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Naked Alley Ch. 01: Father's Day

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Daughter and her friends treat us fathers to a camping event.
13.2k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/24/2017
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Father's Day

My daughter and her friends invited us fathers to a nudist camping event.

This story is part of a series named: Naked Alley. It is advised to read the series in the sequence of the stories. Part 1 is a long read. So if you want to get to the action asap, this might not be your thing.

As always, all persons have reached the age of 18 years or more since they were born.

Note to the reader: English is not my first language so it may sometimes read as if you are listening to somebody from a foreign country. But thanks to oldnakeddad for editing and proofreading this story and making it more readable!



"No, Dad, I'll drive today."

That's how I found myself sitting next to my daughter in her old, classic VW Beetle and I wondered how she had kept it running. I wondered how she had managed to get a lot of things done but, somehow, she always did. For one thing, she was never afraid to ask and for another, she had a lot of friends. So, I guessed she had a friend who took care of her Beetle.

That car suited her perfectly. A bit of a flower child herself, she didn't care about a lot of material things but the things she had were chosen very carefully.

I looked around in the car. Not very clean but not a complete mess either. Her hand-knitted handbag was on the backseat and apparently stuffed with a lot of things. Next to it was my backpack, empty in comparison, with only some towels and some other small things that she had asked me to take along.

It all started about an hour before, when she surprised her mom and me with a visit and, even more surprisingly, with the notice that today, Father's Day, she would take me on a surprise trip. The idea itself surprised us the most. Father's Day was never a big thing in our family and the children had long forgotten to do anything for it. So, after packing my backpack, we had gotten into her car and took off, leaving mom behind with all kinds of questions.

I had some questions of my own. Such as why, where to and why towels? I could imagine only two places where only towels were needed...a sauna or a nude beach. But I couldn't imagine being taken to either place by my twenty-three year old daughter! So, after a quarter of an hour of chit-chat, in which she clearly wasn't going to tell me where we were heading, I popped the question.

"So, Bibi, I really like surprises, especially when I receive them from you, but what is this all about? Are you going to tell me what we're going to do or will I have to wait to find out? And, why is it that, this year, you are giving me something on Father's Day?"

"Ok, Dad, I'll tell you. But, well, never mind, I'll just tell you. Just let me finish the whole story, ok?" she answered.

"Ok," I replied.

"I have this friend who started a small camp site a couple of years ago. It's not a big camp site and it's for members-only but, more importantly, it is a naturist camp site. A few weeks ago, I saw her and we spoke about how things were going. She mentioned that this year, nationwide, all 'naturist-camps' will have a Father's Day special.

All fathers are free to come in and get to know the camp. That's how we came up with the idea. I guess you know, by now, that I'm quite an 'open' person. I'm comfortable with who and what I am so you shouldn't be surprised that I've visited this camp site before, or for the matter, occasionally gone to nude beaches," she explained.

"Ha ha. So, nudity does run in the family after all! I'm glad to hear it!" I answered happily.

"You know, Dad, I still vaguely remember us going to the beach when we were very young and all being naked and playing naked in the sand. I guess it was a natural thing to stop it once we grew older but sometimes I regret stopping and wish we had been more comfortable with ourselves and our bodies as we grew up."

"I know, but it's like that. You grow and change and it all starts to be a bit confusing and awkward. I also sometimes regret that we were not able to guide you and your sister through those years without shame or awkwardness with your bodies. But then, we really should have been more like a 'naturist' family and you know how that is with mom," I told her, looking at her while she was driving.

"Yeah, I know, Dad. I know you still occasionally visit a nude beach, so you haven't given up yourself," she answered, her eyes on the road.

"No, I haven't and hopefully will not do so for a long time. But wait, how do you know?" I asked.

"Mom told me. She knows you're every step! Just kidding, but she told me and I saw you once, last year." She smiled, as if she knew more than that.

"Why didn't you step up and say hello? Too shy or embarrassed maybe?" I asked, surprised.

