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My Teen Stud Nephew - Day 01

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Nephew arrives for day 1 of his stay.
2.8k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/03/2020
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Editor's note: this story contains scenes of incest or incest content.


"Daadddd, do we really have to do this?" my daughter whined.

"I'm as unhappy about it as you are, Tracy, but I couldn't just say no. You're interning at their magazine next summer, remember? One good turn deserves another."

She just pouted at me. Tracy is a 21-year-old (almost 22) senior at college at the University of Toronto. I'm a 38 year-old single dad...doing my best. Tracy had decided her passion was journalism and my sister had married an American media mogul. Since the marriage, my relationship with my sister and her family had been fairly prickly. I found their lifestyle ridiculously ostentatious and suspected she had similar disdain for our frugal living. Nevertheless, though it killed me inside to ask, I put my daughter's interests first and made the call.

Well, now my sister had called me back asking that we host her high school-age son for the week while he visited U of T. I knew that realistically he wouldn't go to U of T (I was sure his farther would buy the ticket for his son to go to a US ivy), but my sister seemed to be having a nostalgic moment and arranged for him to check out her (and my) alma matter.

"Why doesn't he just stay at a hotel or something?! God knows they can afford it!" Tracy wasn't letting up.

"She said he had requested staying with us - something about him wanting to get to know us better."

"Ugh...this is the worst. He's such a brat."

I couldn't argue with her there. Each time we had encountered him before, he'd proven himself to be a classic entitled rich kid. Spoiled and self-centered. It had been four years since we'd seen him last, but I doubted 14 to 18 made much of a difference.

"Listen, he's your cousin, okay? We're just going to have to do all we can to make Ryan comfortable."


It was the day of Ryan's arrival and Tracy had been in a sour mood all day. I was doing my best to make light of things and trying to appease her more than usual, but it was wearing me thin, especially given that I myself was none too excited about the whole thing. In an effort to improve her mood but also for some much needed quiet time, I offered to go pick up lunch from her favorite Italian place. Though she protested she didn't eat that stuff anymore (these days her diet seemed to resemble that of a baby pigeon), I knew she couldn't resist their old-fashioned bolognese. She gave me a rueful grin when I mentioned it and I headed out.

Thirty minutes later or so I opened the door and was greeted by the sound of Tracy giggling loudly. I heard some muffled talking - a low voice and her enthusiastic responses, then more giggling. What had her so happy all of the sudden?

Turning the corner to the living room, I saw Tracy's profile. She was sitting on the ottoman facing towards someone hidden from view but who was obviously sitting on the couch. That was weird, it was a big couch and she never sat on that ottoman. She was leaned forward with her bright eyes wide open, an eager smile on her flushed face. Her giggling continued. What was going on?

I turned the corner and saw a huge man relaxing on the couch like he owned it. His tight, dark green t-shirt barely contained his broad chest and massive form. His sleeves had slid up his massive arms, which were draped over the top of the cushions.

He was looking at Tracy confidently with a smirk on his face, his eyes scanning up and down her body. Only then did I notice that Tracy wore a low-cut tank top and tight jeans. She also appeared to be wearing makeup. When I had left, she had been in loose fitting track pants and a baggy shirt - and she had definitely not been made-up.

"Umm...Hi?" I said, confused and somewhat concerned.

"Uncle Tom!" The man on the couch exclaimed. Before I could process his words he had stood up and taken three quick strides towards me. I shrank back automatically, my flight instincts taking over in response to this massive predator approaching me.

Before I could get away though, the huge man had put his arms around me and pulled me in to a hug. I felt like I was being squeezed by a vice, head to toe. I breathed shallow breaths through my nose that smelled of old spice and soap.

"Thanks so much for hosting me! Your house is so...quaint."

It clicked and I relaxed slightly into the wall of muscles that enveloped me. Still nervous about being held by this huge teenager (as I now realized he was), but no longer fearing for my well-being. In fact it felt of the sudden.

"Happy to have you, Ryan."

We separated and I couldn't help but scan him up and down again, now right in front of me.

When I'd seen him last he had been a foot shorter than me and fairly thin, his face still carrying a bit of baby fat with the otherwise thin unblemished look of a middle-schooler.

Ryan now stood before me at least 6'4", broader than me by half, and sporting muscles...everywhere. I could even make out the definition in his legs through his dark jeans...and was that his...

I rapidly glanced back up at his face. He gave a slight grin then appraised me as well, his brooding blue eyes scanning me up and down. As I looked at him, I saw that any baby fat was long gone and his pale face appeared carved from marble, with a strong jawline, prominent cheekbones, short light hair, a five-o'clock shadow, a slight chin dimple, and piercing blue eyes.

"I was just telling Trace about some of the crazy teachers at my school. They're really a riot."

I glanced to Tracy who gave a more suppressed giggle that before, an unfocused grin on her face as her eyes lingered on Ryan. I was surprised she didn't object to the "Trace" nickname - which she normally hated. I'd never seen her like this - she was acting so strangely.

