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My Wife's Twin

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Expecting to surprise his wife in the shower...
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Disclaimer: All sexual activity described here is between fictional characters over the age of 18. Enjoy.


You'll probably say I should have known, but I'm actually glad I didn't. I might have blown off the best thing that ever happened to me, if I had.

I love my wife Kassandra, better known as Kassy, with all my heart, but things in our life were feeling like that love wasn't enough. We wanted a baby, but every effort we made seemed to end in tragedy. A miscarriage when she was 25, a tubal pregnancy at 26 that destroyed one fallopian tube, and another on the other side six months later that wrecked the other tube. Her chances of conceiving naturally were now zero. She could still get pregnant if we could come up with the money for an expensive IVF procedure that our medical insurance wouldn't cover and which still wasn't a guarantee, especially considering the previous miscarriage. We were still saving for the down-payment on a house, and that would wipe those savings out.

I kept telling Kassy that I was okay if we didn't have kids or we could attempt to adopt, an option I favored given that I'd been a foster child myself until I aged out of the system at 18, but neither option was satisfactory for her and she blamed herself, no matter what I said.

Nothing I could say seemed to improve her mood, and I began to worry that our marriage would fail, if things continued the way they were going. There was no joy between us, especially in bed.

Then, one Friday, I came home from a business trip, arriving at our apartment around 6:30. Initially, the apartment looked empty, until I heard the shower running in the bathroom and I thought I'd surprise Kassy by joining her. Maybe if I could show her how much I still loved her, how much I still wanted her, things would turn around.

I dropped the last of my clothes right outside the bathroom door, and snuck in. It looked like she was just rinsing shampoo out of her hair, so her eyes were closed when I opened the glass door to the shower and stepped in behind her.

"Jeremy?" she asked.

"Yeah, babe," I said, reaching around her to squeeze her breasts, the water cascading over both of us.

She froze briefly, before arching her back to press her shoulders into my chest, her head against my left shoulder. "MMmmmmm," came from her throat.

I slid my hands down her ribs onto her flat stomach, gliding across the small amount of pubic hair she maintained and into her labia. As I began to rub her, I kissed her shoulder and asked, "Do you know how much I love you?"

"Mmm-hmmmm," she answered, moving us away from the spray and into the corner of the shower. My hardening cock was nestled against her ass crack, as my fingers caressed her and felt her wetness become slicker from arousal rather than just the water.

She reached around and stroked my cock three times, before bending it down, and slipping it into herself. I pulled her back onto me, and thrust all the way in, pressing her upper body against the shower wall, her face turning to the right.

I nibbled on her ear, as I kept shoving my cock in and out of her, and returned my left hand to her breast to squeeze her nipple, while my right was stroking her clit.

"Fuck me, Jeremy, you don't know how much I need this," she said, spurring me on to move even faster.

Her first orgasm swept through her body when I squeezed her clit and nipple at the same time, and I nearly came from the sensation of her pulsing around me. I slowed slightly as she continued shuddering, until she started pushing back against me, moaning, "Don't you stop, I'm going to cum again!"

When her second orgasm hit, I was glad that I was pushing her against the wall, or she might have fallen. As it was, she almost slipped out of my arms, we were so wet. I wound up bracing her under her armpits, before she locked her knees under herself and took her weight again.

I still hadn't come, and she pulled herself off of me, to turn around, throw one leg over my hip, reinsert me, grab my shoulders and wrap the other leg around my ass, letting me press her against the wall and continue fucking, as I supported her ass with my hands.

That's when I saw it. The small mole at the end of her left eyebrow. The one Kassy didn't have - but her twin sister Kerri did. The one feature I could always rely on to tell them apart.

"Kerri?!? What the hell?" I blurted, just as I was balls deep in her again. 'I'm so fucked,' I thought, but gave in to the sensations anyway. 'It can't get any worse,' I thought and continued thrusting.

That's when the shower door opened behind me. A naked Kassy stepped in and embraced us both from behind, running her hands along our sides, until she had her hands under mine below Kerri's ass, helping me to hold her up, while pushing my hips into her from behind.

