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My Transformation

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Ken starts to change.
3.7k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/09/2020
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I hated work. It was the same shit everyday, same boring job with the same boring ass people.

I work for a small city in the planning office. I am the only guy in the front office. It is full of middle aged women, that fit every stereotype of the average American white woman.

I am a 24 year old man, my name is Ken and I have been out of college for a couple of years. I found that my degree was worthless and I had to take this job to get by.

It paid enough to take care of my bills, keep a membership at the gym, and go out once in a while. It was awful though. So mind numbing.

Little did I know how drastic things would change.

It was just another horrible day, I was feeling pretty depressed and slogged through more reports and stupid women bitching about husbands and kids.

I was watching the clock, and was ready to leave. It was a Tuesday. My routine was work, hit the gym, grab some food, and head home.

As I left work I was feeling a little off, just a little woozy. I chalked it up to my mild depression and the pills I took for it. As I drove to the gym, it was a few miles, my nipples started to itch. I scratched them, a jolt of electricity shot through my body, and my cock twitched.

What the hell just happened, I was panting a little as I pulled into the parking lot of the gym. That was the strangest thing.

I felt my nipples again, another bolt of lightning I could feel how hard they where. My nipples where poking out and I could see them through my shirt. What the fuck.

I rubbed them a couple more times. Each time my cock twitched. I shook my head, not understanding what was goin on.

I needed to stop this. I opened the car door and stepped into the parking lot. I tried to forget the feeling. My cock was mildly hard, so I quickly adjusted it and headed into the gym.

I scanned my pass, and walked to the mens locker room. The gym was mostly empty. A couple of guys on the weights and a cute girl over on the treadmill.

I watched her run for a second. She was hot and had a nice ass. I noticed that her outfit was extremely hot. She had on pink work out shorts and a black sports bra. Her socks were short and black, she wore a pair of ASICS. I had never taken so much interest in girls outfits before.

I couldn't help but feel a little jealous. What the hell was going on.

I looked away and swung the door to the locker room open. I walked over to mine, it was in the second row of lockers. It was one of my few indulgence. I hated carrying a gym bag back and forth.

I pulled my shirt off. My nipples were still rock hard. I sat down, pulled my shoes and socks off. As I stood back up I heard the door open and the two guys from the gym walked in. They were talking about there workout. As they walked past I gave a quick head nod, their locker must be somewhere in the back.

I was grateful they did not notice my hard nipples. I turned and opened the locker, grabbing my shirt and shorts. I threw them on the bench. I pulled off my work pants, I noticed a little wet spot in my boxers, was it precum.

My head was reeling. I was so confused, what the fuck was happening. I decided a good workout would help calm me down.

I got dressed and headed out. My nipples still showed and it felt good when they rubbed on the soft cotton, but I could not think about that now. I needed to clear my head.

I left the locker room and hit the gym pretty hard. Just trying to forget what was going on. It was a good workout and the place was pretty empty. I did notice that I was paying more attention to my cardio and less to building muscle. I also checked out every girl in the gym, just to see what they had on.

As I finished the first girl in the pink shorts walked past.

"Must be cold" she said looking at my chest.

My nipples were sticking out like an inch. I blushed and covered them up a little. "I guess so."

I retreated back to the locker room. I felt so embarrassed. I needed to get home. I needed to figure this out.

I did not even shower, I figured I could take one at home. I locked my locker and grabbed my work clothes. I hustled to the door and tried to walk out with out any one noticing me.

I thought that I had made it, but as I opened the door to go outside. The lady in the pink shorts was also walking out.

She turned around as she held the door for me. She smiled at me as she looked me up and down.

I felt violated, like she was fucking me with her eyes. Another feeling i have never felt.

"Hi, I'm Shelly, sorry for embarrassing you back there." she said.

"No worries," I replied looking down trying to get past her as quickly as possible.

"Hey, wait." she called.

Damn, I was not getting out of here.

I turned around. She had thrown on a baggy sweatshirt, but still had on the cute shorts.