"Ha, maybe a little of both. I was there with two other friends and didn't want to point you out. I don't know why but you got noticed by them! They pointed you out and made some positive remarks about how a man can age and remain physically attractive. Ha ha! So, what do you think about that?"

"Ha ha! And you didn't dare tell them I was your old man?!" I laughingly got back to her.


My mind drifted back to the times when we were just a young family and when we were naked together when she and her sister were little children. Later, the kids had grown and left home, our marriage survived them, and each other, and we were rolling along in life. I thought about how different the girls always had been, a classical difference in many ways.

The oldest, and more responsible one, was more into books and knowledge with music as her great passion. Bibi, the youngest one and sitting next to me, had always been the physical one and the free spirit. Not into knowledge but with great reflection on life from a young age. Life was a big playground for her and it attracted her kind of people to play with.

So, it came as no surprise to hear about Bibi's parachute lessons or her meditation retreats or holidays into countries unknown to tourists or her skinny dipping and other naked activities. It made me proud, in a sense, to see a girl like her grow up, living life joyfully, day by day. Though I was never overly enthusiastic about her dos and don'ts, she knew I was a very proud father and she returned this with an openness that sometimes surprised me. And now with a present like this.


"Ok, Dad, here we are," she said when she stopped the car at the end of the road.

I looked at a big old farm in the middle of flat meadowlands which were cut in straight lines by small lines of water. Trees were the only things, apart from the farmhouses, that made their figures in the sky above an endless green horizon. I didn't know such a place existed so nearby our house. A sign near the closed gate read 'Nature's Ally - Naturally'.

"We call it 'Naked Alley' among our friends," she laughed when I spoke the name out loud.

Underneath the title it read, 'Camping Naturel - Members Only'.

Bibi dug a key card out of her bag and, when the gate opened, we drove past the farm to a small parking space behind it. From that spot, we could see a big field with all kinds of tents on it and, beyond the field, a small lake with some small boats on it.

"Come on, let's check in," she told me and took me by the hand.

"I love you, you know that! And thanks for this time together," I said.

I gave her a little kiss on the forehead. She just smiled.


Following her, I stepped into a big reception room which also served as the camp shop. A big wooden table in the middle functioned as a desk. Because of the little bell on the entrance door, a woman entered through another doorway.

She was of West-Indies descent with beautiful, coffee-coloured skin. With only a Pareo wrapped around her hips, her small well rounded breasts, with their dark areolas, attracted my attention but most of all a very big, loving smile underneath beautifully shaped eyes greeted us. Her hair was trimmed very short so all of the nice features of her face showed very well.

"Welcome, lovely ones!" she welcomed us and she gave Bibi a close hug.

"It's so good you're with us today!"

She went on to take my hand and elbow and bent forward to give me three kisses on alternate cheeks, as is the common custom.

"Tom, isn't it? I'm Tanya. Bibi gave me some info about you and I'm very happy to be able to welcome you today on our little retreat," she said and I could feel the sincerity of her welcome.

"Let me show you the way. Everybody has arrived except, of course, the ones that were already staying with us. So now we're complete."

She led us through the door we had entered and proceeded to walk around the building while keeping her step in pace so we could walk next to her. I gave Bibi a questioning look. She just smiled and shrugged her shoulders as if to say, 'just take what comes to you'.

Around another corner and we entered a paved terrace with some foldable wooden chairs and wooden tables. There were six other couples, so to speak, sitting around a table with three chairs left. We said hello and good morning, in general, and took our places. I looked around and admired the place. It was a very cosy and intimate terrace, full of the atmosphere of the old farm but with a personal, worldly touch. Like the Tibetan prayer-flags or the old stone statues.

Turning my attention to the group that welcomed us, it wasn't what I had expected. Six men, around my age, and six daughters, of varying ages, were looking at us when we sat down. Bibi seemed to be among the younger ones with one girl looking more like a teen than a twenty something. On the other side of the spectrum were Tanya and two other girls who seemed to be closer to thirty than twenty.