"I... I..." was all I could get out.

"It's okay, Jeremy," she breathed into my ear. "We'll explain later, but I already gave Kerri my blessing to fuck you." My mind reeled at the words, then my body tensed and I exploded, sending so much sperm into Kerri's body that it was squirting back out of her and running down our legs.

All three of us stayed silent, as we washed away the mess, turned the shower off, and got out to grab towels.

Finally, I had to break the silence. "Okay, is this later enough? Start with the explanations?"

Kassy said, simply, "We want to have your baby," as if that explained everything.

"We?" I asked.

Kassy smiled. A smile I hadn't seen in months, since the second tube had ruptured. She then said, "Well, Kerri gets pregnant and the three of us raise our daughter or son together, all three of us. In terms of DNA, her children would be the same as my own children, in addition to my being legally both aunt and stepmom. All three of us would have custody rights. It's as close to perfect as we're going to get."

"Isn't Sam going to have something to say about that?" Sam was Kerri's husband of two years.

"Not any more," Kerri said. "He lied to me, Jeremy. He never wanted kids, and had a vasectomy back when he was 21 and didn't tell me until a week ago, when I suggested we go see a fertility specialist. I got a judge to annul the marriage yesterday, on account of fraud. Sam packed his stuff and went to stay with his brother. The condo was mine before we married, he gets no claim to it. I'm single again, still want a baby, and when Kassy told me this plan, I couldn't believe it."

"I'm not sure I do," I said. "Bigamy's still a crime, isn't it?"

Kassy said, "It's not bigamy unless you try to get a marriage license. You don't have to marry Kerri to get her pregnant, but I do want the three of us to live together as a family. Mother, father and stepmother-slash-aunt, raising at least one child together, maybe more. And before you ask about my wanting my own child, we can still explore IVF in a few more years, once we have enough money set aside to try. I just don't want to wait that long to get our family started or to buy a house."

I realized, "Kerri, you're not on birth control, are you?"

She answered, "Not since I got engaged to Sam. I was trying to get pregnant, at least I thought I was, until he confessed that he was shooting blanks and blew our frigging marriage apart. I'm right in the beginning of my fertile period, too, so you might already have done the job."

"And you came over today to...?" I asked.

"To proposition you, for both of us to make the argument for this," Kerri answered. "I was in the shower getting myself ready to ask you to fuck me after dinner, so when you came in on your own, I didn't say anything. I'm sorry if you think I tricked you."

"I can forgive you for that. It's pretty hard to be angry at someone you've just fucked who is offering to bear your children. Is there anything else I need to know before I make a decision?" I asked.

"One more thing," Kassy said. "Kerri doesn't just want you to make love to her when she's trying to get pregnant, she wants me to share you with her full-time, because she knows she's giving up any real chance of a normal relationship with another guy. She'll move into the spare bedroom, and you'll go back and forth between us. Once she sells her condo, we might have enough money and income combined to buy a house with at least four bedrooms."

"Why not share one bed?" I asked.

"Too risky." Kerri responded. "If someone were to accuse Kassy and me of incest, we'd all be in so much trouble. We're not bisexual, so it's not like we have the urge, anyway. It's better to establish two separate bedrooms, use both regularly, then maybe we can both make love to you occasionally, but certainly not each other. By the time any kids are old enough to understand, they wouldn't be able to see us all in the same bed, so an alternating schedule would be necessary. Disappointed?"

"Hardly," I said. "I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the prospect of making love to both of you, whether it's in one bed or two, together or apart. I don't know what I would have thought of the idea if you had just broached it over dinner, but after what I just experienced, I'm a 'yes'."

"Good. Dinner is ready, so we ought to eat it before it gets cold," Kassy said. "Then maybe we can go to bed together, before you spend the next few nights exclusively trying to get Kerri pregnant?"

I grabbed tshirt and shorts from the bedroom and met the two at the table. Over dinner, I asked, "What's your mom going to think?" My father-in-law Stan had died three years earlier, but my mother-in-law Kathy was a force to be reckoned with.

