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My Wife and I Go Camping

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An accidental flash makes wife popular with other campers.
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Partly inspired by a scene in DonnerBBQ's "Wife Hosts BBQ For Coworkers."


When I married my wife Katie several years ago, I assumed I was marrying a sexually conservative girl. Katie had only slept with a couple boyfriends before me, and she was never very adventurous. Occasionally I would try some kinky stuff in the bedroom, but it would be obvious she wasn't thrilled with it, and we would eventually go back to vanilla sex.

But a few months ago, we went on a camping weekend that really opened up a new horizon of sexual experiences for the two of us. It started with us both taking a long weekend off from work and setting out for a nearby mountain lake that we usually visit. We intended to spend a couple days alone with each other, swimming and hiking and unwinding.

Unfortunately, when we reached our usual spot near the lake, we saw a big tent was already set up. Nearby were three young guys, who looked in their early 20s, a few years younger than us.

I thought about going somewhere else, but Katie really loved that spot, so we decided to just go ahead and camp next to the guys. We got out of the car and walked up to them. "Hey, do you guys mind if we camp here, too?" I asked.

"Not at all, mate, go right ahead!" one of them said. He introduced himself as Trevor, and the other two guys as Craig and Jake. They were Australian guys who were backpacking around the United States on a months-long trip. I have no idea how they could afford such a long trip, but it didn't seem appropriate to ask.

They were very friendly, and we ended up chatting with them as we set up our own tent. Of course, I couldn't help but notice the way they were eyeing Katie. She was wearing jean cutoffs and a tight white tanktop that tightly hugged her chest, and they snuck glances at her tits as much as they could. Not that I minded. Katie is beautiful and I was happy that she was getting admiring stares from other men.

After we set up the tent, Katie and I went for a hike around the lake. When we got back in the afternoon, Craig and Jake had left for a hike up the mountain, and Trevor was sitting by the lake shore sunbathing. He told us we were welcome to have dinner with them that night, and we accepted.

In the meantime, Katie decided she was going to go for a swim while I finished setting up our own cooking gear. She already had her bikini on underneath her outfit, so she just started taking her outer layer off. Her bikini was a fairly conservative cut, and yellow with red polka dots, but I still watched her as she stripped down. Her full C-cup tits jiggled a little in the top as she pulled off her shirt and then as she wiggled out of her shorts. I could feel myself getting a little hard.

She saw me looking and smiled. "I'm actually a little worried about wearing this with those guys around. It's not too revealing, is it?"

"Not at all," I said. "If anything you could wear a smaller one!"

She grinned. "Calm down, big boy. Wait for later tonight..."

She winked at me and walked away to the lake, making sure to wiggle her ass for my benefit. She walked past Trevor, gave him a wave, and then walked into the water.

I turned my attention back to the grill setup, occasionally looking back to see Katie. She was doing lazy swims and dips, occasionally diving underwater and coming back up again. From my angle, I could see Trevor looking her way a lot, seeing her wet bikini clinging to her curves and watching the water drip from her body. Couldn't blame him for staring, I thought to myself.

What happened next changed the course of the whole weekend. I was looking down at the grill when I suddenly heard Trevor say, "Whoa!"

I looked up and immediately saw what he was looking at. Katie had just come up from a dive and was standing up in the water. Somehow during her swim, her bikini top had pulled loose, and it was now plastered around her stomach. Her breasts were completely exposed.

She didn't seem to realize it, either. She stood upright, rubbing water from her face, and then stretched her arms over her head to pull her hair together and squeeze water out of it. Her naked breasts swayed and jiggled with her movements, her soft pink nipples bouncing playfully around. Trevor just stared at her with a huge smile on his face. He had just met this hot girl a few hours ago and now he was seeing her naked tits on total display. He must have thought he hit jackpot.

"Hon!" I said loudly. Katie turned and saw my expression, then turned to Trevor's wide grin, then looked down and saw what she was showing. With a shriek, she wrapped her arms around her breasts and turned around, away from us.

Trevor burst out laughing. "Yeaahhh, Katie!" he said, and started applauding as Katie grabbed her top and retied it. She turned back around, her face red.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I'm so embarrassed!" she said. She was blushing furiously, and almost looked like she might cry. She started running to the shore, clutching her top just to make sure it didn't fall off again. I thought she might run to our tent and just stay there for the rest of the trip.

