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My Swede (Sweet) Giant Ch. 03

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Disturbance and conversation.
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Soooo. This is the full version. Hopefully they put it up this time. Come on site. I post a lot of stuff. Maybe too much. Anyway, enjoy the story.


That Tuesday was the strangest of my life. I woke up to Sven in a rush, lumbering out of bed and barely hitting the floor. Watching my new husband, I realized he was adorably uncoordinated as if he never got used to his long limbs or large frame. Maybe in Sweden everything's built a bit taller and America's shorter stations did him no favors.

I checked my cell to see it was still quite early so I slipped out from the other side of the bed with careful steps. My body was still pretty sensitive from wedding night bliss. I listened to Morgan's steady breathing on the baby monitor before slipping on a robe and heading to the bathroom. My morning routine was quick and I made it downstairs in time to make coffee and put it in a thermos.

Sven's voice whispered across the baby monitor. "Pappa älskar dig."

Sipping my cup of tea, I furrowed my brows at the foreign tongue before I heard him come downstairs. His shirt was a gorgeous reddish gold like a robin's chest but otherwise, it was the same uniform of dark jeans, black boots and a black blazer. I held up the thermos and smiled. He crossed the kitchen quickly and scooped me up in a kiss, placing me on the counter. I gasped and moaned, gripping the braid of blonde hair down his back and putting the teacup aside.

When he pulled back I was panting, head back against the cabinets. "That's... some good morning."

He grinned happily and took the thermos. "You were so beautiful, I could not stop myself."

I smiled and reached out to gently stroke his cheek. "You're so hot and sweet. Do you want me to make breakfast?"

He chuckled and kissed my palm. "No. No. You rest. I'll go to the cafeteria." He turned my hand and brushed his lips across my knuckles with a pleasant smile.

"What did you say to Morgan? I heard Swedish on the monitor." I wanted to drape over him and never let him out of the house.

"Pappa älskar dig? It means 'Daddy loves you'."

I cooed and leaned forward to hug him, kissing his cheek. "My wonderful sweet husband."

He grinned in his total joy and wrapped his arms around me. "I love you my lovely Cordelia."

"Love you too, my Sven." It was so mushy but I loved it. I loved snuggling in his arms and kissed as much of his face as I could. An alarm went off on his cell phone. "That's a little late isn't it?"

"It is so I leave the house in time." He sounded disappoint and I laughed, pushing him back so I that I could hop down.

"You can't be late Professor Aas."

"Not even for Mrs. Aas?" I flustered as he gently reached around to cup my rear and massage it with a pout.

"Nope. You'll be on break soon though. Speaking of, have you ever had Thanksgiving?"

"The school does things but I guess never in the traditional sense."

"Then it's Morgan's and your first Thanksgiving next week so I'll go all out. Ok?"

He nodded before kissing my forehead. "I would like that very much. We have a cold front this week, might snow. Buy some more clothes for you and Morgan please?" He fished a full money clip from his pocket and took a debit card from between the bills. "Next day shipping."

"Sven that's a lot, I couldn-"

"We are married now. Just for me?" He cupped my face and ran his thumbs across my cheeks.

"Alright." I smiled up at him.

He grinned back and pecked me one last time before turning to leave. When he was about five steps away, he turned around and came back to give me another powerful kiss. I had to grip the kitchen island for support as he waved with his goofy merriment and left out through the garage.

I sighed before going to feed Morgan. She was a little fussy as usual during her first feeding but calmed and snuggled into me. I rocked in the little pink rocking chair as I thought of what she would need for winter.

It dawned on me that I didn't have anyone to ask about how to dress her for cold weather. If I could still talk to my mother, she'd tell me everything I needed to know. She probably had some of my old winter clothes as keepsakes. Sure, I could Google it, which I had to, but it just wasn't the same as learning it from the source and hearing all the stories.

A tear rolled down my cheek and I wiped it away with the back of my hand. There was so much missed. So many events had no do-overs. Maybe showing up for the holidays would be more damaging than healing.

I burped Morgan, deep in thought, and carried her with me downstairs. Laying her in a bassinet beside me, I booted up my laptop and got to work. The research was surprisingly easy and I bought Morgan's things first. I opened up another tab to start shopping for mine but the doorbell rang.