Kassy said, "It actually started as Mom's idea. When I told her that I really wanted a child that was biologically mine, she said, 'Then have Jeremy knock Kerri up, her children will be just like she'd been a surrogate for the two of you.' At first, she thought I'd adopt the baby as if Kerri had been an actual surrogate, but I realized I would hate that idea, if the situation were reversed. But the idea of being co-mothers really appealed to me, and along with it came the idea of being co-wives to you, and I realized I could share you without hesitation. Mom didn't even blink when I told her that. Apparently, she and Dad were swingers back in their 20s and she told me a lot about polyamory and compersion and concepts like that."

Kerri added, "When the two of them called me two nights ago, I almost didn't believe it, but the co-mother idea made a lot of sense. Kassy was right, I would hate to give up any child I'd carried, but sharing with my sister is something I'm used to doing. Plus, I've always been attracted to you, Jeremy. I think you'd make a lot better Dad than Sam ever could, and even if the situation is unorthodox, I have faith that the three of us can be happy together, without jealousy. A wedding license or ring isn't what I need, if you can feel love for me, eventually."

I said, "I already do love you, Kerri. I would say I only need a nudge to be in love with you, but I think that nudge maybe already happened in the shower. One other question that's occurred to me. Where were you, Kassy, when I got home? I didn't see you anywhere, which is why I assumed it was you in the shower."

Kassy shrugged, saying, "I had to make a quick run to the store for some half-and-half for tomorrow's coffee, thinking that I'd be back before you got home, but I kept thinking of other things we needed. When I finally got back, it took me a couple of minutes to see your clothes on the floor outside the bathroom and hear the two of you in the shower, and then I decided to join you. I always wondered what it looked like when you fucked me. You two were just plain hot, even though you had just realized who you were with. You really didn't know it was her?"

I thought back, and said, "The only clue was a flinch when I first touched her, but that could have just been nerves, given how tense things have been between us lately. Otherwise, it wasn't until she turned around and I saw her mole. She looked like you, she felt like you. If you had walked in even 30 seconds earlier, you would have shocked me even more."

"Isn't that going to be a story to tell the kids when they get older?" Kerri said, chuckling.

Dinner dishes went into the sink, as we hurried to get to the bedroom.

As we undressed, Kassy said, "Until her fertile period is over, I want all of your sperm going into Kerri. On your back, Jeremy, we'll ride opposite ends of you."

I lay down, and gazed into Kerri's eyes as she lowered herself onto my cock, and palmed her breasts as she reached bottom and started to bounce up and down. Kassy was watching us, rubbing her labia, before she swung a leg over my head and settled her wet pussy onto my face. I set into licking, hoping to give Kassy the orgasms I thought I'd be giving her when I walked into the shower, ones I still thought she needed, to know how much I loved her. Especially while fucking her sister.

I'd fantasized of having a threesome many times, but never thought it would happen, certainly not with my sister-in-law. But here we were, really doing it. And it was fantastic. As much as they both said they weren't bisexual, I could tell they were both turned on by watching the other with me. They wouldn't touch each other, but by both being in contact with me, I imagined myself as a conduit for their pleasure to pass between them, which only turned me on more.

Kassy came on my mouth first and I lapped up the flow of juices that resulted. Meanwhile, I increased my thrusting into Kerri until our bodies were slapping each other, and she cried out, "Fuck me, Jeremy! Give us a baby! Unngh! Cumming!"

I could feel her ripple around me, just as I was used to Kassy doing, and for a few moments it was like they merged in my mind, that I was shoving my cock into both of them at once, sucking on both clits at once. The illusion faded, just as my cock started spurting my baby makers into my sister-in-law, my new wife as I began thinking of her in that moment, hopefully the mother of our children.

Both sisters climbed off of me, and we cuddled together while I recovered, then I made love to Kerri in missionary position for another 20 minutes, while Kassy watched us and masturbated.

Getting to be face to face with Kerri, I felt no doubt that I was in love with her now, and that soon she and Kassy would be equals in my heart. And I could see her love for me blossoming in her eyes, as well. I said, "I love you," the moment I came into her for the third time that night, then said, "I hope you're pregnant just from tonight, but this is not the last time I will say that to you, wife."

