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Naga Munchetty - Golf Club Fun

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Naga Munchetty - sex with the club captain.
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This is a fictional tale of time with Naga Munchetty.

She loves her golf, hates slow play, but take out the sport, is hot in the bedroom!

Naga Munchetty -- Time with the Golf Club Captain

It was a beautiful summer day in the sleepy countryside and many people are down at the local golf club aiming to hit a small ball, into a hole.

Naga is playing her usual 18-holes on a Monday morning but is sick and tired of the slow play by others. She's normally one of the first people at the club and due to her good play and that of her playing partner, she can get around in about 3 hrs. Today, though, her friend was late, and she was having to follow 3 other groups. Total time took 4.5 hrs.

Everyone knows Naga tends to be a little bit feisty, but on screen, it's always been fun and humorous. But the look when she walked off course wasn't the happy and smiley person you wake up to with your breakfast. Naga could have said nothing and do what we all do, just have a drink in the bar and relax, and dream of another day of playing better.

Naga stormed around to the president's room after packing her stuff away. The door flew open and surprised the two men who were in the middle of a meeting.

Naga spoke, "When are you going to sort this slow play out. It's an absolute joke. What are you going to do to make sure people either play faster or make sure they let the better players through?"

She was angry, but she looked sexy in her little pink skirt and polo shirt. The polo shirt is clinging to her little body and reminding us she has breasts. Not huge, but she has them. Her slender legs, which we see so often on the TV were on show from her knee to her ankle.

The president spoke, "Good morning, Naga, had a bad round? Why don't you take a seat, I will get us some coffee and we can talk?"

"I'm not in the mood. You know I love this club, but why are the members so slow and useless. What are you going to do about it? I want action." Naga replied.

The president who is in his mid 50's, used to be a good amateur player himself, and was in good shape, decided to stand up from behind his desk and made an introduction.

"Your timing is good Naga; please can I introduce you to Chris. Chris is going to be taking on the captaincy for the club and we were just talking about ways to improve it. I know you are a busy lady, but I would love you to be part of the discussion if you have the time?"

Chris was tall and lean looking and in his mid 30's. He looked a little surprised to hear Naga in a grumpy mood, but he was pleased to meet her.

Chris spoke, "Hi Naga, lovely to meet you. I'm sorry if you've had a bad time out there today, and I do think you are right. There are certain things we can do, and I would love to get your thoughts. You are our celebrity member, and you most definitely deserve listening to. Let me grab you a chair."

Naga was angry, but as a reasonable person, she was liking the attention and compliment and elected to take a seat.

Nigel, the president of the club, took his seat behind his desk and spoke, "We are looking at extending the tee-off times, to spread play, but we know this means fewer people can play in a day, which also means less revenue. It is a quandary."

Chris spoke, "You might love this option Naga, but we were thinking of encouraging more women on the course, therefore exclusive tee-off times. However, in the modern world, we are in, this will mean the men will want their slot too. Any thoughts?"

Naga spoke, "Please don't quote me, but the last thing we need is more women who can't play. Their plenty who can, but they don't seem to be at this club! That is not a route I would go down, we need to speed up play, not slow it down more."

Chris spoke, "I appreciate your thoughts on that. I did think something similar, but I don't want you to think I'm anti-women."

The chat and meeting went on for some time, and it was constructive, but it felt like it would never end.

Naga spoke, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the mood I was in when I walked in, but I am pleased you are looking at lots of ways to improve the club. I would talk more, but I do need to go, as I have an appointment later this afternoon."

Nigel spoke, "Naga, you have been as wonderful as ever. I appreciate your time."

Chris spoke, "I'd love to continue this discussion more. I don't suppose you have time this evening. You've made loads of good points. I've been struggling a little to think how my captaincy could be different. Are you free for a drink and maybe dinner?"

Naga replied. "I'd love to help you. As it stands, I know my partner is away and it would be a microwave meal with the little time I have. I'm fine with meeting you. When and where?"

Chris got her number, and when Naga stood up to leave, he stood up too and leant over to her and kissed her on the cheek. Chris appeared to be a gentleman, but this was a bold move for someone he hadn't met until earlier that day. Naga said her goodbyes and left.