"Well I'm glad you two are off to a good start. Should we show you where you'll be sleeping?"


Ryan lifted his heavy-looking suitcase with apparent ease and we walked towards the stairs.

As Ryan stepped onto the stairs in front of me I began to explain. "It's a bit small, we don't have that much space here unfortunately, but it's a firm mattress and hopefully big enough for you."

"Hmmm..." was his only reply.

As we walked up the stairs, him in front me behind, I couldn't help but notice how his legs and butt were tightly hugged by his jeans. I found myself looking, impressed, at the thick strength of his legs and his round strong ass flexing right in front of my face.

Not looking where I was going, I tripped and fell forward as we approached the top of the stairs. I threw my hands in front of me to brace my fall and...they landed on Ryan. In my effort not to fall flat on my face, I had pressed my left hand into the small of Ryan's back and my right hand...into Ryan's rock solid right ass cheek.

I didn't fall. The moment froze in time, my hands still on Ryan's back and butt. It was like pressing against marble. His hard body supported my weight with ease. He turned around and I glanced up at him, the combination of being lower on the stairs and his incredible size meant he loomed over me.

Wow, he was so big...and hard...

"Feeling something you like, Tom?" Ryan smirked at me. I snapped to my senses and my hands slid his body.

"...Lost my balance...sorry..." I mumbled, looking away.

He just chuckled and I heard a squeak from behind me. I turned and saw Tracy covering her grinning mouth with her hand as she smothered a shocked giggle.

"It's...this way" I walked past Ryan towards the guest bedroom, avoiding eye contact.

We passed the open door to my room as we approached his accommodations and, like I had previewed, it was pretty small. "Here you go!" I declared with false enthusiasm.

Ryan stepped in, filling the door frame as he passed through. He cast a skeptical eye around the room, falling at last to the bed. "Hmm...not sure this will suffice."

"Hehe" I chuckled awkwardly. "Well...whether it suffices or not, it's what we've got!" I said, maintaining my cheery tone.

"We passed a bigger room with a bigger bed just a second ago, didn't we?"

I paused and my tone faltered. "Yes...that's my room, Ryan." I was starting to see that, though he came in a bigger package now, this was the same old entitled brat that I had known all his life.

"Well, look at this." He lay down on the bed on his and stretched out, He brought his arms up behind his head, causing his t-shirt to rise up about his waist. This revealed a few inches of his muscular core—smooth, hard and defined.

"You see how my legs hang off?" he continued. My eyes tore away from his abs and traveled down his wide legs. Again I saw the impossible length of something snaking down his leg, clearly outlined against his pants. I quickly glanced to the bottom of the bed, where, sure enough, his legs hung off starting at the middle of his calf.

"W..." I cleared my throat. "Well, I mean, you don't really need to stretch out like that..."

He cocked an eyebrow at me.

"He...he could sleep in my room?" Tracy said from beside me. I had forgotten she was there but as I looked over I saw her gaze was locked onto Ryan's exposed core. She was biting her lower lip.

Jesus christ! I had been wondering why she had seemingly changed her attitude so drastically. Fuck, this was her cousin! And she was ogling him!

"NO..." I said too loudly. I coughed and spoke more calmly. "No...don't be ridiculous." I turned to Ryan. "Okay, you can have my room while you're here. I will sleep in this room." At least this room lay be between Tracy's and what would be his...

He stood, smiling now. "Thanks, I think I'll go lie down for a bit. What time's lunch?"

This damned kid... "I just bought food, it's ready now."

"Hmmm...We can warm it up in about an hour right? Sound good?"

I was about to object when I heard from beside me softly. "Sounds great..."

I swiveled to Tracy again, who was looking up at Ryan glassy eyed. I sighed. "Fine."


A couple hours later, after we'd eaten and Ryan had left the house to explore, I pulled Tracy aside to talk to her about how she'd been acting. The meal had been a painful affair, with Ryan commenting that he could "sure go for some home cooked meals" and Tracy staring at the teenager all glassy-eyed, giggling at everything he said. At some point she even rested her hand on his thick forearm as she smiled at him while he told a story. I saw her eyes widen at her touch, and her hand lingered there. I lost my appetite at that point.

"Tracy, what the hell do you think you're doing with Ryan?"

She looked at me surprised and a bit defensive. "What are you talking about, Daddy?"

"Earlier today, you couldn't stop complaining about him coming. You're basically falling all over yourself for him. What's gotten into you?"

"Seriously? You're mad at me that I'm being nice? That I'm trying to make him comfortable in our home?"

"I'm all for being welcoming, Tracy. But if I didn't know better I'd say you were flirting with him!"

She blushed but then said "E He's my cousin."

"That's right, not to mention that he just turned 18 and you're almost 22. He's in high school for christ sake."

"You're acting crazy. I'm telling you I'm just being nice. Besides, I wasn't the one who felt up his ass!"

It was my turn to blush. "Tha...that was an accident! I tripped!"