"Ok, everybody, it looks like everyone has arrived. A very warm welcome to you all!" Tanya spoke out.

"I've already met most of you once or twice. I think four fathers are new to me but their daughters were so kind to give me some info on them. In a moment, I will introduce everybody to each other, as I will also introduce myself, but first, I would like to explain the idea behind today and the program your daughters and I came up with to celebrate Father's Day with you. But, in the meantime, don't hesitate to help yourself to the hot tea or the iced tea as my introduction may take a while."

She went on with her introduction as we helped ourselves to some drinks.

"So, as your girls will have explained to you, we are a so-called 'Naturist' camp. I started this camp two years ago. This is going to be the third year we're open. Like last year, the National Naturist Federation came up with the idea to open our camp, for free, for fathers who come with their children.

Because this camp is for members-only, I've come up with the idea to organise something special. This camp has, more or less, become a small community. We all know and respect each other which is not to say we are all the same. Some of us are more traditional naturists where being one with nature is a leading thought.

On the other hand, we have members which are quite 'libertine', as they say in France, and everything in between. To accommodate all different lifestyles, we have designated certain areas where everybody respects each other's behaviour."

"Now, for the activities we've come up with and I emphasize 'we' because it was done in real collaboration with all of the girls. More precisely, all of the program details came from one or more of the girls and we unanimously agreed on all of the activities."

"The first activity, after the introduction, will be the most awkward moment of today. You will all go to the dressing room to undress. We have lockers there the stuff you want to keep safe," Tanya went on.

"To get our bodies moving, we'll start with a little game of volleyball, daughters against fathers of course. We'll do a stretching session before and after. The cooling down session will be followed by a short yoga class that will end with some meditation exercises. After this, we'll have some tea or other drinks and some light snacks to eat," she explained.

"For the second activity, we'll have a massage training and during that time is when you will receive the present the girls are offering you. They will get the training and you will receive the massage!"

This brought a lot of smiles to the faces of us fathers. I could see the girls giggling towards each other. For sure, they had been practising already!

"The third activity has been named the 'After-Party'. We'll find a place to enjoy each other's company, have some drinks, beers, wines, etc., some food and, of course, there's no driving after drinking but this is a camp site so we'll have accommodations for everybody who needs to stay or simply would like to stay."

During her speech, my eyes wandered around to see what company we had. It was really a mixed bunch but with a common theme, I ease with being naked in the company of others. If not so, it didn't prevent someone from being there. Tanya went on with her introduction.

"Ok, if the program is clear, I would like to say one more thing. Relax and just take it as it comes. I'll start the introduction of our guests, ok?"

Nobody asked questions and some took the opportunity to pour another glass of tea.


"So, I'll just go around, starting on my left side. You'll understand the reason why I asked you to sit the way you are because now I can introduce the daughter first and her father second."

"This is Bibi, who's twenty-three years old. I've known her for five years, ever since she left home, actually. We do Bikram Yoga classes together and, on some occasions, we'll have these girls-only naked yoga classes. From there on, I invited her here to the Alley. She's a wonderful, free spirit...everything goes without ever feeling insecure about anything.

And then there's Tom, her fifty-one year old father, the source of her free spirit, as Bibi tells it. The thing she most admires about him is his 'never look back' mentality. Whatever happens, whatever situations you'll find yourself in, count your blessings and move on."

I gave Bibi a surprised look and she just smiled broadly, bent over and gave me a little peck on my cheek. Tanya went on to introduce the rest. I noticed that my attention was more towards their physical appearances than towards the stories Tanya told about their common history or the characteristics she shared with us.

Next to me sat Eve, a twenty-five year old, with long red hair, on the skinny side and who was a long-time friend of Tanya. She wore a skimpy, light green summer dress which gave hints that it was the only thing she wore but the smile she was wearing was so radiant and warm that nobody was noticing her clothes or the implied lack them. Her fifty-two year old father, Nicholas, Nico for us, was a very friendly, blond, tall man who Tanya had also known a long time but who never had visited the camp.