Nigel spoke, "Great work, Chris. I can't believe the smoothness of that move. In all the years I've worked here I've dreamt of quality time with Naga. The best I can do is a quick coffee and biscuit. I wish you well with your meet-up."

Chris replied, "Thank you, Nigel. How good looking is that woman though? TV doesn't do her justice. I look forward to seeing her later. I hope she wears the same outfit!"

Nigel spoke, "Oh Chris. She makes all the other women at this club look like a dustbin. Have a good evening."

That afternoon Chris has messaged Naga with details of the meetup. He had booked a local country pub. It was cosy and offered good food and drink. He was looking forward to the night and getting to know her.

Chris arrived early and Naga arrived a polite 5 minutes late. She looked good in black heels, a black pencil skirt, and a black/silver blouse. It looked like she had made an effort, but she always came across as a woman who needed to do very little to look good.

"Hi Naga, I'm pleased you could make it. Are you hungry?" Chris asked.

Naga replied, "Hi Chris. You know what. I am, are you ok with time. You don't have a partner to get back to?"

Chris has been single for 6 months now and despite the fact he was officially at a golf club meeting, he wanted it to be more of a date with Naga even though he knew she had a partner.

"I'm fine for the time. I'm stopping here tonight, as I've just moved, and the house is in a right mess."

The next 2 hours flew by with some good chat and discussion, about all things you'd expect. The golf club hardly got a mention, but Chris spoke about the fitness business he owned, but mainly made sure he asked Naga a lot of questions to learn more about her.

Chris had been flirting with Naga, with the odd compliment here and there, which she seemed to accept and enjoy. He knew he could be a bit of a ladies' man, and knew what women liked to hear, but also when to shut up and listen.

The evening was passing by, and Chris heard something he didn't expect. He dreamt that afternoon he might have heard it, but certainly didn't expect it.

Naga spoke, "You know what Chris. I've had a lovely evening. I'm a little bit tipsy, but you've given me one of the nicest evenings I've had in a long time."

'What would your partner say to that?" Chris replied.

"Oh yeah, it's like I've forgotten about him. Oh well!" Naga laughed as she said this.

Chris was fancying this sexy woman and he knew these opportunities don't come around very often. He knew what he wanted and needed to be bold.

"How would you feel like joining me upstairs?" Chris asked.

Naga paused and it looked like the answer was going to be a no. But worse still, the night would be ruined as she became awkward with the situation.

Naga replied, "You're so much younger than me Chris. If I come upstairs with you, we are both mature enough to know what that means."

Chris said nothing and smiled.

Naga asked, "You must have a pretty young woman somewhere for you Chris. Where are they tonight?"

"I'm with you Naga, and the reality is there has been no one in my life for some time. I've listened and watched you tonight, and you've been a delight to be with."

Naga replied, "You better get the bill. I'll go and freshen up."

Both had smiles on their faces which said they were looking forward to how the evening is going to end. You would say dessert was coming, but they had already had some.

The bill was paid, and they both walked to the room. Chris unlocked the door and held it open as Naga walked into his room.

Naga spoke, "Nice room Chris. Shall we make ourselves comfortable?"

Chris walked over to the bed and sat down. For his embarrassment, or was he proud of it, you could now visually see a large bulge in his trousers. Naga had noticed it.

Chris spoke "Why don't you come and join me here. We can get very comfortable!"

Naga walked over to the bed and smiled, "You look very uncomfortable with that bulge, would you like me to do something to make it feel better?"

Chris smiled back and whatever he had been thinking that afternoon about Naga. He never thought he would be in this position with her now.

Naga sat on the bed next to him and reached out with a hand to touch his bulge.

"Oh wow, that does feel hard," Naga said.

Chris spoke, "I might need to warn you. I'm extremely well hung."

Naga licked her lips and rubbed his cock a little more before deciding to feel it wasn't enough, she wanted to see it.

She unbuckled his belt and asked, "Please show me it. I want to see!"

Chris stood up and pulled down his trousers. To look at Naga's face you could see she was shocked and pleasantly surprised at what was emerging. Chris then pulled down his pants and his huge white cock sprung out.

Naga spoke, "Oh wow. You must be 9 or 10 inches big? I've never seen anything so long and so wide. Chris, I feel I need to release you of some strain."