"Yes" I said timidly. Noticing that my nipples were still hard. I have never been timid around ladies, but was so conscious of my nipples I did not know how to act.

"Whats your name." she asked.

"Ken, is there something I can do for you." I was very short with her, but some how she could not read my clues.

"I just wanted to say sorry, your kinda cute and I wanted to meet you."

I summed up some courage. She was hot, and fit. She was everything I usually look for in a girl. "Sorry, I don't know whats gotten into me. Thanks for the compliment. I love your outfit." I stammered. "Let me walk you to your car."

"Thanks Ken" she said smiling.

I walked her to her car. We chatted about the weather and the gym. Nothing special, when we got to her car, a small Toyota, she pulled her keys out of her bag.

"Hold on. Can i give you my number?" She asked me.

"Sure, that we be great." I smiled. I had not lost it.

She reached into her car bending over, giving me a full view of her sexy ass. I smiled, this girl was hitting on me.

She popped back out with a business card. She handed it to me. I glanced down at it.

It said Shelly Holston, yoga trainer and spiritual healer. Then it had two numbers an office and cell.

"Just call my cell, maybe we can get coffee some time."

My confidence was returning "Sounds great. I'll call you soon." I said and then walked over to my truck.

I jumped into the seat and sighed. It had been a while since I had gone on a date. It could be fun. Anyways she was smokin hot.

I drove straight home. I was hungry but too embarrassed to get food. I would order something when I got home.

I live on the bottom floor of a shitty apartment building. I have one bedroom, it has a small kitchen and a living room. I opened the door, tossed my keys on the table, and headed for the bathroom. I pulled my phone out of my work pants and ordered some pizza.

They said it would be thirty minutes. I had time to take a shower.

I stripped naked. I look pretty good. I have a flat stomach, nice muscles and a little chest hair. I keep my self manscaped and make sure everything stays clean. My hair is black and I typically have a five o'clock shadow.

My nipples where still hard, I wanted to figure it out but it would have to wait. I decided to google it after my shower. I flipped the shower on as hot as I could stand. I stepped in and enjoyed the feeling of the hot water on my back. I reached for the shampoo and lathered up my hair.

I turned around and faced the shower head. The second the water hit my nipples my body shuddered. I had never felt anything like it. Waves of ecstasy rolled over me. My hand reached up and gave them a pinch.

Wham, another jolt. My knees were getting week. My cock, all 8 inches of it was hard as it's ever been. One more pinch and I lost it.

Cum was shooting all over the shower. As I shot load after load I was panting. My eyes were closed the sensation was unbelievable. I had never cum so hard or so much. My knees gave out and I slumped to the floor. The water pouring onto my head.

I couldn't believe what had just happened. I had cum and not even touched my cock. What the fuck was happening . It was the best orgasm I had ever had, but also the weirdest.

I pulled my self up and turned away from the water. I needed to get the soap out of my hair. It was difficult not being able to turn around, I was nervous about letting the water hit my nipples again.

It was all I could do to get the shampoo out. I turned the shower off and grabbed a towel. As I dried off I made sure to avoid my chest.

I got dressed, but did not put a shirt on. I did not think I could handle it. I flipped open my lap top and decided to try and find out what was going on. At some point the pizza guy came and gave me my food. I don't remember much from that evening, but I know that I did not find out what was going on.

The closest thing I found was that it was a side effect from my depression medicine. It did not list awesome orgasms though.

At some point I gave up and went to bed. I don't think I even picked up a book. That night all I could dream about was woman's clothes, their parties, bras, and short dresses. It was crazy.

My alarm went off before I knew it. I woke startled. My sheets were soaked. I reached down into my boxers, cum was every where. I had a wet dream. What the fuck was going on. I hadn't had a wet dream in years. Maybe I needed to get laid.

I should call Shelly. She seemed interested. My brain was in over drive.

I rolled out of bed. It was such a mess. I was pissed, now I would need to do laundry. I didn't have an extra set of sheets. I pulled my boxers off and tossed them in the hamper. Then pulled the sheets off the bed.

