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My Wicked Stepsister (LVC) Pt. 01

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Will Lady Violet submit to her stepsister? Or will she...
12.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 04/02/2019
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This was originally published elsewhere, but it was removed for being too naughty. I've decided to publish it here, so at least it'll be seen, but this wasn't written specifically as a Literotica story, so apologies if it takes a while to get down to the really dirty stuff.

This is the first part of it. I'll publish the rest shortly on Literotica.

I hope you enjoy it.


Chapter one: An ultimatum. Or two

"What am I going to do with you Violet?"

It wasn't a question that needed an answer, so I stared down at my hands in an attempt to look repentant. I'd learned how to play this game.

"Thrown out of school. Again."

Father sounded more tired than angry, and I knew this wouldn't go too badly for me. He was a pushover, especially where I was concerned.

"This can't continue Violet." His voice was growing softer already. "You're eighteen now. You're an adult. You need to realise that your actions have consequences darling. For you and for the family."

And there it was, what Father really cared about, the precious family name. I looked back up at him, but I bit my lip to stop myself answering back. Keep your mouth shut, I told myself. Look wretched and stay quiet, and let him say his piece. Then I can get out of here and pretend it never happened.

They'd officially kicked me out of school yesterday, but they'd let me stay on campus overnight. Parker had met me at the station this morning to drive me to our country estate, and as soon as we'd arrived, I'd been whisked upstairs to Father's study. We sat facing each other now on his old, tall, red leather chairs. It was unusual for him to see me right away. He must have a business meeting this afternoon, I thought.

I stopped listening as Father droned on. I let my eyes wander around the room. At least Alison hadn't redecorated in here yet. Maybe it'd be the one part of the house Father would deny her? God, I used to love it in here when I was young. The smell of all the old books and the polished wood made me feel like a child again. I felt an uncharacteristic surge of affection for Father and I tuned back in to what he saying.

"At least they're letting you sit your exams. "It's not a total disaster."

We'll see about that when I get my grades, I thought.

"Your headmaster was vague on the details of your expulsion. Something to do with you attacking a teacher?"

"No." I sat up straighter. "That's not fair. I didn't attack her. Well... sort of. But it wasn't my fault, she...

"Not your fault." Suddenly Father was shouting, and I jumped in my chair at the ferocity of it. "It's never your fault is it Violet? It's always somebody else's." He shook his head at me. "You sound like a child."

Fuck. Why hadn't I just stayed quiet?

Father stood and walked over to one of the tall windows overlooking the grounds at the front of the house. He spoke with his back to me. "Frankly I don't want to know the details." He wasn't shouting now, but his voice had hardened.

"Master Pearson told me this was the last incident of many though. He said you were a repeat offender Violet, a lost cause."

Indignation seized me again. They'd got rid of me because of what Miss March had done. She was the one to blame, not me. And Pearson had kicked me out because he wanted to brush it all under the carpet and forget it ever happened. He was worried it'd get out, and that it'd tarnished the school's reputation. That was all anyone seemed to care about. I held my tongue though. I just had to get through this, and then Father would calm down and we could forget all about it.

"This stops here Violet. Today. It's time for you to grow up young lady. Time for you to show some grit and some responsibility." He turned to face me. "You're going to stay here for the next two months until you sit your exams. You're going to study every day. And you're not going to cause any more trouble."

"But I've agreed with Mother that I'm going to go and stay with her."

His voice rose again. "I don't think so Violet. Your mother has had quite enough influence over you already."

I was on my feet before I could stop myself. "That's not fair. You can't..."

"Sit down." Father shouted it louder than he'd ever shouted at me before.

I fell back into my chair in shock.

"I've had quite enough of the 'not fairs', and the 'not my faults', young lady." He was trembling now as he yelled at me. I'd never seen him so angry.

"It's time to grow up. You're going to stay here where I can see you. You're going to work hard, every day. Do you hear me? And I don't want an ounce of trouble out of you Violet. You can leave once you've sat your exams, but not before. Is that clear?

