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My Wife - A Black Gang Toy Ch. 03

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First encounter sharing my wife with black gang.
5.2k words

Part 3 of the 24 part series

Updated 05/21/2024
Created 12/14/2019
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The Boss met us at the door. Pat recognized him immediately and told me that he was the one taking the pictures behind the gym.

After admitting us the Boss took us into a modestly furnished living room and gestured for us to take a seat on the couch. He sat in a chair facing us.

"I thought that it might be wise for us to discuss things first and make sure that we all know what is going to happen. We plan to use you and your wife to create picture sets and possibly even some films to sell on the internet. No one will ever be told who you actually are although there is the risk that someone will recognize you."

I started to protest but he gestured for me to remain silent. He continued, "Your wife is the primary asset in this venture. We do not want our property damaged. It is clear that she is not used to the kinds of things that we will eventually demand that she do. For that reason we are going to move slowly but know this. Eventually your wife will become a play toy for black men. All of the men in our gang will have her many different ways. She will be expected to service men outside the gang if that is what we want. If you resist you will not be physically harmed. But, as I said earlier, the pictures that we have will be circulated among your friends and business associates. You will be ruined and probably have to leave town. "

"You can make this process easy or hard. That is up to you but the result will be the same. It is too late to turn back. Your only choice is whether we will proceed with your cooperation or without it. I'm going to give you a few minutes to discuss what I have said. We will get started with our first session when I return."

"Oh there are a couple other things. We are prepared to give you 10% of the gross income from your pictures and films. We figure that if you are partners you will be more cooperative. It could be a substantial addition to your regular income. We also want you to wear these matching wedding rings when you are here. Many of the men who enjoy this type of art will find it even more exciting if they believe that you are a married couple and still doing these things. By wearing the rings when I return I will know that you wish to proceed with our photo shoot."

It wasn't much of a discussion. Pat and I had learned much about each other over the past few weeks. I had been forced to admit to Pat that despite my love for her I was aroused every time that I saw the pictures of her. I could hardly imagine how strangers might feel. For her part she had admitted that although adequate, our love life had stagnated to some degree. Her adventure behind the barn had stirred feelings that she had not known existed. She was humiliated by what she had been forced to do but excited as well. It had been degrading to allow those black to touch her and to touch their cocks. I picked up the rings and held them out to her. I knew that if she put on the ring it would be an indication of her acceptance of the situation and willingness to proceed. After one soulful look at me she reached out and placed the ring on her finger. She then took the man's ring and placed it on my ring finger.

"Well I see that you have made your decision." The Boss said upon his return. "I want to get this relationship off on the right foot from the beginning. Make no mistake. I am serious when I tell you that you will be doing things that you never dreamed of and the process starts tonight. Still, it is not my intent to make you do anything that you object too. You can walk out at any time but you also know the consequences. I think that the product of our relationship will be improved if we are able to get along as long as everyone knows the rules."

"Steve I want you and Pat to go over by that wall and face the camera. Each of our gang has their own ideas about what are the best pictures so they will be using their cell phones to take photos. Jamal will be using the video camera. There will not be any sound for this video so that I can tell you what to do. Are you ready?"

Pat and I looked at each other for a moment and then we turned and nodded to the Boss.

"Ok Steve the first thing that I want you to do is to stand behind your wife. Then reach around and slowly unbutton her blouse. Take your time and make it as sensual as possible."

I did as the Boss said and when I had Pat's blouse fully unbuttoned I was instructed to remove it. It is a good thing that I was standing behind Pat because no one could see the massive hard on that I had but I know that Pat could feel it as I rubbed against her when I removed her blouse.

It was almost impossible to believe that I was standing behind my luscious wife who was facing a room full of black men as I slowly exposed her to them.

"Steve now I want you to fondle your wife's breasts. Then slowly reach in and pull each breast out of her bra and then cup both breasts. Pat while he cups your breasts I want you to rest your hands on his so that we can see both wedding rings."