My laundry was in the kitchen. I walked naked into the kitchen and put the sheets in the washer, it was a small one so not much else fit. I put a pot of coffee on and headed for the bathroom to clean my self up.

I flipped on the light in the bathroom, I thought about taking a shower but did not trust my self after last night. I picked up a wash cloth and turned on the water in the sink. I was going to wash off the cum.

I grabbed my dick with one hand, it seemed a bit smaller, and wiped some cum off. Cum wasn't the only thing that came off. My pubic hair fell right off. I stopped after one pass. What the fuck was going on with my body.

First the nipples, then the shower, a wet dream, and now my hair was falling out. I needed to go to the doctor, but I couldn't go with all this cum on me. So I took a deep breath and washed all around my cock. All of my pubic hair fell out. I was as smooth as a q ball. My balls were clean and not a hair was to be found. Even that little tuff that was below my navel had fallen out.

"Fuck!!" I screamed.

I needed to go to a doctor. I must be sick or something. I grabbed my phone and shot a text to my boss about not feeling well and that I was going to the doctor.

I went to my bedroom to get dressed, the urgent care opened at 8am. I pulled open my drawer to get some boxers and then lost my shit.

All of my boxers were gone. Someone had replaced them in the middle of the night with a ton of panties. I panicked. I pulled all of them out and tossed them on the floor. I emptied the whole thing.

I open the next drawer. It was my t-shirt one. It did not look like it had changed. I opened all of them, it seemed like only the boxers were gone. I was losing it. I knew that I had put clean ones on last night. Maybe I had pulled them out of the hamper.

My closet seemed to be in order. Maybe one of my friends snuck in, it was a possibility but unlikely. No one else had a key, and why would they. I was also sure that I had locked my door.

I looked down at the pile of panties on the floor. My cock started twitching I was getting excited by just looking at them.

I gave up. I scooped them all up and put them back. I pulled out what seemed like a decent pair. They were lacy green and looked like a bikini cut. I pulled them on and almost doubled over with pleasure. I did not cum, but was a second away. Thank god for the wet dream or I would have cum all over them.

I caught my breath and stood up. I knew I could not touch my cock or it would explode. The outline of my cock in the panties turned me on even more.

I did not know what do do. I looked through my drawers and picked out a pair of shorts. My cock was calming down now. I wanted to stay distracted. I pulled the shorts on and then put some sandals on.

Now what to do about my sensitive nipples. I picked out a very big t-shirt and slipped it on. When my nipples touched the fabric I had to sit down. I collapsed onto the bed panting.

I focused on my breathing and slowly got myself under control. I needed help.

After a few minutes I stood up and got the courage to head out. I picked up my keys and to cup of coffee. My boss had texted back that she hoped I felt better.

It was a nice morning so I did not need a coat or anything. I slid into my truck, usually I loved my truck, but today I did not enjoy it. I drove over to the urgent care. I had to sit in the truck for ten minutes and wait. I was to early.

When they opened I walked in and signed the form. I filled out a little paperwork. It asked why I was here, I really did not know what to put. I ended up just writing unusual hair loss.

They were pretty quick to call me back. I was the first one there. The nurse was older and heavy set. She had me step on the scale.

She looked down and said "190."

That can't be right, I was 210 yesterday." I said shocked.

"Well I guess we can add weight loss to your list to talk to the doctor." She said with a smirk. "Follow me."

She took me into the exam room. She took my blood pressure and pulse. She said all was good and the doctor would be in soon.

I sat there for a bit looking at my phone. A light knock had me look up and the doctor came in.

Damn she was hot. She looked to be about 30. She had jet black hair and beautiful face. Her lipstick was pink and her makeup was perfect. I barely noticed the nice cleavage or the tight shirt. She had a stethoscope around her neck and was reading my papers as she came in.

"I'm doctor Handly." She said reaching out to shake my hand. I took her hand and stood up.

"So what's going on. Your paperwork is pretty vague."

I swallowed, was I really going to tell her. I decided to just go for it. She was a professional and all. First I told her about my stiff nipples, I left the part out about all the cum and stuff. I did tell her about the hair loss and the strange weight loss.