"Why are you embarrassed?" Trevor said. "That just made my day!"

She tried to walk past Trevor without looking at him, but he stopped her by saying something I didn't hear. The two of them started talking. Whatever he was saying, he seemed genuine about it, and all of a sudden I saw Katie smiling through her blush. They kept chatting in a voice just low enough for me not to be able to hear. Her smile eventually turned to a giggle, then a couple of laughs. I don't know what Trevor was saying, but at least Katie seemed not to be near tears anymore.

They were still talking when Craig and Jake suddenly ran up. "What was all that screaming?" Craig said.

"Oh, nothing, nothing," Katie said. But she said it in a sing-song tone, in a way that I couldn't tell if she was trying to stop the conversation or keep them asking.

"Definitely not nothing," Trevor said, flashing a smile at Katie.

"Hush!" Katie said, smiling back at him.

"What? What was it?" Jake said.

"Nothing, I just...I just lost my top swimming, that's all," Katie said.

"Whoa!" Jake said.

Craig turned to Trevor. "Oi, and you saw her tits?"

"Best pair I've ever seen!" Trevor said.

"Stop it!" Katie laughed.

"What'e they like?" Craig said.

"Just amazing! Firm and round, like a movie star," Trevor said. "You boys missed out."

"Let's have a look, then!" Jake said to Katie.

Katie laughed. "No way, it was an accident! You guys missed the show." I noticed her calling it "a show." She was handling it with a lot more confidence than I had thought she would.


We ate dinner with the guys that night, around their campfire. The topics ranged around, mostly small-talk, but every now and then would go back to Trevor having seen Katie's tits.

"Wait, so her top was completely off?" Craig said at one point. "Not just a little moved?"

"Totally off," Trevor said. "She just came topless out of the water like a fantasy."

Katie turned red but laughed. I could see now how much she was enjoying the attention, even as she was embarrassed by it.

"What bad luck," Craig pouted.

"YOU were the one who wanted to go hiking!" Jake said to him. "Now you cost us seeing the best boobs of our lives!"

"Why, God, why?" Jake cried out, looking upwards. Katie burst out laughing. I was impressed with how the guys were able to talk so openly about her breasts while still keeping the conversation funny and not creepy.

"But what about me, though," Trevor said. "I'll never see another pair of tits as good, isn't that sad?"

"Oi, it is," Craig agreed, raising his beer bottle. "Here's to the poor man who is ruined for all boobies forever."

Katie and everyone else raised their glasses, laughing.

After dinner was over and we got into our tent that night, Katie was very quick to initiate sex. Usually I need to warm her up to it, but this time she went straight to unbuckling my pants and got on top of me quickly.

We started having sex, but I could tell her mind wasn't totally on me, so I decided to just openly discuss it. "It was kind of hot hearing all the guys talk about you flashing Trevor today."

Her eyes lit up. "You're not mad? I hope you're not mad! I didn't mean to!" she said.

"No, I know it was an accident. Were you upset?"

"I was a little at first...but all the attention was nice..." she said, her eyes getting dreamy.

"What did Trevor tell you after you got out?"

She closed her eyes, and softly moaned as she rode me. "Just...that I shouldn't be embarrassed, and how nice my boobs are...he really liked them..."

"Did you like how they talked about you?" I egged her on. "All the attention they paid to your naked tits?"

She moaned harder. "Uh huh...did you like hearing them talk about my boobs?"

I paused for a second. "I did."

We kept fucking for a few more seconds in silence. Then she said, "what if...what if it happened again? What if maybe the other guys got to see my boobs?"

I was a little surprised by this. "You want to show your tits to Jake and Craig?"

"No...maybe?" she said, but she rode me harder, clearly into the idea. "Would you mind?"

I actually didn't. I knew my wife had fantastic tits, and as long as the guys kept their hands off, what did I care if they got to see them? Especially if it revved Katie up like this and made her more into other kinky stuff in the future.

"Would I mind what?" I asked as I started pushing into her harder. "Say it."

She moaned again. "Oohhhhh...if those guys saw my boobs? If these guys we just met saw me topless? Would you mind that?"

She started riding me harder, I could tell she was about to cum, and so was I.