Chris sat down on the bed again and Naga grabbed his cock with both hands. To some, it might look like a golf grip, both her hands wrapped around it.

Naga started to stroke his cock; she was amazed at how solid it was from top to bottom. She was going up and down it with two hands.

Chris spoke, "I love you stroking it Naga, you turn me on. As soon as I saw you this morning, I wanted you and I wanted this."

The stroking movements increased in tempo and Naga appeared to be loving it. She was swapping between hands and sometimes using two.

Naga spoke, "Oh Chris, I need to get naked and let you put that cock inside me. But I need you to empty your balls and not be this hard when you're having sex with me."

The breathing of Chris had quickened, and his eyes were starting to close as the jerking of his cock built up steam.

Chris started to moan and speak, "I'm hard for you. I'm hard for you Naga. I will cum for you. I will."

His penis head was now being touched by Naga's fingers and his balls were being grabbed. Naga was rolling her fingers over the top of his cock and sticky pre-cum was starting to run out.

Naga spoke, "Come on Chris. I know you want to cum."

Naga's hand has now gone for the one-handed furious speed hand job option. Her grip had loosened as her wrist controlled the up and down action. It felt amazing for Chris to have this woman jerk him off.

Chris has now laid back onto the bed, his cock was aiming skyward, and he was letting Naga do whatever she wanted to do to his cock.

Chris spoke more loudly, "I'M CUMING FOR YOU NAGA. I'M CUMING."

"Do it for me, Chris. Cum for Naga. I want to see this thing explode!"

Naga could see Chris's cock twitch and his body shake a little as he finally could take no more of the hand job.


Chris's huge cock has exploded creamy spunky juices everywhere. As Naga gave a few extra strokes, meaning more spunk kept coming. Both Naga's skirt and the top was covered in Chris's juices.

"Oh Chris, I knew I should have got naked."

Naga stood up and said she's going to use the bathroom for a second. Chris watched as Naga's little ass walked away from him and thinking he could not believe his luck he was in this situation.

He wanted to remember this time for a very long time. He knew what was about to happen and with his trousers, on the floor, he reached down to them and pulled out his phone.

Chris stood up from the bed and walked over to a cabinet and placed the phone next to a plant pot. He pressed the buttons on his phone to video mode and he pressed record. Chris wanted a lasting memory of the sex he had planned for that night.

The shirt he had on, the one remaining item he had on, was sweaty. He undid the buttons and took it off to now sit naked on the bed and wait for the return of Naga. He didn't need to wait long.

Naga returned to the room minus her top and skirt. As she walked over to him, Chris was now looking at Naga Munchetty in her matching and sexy looking bra and pants. He couldn't believe this woman was his senior by some 10 years plus, her body was in good shape.

Naga spoke, "Oh wow, look at your body. I didn't realise you were so well built in all areas."

"Wow to you Naga. Look at your body, are you trying to make me hard again? Those legs are yours are pretty dam good. I love you in your little skirt at the golf club earlier!"

Naga sat on the bed and started to kiss Chris's chest and rub a hand over him. She knew from dinner he was in good physical shape, but Naga commented she hadn't seen a body like this for some time.

Chris spoke, "I knew you were good looking, let's get more physical. I want to taste you."

For the first time that night, Chris had started to kiss Naga's lips. She initially seemed a little reluctant to do this, but as he put his hands on her legs and his lips locked with hers, she knew she liked it.

Naga's kept her eyes opened, as Chris provided a powerful kiss to her lips which nearly blew her away. She loved the taste of this guy and thought his kisses were fantastic.

Chris has now put a hand around her body to hold her closer, and Naga then put a hand behind his head, as she now opened her mouth, closed her eyes, and put her tongue down his mouth.

The snogging has brought their bodies closer together as the hands gently caressed each other. Naga's hand had brushed his cock which still seemed big, and Chris's hand had touched her pants, to get his first initial feel of what was between her legs.

Chris spoke, "I'm going to lick you out. I want to feel your wet juices all over my face."

"You shouldn't Chris. I do have a partner, I can't give you my body and let you do this," Naga replied.

Whether Chris was listening is not known, but he was going to ignore what was said. He got off the bed, kneeled on the floor and used his hands to spread Naga's leg wide. His lips and tongue were going in one direction only. He started to munch on her pants, as she put a hand on his head and spoke.

