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My Wife - A Black Gang Toy Ch. 17

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A Snitch In Time - Officer Smith uses Pat to bribe a snitch.
5.2k words

Part 17 of the 24 part series

Updated 05/21/2024
Created 12/14/2019
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June -- A Snitch In Time

Officer Smith uses Pat to bribe a snitch

Officer Smith sighed deeply as he eased himself down into his worn office chair. He had been on the run all day and was grateful for the familiarity of his station house desk and chair. He tuned out the clattering typewriters, ringing phones and raised voices that were common fare in his workplace. He slowly closed his eyes and without conscious thought his mind filled with images of his most recent escapade with Pat and Violet.

A vivid picture popped into his mind of the two white wives kneeling before him worshiping his big black cock. His tired mind brought back the picture of his dick buried to the hilt in Violet's warm moist mouth as Pat licked his balls. He could even remember Pat's husband Steve using the video camera to record the scene as Violet's husband looked on.

Across town at almost the same moment Pat was thoroughly enjoying a hot bath. Suds floated on the water scenting the area with lilac. As she stirred the water washed gently across her nipples reminding her that it had been some time since her last sexual encounter with Officer Smith. She enjoyed sex with her husband Steve but it lacked the additional thrill that she felt when Officer Smith directed her to act like the slut she was.

Pat had given up trying to understand her behavior or the enjoyment she derived from having sex with strangers. Even more unfathomable was the jolt she received when the strangers were black like Officer Smith. She suddenly pushed the suds away from her breasts so that she could see the tattoos across the swell of her breasts. Over one was the word "Black" and across the top of the other breast the tattoo read "Owned".

As she contemplated the tattoo she decided that she really was not "Black Owned". It was more like "Black Addicted". She loved having sex with one or more black men. Oh white men were okay too but when the strangers were black her heart beat just a little faster.

That's probably why she felt that the Queen of Spades tattoo just above the crack of her pussy was totally appropriate. She simply loved the sensation of a black cock penetrating her anywhere and being used as a receptacle for cum. If that made her a slut then a slut she would be.

As long as she was rewarded with sexual satisfaction and her husband did not mind what was the harm? She knew for a fact that her husband Steve not only did not mind he encouraged her because he enjoyed seeing his lovely blonde wife having sex with strangers. And, like Pat, he enjoyed it more when the strangers were black. The more the merrier.

Pat lay back in the warm water and as she did so she allowed her legs to spread apart and felt the warmth caressing her inner thighs. It was almost as if she could feel her legs being spread by a man's body as a phantom lover sought to insert his rigid cock into her pussy. Her fantasy was interrupted by the sound of a lawn mower passing just outside the bathroom windos.

As Pat relaxed in the tub her husband Steve had finally beaten the lawn mower into submission. The damn lawnmower had been it's normal cantankerous self this afternoon when Steve had tried to start it. As he rode it round and round in ever smaller circles he smiled feeling pride in his accomplishment.

He allowed his mind to wander and, as usual, the first thing that came to his mind was his wife Pat. He was so lucky to have found such a beautiful woman whose likes and dislikes so closely mirrored his own. Even after several years he was unable to understand his need to watch his wife having sex with strangers. He still wondered about his strange feelings from time to time but he generally tried to just go with it.

Meanwhile, back in the precinct house, Officer Smith was struggling up out of his chair and had just mustered enough energy to go home when the damn phone on his desk decided to ring. Determined to ignore it he began to turn away when he paused to consider. In his line of work you never knew what to expect from a ringing phone. It could be a long lost friend, his boss or even one of his street snitches. Reluctantly he reached for the handset and gruffly answered "Third Precinct. Officer Smith. What do you want?"

For a moment there was mostly silence on the phone. Just as Officer Smith was about to hang up the phone a soft voice said "I've got a tip."

"What did you say? Who is this?"

A little stronger this time the voice said "This is Bennie and I've got a tip for you."

"Bennie you little weasel I haven't heard from you in some time. What kind of tip could you possibly have for me?"

"You know that guy you have been asking around about? I know where he has been crashing for the past day or so but I don't think that he will stay there much longer. He moves around a lot you know."

