression changed after each pause in her son's broken accusation, unaware, confused, and finally guilty.

"I'm sorry Jason," Tori begged, "it's just..." Jason cut her off before she could try to explain.

"How you helped her... with her sex stuff," Jason continued speaking in short disconnected phrases, "and she... or we... thought maybe.... you could... help me too?"

The shock boldly written across Tori's face pushed an already embarrassed Jason to near despair.

"How much did Kendra share with her son?" Tori wondered.

"Of course I want to help you, I'd do anything for you, I love you, you're my son... but, you're my son!" Tori exclaimed.

Sheepishly, Jason replied, "...not really." That accusation, regardless of any biological truth it contained, was brutal. Speechless, Tori stood, walked to her bedroom, shut and locked the door, flopped onto her bed and started to sob. Through her weeping she heard Jason's voice try to console and apologize through the door, but Tori was so in her head she didn't hear anything. The thing about a good cry is it often leads to a good sleep.


Early Saturday morning Tori dressed in her usual southern California winter running clothes; capri length yoga pants and a thin zip-up sweatshirt over a supportive sports bra. With a twist of the lock and turn of her bedroom door knob, Tori flung open the door only to have Jason, who must have been asleep leaning on the door, spill into her room.

Looking down at her confused son, "stepson, whatever," she corrected herself in her mind, Tori simply declared, "I'm going for a run" then stepped over him and walked down the hallway. Tori could hear Jason fumbling around as she closed the apartment door behind her and started her run.

"Mom," a voice proclaimed a few minutes later from the young man running to catch her.

Tori looked at Jason running up beside her, still wearing the jeans, the badly wrinkled undershirt he slept in and shoes without socks. She understood he was trying to apologize and felt sorry for him, but only a little.

"You can join me, but there will be NO talking," Tori commanded, picking up her pace and deciding today would be a high mileage day. As the minutes and miles passed by with only footfalls and heavy breathing, Tori spent time considering the prior night's conversation with the perspective you can only find pushing yourself through pain.

Two hours later, the mother-son combo was walking up to her apartment complex, a noticeable limp in Jason's step.

"I'm sorry," Jason said genuinely, then trying to further explain, "you'll always be my mom, I just meant we're not biologically related."

"We need to stretch," Tori answered, ignoring Jason's comment. Wisely, Jason did as he was told and started going through his high school cross country stretch routine in silence.

"It's okay.... I might have.... overreacted.... a little," admitted Tori speaking in disconnected phrases much like her son had done last night.

"What is it actually you need help with?" Tori finally asked her son.

"Pretty much all of it," he admitted, disappointed in himself. "I really like Kendra, but things aren't going well... in the pleasure area and I don't want to lose her."

"I'm going to need more details," Tori insisted, grabbing two bottles of water from the fridge and tossing one to Jason. Thirty minutes later she'd wished she'd had a few less details. The two had been dating for a year and Jason had never given her an orgasm, not with finger, tongue or cock, "which," Kendra thought "explained why Kendra had been such an anxious student over the summer." Sex was painful for Kendra and he never lasted long.

When Jason had finished speaking, Tori consoled, "honey, no one is good at this stuff without practice. We'll take things one at a time."

Masturbation seemed like the logical place to start. That's where most people naturally start and where she had started with Kendra, but Tori really didn't know where to go without additional information. She tried asking Jason about his masturbatory habits; frequency, duration, methodology and location, but that conversation was worse than either of them could have imagined. Eventually, Tori opted for the more visual instruction that had worked so well with Kendra.

"Come with me," Tori demanded, leading her son down the hall through the master bedroom and into the bathroom. "Strip," she commanded, reaching in to turn on the shower. Jason just stood there. "Do you want my help or not?"

At that, Jason began shyly pulling off his sweaty clothes and was soon standing naked in her bathroom. "Well," Tori said, trying hard not to stare directly at her son's hanging cock.

"Well what?" asked Jason.

"Get in the shower."

"Why?" This was beginning to remind her of mothering him in grade school.

"Because," Tori explained in her motherly voice, "you're sweaty and I told you so."

Jason obeyed and stepped into the streaming waters.

"Now, jerk off," Tori instructed.


"Jerk off, you know, masturbate," Tori demanded. "I need to see what I'm working with."

Jason tugged at his flaccid cock for a while, but nothing was happening. Tori imagined Jason was likely suffering a bit of stage fright and, thinking back to the magazines she'd found under his mattress years ago, believed he might need some visual stimulation.

"I'm sorry Jason, I've put you on the spot. Would it help if I join you?" Tori asked, shedding her clothes.

The suggestion alone caused her son's cock to twitch and by the time Tori was undressed and standing in front of him in the shower, his ten inch erection was hard as rock.

"I'm only here as a visual aid and to better understand the issue," Tori warned Jason "there will be no touching."