As her husband brought her breasts into view her pointed nipples stood up proudly. She knew that none of these black men had ever seen breasts as pretty as hers. Chills ran up and down her spine at the utter depravity of what she was doing and in anticipation of what was yet to come.

Steve was surprised when the Boss told him to remove Pat's bra. He had expected them to want to see her blond haired cunt.

The Boss said "Steve you've seen how cops pull a person's arms back at the elbow to immobilize them. I want you to do that to your wife. When you pull back Pat will be restrained and her tits will be thrust forward. That is what I want you to do to Pat now. Pat as he does that you help by thrusting your tits out as far as you can."

We did as instructed and all of the men took numerous pictures. A few moments later one of the men came forward and told me to remove my arm and replaced it with a baseball bat that kept Pat's tits extended. It was clear that Pat's arms were not tied and that she was holding this position on her own.

Pat and I exchanged glances wondering what could possibly be next. The Boss answered our question when he said "Pat I do not want you to worry but we are going to pierce your nipples. It's so sexy to see a woman with pierced nipples don't you think?" Pat looked bewildered and stunned. She didn't know what to say or think.

Before she could formulate a protest the Boss continued. "Well I guess it really does not matter what you think because that is what we are going to do. We have a piercing artist here and he will either pierce your nipples or he will instruct Steve how to do it. I simply cannot wait to see a large hoop dangling free from those pointy nipples of yours."

The piercing artist motioned Steve forward and explained what he had to do. The process really was not complicated but Steve was reluctant to do it. He looked at his wife and asked "Is this all right with you? The Boss said that we could leave any time. What do you want to do?"

Pat looked at Steve and asked her own question. "Do you think it would be sexy?" For a moment it seemed like Steve would not reply and then he said "Sweetheart you know that I think you have the prettiest milk white tits and I adore your pointy nipples. I can't think of anything that would improve your breasts more than to see your nipples pierced and the Boss is right. A large hoop would hang proud from your nipples rather than laying flat on the areola as most do. I would love to see your nipples pierced."

Steve asked, "Do you want me to do it?" Pat thought for a moment and then shook her head no. She said that she would feel more comfortable if the artist did it.

At this point the Boss spoke up again. "Since the artist is going to pierce your nipples Pat I want Steve to get behind you again. Steve I want you to remove the baseball bat and hold Pat's arms back. This way it will look like you are restraining Pat and forcing her to have her nipples pierced. The pictures and video will sell much better that way."

I did as the Boss directed. The artist approached and showed Pat a pair of clamps that were similar to the hemostat clamps used by surgeons. These were different however. Instead of having a flat end like a pair of tweezers or pliers the flat ends formed an open circle. This design would allow the clamps to be placed on her nipples in such a way that the needle could pass through the clamp as it was inserted through the nipple.

He explained that a clamp would be placed on both nipples and then he would insert a large needle through each nipple. Then he would remove the clamp leaving the needle in place. Finally he would use the needle to guide the hoop through her nipple and fasten the hoop in place.

Pat asked if it would hurt and he said that it would. He explained that there would be a sharp pain each time he inserted the needles. There would also be some pain as he worked the hoop into its final position. After that the pain would subside.

He proceeded to clamp the first hemostat like device on one nipple. Pat could not help squirming a little as he clamped down on the nipple. Then he did the same to the other nipple. I held her to minimize her movement. During this whole operation several of the gang members had been taking pictures and the Boss was now manning the video camera.

With both clamps in place he selected a sterile needle. He moved the hemostat around to get the best angle and without warning shoved the needle completely through Pat's nipple and out the other side. The reaction was instantaneous. Pat bucked as I tried to hold her steady and let out a yelp followed by a stream of invective.

I struggled to hold her in position as, without warning, the second needle was ruthlessly shoved through the other nipple. At that point Pat had collapsed and I was the only reason she remained upright. She was shaking from the shock. As we stood there the gang members moved closer to take pictures of her pierced nipples.

