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Naked Alley Ch. 03: Mothers

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After a special Father's Day, mothers join their daughters
9.8k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/24/2017
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This story is the third part of the "Naked Alley" series. It is advised to read the series in the sequence of the stories. As always, all persons have reached the age of eighteen years or more since they were born.

Note to the reader. Many thanks to oldnakeddad for editing and proofreading this story and making it more readable. English is not my first language so it may have otherwise read as if you were listening to somebody from a foreign country.


Naked Alley was the nickname my daughter, Bibi, and her friends used for what was officially known as Nature's Ally -- Naturally. Together, with her friend Tanya, who owned the nudist camp, and a group of girls, they had organized a nude Father's Day event.

Some non-members, like myself, were invited to join and get acquainted with life at a nudist camp. At the end of a very special day, during which the love between us fathers and our daughters created a whole new universe, we stayed for the night. The next morning, we decided to invite the mothers as well.



It was a warm, sunny day at Nature's Ally -- Naturally, and the afternoon promised to get hot. Naked Alley, as my daughter, Bibi, and her girlfriends called it, was a nudist camp for all kinds of people. From the hard-core eco lovers, who had a place to grow their own food, to 'normal' families with small kids, to the more libertine nudists, an eighteen plus only group. But everybody all lived together, naked, and respected each other's different naked lifestyles.

Yesterday, our daughters had invited us fathers for a special Father's Day program. The day after, we were waiting for some mothers to arrive. Mothers who were too curious not to be scared away by the fact they had to get naked or who were attracted by the idea.

After our different activities of the late morning, the four remaining visiting fathers, and our daughters, had all gathered at the central terrace where we had found a place in the semi-shade of a grape vine covered, wooden Pergola. We were sitting the same as we were at the first meeting yesterday morning, father - daughter - father - daughter, etc., with one exception. There were three extra chairs and Maria was absent. We knew she, together with Tanya, was welcoming her mother and they would introduce Nature's Ally to her and guide her to the dressing room.

Lucas was telling how his wife, Margot, had encouraged him to go with Maria, telling him it was unique that daughters would do something for their fathers in the first place. Unlike Bibi, Maria had told her parents about the place where she would take her father, afraid that, if he didn't know ahead of time, he would turn around after finding out they had to get naked. By telling him in advance, he'd understand how much it meant to her and he'd have time to decide.

It was a beautiful sight to see Maria's mother walking towards us between her daughter and Tanya! She was almost as tall as her daughter but, most of all, we noticed the same liveliness and enthusiasm radiating from her face. She wore a headband-like red bandana, with her hair pinned up, which made her neckline visible and her body look even taller.

We all stood up to greet her and Lucas kissed her rather shyly. He must have noticed something new and I guessed it was the hair dress of her nether region...a neat and freshly shaved landing strip marked the way towards a cleanly shaven and perfect camel-toe pussy.

With her newly polished hand and toenails, we could see she had spent the morning preparing for her entrance. She radiated all of the beauty of a forty-something mother who was in the prime of her life and we happily welcomed her into our little group.

Tanya had suggested we prepare lunch in baskets and row to the island, again. There were enough trees to provide shade and easy opportunities to have a swim or take the boats for a little sail. She had warned us, beforehand, that the island was available to all people that day, so any intimacies were off limits unless there were no other people around, of course, which we would notice when we arrived at the island.

So, we had to wait for my wife and for Anne's mother. Eve's mother wasn't coming, she had another appointment. Soon, Tanya came for Bibi and Anne, with the notion their mothers had arrived. As Maria had done earlier, the girls wrapped a Pareo around themselves as not to shock their mothers with their nudity.

Tanya wore a thin, yellow, sleeveless dress with an Indian print which matched her coloured skin beautifully. Their clothes couldn't hide the fact that three perfect asses, each having its own unique form, were walking away from us.


After chatting and waiting for a while, I suddenly realised the urgent feeling I had to go to the toilet so I went inside the building to the restroom. While I was inside, I heard Tanya's voice in the hallway.

"Here, to the right, are the toilets and the dressing room is a bit further to the left."