We usually didn't get visitors during the day and Sven always told me about packages, so it was a strange occurrence. I checked the peephole, a pale dark haired girl stood in front of the door. She looked nervous and turned to walk away but I opened the door anyway.

"Hello?" I smiled at her as pleasant and comforting as possible.

She stared at me as if in shock before opening her mouth and closing it then opening again and closing. I thought she looked like a pretty fish. She gripped the bottom of her jacket as if to ground herself and then slowly walked back to the door.

"Hi." Her eyes couldn't meet mine just yet.

"Can I help you?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

She let out a huff of frustration, her breath forming a cloud in the chilly air. Her hands smacked her skinny jean clad thighs. She was working herself up. "Are you married?"

"What?" I watched her with growing concern. It was stupid of me to keep answering doors to strange young women with Morgan so vulnerable in the house.

"Are you married to him?" She practically yelled it and I could hear fussing behind me. This bitch just woke my baby.

I slammed the door in her face and locked it. "I'm calling the police!"

She cried out and I could hear her banging on the door. "Please don't! I have to find out for her or she'll hate me! Please don't, I'm sorry!"

I didn't care; I scrambled to the other side of the room and picked up my cell phone, dialing 911. Morgan had already begun to cry so I scooped her up and rocked her as I talked to the operator then called Sven. By the time the cruiser got there, the girl was long gone. I did my best to describe her but their hands were pretty tied.

Sven stumbled through the door while I poured the officer coffee. I'd just gotten Morgan to stop crying and she babbled sweetly for him in her high chair. "Officer, this is my husband."

The officer nodded and shook his hand. He reminded me of my father. Older with short prematurely all grey hair and skin the color of tobacco. He was kind and soft spoken and took every detail he could even though it wouldn't mean much. Sven sat next to me and gripped my hand to the point I had to remind him that bones indeed existed in it.

His voice rumbled out soft and deep. "I'm sorry I can't be of much help but going ahead and making a report will serve you in the long run. It troubles me that this is the second time it's happened. Do you often have trouble with your students Mr. Aas?"

"No. Never this bad. I have had the flirters, all of my associates have, but it is a moral quandary to have relationships with students so I avoid it like the plague." He sighed and Morgan reached for him. He scooped her up and held her dear. "Thank you for coming here so quickly."

"It's no problem, just doing my duty. If you're worried about your family, I would suggest updating your security system. There're an unfortunately large number of entry points in your house. A dog might help as well. These sound like young, love struck girls but in my line of work, I've learned that precaution can be quite valuable."

"Thank you officer. " I smiled at him sincerely. He finished his coffee and wished us the best before leaving.

I hadn't even locked the door before Sven was calling a security agency. Walking up to him slowly, I wrapped my arms around his waist. Morgan was still cuddled into his chest and reached to hold one of my braids in her hand. I let her and put my face near hers, forehead to forehead. We listened to the vibrations and muffled hums from his chest as he talked to the operator.

When he finished on the cell phone, he kissed my forehead. "I'm taking off December to spend it with you."

"You're not going to lose your job over some girls." I tightened my hold around him.

"Well I'm staying until they put in the alarm system."

"That's fine." I kissed his jaw. "Thank you. You came so fast. I just..." I reached up to cup his face and kiss him deeply.

Sven was like a fairytale. I was just so happy that he was there for us. He swooped in like a gallant knight and all I could do was love everything he was.

We sat up together, even after Morgan was long asleep. She was on his chest and we were both on the floor, my head on his shoulder. I absent mindedly traced my fingers across his ribs, counting the bones. We didn't speak; just felt each other's warmth. In the three of us, there was a little bubble of safety against the world.

I finally spoke first. "You know it was her."

"I know." He sighed

"I gave her name to the police."

"I'm worried it's going to be he said, she said."

"The officer said the same but it's good we have her name on file."

"You're not safe enough. I hate it." I felt him turn toward me and I smiled softly.

"It will right itself and if not... have you ever thought about another college? You're a great professor."

"Well, if it works out with your family... why not Alabama State?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

I stared and smiled. "If it works out... maybe." I put my head on his shoulder. "Why did you leave Sweden?"

