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Naive Teacher in Winston Ch. 09


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Evie approaches the teacher and pulls her panties up, covering her exposed and dripping coochie.

"Are you okay, Miss Lana. We came to help." - Jim says, pointing to the others.

"Ahm... what happened..." - she answers, lifting her head from the bed.

Apparently, she was so out of it, prisoner of her powerful orgasm and newfound sexual desire that she didn't realize what had taken place.

"Nothing, teach. We're glad you're safe." - says Lukas, motioning for all his classmates to follow him outside.

They all leave the tent, including Nurse Park and the doctor, who starts lecturing the students. Vivian closes the privacy curtains, leaving the teacher alone in the tent.


Lana's mind is still foggy, so she can't hear anything that is going on, but it seems like the doctor was apologizing and asking something from the students.

The teacher stands, still wobbly, and fumbles to adjust her clothes and leggings back in place.

BJ/Benjamin comes in and hands her a water bottle. He gives her a peck on the lips and leaves. She is too out of it to say anything.

"Lana, some of your students want to talk to you." - Vivian says, letting Lukas and Evie into the tent.

"Miss Lana, we're really sorry. We were just trying to save you." - explains the brunette teen.

"Sorry, I was out of it. Can you both explain what happened?" - the teacher asks.

The pupils explain what had transpired, from the fingering to the almost sex.

"Awww, thank you so much. You five did well. I am thankful for such lovely students. I love y'all." - she says with tears in her eyes.

They quickly hug.

"So, erm... Dr. Hardik agreed to not tell the principal or anyone else what happened if you did him a favor." - Lukas says, red in the face. "It could go on our permanent records!"

"We could be expelled and ruin our lives!" - Evie says, almost crying.

"Jim's panicking about it, he's saying his parents are going to kill him." - Lukas adds.

"We didn't know what else to do, so we said we'd ask you, Miss Lana." - Evie explains.

"Oh no!" - she exclaims, worried about her students' future. "I will do anything to help you all, I do not want you to get in trouble because of me." - she promises them.

"Anything? - Lukas asks with wide eyes.

"I swear. So, never worry or say anything like that ever again, okay? I will help, as your mentor." - the naive fiancee says confidently.

"Well... the doctor said we hurt his hands, so he can't perform all the necessary checkups properly." - the Hunter boy explains.

"He just wants you to assist him in examining some students." - Evelyn says. "It's not that bad."

"Not that bad." - she agrees. "Okay, anything for your future. I will tell him I agree to aid him, and you assure Jim he is safe from the wrath of his parents." - Lana giggles.

They embrace again and leave the tent together.


Morning -- PE -- Boy's Checkups

The doctor and the nurse are right outside the tent. Nurse Park looks at her with compassionate eyes, while the old Indian man has his brows furrowed.

"Dr. Hardik, I agree to assist you. Please forgive my students' behavior, they were just trying to protect me, since I am new and do not know how things operate around here." - she says, joining her hands in a pleading gesture.

"Of course, sweety. I'll forget this ever happened. I'm old, so sometimes I overlook that times are changing. Nevertheless, try to keep your dogs at bay next time." - the senior doctor states.

Lukas stops BJ and Wyatt from saying anything. He doesn't want to make the situation worse for their teacher.

"Nurse Park, please let the students know what happens next." - the physician orders.

She nods and moves to the front of all the students.

"Everyone, attention here! We'll start the examinations next. I'll take care of the girls, while the doctor and Miss Lana will examine the boys." - the nurse declares.

'What? No! Ah... stop, Lana. Don't make the situation worse for your pupils, you promised to help them in this situation. Darn...' - she thinks.

"Ms. Chase?" - the nurse asks. "Chloe Chase?" - nobody answers. "Erm... Mr. Winston-Phillips, any idea where Ms. Chase is?" - she asks.

"Hello, Nurse Park. She had a meeting with my unc... I mean, with Principal Bill this morning." - he informs with a serious face.

"Oh, right, sorry. I forgot to say that the principal asked me to excuse her." - Lana tells Vivian.

"Ah, I see. In that case, Jennifer Minx?" - she asks Jen, Chloe's best friend and also part of the student council.

"Yes, Nurse Park?" - Jen asks cheerily.

"Can you keep tabs on the students and call them each at a time for the exams?" - she requests, handing her a clipboard with all the names.

"Of course, leave it to me." - the young athlete beams.

"Thank you." - Viv says. "Everyone, join Mr. Roger on the courts. When Ms. Minx calls your name, come back here for the exams, okay? Break!" - she giggles.