After a few moments Pat was able to stand on her own. The artist approached and began the process of inserting her new hoops into her nipples and removing the needles. I was surprised to notice that there was very little blood with just a small amount oozing from the wounds.

When he was done the piercing artist explained that he had inserted what was called a circular or horseshoe barbell. The rings were 10 gauge wire which would be considered fairly thick for this purpose but suited Pat's tits beautifully. A black bead was screwed onto each end of the barbell which contrasted sharply with her creamy white flesh. On each of the blacks was a capital "Q". When I asked what the "Q" stood for the Boss said that it identified my wife as a "Queen of Spades" and it meant that her body was available for use by any black man.

When he was done I released Pat. She tried to look down at her tits but did not get the full effect until the artist held up a mirror. Pat gasped and then slowly began to smile. I could tell that she liked the look. The Boss told her that he had picked them out for her.

Numerous pictures were taken of her newly pierced tits. Pat was instructed to cup her breasts for the camera. I was once again instructed to cup her breasts from behind showing our new wedding rings to the cameras.

Then the Boss told us to take a few minutes and settle down before we began the second half of the evening. That allowed me to take a look around and I must admit what I saw was a massively erotic scene. My lovely wife was the center of attention in a room full of black men. She stood there nude to the waist. Her lovely tits with newly pierced nipples stood proudly. She seemed totally at ease and that made me realize that the process had already begun. Even now Pat was becoming comfortable with her new role as black man's toy.

With that realization came yet another. I was a cuckold. While it was true that none of these black men had really touched my wife much less had sex with her we had been put on notice that not only these men but others were going to be allowed to enjoy my wife's charms. It was just a matter of time.

A few moments later the Boss came over and said "I'm going to explain what is going to happen next. Pat have you ever heard of bukakke?" Pat looked at me and then shook her head indicating that she had not. I, on the other hand stiffened visibly. If I remembered correctly bukakke was when numerous men ejaculated spraying cum on a woman's face. Just the thought had an erection started in my pants.

The Boss explained the process to Pat confirming my suspicions. He also shared his own methods of how to humiliate us as we were used to make a film and additional photos for sale.

What he told us shook me to the core. Up to this point my involvement had been minimal. Not any longer. I was also going to be a major player in this scene. I was expected to be nude myself. "Why?" I asked. The Boss said because he wanted everyone to see my reaction. He said "I've noticed your reaction to what we did earlier. You had a monster erection. You were excited by seeing your wife humiliated. I want everyone to see you encouraging your wife and how much you are enjoying your wife's humiliation and that you are excited by it and that you are a willing participant."

"In addition you are going to stand behind your lovely wife. Pat you will be kneeling on the floor with your head tilted back. Two of our members will step up to you. One will be on each side. Steve it will be your job to take a cock in each hand and stroke them until each one ejaculates. You will make sure that as much cum as possible lands on your wife's lovely face."

"There are eight members of our gang plus myself and the piercing artist. This is his reward for coming here tonight and doing such a lovely job piercing your wife's fascinating nipples. You will deposit all the cum from ten black men on your wife's face."

"When all ten are done it will be your turn Pat. You will be expected to suck your husband's cock and when he ejaculates I want you to make sure that all of his cum ends up in your open mouth. When he is done I want you to turn and face the camera with your mouth open for the camera to see. Then I want you to swallow his cum as the camera records your actions."

Both Pat and I stood there in shock. We both knew that things were going to heat up but we had not expected something like this.

The Boss paused for a moment and then said "You can leave now or go ahead. The choice is yours but each of you must answer me either yes or no. Steve I have told you what we are going to do to your lovely wife Pat so I will ask you first. If you are willing to make this movie for us answer yes or no and then I will ask Pat."

I stood there for a moment as I considered the consequences of either course of action. Finally I decided that Pat and I would be better off suffering the consequences so I said "No."

Pat looked over at me and then the Boss said, "Well Pat it seems like Steve has made his decision. I must tell you that if you disagree with Steve you can still answer yes and we will make the movie without him or he could change his mind. It's all up to you."