Most of the footsteps went on to the dressing room but I heard at least two people entering the toilets and closing the doors. I flushed the toilet, stepped out to wash my hands and wondered who would step out of the other toilets. One was Bibi. She had knotted her Pareo around her waist, this time, and smiled at me in the mirror as she stepped up to the washbasin next to me.

"Hi, Dad! Anne told me she had a fun time this morning. Did you?"

Remembering Anne's behaviour this morning, I had to smile.

"Yes, sure I did. Anne knows how to have a fun time. Does she always go running around making fun of everything? Funny girl, Anne."

I was going to start asking what she had done when the toilet-door behind me opened and another woman stepped out.

"Hello," she said, with a rather low voice.

"Dad, may I introduce you to Valerie, Marc's partner and Anne's mother? You know Anne, the funny girl?"

She smiled like she scored a goal.

"Hello, nice to meet you in these, uh, funny circumstances. Please, let me dry my hands first," I replied.

She must have noticed me blushing because her own smile was not just a courtesy anymore but the result of having fun herself.

"Nice to meet you, too," she said. "And funny circumstances indeed. I had never imagined myself to be in a CFNM situation but I guess it's something I can get used to! Are you feeling ok? Did you get used to being naked the whole time?"

She didn't run around the subject of nudity, that's for sure. She gave me an all-over look.

"May I?" she said and passed between Bibi and me to wash her hands.

She wore a white cotton vest with buttons, a denim skirt and a pair of heeled, leather sandals. As Anne was a hockey-chick, her mother was a hockey-chick-turned-mother with the same type of ponytail Anne had and with her sunglasses on top of her head. I took a step backwards and looked at Bibi.

"Shall I go outside to the rest of the party?" I asked her.

"Oh, Dad, you're here now, anyway. Let's

go see Mom, ok?" Bibi suggested.

Valerie turned around and dried her hands.

"And, did you?" she asked me again.

"Oh, sorry. Yes, I guess so. The girls were very attentive and the whole atmosphere is very relaxing. So, yes. I felt ok but it takes some time to get used to seeing the people around you as only company instead of being naked. Are you familiar with this kind of place?"

"No, not like this. There's, of course, the occasional sauna visit but that's it, more or less, for public nudity."

We talked as we walked to the dressing room and, when we walked in, I saw the surprise on Carolina's face. She stood there in her bra and panties but she must have been feeling more naked than any of us who were actually naked. Anne had already loosened her Pareo and stood next to Tanya who was stepping out of her dress.

"Hi, Love!" I greeted her, walked up to her and gave her a hug and a kiss on her mouth.

She smiled at me but I sensed some discomfort in her posture.

"May I help you?"

I looked at her, in the eyes, while standing close in front of her. She answered with her eyes and I closed my arms around her, opened the closure of her bra, slowly took it off and kissed her again.

"Thanks, I can do with what's left" she said, softly.

While I hung her bra, she stepped out of her panty and gave it to me, as well, to hang it up.

Bibi had already loosened her Pareo and walked, naked, up to her mother. She embraced her mother fully and looked her in the eyes.

"Thanks for coming, Mom," she smiled and planted a little kiss on her mother's lips.

In the meantime, Anne's mother showed that dressing rooms were a familiar place to her, or so I read from the way she was undressing. When I turned around, she had already stepped out of her skirt and panty. 'Both at once?' I thought when I discovered her panty was a tiny thong!

She stood there in her heeled sandals and her cotton vest, her tufted pussy barely showing underneath. It was quite a full bush, accented by the fact the she had shaved her bikini line very straight. Then she did something remarkably unfamiliar to me, as a man, concerning a woman's behaviour in dressing rooms.

She sat down and placed one ankle on top of the opposite knee, in a manly way, to unfasten her shoe. That gave us all a clear and open view of her shaved pussy-lips. After the first leg the other one followed. I looked at Anne and saw her smiling with big, open eyes and a hand before her mouth. Valerie looked up when she was finished with the last shoe and saw us all, more or less, staring at her. It was her turn to blush.

"Oh, I'm sorry! Did I behave a bit indecent? That's the way I'm used to unfastening my shoes," she explained.