I nodded, but this was beyond unfair. There was absolutely nothing to do out here in the country. Summer was just arriving, and I'd planned to go and stay in London with Mother. I'd dreamt about shopping, and going to the theatre, and now that I was eighteen I'd have no problems getting into bars and clubs. I looked out of the window behind Father and saw nothing but endless flat fields of wheat and potatoes and cabbages.

"And you are to treat Alison and Felicity with civility and respect." He gave me a look that said, 'do not dare to disobey me on this.' "I know showing them any form of friendship is somehow beyond you. But the least you can do is to be courteous towards them. They are family now Violet, after all."

My blood started to boil. They weren't fucking family. Mother was family. Alison and Felicity were more like parasites. And he always took their sides' over mine, as if I wasn't his own flesh and blood. I hung my head again to hide the expression on my face. "Yes. Father."

He came over and stood behind his chair. He put his hands on the top of it and he glowered at me. "You might think I'm being hard on you Violet. But this is a kindness. I'm a doting Father and I've spoiled you. But this is your last chance. If you cause any trouble in the next two months, if I hear of anything, no matter how small, then you'll leave me with no other option. I've already spoken to Mistress De'Costelle.

"No. You can't." I had to stop myself from standing again.

"Oh I can Violet. And I will." He came around from behind his chair and he stood over me with his arms folded and with a stern look on his face. "You might think you're an adult now that you're eighteen young lady. And that you can do whatever you want. But I can show you how badly mistaken you are. Just try me."

He'd threatened me with Mistress De'Costelle before, but I'd never believed him in the past. He sounded serious this time though.

"Finishing school would do you a world of good Violet. It could be exactly what you need."

"No. Please Father, don't. I'll be good. I promise." Anything but finishing school. After my exams I was going to live with Mother for a year. We'd already talked about it. I was going to get a job, and I'd save, and then I was going to travel the world. For the first time in my life I was going to be free. No one would have heard of my family, and no one would know who I was. But twelve months of finishing school would ruin all of that. It would ruin everything.

"You had better be young lady. Any mischief. Any bad behaviour. Any arguing with Alison or Felicity, and you'll find yourself on a plane to Switzerland before you can pout your pretty lips. Is that clear Violet?"

I nodded.

"Good. You can go and settle into the spare room on the top floor."

"I can't have my old room?"

He shook his head. "That's Felicity's room now."

"But that's not fair. She..."

"Violet," he snapped. "I said no trouble. You are to take that room, and you are to be happy with it. Felicity lives here year-round. She has a right to pick whichever bedroom she chooses. Is that understood?"

I nodded, but this couldn't get any worse. I was stuck here for two months, with Alison and Felicity, and I wasn't even allowed to stay in my own fucking bedroom.

"Parker and Mellors have already taken your cases and trunk up there anyway. You can unpack your belongings and get settled in. But I want to see you studying this afternoon. No excuses. Is that clear?"

"Yes Father."

"And be kind to Felicity. You're going to be on the top floor together Violet, and I know how you've treated her in the past." A smile spread over his face. "She's really quite a remarkable young woman you know. And she shares your passion for horses. It's my hope you'll grow to become friends over the next two months."

I squeezed the arms of my chair and I tensed my jaw to try and keep the rage inside. How I treated her? She was a fucking bitch to me. I couldn't believe he was taking her side again. And remarkable young lady? She was a vicious, grasping, common whore. There was nothing remarkable about her, or her mother.

"You can go now Violet." His voice had returned to normal, as if nothing had happened. "But don't forget what we've talked about. I want you to work every day. And no trouble. Show me what you're made of young lady. Show me you're a true Croft."

I got out of there as fast as I could. I couldn't look at Father, and I didn't know whether I wanted to scream or to cry.


The stairs creaked beneath my feet as I headed up the central staircase to the top floor, but otherwise the house was quiet and still.

The Croft family residence was a three-story country mansion with room for twenty guests. But currently the house was occupied by only Father, Alison, Felicity, and now me. Parker, my father's valet, and Hilda the chef, and Ruby the housemaid would be here somewhere too, but likely they were working down in the bowels of the house where only the help dwelled. Other staff would be tending the grounds, all overseen by Mellors. But if they were working now, it was away from the house where I couldn't hear them.