We both looked at Pat and waited. Pat looked from the Boss to me and I barely heard her whisper "Yes."

To say that I was completely shocked would be an understatement. I must admit that I had been completely aroused by the scene that the Boss had described and yes, I did want to do it but I had not wanted to subject Pat to such degradation and humiliation. I had said no for her!

"What did you say?" I asked wanting to make sure that I had actually heard her correctly. She raised her head and looked me in the eyes and said "Yes!" a little more forcefully.

"Well now Steve." The Boss said. It looks like your wife has a somewhat different opinion than you do. Would you like to change your mind?"

I looked at Pat and asked if she was sure that she really wanted to do this. Her response was a quick nod of her head. At that point the Boss looked at me and I too nodded my head yes.

"That's not good enough Steve. Remember I told you that each of you had to say yes? This has all been recorded and will be at the beginning of our movie so if you really want to go forward then please say yes loudly enough for the camera to record your response."

I looked at Pat and then looked into the camera and said "Yes".

The Boss shook his head sadly. "You know Steve" he said, "The first time that I asked you a simple yes would have been acceptable. Now I'm not so sure of your agreement. Because of that I want you to look into the camera and tell us what exactly you are agreeing too".

I took a deep breath and looked into the camera and began. "I want to stroke the cock of each gang member until each of them cum on my wife Pat's face."

"Now each of you knows what you are expected to do." the Boss said. "I do not expect to hear a bunch of chatter just grunts and groans. He then placed Pat and me in front of a green wall. I was placed behind Pat and she squatted down in front of me.

The first two blacks approached with their large cocks already quite hard. They stepped to either side of Pat's face and looked expectantly at me. Reluctantly I grasped each cock and began to stroke it back and forth. It was a new and strange feeling holding another man's cock. It was only moments when one of them began to groan and thrust forward. I knew what was fixing to happen and made sure that his cock was aimed at Pat's face.

The first stream of cum erupted from his black dick and shot in front of and past her face landing on the floor. I quickly readjusted my aim and the next shot hit Pat's right eye. He ejaculated several more times with most of cum splashing her face.

It seemed to take forever but finally the last cock sprayed cum all over Pat's face. When I saw the completed video I realized that the piercing artist and a couple men off the street had also joined in the fun. One of the men looked to be over sixty years old.

It was then that I finally took a good look at my wife. Her eyes were closed and her face was covered in cum. Some had even sprayed into her hair. There was so much cum that it had begun to drip off her face and onto her breasts. One particularly gooey glob had landed directly onto one of her nipples.

I sensed another person approaching and looked up to see the Boss standing there completely naked. His hard ten inch cock stood at rigid attention. It was long but rather thin. As he stepped up I instinctively reached for it but he pushed my hand away.

He stepped up to the side of Pat. Sensing the presence of another cock beside her she turned her face to receive another load of cum. The Boss had other ideas. He stepped forward and placed the head of his black cock against Pat's lips. Unwilling to do what he wanted she turned her head away.

That was when the Boss said "Pat!" in a strong commanding voice. She froze in place. "Look at me." He said. She opened her eyes although I am not sure what she could actually see thru the mess on her face.

They looked at each other for a few moments and then the Boss simply said "Suck it."

I watched as Pat's full red lips parted just a little as the black cock pushed against them. The Boss waited patiently and slowly my wife parted her lips and took a black cock into her mouth for the first time. The Boss held her head firmly and began to thrust his cock in and out of her mouth.

A few moments later he said "Swallow." I thought that he had cum already and he wanted her to swallow his seed. How wrong I was because as Pat swallowed I watched all ten inches of black meat sink into her mouth and down her throat. He did not stop until Pat's nose was firmly pressed against his belly.

I thought that my wife was going to gag and I reached forward to pull him back but she did not gag. After a moment his long dick came back out of her throat and after she took a breath he shoved it down her throat again only this time he continued the out and back as he thoroughly throat fucked my wife.


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