"Sure seemed like you could of recovered faster, Daddy." She smirked at me.

"Tracy!" I said, flashing anger.

She blushed and looked down. "Sorry...I shouldn't have...sorry..."

I sighed. "Just...mind yourself around him. He's not a good influence I can tell. I'm worried he's going to be trouble."

"Okay." she replied sullenly.

"Thank you."

I turned to go but then heard her again mumble something in a quiet voice, "What?" I asked, turning back around. "I didn't hear you."

"What'd...what'd he feel like, when you fell into him?"

I just glared at her.

"Nevermind..." She turned and walked away as I looked at her, concerned.

My mind drifted to her question though. He had felt incredibly hard...


That evening, as I walked upstairs, I noticed Tracy lingering outside my room. Confused, I approached from behind.

The door to the en-suite bathroom in my room was directly across from the door to the room, with the bedroom space to the left of the passage. I saw now that both doors were open and...I could hear a shower going. What the hell?

Glancing over her shoulder, I saw what Tracy was staring at. With both doors open, we could see straight into the shower, where Ryan was currently standing. The bathroom was steamy and the glass door to the shower closed, but we could make out water cascading down Ryan's broad muscular back and over his strong ass and wide legs. It was hard to see but the gigantic impression of the teenager was shocking. Wildly, I thought about the fact that he could fill that shower like I never could.

How did a high school kid even get that big? I wondered, as my eyes traveled up and down the backside of his body. He stretched his arms above his head to rinse his hair and he seemed to grow from the motion, his back flaring out and his shoulders and biceps flexing to an incredible size.

Tracy let out a soft moan. My attention snapped to her. How long had I been standing here behind her? 10 seconds or so? A minute or two? I had no clue. I don't think she'd noticed me though, her attention so focused on Ryan. "Tracy!" I whispered urgently. She spun, her eyes wide.

"What the hell are you doing!?" I whispered.

She looked guilty and embarrassed. "I...I just wanted to see if the shower was free!" She turned abruptly and walked away. I stood with my hands on my hips staring at her until she disappeared into her room. Tracy never used my shower. There was a bathroom with a shower right next her room.

I shook my head. I was going to stay on my toes here.

I turned back to the door to close it and cast one last glance, incidentally, towards the shower.

The door was opening and steam billowed out. A huge figure stepped through the mist and, as it dissipated, came into view.


With steam rolling off him, Ryan's body smoked with intensity. The back lighting caught the steam and surrounded Ryan in soft light as he stepped onto the bath mat. He seemed to glow with sheer power.

Ryan's broad shoulders, which barely fit through the shower door, were bulging mounds of muscle. His thick arms hung loose from them yet somehow seemed flexed beyond belief. Ryan's chest stood out proudly, impossibly imposing and large, yet somehow defined as well, showing a hard cut between his shoulders, pecs, and abs. And holy father of muscle, those abs...They looked almost painted on, and the skin of his core seemed to cling to them, showing every incredible ridge. Ryan's broad frame sloped in to his narrower but strong waist and thick tree-trunk legs.

Most unbelievable of all, like nothing I'd ever seen, was the monster between those thick legs. Hanging low, more than halfway down his thighs, Ryan's cock was thick from base to tip, with a long wide vein running along the top. Even though it was soft, it still seemed somehow firm, substantial, big, strong...

As I gazed at it, Ryan's hand drifted to the bulbous tip of his cock and he gave it one long slow upward stroke. I followed it's delicious path with my eyes. Then he reached the base and lifted his cock up, pointing it outwards...I stared into the slit. Even looking at it straight on like this, it's unbelievable size was somehow apparent, like a 3D film where the object is extended towards your face. He was pointing his cock straight at me!

Panicked, I glanced up at Ryan's face, but... he was turning away, looking towards the mirror.. I noticed he wore a slight grin.

I practically ran down the hall and to my room, praying he hadn't seen me.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Great story super hot

Literally one of the best writers here. Super vivid descriptions and just right amount room for imaginations. Can’t wait for more. ❤️

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
ignore that other commenter lol

my submissive trans ass wants more feminization stuff that isnt super rapey. your other Ryan stories are PERFECT and this one looks like it's going to be so good too

ariel007aariel007aabout 4 years ago
cant wait for the next part

love your stories , hope the next chapter is here soon.

Perhaps the next story will reveal what happened between Ryan and his boss at the summer job.

more gay male stuff is better than Transgender & Crossdressers

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

yay!!! another ryan story!!

I loved the other two so much, I'm really excited for this one. hope it's another slow burn like Janelle's story.

also genuinely hope that Tracy doesn't sleep with Ryan, I'm so not into that blood relative incest stuff. also the idea of Ryan choosing Tom over the hot young girl is like.... super hot haha

I do like the vibe of the two of them both regressing to like schoolgirl level fighting over a boy! idk like either way I'm definitely reading this story, just probably gonna skim over any incest bits like I did with the Janelle one

stacejostacejoover 4 years ago

Want More....

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