Kerri looked Kassy's way for a reaction, and Kassy nodded, saying, "Wife, co-wife, the label doesn't matter, it's the love which does. You're our wife, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, from now to eternity."

Finally, our first night together ended with each of them falling asleep on opposite shoulders, their arms across my ribs, and clasping each other's elbow. I drifted off to sleep feeling like the luckiest man alive. I awoke knowing I was, because they were still there, it hadn't been a dream.


Our son Andrew was born 9 months later. Kassy got to be in the delivery room with us as labor coach. Because she had gone through all of the procedures to develop her own milk supply, she actually got to nurse Andy first, then handed him over to Kerri for more. He never lacked for milk, or for love.

Two years later, Kerri delivered a daughter Katherine, named for her grandmother. Again, Kassy was the first to nurse her, as we hadn't started weaning Andy yet, but soon did.

A year after that, I changed jobs, and the new company's health insurance plan included 50% coverage for IVF procedures, and Kassy wound up pregnant with fraternal twins on our first try, one boy we named Stan, and a daughter named Lisa, after the last and favorite of my foster mothers, who had made sure I studied hard in high school so I could qualify for the scholarships that let me go to college, which is where I met Kassy. She was an honorary grandmother to all of the kids. Although I don't think she initially approved of our living situation, she could tell that both of my wives loved our kids, so she put up with it and came to love them both as daughters.

When that IVF coverage disappeared from the insurance plan the next year, we counted ourselves as lucky that it was there when we needed it and weren't looking for more kids. But we later found out that the coverage had only been in the plan because the CFO had been trying to get his wife pregnant and wanted the whole company to pay the slightly increased premiums necessary to give him a 50% break on the cost. Only to have Kassy and I and four other couples take advantage as well, who weren't executives and lost the plan money. Once the CFO's wife was pregnant, the coverage disappeared the very next year. Once the board of directors found out he'd influenced the coverage decisions for personal profit, he was fired. And once the new CFO uncovered evidence of other embezzling, he was in prison and his wife took everything in a divorce that the courts didn't.

Andy refers to both women as "Mommy," Katherine is following suit and we expect their siblings will as well. For myself, I routinely refer to both of them as my wife, and our relationship as polyamorous, being very clear that Kassy and Kerri have separate bedrooms and I alternate. It's mostly true. Monday, Wednesday and Friday I sleep with Kassy. Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday with Kerri, and Saturday we usually sleep together, but even that's probably going to have to stop, as Andy gets older and realizes his mommies are sisters. That risk of an incest accusation is still on our mind, even though the women have never exchanged more than a hug while in bed with me, even though I sometimes think they're tempted to exchange my cum with a kiss after a blowjob.

To think, that I might have said, "That's crazy," to their plan, had I not walked in on my wife's twin in the shower one crazy Friday. It saved my marriage, and built the foundation for the family we have now.


Author's note: Just a quick story, from one of several "Husband walks in on..." scenarios I thought up a while back.

This story marks my 50th submission to Literotica since I started in March of 2016. Thank you to all my readers for their time, their support and even their criticism.

M.R. Leenysman

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Great story. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I liked it. A little unconventional but it's all about the love and it was there in spades. I wish them all the best and the same to anyone out there in a situation like these good folks are.

LeenysmanLeenysman2 months agoAuthor


I wouldn't say they tricked Jeremy, as much as he fooled himself into thinking it was Kassy in the shower. Kerri just went along with the mistaken identity.

inka2222inka22222 months ago

The only problem with this story was that they were tricking him. Given the positive result (as well as the likely negative outcome - divorce - where the family was already headed), I didn't hate that as much as I hate dishonesty in "typical" LW stories (or in real life). It was still not on the level, but not so awful as to dock the story a star. 5 stars, and thank you.

shadrachtshadracht11 months ago

This is a very nice, sweet (oddly enough), and sexy story. I've read it at least once before, probably several times. My only regret is that I can't give it another 5*. The fact that there's no strife, no negative emotions, just love between three people and a burning desire to raise children together - it's like the comfort food of sex stories. Bravo.

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