Golden sunlight streamed in through windows above the staircase and it made everything look soft and warm and ancient. The polished wood on the walls gleamed where the light touched it, and the colours on the paintings glowed deep and rich. I stopped and I took it all in for a few moments. The silence and the splendour of it. I knew this was as good as it was going to get. This was going to be the best moment I had in this house over the next two months.

I started walking up the stairs again, and as I reached the top floor landing the quiet was broken by the sound of tinny, sickly-sweet pop music.

As I walked closer to my allotted room the music got louder and more nauseating. Damn it. I'd hoped she'd be out. I was still furious with Father, and the last thing I needed now was to see Felicity's smug face.

And then I realised the door to what should be my room was open. Not fully, but enough for Felicity to see me pass. I thought about heading back down stairs. It was such a beautiful day, and I could vanish into the garden for a few hours to calm down. But then I shouldn't really disobey Father. Not on the first day, anyway. And he'd sounded serious about finishing school. So I had no choice, I had to go on.

I started walking on my tiptoes. I even held my breath. When I reached Felicity's door I peeped around it just enough to see inside. She was sitting at her dressing table with her back to me. Oh thank god. I pulled my head back, then I stepped across the doorway as quickly as I could.

I kept walking on my tiptoes, just in case. But I passed the bathroom that was shared by our rooms without incident, and then I was at the door to the room that was now mine. I stepped inside and I shut it slowly in case it creaked. I pushed it closed with a soft click and I was safe.

I stood with my back to the door and I took in the look of the room and my heart fell. It had been redecorated since I'd last been here at Christmas. The old wallpaper with the flowing, organic patterns had been torn down. I'd loved that wallpaper. And it had been here since before I'd been born. Alison had replaced it with a couple of coats of magnolia paint. Typical. Ever since she'd got her claws into Father she'd been changing the house. She'd been 'modernising it', the cretin. She'd been stripping away the centuries of history and class, and she'd painted over all of it with insipid, soulless, common magnolia. I hated her for it, and I hated Father for letting her.

I noticed some of the furniture was missing too, and even the lights and the lamps had been changed. The room felt odd and unfamiliar. I felt like a stranger in my family home. Another reason to escape, I told myself.

It made it all the more galling that I wasn't even allowed to stay in my own room too. Felicity had no right to it, the bitch, it was my childhood fucking bedroom. I'd grown up in that room, before I'd left for boarding school anyway. It was filled with happy memories, but from what I'd seen when I'd peaked around the door, Felicity had redecorated too. Another part of my life they'd torn down and painted over.

I had no idea what Father saw in Alison. She was pretty, but in a mundane and unimaginative way. And she wasn't brilliant, like Mother. She wasn't funny, or warm, or talented. She was cold and calculating. She was shallow. I tried to imagine what she was like in bed. Would she just lie back and take it and look beautiful? Or was there a wicked side to her? But then the idea of her and Father together sickened me, and I banished all such thoughts from my head.

I don't know how he thought I could be friends with Felicity either. Besides stealing my bedroom, and apparently my father from me, we couldn't be more different. She was only a year older than me, true, but there was were any similarity ended. I was intelligent, and sensitive, and dignified. I had the height, and the elegant good-looks of a true aristocrat. Whereas Felicity looked like an over-sexed barmaid. She was blonde, of course, and her large breasts and full hips betrayed her low-born beginnings. She tried to act sophisticated and refined, as if she believed the mere act of living in this house made her a blueblood. But she'd always be a vulgar commoner. It was written all over her for everyone to see.

Living with the pair of them for two whole months was going to be a living nightmare. And I had no idea how I was going to be civil to them. I knew they'd taunt and goad me each time they saw me. But I'd only just escaped from boarding school, and I was so close to getting my freedom, so somehow I had to be good. I guessed I'd just have to stay out of their way as much as I could.

Perhaps I could even propose a truce to Felicity? I'd ignore her if she'd ignore me? We could both pretend the other didn't exist. It was worth a try. It might be the only way we'd live together without killing each other.

I heard a noise and looked up, and Felicity was standing in the doorway. Shit. Should have locked it. I still wasn't ready to face her, but no time like the present, I told myself. "Speak of the Devil. I was just thinking about you."