The students all nod and disperse, most walking directly towards where Roger was.

"Good luck, Miss Lana, thanks for saving us." - Jim says.

"We love you." - BJ says. Lana blushes remembering what they talked about the previous day.

"Leave her alone, you twat. Let's go." - Wyatt complains, pushing his buddy away.

Evie waves at her and leaves with the boys.

"Miss Minx, give us a couple minutes and you can start calling a boy and a girl at a time. Thanks." - the lecherous elderly doctor says to the peppy teen.

He goes inside the "Boys" tent and motions Lana to follow.

"Bye, Lana, good luck. Come by After the exams, I want to talk to you." - Nurse Park says, waving goodbye and entering the "Girls" tent.

"Okay, see you later, Viv." - the teacher says, tailing the old man.

The doctor hands her a white lab coat. She puts it on above her gym uniform.

"Thanks, rani, for agreeing to help this old man." - he says with a sly grin.

"Erm, no problem doctor. Anything for my students." - she smiles. 'I'm not doing it for you... pervert.' - she thinks.

"For the examination, we need to do this quickly, there are way more boys than girls here today." - he explains, and she nods. "I'll take care of the top half, while you're in charge of the bottom half."

"Gasp... w-what d-do I have to d-do?" - she asks, trembling, anxious about the prospect.

"Nothing much, you need to analyze their groin area and their development. Look around for any lumps, measure the size and girth of their penis, and the scrotum and gonads." - the elder man says with a naughty smirk.

"Oh, my! Is there any other way?" - she asks wide-eyed. 'This does not seem proper... a teacher should not analyze their student's genitals... no... what is Dens going to say?' - she ponders.

"Arre yaar..." - he mutters. "Not really, you saw Nurse Park examining you, it's more or less the same."

"I am not confident I can do this..." - she answers worriedly.

"Too late now, chutiya. I'm sure you don't want anything bad to befall upon your precious kids." - the elderly doctor says impatiently.

"Ugh... you are right, I have to do this for them." - she says with unwillingness. 'Sorry Dens, what you don't know won't hurt you.' - she thought again, for the second time.

At this moment, the first student enters the tent. Lana did not know him, he was a tall boy from class 2-A, Roger's class.

The doctor instructs the boy to sit and explains what was going to happen. The boy has a shit-eating grin on his face, horny with the idea of being examined by the thicc beautiful teacher.

Lana grabs a clipboard, puts on a pair of latex gloves and readies herself for the examination.

"Please, take off your pants and underwear, and sit down on the bed. Miss Cox will handle your penis and scrotum." - the white-haired doctor says lewdly.

Lana holds her breath.

With one fell swoop, he removes his pants, letting his small peepee flop unrestrained. He sits down and looks at the teacher expectantly.

"Miss Lana, please sit in between his legs so you can have perfect access to his teenage genital organs." - the old physician says giving her a small plastic stool.

She gasps but doesn't complain. Hesitantly, she places the stool below the boy's legs.

"Erm... can you p-please o-open your l-legs w-wide?" - she stammers, embarrassed.

"For what, Miss Cox?" - the student asks with a huge grin.

"So I can take a look at your peen and gonads." - she says uneasy.

He laughs and opens his legs wide. Lana sits down awkwardly, her face only a couple feet from the boy's groin.

Dr. Hardik doesn't waste time and starts to examine him, checking his chest and head, like the nurse had done with Lana earlier.

Taking a deep breath, she grabs the flexible tape measure with one hand and takes hold of the soft sexual organ with the other.

'It's tiny... only a couple inches... way smaller than the ones I saw in the past days... this peepee is smaller than Dens.' - she evaluates, amused. 'It's not going to be a problem then... small peepees don't count.' - she decides.

A decision that may soon backfire on her, or would 'frontfire' be more appropriate? We will see.

She starts to prod and analyze the phallus and the area around it. She measures the size and girth and makes notes. Next, she looks at his gonads and scrotum, making notes of size and shapes.

Lana was treating this as medical as possible, trying to avoid thinking any lewd thoughts. She was trying to concentrate on how small the boy was, even if he was somewhat comparable to her future-husband when he was also soft.

For all his boasting, the student was secretly nervous being examined by the beautiful educator. Combined that with the fact that Lana was basically in business mode, the stress was too much for the young boy to take. He couldn't get it up or get aroused at all.

The same thing happened with the next 5 boys.

