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Naive Housewives Are Led Astray Ch. 03

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Victoria becomes whore for black cock in 7 days - part 1.
18.1k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/21/2022
Created 06/30/2007
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On Monday morning, as per usual, James left for the office at 7am and his wife, the beautiful Victoria, stayed in bed for another hour. She, after all, needed her beauty sleep, even more so after the weekend she had just had. She and her husband had fucked like rabbits all as a result of the explicit black porn sent to them by James' friend and attorney, Charles Jackson.

Victoria had found the sight of well hung black men fucking a white whore the biggest turn on possibly imaginable. She of course would never herself countenance committing such degrading acts of sex with a black man. She was part of the rich, white upper middle class community whose contact with the blacks was minimal at best. Sure, they could wait on her, clean her house, wash her clothes, but sexually fraternise with them? Well that was just not in her make up, was it?

As Victoria finally got out of bed, she thought about what she had to do that morning: firstly she had to go to the local church to help out with the garden party the church was hosting this weekend; secondly she had to make sure she was back home in time to let in a firm of gardeners they had hired to do some work for them.

Naturally spending time at church and helping then organise the party was the part Victoria was most looking forward to. The party was an annual event and all the housewives in the area would get together to see how they could help. Whilst the gathering was ostensibly to help the community, it was more of a social event for the wives. They would get together, gossip and bitch about everyone. It was also very competitive. Each wife would see how well the other's husband was doing, and, more importantly, how they were looking. Victoria, at 21, with the body of a p0rm queen (she was the image of the porn goddess Jasmine Rouge) and just married to a multi millionaire, was quite safe on both accounts. She was quite aware that she was one of the hottest wives in the local community, and one of the richest, as such she was not overly intimidated by the crowd.

The meeting at the church went as predicted, all the wives looked enviously at Victoria, admiring her perfect body and wished they could look as good as her. Victoria was as charming as ever, the perfect little housewife helping out the local community. She carried her looks with dignity, never one overplaying her hand. On her return home, Victoria reflected on how well the morning went, and how the Bishop spent most of the time slobbering over her. She was used to it, and did not mind. In no time she drove up to her house and noticed that a big white van was parked in their drive way, it must be the gardeners. She checked the time, it was 11:05am, they were due at 11am so she was not that late.

As she parked the car and got out, she looked at herself in the car window. God she looked good. She was wearing a light pink flowery summer little number, it was short, tight, looked sexy but not out of place in a church gathering. The perfect combination for any horny housewife. She would keep the outfit on and fuck her husband in it when he returned, she thought.

She walked towards the van in order to meet the gardeners, as she did, the door on each side opened and out stepped two very big and very black men. Victoria stopped. This was a little unexpected, you so rarely got to see black men in her neighbourhood. She should however have expected it since most of the help in this part of the world came from the black or Hispanic communities. But what made it a little different today was that after the weekend's antics, the very sight of a black man made her pussy instantly wet.

Both men made their way towards the young wife, who was still routed to the spot. They were huge, both 6 ft 6 and well built, despite their age. They looked to be in their mid 60s but manual labour had clearly kept them in good shape. The man who had come out of the driver's seat confidently walked over and offered Victoria his hand. Ever so gently she accepted it. She noted the firm manly grip, and, without letting go, he looked down at her, "You must be Victoria, James's wife. I trust he told you that we would be coming today?"

"Er, yes, yes, he did mention it..."

"Good. I am Amos and this is my partner, Jessie."

Amos finally let go of Victoria's hand. She then meekly offered it to Jessie who greedily took it. His big black mauler engulfed her petit, delicate white hand and, like Amos, shook it firmly, "Pleased to meet you." And like the priest before, Jessie appeared to be talking to her breasts, but whereas Victoria had been in complete control of that episode of harmless flirtation, this was very different. As Jessie licked his big lips and starred at her breasts, Victoria, quite naturally, felt intimidated by the presence of two big black men who were so obviously eyeing up her body and which her tight dress left little to the imagination. In response to this blatant intimidation, Victoria's pussy responded like any normal whore, it got wetter and wetter.