He sighed and smiled. "I wanted something different. In late spring or early summer, I'd like you to visit with me. I want my family to meet you and Morgan."

"I'd like that. Will they like me?" I put my chin on his shoulder.

"They will love you. While we are here, how about we talk?" He smiled at me.


"Talk. We will talk about everything, the past, the present, the future. I want to hear about your favorite episode of your favorite cartoon, I want to hear about where you want Morgan to go to school. I want to share my life with you in more than name."

"Ok. Tell me about you." I smiled.

"I was born and raised a little outside of Gothenburg, the youngest of 5."

"Is that a big family there?"

"About the same as it would be here. Uh, family sizes are almost the same in our countries."

"Cool." I smiled and let him continue.

"The father of my grandfather was not a wise man but he made good decisions now and then. He invested in a few things and they paid out. Our family never wanted for anything. I think that is was why there were so open to more children. Also my mother, father, and all my brothers are all blonde."

"All boys, all blonde?"

"Ja, every last one, but our eyes are different: two blue, one green, two hazels. My mother has brown eyes, my father has blue."

"Do they all have long hair?"

He chuckled softly. "No, some short, some to the shoulders, but my hair is the longest. When I was in college, we had a bet to see who can grow their hair the longest. I won. After a while, it grew on me so I did not cut it short again."

"Have you always wanted to be a professor?"

"Yes, ever since I was a child. I used to give lectures to the family dog. He was not a fan." I broke into muffled giggles. "I bet he wasn't."

"How about you?" He checked on Morgan who still slept soundly. The girl was a heavy sleeper, she was a constant blessing.

"I have two older sisters and a younger brother. My eldest sister is a pediatrician and the other is a thoracic surgeon, like my father. My younger brother will be entering college this year."

"What does your mother do?"

"She's a concierge doctor." I smiled softly.

"And your brother will be a doctor too?"

"Yup." I rubbed my knee against his leg.

"You did not want to be a doctor, did you Cordelia?" His voice was soft.

I thought about what he said. It made sense. "I don't think I ever did. It's probably why I left with John so easily. So stupid..."

"Not stupid." His lips brushed across my forehead. "What do you want to do, Cordelia?"

I paused. Before I left home, that question would have gotten my usual automatic response. Now that I was free to think about it, I was frightened by the empty space in the answer portion. "I don't know..."

"Have you thought about majoring in Liberal Arts? It is a widely used degree, covers many subjects. It is a good foundation for you. Start over, I am here for you. I will cover your tuition. You can start online and still spend time with Morgan."

A tear rolled down my cheek and I kissed him suddenly. My hand played with his hair and I snuggled against him. "I can never repay you. For all this kindness, I can never repay."

"You repay me with your happiness, our children's happiness. You do want more children?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Absolutely, I want more children with you. I want a good sized family like the ones we come from." I grinned at him.

"I would like that."

Sven made a last call to a school official to tell him he wouldn't be coming in until Friday. After that we just talked a little more until we returned to comfortable silence. And through that silence, we fell asleep.

Morgan woke us. She started her wiggle filled fussing that came right before a good fit of crying. I sat up and scooped her off of his chest, rocking. We'd slept through her evening feeding and she was going to be off until late.

I moved to sit on the sofa and began to undress from the waist up. Sven took Morgan momentarily to help me. I took her back once I was stripped and began to feed her.

"I will order dinner." He smiled at us and I gave him a thankful smile. "What would you like?"

"Steak, ribs, something beefy because I'm craving protein." I played with Morgan's curls.

"I am ordering now." He booted up the laptop and began to work. "We should have your iron levels checked. When was your last appointment?"

"A little after Morgan was born."

"That has been too long. I will finish getting you both under my insurance. Morgan needs more pediatrician trips anyway."

I nodded and smiled when he returned to sit next to me. He reached out a hand; Morgan gripped his finger as she continued to eat. "I think she's getting ready for solid foods."


"Yeah. She's growing up fast." I leaned my head on his shoulder.

He continued to let her hold his finger and wrapped his other arm around us. I kissed his cheek and smiled. We watched over Morgan as she ate and stayed with up with her. She was able to be put down around 2am.