They all came into the tent excited but left ashamed. Their teacher having been extremely methodical about the exam and not at all lewd, as they expected. She didn't seem to have cared about it at all.

In Lana's head, she was doing her best to think of it as biology/science and not anything dirty.

'Phew, glad all these students' penises were all small. Easy to deal with.' - she muses, relieved.

The doctor, meanwhile, wasn't worried. He knew that sooner or later, something raunchy was bound to occur. After all, you can't have a busty sexy teacher, who seems to be a closeted pervert, examine her students' dicks without something happening... right?



Lukas Hunter

Lukas arrives next. He was remarkably pretty, with brown hair and blue eyes. He was not manly looking, being more on the soft side. He was the leader of the TTT trio, the troublemakers of the school.

"Hey, teach!" - he greets. She gasps, knowing he was always mischievous. "Don't worry, I talked to the boys, and we'll give you a pass this morning."

The doctor lets out a frustrated groan. Lukas laughs at him.

The class 2-D students and some other male students decided to go easy on Lana, knowing that Dr. Hardik was plotting something.

That was the plan, but in the end, they are horny teens, so they wouldn't go THAT soft on our gullible educator.

The examination goes about uneventfully, and Lana just finished measuring his testicles. Before the checkup ends, Lukas interjects.

"One second, teach. Can you measure my dick, hard? It's more impressive that way, as you know." - he winks at her.

The old man's eyebrow raises, the conversation piquing his interest.

"You know I should not do that Lukas, it would not be decent of me." - she says anxiously.

"Please, teach. Think of it as a reward for me helping you earlier!" - the Hunter boy says.

"I am not sure... yes, I am grateful... but still..." - she says dubiously.

"Tsk... I admit. I just don't want the number to look small in front of the other boys." - he says with shame. "You know I am very self-conscious about it." - he whispers with pleading eyes.

'Oh, no... he seems discouraged, I should do anything I can to help my students.' - she decides.

"Erm... okay... but do not say things like that ever again." - she says, and he nods. "I will measure your erect peen." - she agrees, starting to feel hotness by the sight of his already growing hard-on.

Lukas thrusts his hips forward, as if insinuating for the teacher to touch it again.

'I guess I should give him a hand... it's my duty as a teacher... stroke his penis... you need to assist your best pupils.' - she deliberates, her cooch pulsating with the lewd thoughts.

Without needing any prompt, she lightly strokes his growing member. The sensation is toned down by the gloves, but she could still feel the warmth and the smoothness of his shaft.

The heated-up teacher slowly moves her hand up and down, savoring every second of the "examination".

In a span of a few seconds, it grows big in her hands, quickly standing at full attention.

She stands there looking at it, mesmerized. Her mouth is less than a foot away when the doctor clears his throat and mutters 'randi'.

Lana recomposes herself and picks the tape measure, using it on his steel rod.

"Eight inches... it is obscenely large..." - she comments absent-minded. He grins.

"Thanks, teach!" - he says, making his big dick twitch in front of her.

"Gasp... erm... we are done here, Lukas." - the teacher says.

"For sure, here is a gift for the road." - he says with a mischievous smirk.

He holds his hard cock and forces his hips forward, hitting Lana in the mouth with it. He doesn't pull back, leaving it there for a couple moments.

The teacher yelps in surprise but doesn't move, leaving the penis contacting her pouty lips.

"Thanks, Mr. Hunter, that'll be all." - the doctor says frustrated, dismissing the boy.

Laughing, the prankster gets dressed and leaves, gesturing goodbye to his teacher.

"Erm... sorry about that Dr. Hardik." - she says. "I umm..."

"No need to explain yourself. I didn't know you had this sort of relationship with your students." - the old pervert grins, rubbing his obvious boner over his scrubs.

"It is not like that! It is just..." - she starts to explain but is interrupted.


Wyatt Walters

Wyatt walks in the tent. He is a dark-skinned bleached-hair athlete, who is part of Lukas's entourage.

"Hi, Miss Lana!" - he greets her.

"Hi Wyatt, thanks for earlier." - she says. He nods and gives her a thumbs up.

"Mr. Walters, please sit down and let's start." - the Indian doctor orders.

The exam proceeds without any hitches. That is, until the very end.

"I suppose now you want me to touch you so you can get hard?" - Lana asks, embarrassed.

"Ehh? Excuse me?" - Wyatt asks, confused by the remarks.

"I assume Lukas told you about it." - the teacher says obviously.

"Oh, yeah, of course. He did tell me all about it." - the boy answers, catching up.