"James has told us what he needs doing, perhaps you could show us to the garden?"

"Yes, yes, of course. Why don't you come this way?"

As Victoria led the two men to their garden, she felt that, so far, they had been nothing but courteous and polite. Whilst she felt a little awkward being in the presence of black men (she always did), there was nothing to fear here, was there? After all, these men were old enough to be her grandfather, they had probably lost all desire to have sex and could not possibly bother her.

She could not be more wrong.

As she led the two men to the garden, both men looked down at her perfectly formed arse, they then looked at each other and winked. The hunt was on! Amos and Jessie had previous in seducing young white housewives and Victoria was one of the finest they had ever seen. Her small perfectly formed arse and slim figure which supported impossibly large 36DD tits would be a fine catch. They would have to tread carefully and slowly though. Experience had taught them that a gradual approach often met with the best results. Rush in too quickly, and your prey could run off into the arms of her pathetic husband.

As they got to the garden, Victoria explained what needed to be done. As she babbled away about her roses, she was conscience that the men seemed to be paying more attention to her lovely young body than to her garden. They seemed to be eyeing her up, looking down at her slim legs and then up to her huge tits. And whenever she turned around to point something out, she noticed that their eyes would divert downwards on to her perfectly formed bottom. It seemed like they were sizing her up, eying their prey and in response to this, she felt her nipples starting to become erect and, in her thin Channel dress and lacy bra, she knew that they would be poking though for all to see.

As such, Victoria decided to cut the explanation short, if they needed any further clarification, they could get it from James. She needed to remove herself from these men. The itch in her pussy was all consuming. She needed to go upstairs and quickly relieve herself with her big black dildo. But Amos had other ideas and decided to discuss in great length what he proposed to do and to offer, what turned out to be, some very useful suggestions. He was so polite and courteous that Victoria found it difficult to be rude and just walk off. Even Jessie got involved and started to suggest where they should put their Chrysanthemums.

Victoria desperately tried to pay attention but the itch in her pussy was getting more and more severe. She could not help but wonder what it would be like to be fucked by such two big powerful black men, to feel their cocks punish her innocent white body, to make her scream like the schoolgirl in her porno film screamed. She wondered just how big their cocks would be? If they were in proportion to the rest of their massive bodies, they would be huge, much bigger then her husband's. Inwardly she groaned at the thought.

Her thoughts on being gangbanged by these men were interrupted when, out of the blue, Amos put his arm on the small of her back and gently started to push her. "So come this way and I will show you what I am talking about..." Victoria had no idea what he was talking about. She had not listened to a word he said but now this brute of a man was leading her down the garden path and going on and on about her Chrysanthemums and Lisianthus. My God, she thought, she could not give two hoots about her flowers. All that mattered was getting away from these men and relieving the desperate itch in her pussy. And why was her pussy getting wet just as a result of this man touching me. His firm hand was resting on her back, she felt it ever so slightly start to move down to the tops of her buttocks. Perhaps these men were not as gentle and sweet as she had hoped? "And we could plant some over here, and here..." God, would he just please let me go, she thought. She nodded her head meekly, agreeing to whatever he was saying.

Finally, after a couple of minutes of listening, she decided enough is enough. "Well, yes, that is all very interesting and I will discuss it with James when he gets back and let you know tomorrow.

"I just have to pop inside and make a couple of calls so please feel free to start. Also, please help yourself to any refreshments..."

And with that, Victoria turned and rushed off back into the house, aware that the men were probably ogling her fine arse as she did.

