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Naked and Unafraid Ch. 01


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Chelsea turned off her phone and walked back to us. With a slight smile, she said, "my boss understands the situation. He said that, within reason, I'm to do anything I can to make your stay as pleasant as possible. You can use the kitchen, but I'm supposed to get your agreement that you won't make a claim against the State Parks if you get hurt. I don't have any kind of waiver form, so I'll have to trust you. Is that ok?"

Joanna and I both appreciated her advocacy on our behalf. "Yes, we're ok with that," I said.

"Thank you," Joanna added.

"I can unlock the restaurant now if you like," Chelsea said.

"Give us a moment to get dressed," Joanna replied.

"Uh, I am really sorry to have interrupted," Chelsea said.

"That's ok," I said. "We'll have time later."

Chelsea laughed. "Yeah, you will. You're certainly not going outside the building today."

"If we're fixing ourselves breakfast, do you want something?" I asked.

"Would you?" Chelsea replied. "That would be great. Thank you."

In the kitchen, we discovered eggs, green and red peppers, onions, and some ham already cubed. I think I surprised Joanna by producing three good, if I may say so, omelets. I decided not to explain that Karen, my ex, had never learned to cook.

We had a late breakfast with Chelsea in the deserted dining room. "So," I asked Chelsea, "what do you have to do?"

"Just walk around keeping an eye out," she replied. "If something breaks that I can fix, I fix it. Otherwise, I write it down so it can be fixed when engineering gets back in. If I'm not prying, what are you two going to do?"

"Sit by the pool, I guess, "Joanna replied. "Too bad we don't have drinks."

Chelsea smiled. "Given my instructions," she said, "I think I can give you access to the bar."

After we cleaned up, Joanna and I went back to the suite. I carried a large container full of ice, cans of beer, and a bottle of white wine for Joanna. In the suite, Joanna said, "we're the only people here. We don't need to wear suits to the pool."

"Chelsea will undoubtedly come by at some point," I said. "She'll see us."

"Would that bother you?" Joanna asked.

I thought for a second. Chelsea had already seen my erection, albeit covered by my robe. "No, it wouldn't," I replied.

Joanna smiled. "Chelsea will get over it," she said. Joanna paused before adding, "Peter, I think we may have a future together." I hoped so.

We rode the elevator down to the lobby in the nude. I was somewhat covered by our makeshift cooler, but Joanna strode through the lobby fully exposed with her shoulders square. I don't know where Chelsea had gone, but the lobby lights had been turned off. I guess that was meant to indicate the lodge was closed, as if anyone would drive up that day.

Joanna and I spent a very pleasant day naked by the pool. We swam, soaked in jacuzzi, and sat in the sauna. We got slightly buzzed on the wine and beer. Late in the afternoon, Joanna and I were lying together nude on one of the lounge chairs when Chelsea finally came by.

Chelsea stopped at the foot of our chair. She looked down at us and smiled. "Ordinarily," she said, "that would get you thrown out or, maybe, arrested if the manager on duty was a hard ass. You guys look pretty comfortable so, under the circumstances, I think I can let it slide."

"Why don't you join us?" Joanna asked.

"I'd lose my job," Chelsea replied immediately.

"There's no one here but us," I said.

"We won't tell," Joanna added.

Chelsea didn't say anything for a moment. I could tell she was thinking about it because she blushed. Finally, she said, "No, I can't. You two have fun though." She walked off.

"Are we having fun?" Joanna asked.

"I am," I replied. "Are you?"

"We can have more fun," Joanna responded. We started fondling each other. When we were ready to fuck, we decided the chair wouldn't handle it, so we tossed the cushion on the pool deck. "Lie down," Joanna said. I did. She straddled me and lowered herself down onto me.

I could see the clear glass door between the pool and the hallway. Before I became completely absorbed in Joanna, I thought I saw motion outside the door. "Was Chelsea watching us?" I wondered.

Later, we decided to visit the kitchen to make dinner. It had been great spending most of the day naked and Joanna was unhappy to dress again. On a shelf in the kitchen, Joanna found a couple of aprons neatly folded. When she opened one up, we saw that it stopped a little above mid-thigh. The apron tied in back. "Let's wear these," Joanna said.

"Of course," I replied, not yet seeing where she was headed.

"And nothing else," Joanna added. I turned to look at her. She was smiling. Fixing dinner covered in front but with our bare asses exposed sounded fun, and I guessed Joanna would look hot wearing only an apron. I smiled and nodded. We stripped off and put on the aprons. We found some trout filets and a rice dish in the refrigerator, apparently prepared for use over the weekend.

Joanna and I were both working on the range, with our backsides to the kitchen door, when Chelsea walked in. We didn't know she was there until she said, "it is a Board of Health violation, but you look pretty hot." I breaded another filet for Chelsea and added it to the skillet.

Joanna and I ate in the dining room in the nude, sitting on the aprons. Chelsea ate with us fully clothed. It has stopped snowing. Chelsea said she had talked to DOT again. They were now planning to get the road from the lodge open Sunday evening. After we finished eating, Chelsea asked, "Why are you two so comfortable with no clothes on?"