Tori squirted some shower gel onto her son's shaft and watched him rub it along his length hand then jerk off. "Beat off was more like it," Tori thought, watching Jason attack himself. She was shocked a few moments later when he grunted and sent long jets of hot liquid in her direction most of which landed across her stomach, but the initial stream now clung to her left breast in the shape of a sideways letter "J".

Her initial instinct was to spoon the strand off with a finger to taste it, but fortunately, she didn't act on it.

Jason stared at the mess he'd made on his mom. Tori thought he looked ashamed, proud and turned on all at the same time.

"We're done here," Tori explained. "Go get dressed while I clean up your mess."

"Now," added Tori more firmly when Jason failed to move.

A half hour later she found him sitting on the couch.

"That....," started Tori, "... was.... helpful" she concluded in a caring voice.

Then said, "here is my assessment." Tori hadn't meant it to come out that cold. "I'm sorry, I mean..."

"It's okay mom, I asked you to help," reminded Jason.

"First," trying to start with something positive, Tori said, "You have a nice cock." Admitting to herself that was actually was a bit of an understatement.

Jason couldn't help but beam with pride. "Is that why Kendra doesn't enjoy sex?" he asked hopefully.

"No," replied Tori matter of factly, deflating his growing ego. While it was true he had a large cock, and Kendra a small inexperienced pussy, that wasn't the problem.

"Based on what I saw back there," Tori explained, nodding her head toward the back of the apartment. "You're likely rushing to get started, and" she added, hoping not to hurt her son too much, "lack in stamina."

Any pride that had been on her son's face vanished and his shoulders slumped in humiliation.

"I've got a few ideas that should help, but they will need to wait. I have a showing."

Tori owned a small, but successful, realty group. She earned a percentage of every sale the other realtors made so most of her work days were behind a desk at the main office working on the business, not in it. However, this close to the holidays when sales were slow many of her realtors were spending their commissions somewhere exotic. Combined with the potential sale, and full commission, of one of the area's multi million dollar estates, Tori had agreed to a personal showing.

After the showing, Tori grabbed groceries and ran a few additional errands and got home in time for a light lunch. Jason had made BLTs with avocado.

"So, you said you have some ideas," Jason finally said hopefully.

Tori had given it a lot of thought driving around while running errands. She explained that her lesson plan was separated into two sessions. The first would be each morning before breakfast. The second, just before bed.

"BUT," Tori emphasized for effect, "I only teach during those times. The rest of the day we do regular mom and son holiday stuff and, no talking about it outside of class.... deal?" Tori was starting to feel like a professor of love.

"That's fair," agreed Jason.

"And," added Tori remembering Kendra's new obsession of calling her by her formal name, "during class you will only call me Ms Jones or Professor Jones, not Tori or anything remotely close to mom, understand?"

Jason nodded.

The rest of the day they did normal stuff. Jason retrieved the tree and decorations from the complex's storage while Tori did some light cleaning and moved some of her usual decor to make room for the holiday spirit.

By dinner it looked like Mrs Claus herself had visited the apartment. Dinner was ordered in. Kendra and Jason spent about an hour on FaceTime and Tori was included in about half of that. Tori assumed Jason told Kendra her rule when his usually teasing girlfriend didn't bring it up in their conversation. The rest of the evening Jason played video games in his room while she read on the couch. The book she had selected was the one left for her by Kendra a few weeks prior, "Stepmom's Seduction." Three chapters in she wasn't sure yet if the stepmother was seducing her stepchildren, or vice versa. Either way, it hit very close to home.

At 9:45 Tori knocked on Jason's open door and announced "class starts in 15 minutes."

When Jason came into her bedroom 10 minutes later Tori was sitting on her bed in an emerald silk baby doll top. She motioned for him to sit beside her on the bed.

"First, remember not to touch," Tori declared. After getting a nod from Jason, she leaned back against her headboard and slowly spread open her legs announcing, "today we will start by exploring female anatomy."

Professor Jones pointed to the important parts of her pussy; bush, both sets of labia, her clit and its hood and of course her vaginal opening. She also happily remembered perineum because it sounded so scientific. Along with each part, she explained function and demonstrated some of her preferred techniques for stimulation.

Jason was a very focused student.

Tori's own simulation, while her son watched, was visually starting to elicit a physical response between her legs and Ms. Jones took the opportunity for instruction.

"What do you see?" questioned the professor, then more specifically, "what has changed."

"You're wet," Jason managed to stammer.

"And?" coaxed Ms. Jones.

"Your lips," Jason started before correcting his terminology, "your labia are swollen."

"Anything else?" she challenged.

"It looks more open," Jason noted.

"Why do you think that is?" the professor continued.

Whether Jason didn't understand what was happening or was too embarrassed to comment, he didn't speak. The resulting lecture by professor Jones highlighted three key points. First, her pussy was aroused. She clarified by stating this was a physical reaction to stimulation and not the same as being horny, although admittedly she was. Second, she wanted him to understand that the physical arousal took time. They had been at this for more than 30 minutes. Finally it was important that he understood the physical stimulation didn't include any penetration.