"Well, your meds have some side effects, but these symptoms are not listed. Let's start with your chest. Hop up on the exam table and take your shirt off." She ordered.

I pulled my shirt off and sat on the table. She first listened to my heart and then looked in my eyes and ears.

"They are engorged" She stated looking at my nipples.

"Now I am going to touch them. Ok."

I smiled but did not say a thing. Her hands were cold but the second she touched me my cock jumped. It was straining against the little panties, trying to get out.

I lost my breath and was panting. She did this a few times. I was about to lose it. My dick was so hard I am sure she noticed the bulge. She stepped back and folded her arms

"Interesting, that really effected you." She said.

"I don't know if I can stand up." I was worried that she would see my hard on.

"Well, lets see about this hair loss, you said it's around your genitalia."

I shook my head.

"Lets have a look. Off with your shorts."

I blushed, shit, I was wearing the panties. What was I going to say.

"Come I'm now. I am a doctor." Let me see and maybe we can get to the bottom of this.

I stood up reluctantly. "Ok, it's just."

I pulled my shorts down. My cock was bulging, trying to poke out of the cute little green panties. I looked at the doctor. She seemed to hold it together. However, I thought I saw a tiny little smirk.

"Pull those cute panties down and let me see." She said nonchalantly.

I pulled them down to my knees. My cock sprung out. I couldn't even look at her. I looked the other way. She reached for a pair of latex gloves. As she put them on she smiled at me.

"Alright I am going to feel around your testicular area and make sure everything is ok."

I felt her hand on my balls and then she pulled my cock to the side. She kneeled down and looked all around my shaft. I was still rock hard and the manhandling was not helping.

She stood up. "Interesting, I don't even see a hair follicle, it's like you never hand pubic hair. Have you lost it anywhere else?"

"Not that I know of."

"What about your buttocks? Do you have hair on it?" She asked.

"Maybe a little, I'm not sure." I replied feeling very embarrassed standing in front of her with a stiff cock and panties around my knees.

"Turn around I will have a look"

I did an awkward little shuffle and turned.

"No hair on your buttocks." She said. " I am going to have to check you anus. Most men have hair around it. I want you to step back a little and place your hands on the table."

I did as I was told. I felt her place her hands in my ass. She pulled me back a little. She pulled my ass cheeks apart.

"One last thing." She said " this might hurt a little.

I heard a bottle pop and the a little squirt. What the fuck was she doing. She placed her hand on my ass again. All of a sudden I felt pressure on my butthole. She was trying to stick her finger in it.

"What..." I stammered.

Her finger then slid in I felt her move it around a little and then I moaned. I could not control my self. She felt around a little more, her hair fell a little on my ass. I felt a little more pressure and then two fingers slid in my butt.

I groaned again and then lost control. My cock jumped the first load of cum landed on the table. The next fell onto my panties and all over the floor. What was she doing.

My knees were about to give out. She pulled her fingers out and then placed them on my hips. My back was to her.

"Steady now. I don't want you to fall. I think I need to refer you to a special doctor. I have no idea what's going on with you."

She stepped back and pulled the roll of paper towels off the counter.

"Don't worry about the table. Get your self cleaned up. The front desk will give the name and number of the specialist when you leave. It was nice to meet you."

Just like that Dr. Handly walked out. I was about to clean my panties with the towel when a wicked thought crossed my mind. I reached down and just pulled them up. The hot sticky goo felt good. My cock stiffened a little as I tucked it into the cum covered panties.

I pulled my shorts over it and was careful about putting on my shirt. Well no answers now but hopefully soon. What was I to do.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Did you write this in one sitting? Grammar is awful, mechanics are missing entirely. Did you lean anything in grammar school?

Please stop now.

ZZchromosomeZZchromosomeover 3 years ago

"Dr. Handy," lol. How appropriate.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

loved this . will there be more ???

STUGPOLESTUGPOLEover 3 years ago

Very interesting beginning. Please do continue

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

part 2 please

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