The next couple was a part of the 'Naked Alley' from the beginning. The daughter was Sophia, who looked like she had some Mediterranean blood flowing through her thirty year old body that showed her curves even when she was seated. Her fifty-four year old father, Adrian, was introduced as a 'Natural Born Naturist', a member from the first year and an avid swimmer in the lake that bordered the camp site. Because they stayed there, both wore only a 'sarong' style cotton cloth. She had it tied over the top of a set of firm breasts, his was tied around his waist.

Seated next to them was twenty-six year old Maria, a tall girl with dark blond hair that easily reached the middle of her back. Tanya introduced her as one of her hard-core yoga companions and this showed in her tight, athletic body. Her tight black tank top and short jeans fit her like gloves. Her fifty-three year old father, Lucas, was visibly a bit nervous. His initial reluctance to join was only put aside through the persistence of his wife, Maria's mother, who pleaded to shed his inhibitions for once (and maybe for all, she hoped) as Tanya explained. He received a big hug from his daughter when Tanya finished her introduction and it became clear he wasn't used to such a display of bodily contact but Maria clearly was very easy with it, a youthful air of liveliness and enthusiasm around her. She confided in us that her mother was so jealous of this event! Lucas was as timid as the next couple seemed bold.

Of French descent, both twenty-eight year old Nathalie and her father Norbert, a very healthy, and fit, fifty-plus year old with silver coloured, short, trimmed hair, were part of the more 'libertine' clan that occupied a part of the camp. After being raised quite open and free, Nathalie, with her dark brown curly hair and dressed in a buttoned summer dress, took her own steps on the path of the libertine lifestyle and found a like-minded boyfriend a year ago.

Anne, twenty-five years old, was sitting next to Norbert, on his left side. She was a tall, blond girl who could have easily been picked from one of the hockey fields of the country. A ponytail, to keep her neck free, a loose T-shirt and sport shorts completed the image of a hockey-chick. She, too, was a long-time friend of Tanya. She attended school with Eve and they moved to the same city together where they shared an apartment. They met Tanya in the 'club scene' during their first year in college and became the youngsters in the steady circle around Tanya.

Her forty-eight year old stepfather, Marc, had married her mother, a lost and found again high-school sweetheart, after Anna's father left the family for another woman when she was a small kid. They acted very close together, as if she was her mother whom he fell in love with two decades earlier and as if he was the father-figure she missed when she was a little girl.

The last couple was a special one because she looked like the kid she had probably left behind her. Lola had just turned eighteen years old, two months prior. Her child-like appearance was enhanced by her small frame which was not short but thin and child-like. Her fifty-five-year-old dad was called Harry, and he was an old, weathered musician. Looking at the pair, one couldn't miss the resemblance to Liz and Steve Tyler.

This angel-like child. who was probably raised by her mother (who had done a wonderful job!), behaved very natural amidst a group where most of her peers were at least five years older. They were also part of the Naked Alley community which explained why she was dressed in only an oversized T-shirt and he wore only cut-off jeans and sunglasses.

Tanya went on.

"So, I will leave my introduction at this. It's time to start with everything the girls have organised for you but I really want to point out one more, very important, item. We are all going to be very open, and also very vulnerable, to each other but also to people who are not here. So we, the girls and I, really want to make it clear that what happens here, stays here. Ok? Of course, you can talk to your wives or friends about this day but please keep it in general terms. We're not going to do things illegal but it's hard to understand an experience when you've not been part of it. And we plan to give you all a very good experience!"


After instructions from Tanya to go and get undressed, we all walked to the dressing room. The regulars showed us the way while we shook hands and the girls kissed and hugged each other. It was clear they had spent some serious time together planning all of this.

Once we got inside, we found a place to hang our clothes above the benches that lined the walls. One of the instructions Tanya had given us was, 'this is Father's Day, so with everything, fathers first! But be so kind and help them a bit. And when you're ready, help somebody who's not!'


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