"Okay," that's all for this class period," Tori announced, confident in her instruction and ready for some alone time, "see you for class tomorrow at 7am."

"Ms Jones," Jason said, raising his hand.

"Yes Jason?"

"Could you quiz me, just to make sure I've got it?"

"Class is over," Professor Jones instructed authoritatively, "and shut the door on your way out."

"Goodnight mom," Jason said, pulling her bedroom door closed behind him.

"Goodnight son," she said, rolling to her stomach and rubbing a wet pussy.


Professor Jones' morning lesson had her student and herself back in the shower. "This time I want you to jerk off more slowly. Take your time, really explore yourself," she instructed.

"Yes Professor," Jason responded. However asking a college aged man to jerk off slowly isn't super effective.

"Slow down Jason, You're rushing again."

"I'm trying," Jason whined in frustration.

"Here let me," Ms. Jones demanded, pushing her student's hand away then grabbing his cock in hers. In her frustration, the professor hadn't fully considered what she was doing.

They both froze.

"This is no big deal," Ms Jones announced, a poor attempt to convince them both. "I'm just showing you the right way."

The professor started slowly stroking Jason's cock at a speed she felt was a good pace for sensual sex. While doing so she told her student that this lesson focused on self control and improving his stamina.

"Are you getting close?" Ms. Jones asked, recognizing some of a man's early tell tale signs of build up. She stopped stocking much to Jason's dismay.

"When you start to get close you need to shift focus onto the woman and stem your progression," the professor noted. Ms. Jones didn't notice her students' movement until his hands were rubbing her breasts, rolling excited nipples between his fingers.

"What was her rule again?" Tori thought, excited tingles rushing from her sensitive nipples down between her legs, still stroking her students cock.

The erotic fuzz started to clear and Tori started to reiterate her first rule, "No t..."

"I'm cumming!" Jason exhaled, cutting her off and spraying her with his proof.

Ms. Jones didn't enforce the rule immediately, letting his fingers tug at her nipples until her slow stroking had coaxed the last of his reserve from his balls.

When he was spent she released his member and sweetly reminded him, "No touching."

As she washed his ejaculate from her flesh, Ms. Jones said, "See Jason, you don't need to race to an orgasm. It will come and doing it this way gives your partner a better chance of joining you. Class dismissed."

As Jason wrapped himself in a towel and walked from her bathroom, Tori lowered the pulsating shower head between her legs.

After a surprisingly average morning, Jason joined his mother volunteering at the local soup kitchen. Then went shopping for gifts to give to the Marines Toys for Tots campaign. After shopping they had dinner and after dinner drinks at Tori's favorite bar just a short walk from her apartment.

"When is Kendra getting in?" Tori questioned. There had been some confusion in travel schedules over the past couple weeks.

"Two days," Jason answered.

"Christmas Eve?" asked Tori, wanting to be sure.

Jason nodded in the affirmative.

It was a few minutes past 10 when they walked into the apartment.

"I'm going to miss class," Jason whimpered.

"Give me 5 minutes," she replied.

"Yes Professor Jones," he called as she walked down the hall.

When Jason came into the classroom, Professor Jones was naked on her bed. What was the point in wearing a top when morning showers were part of the lesson plan? Ms. Jones patted the bed beside her.

"Let's start with a review," Tori said, a slender finger pointed to something between her open legs."

"Pussy," teased Jason.

"More specific," demanded the Professor.

"Outer labia."

"And this?"

"Clit. Inner labia." Jason answered the next 2 locations.

"Good job!" Ms. Jone said, oddly proud her student had been paying attention.

Finally, they reviewed the light petting techniques from the first lesson.

"Tonight's class will focus mostly on breast stimulation," the professor began. "Judging by your manhandling and pinching from this morning's shower you could use the instruction."

Ms. Jones spent the next 15 minutes demonstrating multiple techniques for stimulating a woman's breasts and the common mistakes men make.

"Take a look between my legs, and tell me what you see," the professor instructed.

"Your wet... turned on.... I mean aroused," Jason finally answered correctly.

"Now that I'm turned on," Ms. Jones said in a departure of her more scientific terminology regardless of its accuracy, continued without correction, "my nipples can be stimulated more intentionally."

The professor grasp each nipple between a thumb and forefinger, rolling the left and pulling on the right.

Jason nodded with understanding.

"Are you ready for your review?" questioned the professor.

Jason nodded again.

"Tonight's review demands a more practical assessment," announced Ms. Jones. "Please demonstrate the techniques you learned and I will provide real time feedback."

The professor's state of arousal justified more aggressive fondling of her sensitive nipples, but somehow she managed to walk her student through the lighter fondling techniques providing objective criticism along the way.

Jason's practical review of "titty play" lasted twice that of the actual lesson and his growing skill had the professor near climax, something which had only ever happened once before.

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