"It's totally ok, Valerie. There is no such thing as indecent behaviour here at the camp. Do whatever you want to do whichever way you want to do it. We keep in mind and respect everybody's different attitudes towards nudity but I like that you're not being aware of us all around you," Tanya comforted her.

Valerie smiled as she looked at Anne and I could see Anne was proud of her mother. Valerie unbuttoned her vest and finally loosened her bra to show us two firm breasts which made me wonder if she had them 'done' to hold on to a bit of youth.

"Come on, let's go!" Bibi said as she took her mother's hand.

They walked in front of me to the outside door. I could clearly see all of the differences between mother and daughter, the only thing similar was their height. When they stood outside, Bibi turned around and stretched her hand out to me. I took it and, with Bibi in the middle, the three of us walked to the terrace where everybody was still waiting for us. I felt proud as I looked at Bibi and then at Caro as she gave me a wink, with both eyes, to let me know she was ok. Behind us, Valerie was accompanied by Anne and Tanya.


The group was eagerly anticipating us as cheers started when we arrived. Introductions were made and drinks were served. Tanya asked the three newly arrived guests to sit next to her so she could tell them a bit about the camp, its history and its culture of acceptance. Along with all of the things she had also told us, Tanya made it clear that the only rule that had no exceptions was, everybody had to be naked all of the time.

"This is what we are here for and this is who we are while we're here," she emphasized.

So, there was no clothing allowed anywhere that you could meet other people. She herself wore a Pareo, or dress, only when welcoming visitors. After arriving, all visitors or members were kindly asked to get undressed, either in the dressing room or, more or less, 'on site'. Also, it was part of the hiring process of the people who would take care of the cleaning, the gardens and etc., to do their work in the nude.

For all of the other rules, there was the attitude of acceptance for every exception. All members knew each other so if, for instance, a father and child would wander through the eighteen plus area, people there would take care not to offend them with their normal behaviour instead of telling them to go away. So, everybody complied by the rules but, so called, 'mistakes' were accepted and forgiven.

"So, this is who we are, what we are and where we are with our little naked community. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask," Tanya concluded.

It was Carolina who asked the question I thought everybody had in the back of their minds.

"Why did you want to bring all of these different kinds of people, and attitudes towards nudity, together? Why didn't you make this camp only for more likeminded people?" she asked.

Tanya smiled as if she knew it was coming.

"You see, much of the answer is already in your question. You talk about different kinds of people. I strongly believe we are not so different but we are, more or less, the same. And our attitudes are like our clothes. Sometimes, we put them on to make a difference or, other times, to belong to a group. So, my idea is to create a place where we lose our clothes, lose our attitudes and be as we are. And we can choose to be as we are any time of the day."

"But then, why are the different zones installed at the camp?" Valerie asked Tanya.

"It's because of the children. I want to create a place full of love and little children are a big part of that! But I also want it to be a safe place for the little ones and being confronted with open, public sex could be harmful so I'm not taking a chance with that. But it's also a responsibility of the parents and we've discussed that with them. And you see some people changing places. When they get pregnant and have babies, they move to another place at the camp." she replied.

"Ok, you know ladies, I think it's best for you to have some suntan lotion applied. I'll give some to the girls and they will take care of that. And remember, today you are my guests, so relax and let things happen as they happen!"

"We've prepared lunch in some picnic baskets and you can either go to the island, for instance, or just spread out the blankets on any field you like. I should go and manage some things. I'll see you at the end of the afternoon, I hope!"

"Before I forget, this evening we have a get-together dinner. Everybody can join, make a small contribution and we prepare the meal. Everybody brings their own drinks or you can buy them from the bar. So, I hope you'll still be with us. Most of all, I hope all of you will enjoy our community so much that we may welcome you as regulars! For now, have fun!" she concluded and stood up, smiling to everybody before walking to her office.


We dads took the baskets and walked around to the other side of the building, where the row boats were located, and met the girls who joined us with the suntan lotion. They were not alone. With them was the pregnant woman I had met in the dressing room. She was introduced as Sabine and the girls had asked her to join us while her little child was resting under the caring eyes of her father.