Once she got inside, she was about to rush off upstairs to fuck herself with her dildo when the phone went. Shit. She did not need this. She went into the kitchen and picked the phone up. It was James asking whether the gardeners had arrived and what they were doing. She answered as quickly and politely as possible. But James would not get off the phone. He needed something from the kitchen. There was a number in a laptop on the kitchen table. Would she mind getting it for him? Of course she wouldn't, what else could she possibly be doing? She went over to the table. There were plies and piles of James's work papers carefully lying on the table. The laptop was at the far end of the table. If she moved it, it could mess up the papers and James hated nothing more than having his papers disturbed, so instead she leaned over the table and began to log in.

To make herself feel a little more comfortable as she typed away, she leaned on her elbows, this had the effect of lowering her back and raising her arse. Also, she spread her legs her little and this caused her little dress to ride up to the top of her thighs. He bottom was now almost on display. Not that any of this mattered since she was alone...

"Yes, yes, I have found the number, it is..."

The conversation continued for another minute or so. Victoria was trying everything to get her husband off the phone, but to no avail. But then Victoria heard movement behind her. She craned her neck to see what it was -- standing, just inches away from her bottom, was Amos, he was smiling and looking down at her. How long had he been there, Victoria thought? How long had he been there looking at her in this undignified position, with her bottom and skirt raised, like she was waiting to be fucked?

Amos started to mouth something to Victoria and made hand movement to suggest he wanted a drink.

"Err honey, I gotta go. One of the gardeners wants to ask me a question. Look I will call you back. Love you..."

And with that, Victoria ended the call. She then began to get up from her bent over position but as she did, her bottom inadvertently grazed Amos's groin and she felt something very hard and something very big. It could only possibly have been Amos's cock. His big black erect cock and it was hard because of Victoria's body. Of that there could be no doubt. Even this casual graze, which only lasted a second or so, told Victoria everything she needed to know: these men were not past it, in a sexual way as she had previously thought and her worst fears about them starring at her lovely body were confirmed. They found her horny and fuckable. And she was alone with them, in her house. She needed to escape...

As she rose and turned around, she was only inches away from Amos, who was still smiling at her in that sweet paternal way. But there was nothing sweet about this man, Victoria's bottom could give testimony to that. His dick had told her everything she needed to know. "Er, w-what can I do to help?" Victoria babbled as she walked past Amos, to some form of safety.

"I am so sorry to disturb you when you were on the phone there. It is just that Jessie and I would love a glass of water. Do you mind if we help ourselves?"

"Sure. Sure, please help yourself to anything..." Victoria replied as she made her way to the door and out of kitchen.

"Hmm, I will help myself to anything. Including you, my dear." Amos said to himself, under his breath. Contact had been made. The game was on.

Victoria meanwhile rushed upstairs to the relative safety of her bedroom. Once inside, she locked the door, took out her dildo from her bedside table, turned on her porno film and settled down to an afternoon of masturbating. Her thoughts were not however really on the film, but on the two gardeners downstairs, and what they could do to her innocent white body...


The day started off as usual, with James heading off to work at 7am and with Victoria getting up at around 8am. She had been told by the gardeners that they would be arriving at around 9am today. Yesterday, as they had left for the day, they had shouted up to her as she lay in her bedroom, naked, legs spread fucking herself, for the umpteenth time, with her big black dildo.

However, today was a different day and she was determined to avoid placing herself in a similar situation. As such, she was going to get out of the house before the black gardeners arrived and stay out. She wanted to make sure she was out of harms way. So quickly, she got dressed and headed out to do a day's shopping.

At around 1pm, she received a SMS message from her husband, apparently the gardeners had left for the day, did she know anything about this? They had left him a voice message and he was wondering if she knew what was going on?

Victoria replied that she did not and she was out shopping. However, she would go home to see what had happened. She felt that she was quite comfortable returning home now that it was a black man free zone.

On her return, she found a message, apparently they needed to go out and buy some paving slabs, it was unlikely that they will be able to get them today and return so they will return first thing. Excellent, thought Victoria, she had the house to herself. She did not want to be in the presence of these men because she feared what might happen.