Felicity strode into the room before I could invite her in. "That doesn't make sense. You can't speak of the Devil if you were only thinking about him."

I frowned at her, but I held my tongue.

She glanced around the room with a look of disapproval on her face, then she settled herself onto the chair by the dresser. She crossed one foot over the other and I noticed her nails were painted pink. She looked up at me. "I hear you're visiting us for two whole months Violet."

Jesus, she was doing it already. Visiting? In my own fucking house. She had a nerve. I tried to keep my voice level. "You heard correct."

"How wonderful." Her words dripped with sarcasm. Then the look on her face changed from disdain to amusement. "I also heard you were thrown out of that antiquated school of yours."

I nodded.

"Oh dear Violet. Whatever did you do?"

"That's none of your business."

"Oh don't be so boring. And perhaps it would help if you told me? Get it off your chest and all that." She smirked. "Your idiot father wants us to be friends. We should share our secrets, don't you think?"

I replied before I could stop myself. "The only idiotic thing my Father ever did was marry your whore of a mother."

She raised an eyebrow at me. "Your father is a fool. And a crushing dullard, he..."

"How dare you. Your mother is trash, and you... you're... a jumped-up little witch who looks like a cut-rate fucking porn star."

And then Felicity was on her feet, and our faces were close, and we were glaring at each other. "I know exactly why you were thrown out of Thatcher Hall dear Violet. I have friends there. They've told me all the gossip."

"Bullshit. You don't have friends at Thatcher Hall." I wasn't so sure though. "Who?"

"Never mind who Violet, that's not important." She gave me a look of mock-innocence. "But what was the teacher's name?" She bit her lip and put her head on one side like she was trying to remember. "Miss April?" She shook her head. "No, that's not it, is it? Miss May?" She looked me in the eye. "Or was it Miss March?"

I felt my cheeks turning crimson.

Felicity's eyes widened and her mouth curled into a wicked grin. "Yes Miss March. I've heard all about what you and that pervert teacher got up to Violet."

Impossible. How could she? I took a step back. I hadn't told anyone, only Miss March and Natalie Kean knew what had happened. Perhaps a few other teachers. But none of the students. Natalie could have told someone, but why would she? She'd behaved even worse than I had.

"Does your father know?" Felicity said. "I bet he doesn't." She took a step towards me. "Perhaps I should tell him? Just imagine what he'd say when he found out what his precious daughter had been getting up to?"

I bit back another insult. I had to keep my temper under control. "What do you want Felicity?"

"Now there's the question Violet, what do I want?" She stepped even closer. "When I heard you were coming to stay with us for two months I was horrified. But then I realised I could have a little fun with you. So I've decided you're going to be my slave Violet."

"What? What are you talking about?"

"You, Violet, are going to be my slave," she spoke slowly, like she was talking to a simpleton. "I want you to clean my room. Make me breakfast. Brush my pony and clean out her stall. Essentially everything I tell you to do Violet. Understand?"

"You're deluded if you think that's ever going to happen. Why would I, a highborn, be a slave to a commoner like you?"

Her face flushed red at that. She moved so close her nose was almost touching mine. "I hate you Violet Croft. You're a stuck-up, tight-arsed snob."

"And you're the bastard offspring of a gold-digging slut," I bit back.

Her face turned darker. "You're just making it worse for yourself."

"I'm not, because there is no way I'm ever going to do anything you say."

"Oh is that so? Not even if I tell your father what I know?"

I shook my head. "He won't believe you."

She nodded, but then she grinned at me. "I have another option though, don't I Violet? I was listening at the door to your father's study. I heard what he said."

I clenched my fists. "You sneaky little bitch."

Her grin spread wider. Her painted, gutter-harlot's face was all I could see. "If you do anything to me Violet, your father's going to send you to that dreadful Swiss finishing school he's always banging on about. You don't know how tempting it is make something up. I could run crying to him right now and you'd out of here today."

My heart beat faster and I squeezed my fists so hard my nails dug into my palms. "He wouldn't believe that either."

"Oh I think he would Violet. I can put on quite the performance. And your father has such a low opinion of you. You know, I think he actually prefers me. I'm the daughter he's always wanted."

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