"But first, we should protect our mothers against any sunburn, so we've got some suntan lotion. But, mothers, you heard Tanya about being today's guests and she instructed us to serve you. Yes, you heard that right, to serve you!" Maria spoke out, laughing.

We were at the back of the building and three girls, each, had a bottle of lotion. They dispersed some of it to all of the girls, including Sabine.

"Please, dads, step aside. This is our job, now," Maria told us.

Suddenly, the three elder women were the centre of attention and you could see the same reaction of shyness and feeling exposed as we dads had the day before. At the same moment, Tanya appeared through a back door of the house.

"I realised you're missing a pair of hands."

She smiled and walked towards Maria to get a handful of suntan lotion. Every mother was served by two women, each took care of one arm, working from the hands towards the shoulders. After that, they got more lotion and started to work on the legs. They did it in synch so well, the mothers couldn't believe it was the first time they'd done it. I could see the reaction coming from the mothers once the girls started to work their thighs and especially when they stroked the inside thighs until they almost touched their pussies.

Margot had closed her eyes and had bent her knees a little to give access to the upper parts of her thighs. Valerie and Carolina had each widened their stance a little. Caro was looking down towards Eve and Bibi and smiled as if she had known, all along, what their evil plans were. Valerie was looking at Mark, as if to say, 'do you like this?' After getting a last dash of suntan lotion, Sabine switched with Eve and started to rub the lotion across my wife's belly and up towards her breasts. Bibi was taking care of Caro's back.

"Your husband helped me this morning, so I'm very happy to return the favour and help you, now," Sabine softly said to Caro.

She went on to slowly massage her breasts with the lotion and roll the nipples between her fingers as her belly touched Carolina's stomach. Bibi had finished her back and gave her mom a big hug from behind.

"I love you, Mom" she whispered in her ear.

Tanya had helped with the back of Valerie and Anne had rubbed the suntan lotion all over her mother's front. Valerie had looked amused by her daughter, who was not at all impressed by massaging her mother's body. My imagination went towards the dressing rooms and the showers with all-girl teams. I guessed neither of them were new to the experience.

Like Bibi, Maria had chosen to rub her mother's back and it was up to Eve to take care of Margot's front. And what a job she did! Unlike the other two, Eve started at Margot's neck and worked downwards. After rubbing her breasts and simultaneously pinching both nipples, Margot opened her eyes in surprise only to look straight into Eve's disarmingly, smiling face. Eve didn't look at what her hands were doing, she just kept smiling at Margot, as if to say 'I know you wanted to come over. So please be happy, because I am!'

Without losing eye contact, Eve bent her knees and slowly rubbed the lotion across Margot's belly until she reached her freshly shaven pussy. We all held our breath. Was she going to do it? She did! Eve had slowly slipped one hand between Margot's legs and, with her palm, stroked her pussy from the back to the front. She finally looked at her slippery hand, there was another kind of slippery, along with the lotion. She stood up, smiled again at Margot, and smeared the wetness across her own heart and between her own breasts.

This little show did something to us fathers so we were disappointed when Tanya ordered us to take the picnic baskets to the boats. Tanya, herself, went back to the reception as the mothers and daughters, holding hands, and Eve and Sabine, holding each other close, joined us. We managed to load everything, and everybody, into two boats and we slowly crossed the water to the island, all the while enjoying the view, the sunshine, the water and our company.


Other people were on the island, scattered around the places where one could enter the water. We walked around the island and finally settled for a private place between the trees and the reeds on the waterfront. The blankets were spread out and the bread, salads, sandwiches, water and wine were taken out of the picnic baskets. We all sat down in a big circle and started to eat and chat with each other, mostly about the uniqueness of the camp. Then Sabine suddenly called for our attention.

"Is it ok if I propose something to do together, like a little game or something?" she asked.

We all agreed and were curious what she would propose. Sabine went on.

"You know, some time ago, there was a television game where people were tested on their knowledge about their loved ones. To get to know each other a bit more, we can play it as a family game. And, because the girls are responsible for us being here as we are, I suggest they take the 'hot seat' to answer the questions. The other families can ask questions in three rounds so everybody has to answer nine questions. What do you think?"

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