"What if my top fell off again, right in front of all of them-oohh! oh!-and they saw everything? They'll know what your wife's naked tits look like, they'll see my bare tits OOHHHH!"

With a scream she started cumming. I came, too, as she rode me hard. For a few seconds we came together, until we finally collapsed into each other's arms.

After a few minutes, I thought about asking Katie if she was serious about what she said, but she was already fast asleep.


The next morning, Katie and I made breakfast, showered at the camp showers, and then spent the day hanging around. The three guys were gone the whole morning, and it wasn't until afternoon when they returned.

The charged atmosphere of yesterday seemed to have dissipated, and for a while the two groups kept to ourselves. Then a little after two, Craig came by.

"Hey, you guys want to go on a hike up the mountain? Trevor and Jake just want to sleep."

I said that I wanted to take a nap, but maybe afterward the three of us could go. But then Katie said, "No, take a nap, honey, I'll go hiking with Craig!"

"Are you sure?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I want to get some exercise!" she said. Then she looked at me and gave me a wink. I wasn't sure what that meant.

Katie went inside the tent and came back out with a pair of shorts, some hiking boots, and a tight t-shirt over a bikini top. The two of them started walking up the hiking trail. They would be gone about three hours, I realized. Three hours with Katie and Craig alone, right after she had given me a wink. I was a bit troubled, but trusted her.

Still, I wasn't quite able to take that nap I was hoping to. I laid down on the lakeshore grass and ended up just tossing and turning in the sun.

After a couple of hours, my phone suddenly beeped. I looked at it and saw that Katie had texted me. It was a photo of her, on the mountain summit, facing away from the camera and raising her arms to the sky. But what I noticed first was her bare back. She was wearing only her shorts! Her shirt and bikini top were nowhere to be seen, just a thin tan line.

Just then I got a text from her: "U like?"

I texted back: "yes very nice!"

She texted back: "Craig took it for me :)"

I hesitated for a second, then texted: "did he see anything more than that?"

After a very long minute, I got back a text that gave me butterflies in my stomach: "mmmhmmm... :)"

Then: "i will tell u about it tonite!"

Well, I wasn't going to get any sleep after reading that. I got up and tried to settle my nerves for a bit. Jake and Trevor were up at that point, so I played cards with them for an hour until finally Katie and Craig walked up.

I immediately noticed that Katie was no longer wearing her bikini top under her shirt. In fact, it was almost obscenely obvious how freely her breasts were now jiggling and how her nipples were so clearly outlined. The other guys had clearly noticed as well, and were openly staring at Katie's chest.

"How was the hike?" Jake said.

"Fun!" Katie said.

"VERY fun!" Craig grinned.

"Oi, what happened?" Trevor said. "You get a look at Katie's jubblies?"

"Yeah!!" Craig said, and high-fived Trevor.

Katie laughed and slapped Craig in the shoulder. "Craig! That was a secret!"

"That's my girl!" Trevor laughed.

"What?!" Jake said. "That's no fair! Am I the only one who's not gonna see them?"

"Shoulda gone hiking, mate!" Craig said.

"First I didn't see them because I went hiking, then I didn't see them because I didn't go hiking?" Jake moaned as everyone laughed. "I hate these rules!"

I laughed along with the others, mostly because it would have been very embarrassing to everyone if I had looked upset. Occasionally one of them would look at me to make sure I wasn't angry, and to tell the truth I wasn't sure how I was feeling about all the ogling at Katie, but I didn't want to ruin anyone's good time.


Katie and I didn't get a chance to talk about what happened until the guys left the campsite for a dinner in town that night. As soon as their truck drove off, I asked. "So, how'd that picture get taken?"

She immediately reached over and started stroking my cock. "God, I've been waiting all day to tell you! I'm so turned on, we have to fuck!"

I had never heard that kind of language from her before, it was startling. "Okay, sure, first tell me what happened!" I said.

She smiled. "Well, we started walking up the trail and just chatting. He told me a bit about where in Australia they're from and where they're traveling.

"After a while, I started getting warm, so I stopped and said, 'hold on, I'm going to take my shirt off.' And he whistled and said something like now the fun was starting, I forget what, but it was funny. So I took off my shirt and wrapped it around my waist so I was just wearing my bikini top.

"So we kept hiking and talking, and I can tell he's looking at my boobs as much as he can, and it was a little hot how obvious he was and how he was trying not to be. Like the effect my boobs were having on him!