Victoria was now at a loss as to what to do. She had the house to herself and nothing much planned. She had finished shopping for the day and did not have plans to meet any of her girlfriends. Maybe she should work on her tan, she thought to herself? After all, she prided herself on her all over body tan. No bikini lined for her young gorgeous body her tits, pussy, arse were all one beautiful colour of light brown. It was the way she and her husband liked it.

To get that perfect tan, they naturally had a tanning machine in the basement and she would often use this, especially when the weather was bad. But today the weather was good. It was a perfect day to go outside and get naturally tanned, just as God had intended her to do. But she could not do that, the gardeners could come back and then they would get a good look at her luscious young white body. She did not want to expose herself to these black men, did she?

She would use the machine, she thought. But it was her house, why should she be restricted as to what she could do? She was a confident women who could handle two old black men, couldn't she? Why should she, a rich white housewife, be intimidated by the hired help? This was ridiculous. She was paying them, she could do what she damn well wanted!

So with confidence, Victoria started to get herself ready to sun bathe outside. As she did, her confidence in herself was rising. She decided that not only would she bathe outside, with the risk of these black men seeing her, she would wear the skimpiest bikini she could find, in order to prove to herself that she was not intimidated and that she could control events. She may have made these men feel horny and hard. But that was usual, she made most men feel horny and hard. Had it been white men she was turning on, there would have been no issue. She would have confidently flirted with them, in the full knowledge that she was in control. Just because these men were black, why should it be any different?

So with this in mind, she chose a tiny little white bikini. The bottom consisted of a tiny g-string with the front barely covering her shaved little pussy. Her bottom would be almost 100% exposed since the piece of string slipped snugly into the cheeks of her ass. The top tied at the back and the front just about covered her nipples, although since it was made of a transparent material, these were pretty much on display.

Normally she would have worn a pair of sandals with her bikini but she wanted something more confident to go with how she was feeling. She walked over to her closet and took out a pair of strap on white heels. The heel was at least four inches high, these would do, she thought. When she put them on, she looked at herself in the mirror. Perfect. With her legs toned and ass raised, and her next-to-nothing bikini on, she looked like such a confident horny white bitch.

Deep down she hoped Amos and Jessie would see her dressed like this. She would then confidently flaunt her body to them, happy in the knowledge that all they could do was look, but they could not touch. They could get hard, but their dicks would never come into contact with her pure married white body. She had preserved that for her husband and had made such an oath, on the bible, when she got married. Amos and Jessie would have to learn their place, just as the blacks had done for centuries before.

She headed off downstairs, on her way she decided to make herself a martini. She felt good, so why not? Once she had made her drink, she took it, along with a magazine to read, outside and sat herself on the sun lounger.

At first she was a little nervous. She was alone in the garden, wearing virtually next to nothing, and with the prospect of two black men coming in at any moment. This was madness. But something in her made her not move. Something in her made her wait for the possible return of Amos and Jessie. Maybe it was the dampness in her pussy ...

As such, she reclined into her lounger, opened her magazine and started to drink away at her martini. As the martini went down, she began to relax more. This was nice. This was very nice. Confidence still high, Victoria decided that her tits needed a little sun. So, rather than moving her bikini top, she was feeling a little lazy, she decided to just lower the cups of her top which allowed her big tits to spill out and become exposed. That was nice, she thought, more of her body was now on display. She was in control. She feared no one...

The next thing she knew was Amos standing over at her, licking her lips and looking down. She must have fallen asleep, the martini had made her drowsy and she must have drifted off. As such, she had not heard the black men returning to her home. And there she was, almost naked but for the tiny g-string and a black man was taking great pleasure in ogling her young body.

For a few moments nether of them spoke. Victoria just froze and starred up at this giant of a beast who was looking down at her, taking in her body, lingering over her massive married white tits. All of Victoria's confidence immediately evaporated and she regretted ever dressing like this. She may have been in control when she was with white boys. But these were animals. These were black men. How did she ever hope to control such a situation?

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