We finally made it to my bedroom. I did a quick change and he just fell onto bed. I snuggled against him on top of the covers. I laced my fingers with his hand on my hip and slept like the dead.

His alarm went off and I groaned and began to grope for it. I had a handful of ass before I realized it. His cell phone was in his back pocket.

"Cordelia?" He grumbled, still half asleep.

"Sorry. Sorry." I pulled the device out of his pocket and turned off the alarm.

I moaned when he cupped a cheek and massaged it. Turning my head, I looked back to see the pale hand working the flesh. My nightshirt had ridden up around my waist.

It was still only a little after six, but the way he touched me woke me up just right. His middle finger began to trace up and down my slit. It slipped in at the top and dragged across my clit before slowly easing into me.

I groaned and shivered. "Sven..."

The finger pumped slowly and I put my forehead to his jean clad thigh. I arched my hips up and gave him full access. Another finger slipped in and I began to press back against his hand.

He pulled his hand away and gently eased me to me to my side and then on my back. My head rested in his lap as his upper body leaned over mine. His fingers slipped back in and the other hand began to strum across my clit.

"Hah..." I gasped out and had to grip the fabric of his pants.

He worked like a man on a mission. His fingers pumped and scissored inside of me. He rolled the nub and pinched it between his knuckles.

My legs trembled and my hips bucked. I turned my head and I bit the nearest wrist to muffle the sound as I screamed his name. He worked gently as I writhed through the orgasm before collapsing on the bed, panting hard. I trembled as I felt his fingers leave me.

"How was that?"

"Good. So good." I reached a still quivering hand to fumble at the button of his jeans.

He chuckled and eased me off of his legs so he could stand and undress. I sat up to completely remove the sleep shirt. Before he could move away, I reached back to grip his length. He yielded and let me guide him to my mouth. I ran my tongue across the shaft then up over the head. Sven shuddered and put a hand on either side of me to steady his self.

"Not to finish." He requested.

"Mm Hmm." I answered against the flesh and worked the head in my mouth. My tongue ran across the skin and swirled around the fullness.

I worked more of him into my mouth and began to bob as best as I could. His size was a hindrance. I'd never really cared for the task but I liked it with him. Pleasing him pleased me.

The head plopped from my mouth and I peppered it with kisses. He grunted and gripped the covers beside me. I licked up from the head toward the base, swirling around it. My hand wrapped around it and began to pump. I pulled back and wrapped my lips around the head again and let my tongue dance across the slit.

"Enough." He hissed and growled. I released my hold and let him leave me with an audible 'pop'. "Cordelia..."

He climbed back on the bed and I watched him. I ran my fingers across his skin as he moved into position. "I love you Sven."

"And I love you." He crawled between my thighs and lifted my thighs to wrap around his waist.

I shuddered as he pressed into me. My eyes locked with his as he let me adjust. I couldn't see the color in the low light of early morning but the expression was fully visible. There was so much love and desire in that look. I gripped onto his hips, I needed him like oxygen.

His long hair draped on one side of us like a golden curtain. It flowed like a wave as he began to pump his hips. The long strands brushed across my cheeks.

I moaned and worked my hips to meet his every stroke. My nails dug into him and I whimpered as I felt his power within me. I moaned his name; the whole bed seemed to be shaking with us.


It was different from before. There was something in our love making. A mix of working him so close to the edge and the stress of the previous day brought out something different in him. Something I hadn't seen before in my giant goof.

He grunted low in Swedish. His hand gripped the covers by my head. My legs gripped his waist tighter as I began to groan.

"K-Kiss me. Please kiss me."

His mouth crushed into mine and swallowed my scream as I came. He groaned and I gripped tightly, walls fluttering and gripping as his seed filled me. I held onto him and kept the kiss until we were both down from our highs.

I groaned and snuggled him, whispering hoarsely. "You're going to be bruised tomorrow, I'm sorry."

"It would be the best bruise I have ever earned."

We shared a few more kisses before finally sliding under the covers. Our legs intermingled as he wrapped around me. I cuddled into the pillows and tried to get a few more hours of sleep but I had one last thing to share.

"Helga's Makeover."


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