Officer Smith's heart began to beat just a little faster. He had been trying to get a handle on a new pusher that had moved into his area over the past month or so. This guy was a fast mover and he had established himself in no time at all. He thought to himself "I really want this SOB."

Still trying to sound nonchalant and almost disinterested he asked "What info do you have for me Bennie? I don't have all day. I was just fixing to go home so this better be worth my time."

Bennie chuckled to himself. He knew for a fact that Officer Smith wanted this guy bad. "Let's not play games. I have something that you want. Now I want to know what I can expect in return."

Thinking quickly Officer Smith ran through his options. Cash was always a good bet but Bennie ran a small pawn shop in a rundown rough and tumble neighborhood. He always seemed to have enough cash. Besides, from the sound of things Bennie was expecting something big for this precious little tidbit.

What could he possibly offer in trade that Bennie could not get for himself? He really wanted to nail this asshole and this was the best opportunity that had come his way. Then it hit him. If money would not work then the next best thing he could offer was sex and he knew just where to go to get Bennie some classy sex. He had a source for quality sex like Bennie had probably never seen before and might never see again. Pat!

"Bennie, I can get you a quickie piece of ass from the prettiest most well built blond white wife you will ever see but only if your information is top drawer."

"Would the address of his most recent crib be good enough? Last I hear he was still there."

"Bennie if your information is accurate I'd almost be willing to have sex with you myself."

"No thanks. I believe that I'll take the white woman instead. I ain't never had me no white meat. Do they fuck the same as a black girl?"

"You know that they do but there is something about a white woman that makes them different. I speak from experience with this one. Her husband encourages her to fuck black strangers and she is more than willing to do so. There's one thing though."

"What's that? Is she sixty-five years old or something like that?

"No she's choice but you have to let me film you when you use her. I'm collecting pictures for a calendar I plan to have printed. If the pictures turn out I'll use one for the June page. You'll be famous and all your friends will want to buy a copy. Just think. You'll have photographic record of the time that you got to fuck a beautiful white woman. So! Do we have a deal?"

"Yeah I guess so. Where and when?"

"Give me about an hour. We'll meet you at the picnic area just down the street from the high school."

When Bennie grunted his agreement and hung up the phone Officer Smith was already reaching for his notebook to find the number for Steve and Pat.

When Steve answered he blurted "I need Pat right away!"

"You need Pat? Who the hell is this?"

As Officer Smith settled back into his chair he made a major effort to get himself under control. "I'm sorry Steve. This is Officer Smith and I just had a major break in a case so I'm in a bit of a hurry."

"Wow! That's great but what does that have to do with Pat?"

"That's just it! I promised her to a snitch of mine in exchange for information."

"Wait! Just wait a damn minute. You promised my wife to a snitch of yours in exchange for information? Maybe you better take a moment and explain."

After Steve had heard Officer Smith's explanation of what had happened and why he needed Pat to help him out Steve remained silent for a moment before replying, "Okay. What you want sounds erotic as hell. I'll try to convince Pat to do it while you are on the way over here."

"All right, I'll tell her what she has to do when I pick you up but you need to start getting ready. I've got to go by the house to get the cameras. I'm hoping that I can get some pictures for the June page of the calendar. I'll be there in about forty-five minutes."

Pat rose from her bath and wrapped herself in a soft fluffy bath towel and walked into the bedroom. Almost immediately her husband came rushing in saying "Officer Smith will be here in about an hour. He wants you to wear a dress without any underwear. He's using your body to pay off a snitch."

Pat's jaw dropped and she simply stared at her husband as if he was the main attraction at some sort of freak show. "Does he now?" she finally replied. "Isn't this all just a little rushed? You might want to explain just what's going on dear."

As she listened to Steve's explanation Pat's excitement began to grow. It had been a couple of weeks since she had any strange cock and whatever Officer Smith had in mind usually turned out to be interesting.

When Steve finally left Pat turned to take a good look at her body in the full length mirror. Slowly she let the towel drop to the floor. She was proud of her body and she knew that she was pretty but could take little credit for either. She did take credit for working to keep her body in good shape and to use makeup to enhance her natural attributes.