"So we keep walking, and then he starts saying that if I get warmer I can always take off more clothing, so I joke back that he could do it too. And so to be fair, he took off his shirt! He has a lot of muscles, honey!

Her voice got softer, and she fished her phone out of her pocket.

"So we reach the top, and I ask him to take a pic of me at the top, so he takes this one..."

She pulled up the photo app and flipped to a photo of her, standing at the summit smiling happily, in her sunglasses, wearing her bikini top and shorts.

"Don't I look good?" he said.

"You do, very sexy," I said.

"I told Craig I was going to send you this pic, but he suggested that instead I send you a sexier one, where I'm facing away but you can see that I'm topless! So I said, 'you just want to see me take my top off!' And he said he wouldn't have to see anything, I could just turn around and take my top off, he'd take the pic, and then I'd put my top back on before turning around.

"Then he said that if I forgot to put my top on before I turned back around, he wouldn't mind! He was joking, but I remember you said last night that you wanted me to show off a bit more..."

That's really what SHE said, not me, but I let her continue.

"So I said that wasn't likely, but it made me a little turned on to think about it. So I gave him my phone and I turned around...and I took off my bikini top...and sent you this one."

She flipped to the next one, which was the one she sent me, her arms wide out to the sky, bare back visible to the camera.

"So Craig says he got it and that it looked great. And I hesitated for a quick second, because I just didn't want to put my top on yet, and I think he sensed that, because then he said he had another idea for a pic. And he said it would be really sexy if I turned around and faced the camera but kept my boobs covered with my hands!

"And just thinking about being in front of him topless, with just my hands between his eyes and my boobies turned me on so much! So I did it! I turned around and he took another pic..."

She flipped to another photo. This was like the first one, with Katie facing the camera, in sunglasses. Except this time she had her hands cupping her bare tits like a bra. Her fingers were hiding her nipples but you could see everything else, and her tits bulged around her hands like they were trying to burst free. Her mouth was in the shape of a surprised "o" as if she had just been caught topless. It was an incredibly sexy picture.

"Isn't it hot?" she said.

"Yeah, it is," I admitted. "But I can't believe you let yourself get photographed like that."

"I know, I wasn't sure at first, but it was MY phone, so I could always just delete it!" she said. "And I started thinking about Craig seeing me topless, and how Trevor saw me and how sexy and fun I felt afterwards...remember, honey?"

"I remember," I said.

"So," she said, biting her lower lip, "I told him to take another one and I dropped my hands."

She flipped to the next photo. Her arms were now akimbo, hands on her hips, her bare breasts exposed to the camera. She had a wide grin on her face, even as she was clearly blushing. Her pink nipples were crinkly and hard, pointing up at the camera playfully. In the glow of the sun they looked plump and perfect.

"Wow..." I stammered. I wasn't sure what to say. I know I had egged her on, but now I was realizing that it was one thing to see Katie accidentally exposed, and another to see her proudly baring her tits for another guy. It was erotic but confusing.

"His eyes got so big, honey," she said, giggling. "He was even happier than Trevor, like a puppy dog. All just for seeing my boobs!"

"You really made his day, huh?" I said.

"Yep!" she said, happily. "I wanted to put my top back on, but he wanted to take some more shots, and I thought what the heck."

She started flipping through a few more photos, all with her posing topless. In one she had her hands behind her head, in another she had them wrapped below her tits, pushing them up. One was her giving a peace sign with a goofy face, and another was her with her hands around her mouth, as if shocked that she was being photographed topless, her arms carefully framing her boobs so you could still see them pushed up against each other.

But then she flipped to one more photo, which made me shout, "Whoa, what's that?"

It was a photo of Craig and Katie, together. They were in a side hug, Craig's arms wrapped around Katie and bringing her tight into his side. Katie was turned slightly toward Craig, her right breast pushed into his chest.

"Oh, I forgot about that," she said. "Craig wanted to take a photo with him in it, too, so I said it had to be on my phone so I had control over it. Don't worry, I'm going to delete it!"

"Looks like he got some contact, too, huh?" I said. She must have sensed that the tone in my voice wasn't as encouraging anymore.

"Oh, honey, it wasn't anything," she said, putting her phone away. "It was just fun! I put my top back on right after that. Okay?"


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