"What I do not do for y'all..." - she says with a deep sigh. Her face was red, a mix of lust and shame.

She grabs a hold of his dark penis and starts to stroke it lightly. Her cooch is getting wetter by the second, ready for more action.

'His peen is so hot... my, my... it feels so taboo in my hand... It's growing so big... I wish Dens peepee was like that, but sadly he was like the earlier students... tsk... oh well... need to enjoy this one... I mean... help this one.' - she judges.

The senior doctor is openly rubbing his stiffy over his blue scrubs.

She glances at him and blushes.

'What am I doing... the doctor is touching himself now... so naughty... I'm just aiding my student, so he can be proud of the results... it's nothing sexual, it's just for his health... mmm... it's so warm and manly... no, stop enjoying this, Lana.' - she yells at herself, but her twat was betraying her, sending hot flashes all over her body with each stroke.

Unfortunately, the whole 'ordeal' doesn't take longer than a few seconds and soon, Wyatt's member is at max hardness. The teacher uses the tape measure on it.

"Seven point two inches... wow... it's smaller than Lukas' but a bit thicker... not bad at all, young man." - she declares, absentmindedly licking her lips.

Her cooch trembles with desire.

The doctor quickly dismisses the young dark-skinned boy.

"Thanks, Miss Lana! Looking forward to this weekend." - he says as he leaves.

"Accha, Miss Cox. That was truly hot. Sorry I called you a fattu earlier, you are the opposite of it." - the old pervy man states.

"Thanks? I don't know what that is." - she says confused.

"It means prude or wimp." - she makes an 'ah' face. "Like I said, you are the contrary, an immoral." - he concludes with a grin.

"I am not! It is just..." - she starts to explain but is interrupted again.


Benjamin Tan

Benjamin walks in the tent. BJ is a southeast Asian, with tanned skin and dark hair. His family was from Singapore, and he was the goofy one of the prankster trio.

"Mr. Tan, please sit down and let's start the examination." - the Indian doctor orders.

"Hi, Miss Lana, my love." - he greets her with loving eyes.

"Hi BJ. Please stop being silly." - she says, reprimanding him.

The exam proceeds swimmingly. That is, until the very end.

"Do you want me to jerk you to hardness, too?" - she asks sultrily, ogling his tanned cock.

"Does the pope shit in the woods?" - BJ asks with a chuckle.

"I do not think he does." - she replies confused.

"No, that is from..." - the boy starts to explain the reference. "Never mind, Miss Lana."

"If you say so. Do you want me to touch you or not?" - the teacher asks with a lustful look.

"How about a titfuck? You promised me." - the jokester boy says.

"You did, Miss Cox? My, my, what a chinaal." - the old doctor states, rubbing his protuberance expectantly.

"I did not!" - she shouts at the doc. "BJ, I said I would think about it." - she tells her student.

"Bleh... so, have you read on post-nut clarity?" - the Asian boy asks with a smirk.

"Not exactly. I asked my fiancee about it. He told me it's real." - the naive teacher explains.

"Wow, so I even have hubby on board, lucky me!" - BJ snickers.

"He is not my hubby, yet." - she corrects him matter-of-factly.

"Sure, sure. So, how about the titty fuck now?" - the tanned teen asks.

"Benjamin, listen. Not now, the doctor is here." - the busty teacher says anxiously.

"When then?" - he protests.

"Later." - she says firmly. 'I can't talk to him about this here, the chat will have to wait.' - she thinks naively.

"It's a deal!" - the boy celebrates enthusiastically, misunderstanding what Lana meant. "So, the handy is still on the table?" - he asks curiously.

"It is not a handy... I will touch it until you get erect so I can measure your penis." - Lana explains.

"Potay-to, potah-to." - he says with a chuckle. He then thrusts his hips forward like Lukas had done.

"What I do not do for y'all..." - she says with a deep sigh, but a sparkle in her eyes.

Lana hungrily grabs the boy's peen and squeezes it softly. She then starts to move it up and down in rhythmic motions.

"Wow, Miss Lana.... I'm in heaven... I love you... stroke my cock..." - the boy mutters in pleasure.

The teacher is taken aback, not expecting him to be so forward.

Something about him enjoying this, lit another fire in her. She doubles down on her stroking efforts.

'BJ is loving it... I'm making him so happy. Maybe I can see how far I can go... making him hard is not enough... I want more...' - she contemplates, bathing in desire.

Something on the corner of her eye catches her attention, and she realizes the lecherous old doctor has his hand inside his pants now.

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