She allowed her gaze to drop lower. Her breasts were still firm and were capped by pointed nipples that stood out proudly from her breasts. As usual, she was unable to ignore the tattoo just above each nipple. Over her right nipple the Boss had ordered his artist to pen the word "Black" and over the left nipple he had placed the word "Owned". The tattoos were not large but placed as they were Pat was unable to wear a bikini without them showing.

The Boss had also had her nipples pierced that same night. She noticed that despite the heavy curved barbells piercing each nipple her nipples took the weight and remained out thrust.

Letting her eyes drop even further she noted that there was not an ounce of fat on her tummy and her waist was almost as trim as it had been when she was a young teen. Her hips flared out nicely and were well rounded.

Lowering her eyes yet again the Queen of Spades tattoo placed just over the crack of her pussy came into view. Strangely enough she was proud of this tattoo the most. She loved black dick and certainly had allowed enough blacks to entertain themselves between her legs to deserve the accolade.

Pat had lost count of the number of men of all colors who had deposited their love juice deep in her pussy, mouth and even her ass. On many occasions she had entertained a cock in each hole at the same time enjoying what was called a "Triple Penetration".

Lower still she noted the sparse blond hair that grew in the "V" formed as her torso blended into her thighs. The lips of her labia were only partially revealed giving her pussy the look of a much younger female.

While she dressed and put on her makeup her mind wandered over the possibilities. Who would fuck her this time? What would he be like? Would it be just one man or a group? Only time would answer these questions but her juices began to flow with anticipation as she imagined a strange man between her legs forcing a new dick into her pussy. With that thought in mind she finished dressing and went in search of her husband.

"I'm ready to go" Pat told Steve as she walked into the living room where he was looking out the front window. "Where's Officer Smith?"

"I don't know. He should be here any time. He said that he wanted to stop by his place to get his cameras so he could take pictures. He still doesn't have anything for June on his calendar."

Just as she joined her husband they saw Officer Smith pull up in front of the house in an unmarked vehicle. When he saw them looking out the window he waved his arm motioning for them to come on outside.

He reached across the seat and opened the back door of the four door sedan. Once inside Steve was surprised to note that the door handles and locks were still operational from inside the vehicle. There wasn't even a mesh separating the front and back seats.

As he drove away he said "Pat you look ravishing as usual. Steve it's good to see you too. I want you to unbutton the front of Pat's dress and pull her tits out where everyone can see them."

"Right now" Steve questioned?

"Yes now. We won't have much time when we get there. This guy is skittish and I want to make it clear that we mean business. Exposing Pat's tits like that will make it clear that my offer of your wife is serious and on the up and up. Otherwise he might think she is just a cop that I brought along. This way he knows everything is legit because no cop would expose herself to make a collar."

Steve had quickly begun to loosen the buttons on his wife's dress. It only took a few moments before he was able to pull both flaps of cloth aside. He took his time working each breast out of the dress. He enjoyed pinching the nipples and pulling on the barbell piercing each nipple. He knew every erotic place on his wife's voluptuous body and took advantage of that knowledge. By the time he had both tits fully exposed and resting over the top of her dress front her nipples were all wrinkled and hard.

Just a few moments later they pulled up into a parking lot adjacent to a small park. The park was unoccupied and the neighborhood was pretty run down. As the three of them got out of the car Officer Smith noticed another car entering the same parking lot. They stopped and waited to see what the other car would do.

Officer Smith recognized Bennie in the passenger seat but was not happy to see that he had brought two other men with him. The three men got out of the car. Bennie was a medium sized black man. Maybe five feet eight inches tall and weighing about one hundred eighty pounds.

It was pretty clear that the other two were muscle. One was black like Bennie and the other was white. The build on both was stocky and muscular. By Officer Smith's estimation each would be around six one or two and well over two hundred pounds.

Bennie smiled and offered his hand to Officer Smith. They shook hands but Officer Smith was keeping his eye on the two goons Bennie had brought. They were clearly not a threat at the moment since both men were giving Pat's exposed tits their full attention.