"Oh Chris, you will make me wet quickly, but I can't do this. I can't do this".

A pause lasted what felt like five minutes but was probably 1 minute before she added.

"Oh Chris, you're good with that tongue."

Chris reached up to her pants with a hand and moved them to one side, as he got his first glance of her naked pussy. It was a lightly trimmed strip of slightly damp pubic hair.

He used his fingers to open the pussy up a little, before using his tongue to go up and down it.

Naga moaned, "Oh god. I can't do this. I can't, but don't stop."

Chris's head was firmly planted between her legs, as they gripped around his head, to then releasing him at times, as they spread it a little wider and the pussy stretched out for Chris's pleasure.

"Oh wow, you're tongue. Just there. Just there is fantastic," Naga groaned.

Chris was loving the pussy and was now delving his tongue into Naga's dampening vagina. His fingers were flicking and rubbing her clit, and he could feel Naga was getting satisfaction.

"I'm turned-on Chris, I'm turned on. Oh wow, keeping licking me out. Don't stop."

Naga's legs had spread as wide as they could go, as Chris could start to taste the white juices of his celebrity golf member.

"Wow Chris, that's amazing. Wow, I love it."

Chris's tongue was slowly working its way up and down Naga's pussy. He squeezed his tongue inside her pussy and flicked his tongue a little faster.

"Oh Chris, Oh yes. Oh yes."

Naga has reached down with a hand and started to put her hand through his hair, as he continued to eat her out.

"That's so good. I love that. I love it."

Chris's mouth was now munching on her pussy. His teeth were lightly gripping her, as he kissed and licked his way around Naga's ever-increasing wet pussy.


Juices were starting to pour out of Naga's pussy, as Chris moved his face back and stuck fingers inside. His fingers were instantly wet, but he wanted to go deeper, and feel that pussy wrapped around them.


Chris had stuck 2 fingers into Naga's pussy to make sure she kept moaning and screaming in ecstasy at what he was doing to her. He wanted her to orgasm and make lots of noise.


Chris was moving his fingers in and out of her pussy and his mouth had turned to her clit. He started sucking it.


It looked and felt like Naga hadn't had sex for some time or is just one very wet woman. Her juices kept coming, as her body kept shaking in relief from each explosion.

Chris looked up at Naga to see how she was doing. What he saw was a very excited and sexy looking facing which suggested she was loving what she was being given.

Naga spoke, "Oh Chris, stick that cock in me. I'm so well lubricated I can take all of it. Please stick your cock in me."

Chris had become aroused again and he had every intention to slide his big cock inside this wet pussy at some point.

"Give me cock Chris, give it to me please."

He stood up and with his hands pulled Naga closer to the edge of the bed. This allowed him to pull Naga's pants off.

Chris put his hands to the top of her hips and took a grip on either side of them. He pulled them off her hips, past her thighs, over the knees and let them drop to the floor.

Her legs are slender, and it was great to see her bottom half clear of any clothing. The times he had watched her on TV, but with frustration that she was dressed, was now resolved.

Chris spoke, "You think you can take this big cock do you. How much can you take?"

"All of it. All of it. I can take all of it. I want to keep cumming with you. Drill me with that cock Chris, take me, and explode inside me," Naga begged and demanded.

Naga took Chris's cock in her hand and pulled it closer to her pussy and was happy to start sliding it in herself.

"Stick it in Chris, stick it in me. I want you to explode inside me!"

6, 7, 8, then 9 inches of cock was sliding inside a damp pussy, and every inch could be felt by Chris, as Naga's pussy got tighter and tighter.

Chris spoke, "Take it deeper Naga. I want to feel all of you wrapped around me."

Naga was having an orgasm just from the feel of a big cock inside her. Chris couldn't believe he had this sexy woman beneath him, who was loving his cock so much.

"Keep sliding it in Chris, keep sliding it in. More, more, more."

Chris's cock kept sliding in and then eased 6 inches out, but still leaving plenty inside her, before then sliding all 9 inches back inside her.

"You're huge Chris. You're so big. Oh god, take me!"

Chris was loving the moans and sighs of pleasure, and the request for more cock. He was more than happy sliding in and out, in and out of Naga.

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