"What's the idea with the muscle Bennie?"

"You don't have anything to worry about from them. They are here for my protection should anyone from the area get ideas. I see that you were not exaggerating one bit about this lovely lady" Bennie said as he took Pat's hand and held to his lips kissing the knuckles lightly.

"And this must be the husband you were telling me about." As he shook hands with Steve he said "You sir are a very lucky man. You are married to a most beautiful young woman and she allows you to share here to the benefit of us mere mortals who are not so fortunate. I thank you in advance for allowing me to fuck your wife and I look forward to it immensely. I have hopes that you and your wife will even consider allowing my two friends to partake of her charms also but you can be assured that decision is totally yours."

Bennie turned toward Pat once again. Smiling, he held his hands up and, pointedly looking at her tits asked "May I?"

Even though Pat was charmed by his courtesy she knew better than to answer him directly. She turned to her husband to get his approval.

Steve, in much the same position that his wife was in, looked to Officer Smith.

"Bennie you know that I said that you could fuck her not fondle her but I guess there's nothing wrong with a quick feel."

Before anyone could change their minds Bennie reached forward and cupped a breast in each hand hefting the weight and enjoying the soft resilience of them.

Pat trembled slightly as she felt the touch of another stranger's hands on her flesh. At first he just seemed to hold her breasts but then he began to squeeze and massage them. She sighed with enjoyment as he rubbed the nipples between his thumb and forefinger. Then she jumped as she felt the momentary pain when he pinched her nipples and gave them a hard twist. Then his hands dropped away leaving her nipples hard and tingling.

He turned to Officer Smith. "Okay. Let's get on with our business. I really want to fuck this beauty. I can hardly wait to watch my black cock slide between the lips of her little white pussy and then burry itself deep inside her so that I can fill this white bitch with my seed."

"Before we get to that Bennie I think you have something for me."

"I've written the address on this piece of paper for you. I hope that you catch this SOB because I really don't like drugs in my neighborhood. Now we need to go some place so I can collect my reward."

"Bennie we aren't going anywhere."

"Wait! What? Don't tell me that you are going to stiff me. We had a deal and I delivered. I want what's coming to me.'

"Bennie it's not that I don't trust you exactly but just the same I am responsible for Pat and her husband and I am not taking them anywhere that you want to go. I certainly don't want to be seen in any of my haunts while we complete this transaction so you are going to have to make do with where we are right now."

Officer Smith picked up a blanket that he had brought along and grabbed Pat by the hand. Towing her along behind him he headed for a picnic table under some trees on the edge of the park. It was fairly secluded.

He spread the blanket across the end of the table. Then he grabbed the hem of Pat's dress and lifted it to her waist and told Pat to lean back against the table and to spread he legs wide.

He quickly took a couple of pictures of her completely exposed to the three strangers. The Queen of Spades tattoo above her pussy stood out like a neon sign.

"Bennie you can either accept my terms and fuck Pat here and now or I will give you your slip of paper back. It's your choice but you need to decide right now."

"What kind of deal is that? You've already read the address. I saw you."

"Well there is that" Officer Smith chuckled. "I'll tell you what. I'll throw you a bone to sweeten the deal. I'll let your two friends fuck Pat too but that is the best that I can do. What's it going to be?"

Without another word Bennie stepped between Pat's widespread legs and dropped his pants and underwear. At sixty-eight years old Bennie's body had begun to let him down and betray his age but there was nothing wrong with his sex drive. His big black cock jumped to attention as soon as it was released from the confines of his clothing.

He spit on his hand and stroked his cock a couple of times to lube it a little. As he rubbed the head of his cock between Pat's pussy lips he was surprised at how wet she was already. The head slipped easily between her pussy lips and the shaft disappeared deep inside her.

Pat was unable to stifle a moan as she looked down at the large black weapon being pushed relentlessly into her pussy. She grunted as Bennie buried his shaft to the hilt inside her warm moist pussy. She sighed almost in regret as he pulled back and grunted once again as the shaft was thrust back into her.


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