I didn't really have an answer because this was my first experience. Joanna did. "My husband died almost four years ago. He was a surgeon and was very much about rules and proper procedures. I'm not saying we didn't have great times together, but that was how we lived. After Frank died, I realized that we only get one life. A lot of the rules, at least the sexual ones, were made by people afraid of pleasure. I promised myself that, going forward, I wasn't going to be afraid of pleasure and would be open to new pleasures. Some friends introduced me to skinny dipping not long after I moved here. I was astounded at how good it felt to be naked in the sunshine with other naked people. Since then, I've preferred to be nude to being clothed. If people see me, so much the better."

Chelsea looked at me. "I don't have the same reasoned answer," I said. "Until this weekend, I pretty much kept my clothes on."

Joanna laughed. "I'm a corrupting influence," she said.

"Not corrupting," I replied. "You're broadening my horizons."

"Of course, I understand getting naked with your lover," Chelsea said. "What I'm not so sure about is being naked around other people." Looking at me, Chelsea asked, "it doesn't bother you that I've seen, am seeing, you with no clothes on?"

"No," I answered honestly.

"Does it turn you on at all?" Chelsea asked.

"'Turn on' may be too strong," I replied, "but I do enjoy the fact that you are seeing me naked." I surprised myself with that answer, but it was true.

"I enjoy it when people see me in the nude too," Joanna said. "it's pretty flattering to know that someone enjoys seeing your bare body."

Chelsea chuckled. "That's easy for you to say. You two both look so good with no clothes on."

"I'm sure you are beautiful naked," Joanna said.

"I don't have any tits," Chelsea replied.

"Small breasts are as attractive as large ones," I said.

"Yeah," Chelsea replied. "That's what my last boyfriend told me. Then, he dumped me last fall for a chick with big boobs."

"I don't have to see you naked to know that was terrible judgment on his part," I said.

Chelsea looked at me for a moment, I guess to see whether I was making fun of her. Finally, she very softly said, "thank you."

Joanna and I didn't wear aprons to clean up. Chelsea helped, although she stayed clothed. The dishwashing area of the lodge kitchen was cramped, so I didn't read anything into the fact that Chelsea and I brushed against each other several times. After we got everything cleaned and stowed, Chelsea said, "I'd better do my rounds again. Then it will be TV in my room. Have a great night."

Joanna and I went back to the suite. We did have a great night. The TV was never turned on.

It had been an active day, and Joanna and I had been drinking, not hard, but steadily most of the day. We fell asleep early. We'd been asleep a while when we were awakened by what sounded like a loud gunshot just outside the suite. Before we could react, there were more loud noises, including the sound of breaking glass, and the building shook slightly.

"What the fuck?" Joanna asked.

"Something happened, it sounded like, down the hall," I replied.

Without thinking to dress, I got up, grabbed my keycard, and went out into the hall. Joanna followed me. We walked the entire hall but didn't see anything unusual. The elevator door opened. Chelsea came out. She had on a long tee shirt with bare legs below. "What in God's name happened?" she asked.

"Something hit the building, I think," I replied. "Do you have a passkey?" I asked. Chelsea nodded. "We ought to check the rooms."

The second door we opened revealed a room with part of a large and icy tree where the picture window had been. I assume that the tree had been weakened by insects or disease and broke under the weight of the ice and snow. "Shit," Chelsea said. She stared at the mess some more. "Nothing we can do," she said, "it will take equipment to get that tree out of the room." Chelsea closed the door to the damaged room.

We stood there for a moment, Joanna and me nude, and Chelsea in a tee shirt with, I suspected, nothing underneath. Finally, Chelsea said, "I was kind of absorbed in something when the tree hit. It scared shit out of me. Now, I won't be able to sleep."

"Come back to our room and have a drink," Joanna suggested. We had brought bottles of vodka and tonic to the suite after dinner but hadn't drunk much.

"Thank you," Chelsea said. "I don't think I'm quite ready to go back and sit in my room alone."

We went back to the suite. I went to the table where we'd put the booze next to some glasses and mixed drinks. I was standing with my back to the women. I heard Joanna say, "Chelsea, do you like Peter's ass?"

Embarrassed, I guess, to have been caught staring, Chelsea meekly answered "yes."

"I like it too," Joanna said. "But Peter looks more exciting from the front. Peter, turn around so Chelsea can see your dick." I turned to face them. Chelsea was looking down at the floor. "Go ahead and look dear," Joanna said. "Peter will enjoy it."

Chelsea raised her head. She looked me in the eyes for a moment. She smiled, then lowered her gaze to my groin. After staring at me for a minute or two, Chelsea said, "I haven't seen that many, but Peter has an attractive dick." That was very flattering coming from a cute young woman I'd met less than 24 hours ago.

"Every penis has its individual charm," Joanna said.

I handed out the drinks and walked to the window. I told Joanna and Chelsea I could see where the tree had uprooted. Chelsea said, "I want to see that." She turned to set her drink on a table. As she did, she dropped her phone, which she'd been clutching in her left hand. With her back to me, she bent over and picked it up. She was naked under her tee shirt. Bending over presented a lovely ass, asshole, and slit to our view.

Chelsea straightened and faced us. "I've been looking at you guys all day," she said, "it's only fair that you see a bit of me."

"You are a beautiful young woman," I said.

"Not really," Chelsea replied, "but thank you."

"No, Peter is right I think," Joanna said, "I could be sure if you take that damn tee shirt off."

Chelsea was silent for a moment. Then she said, "what the hell." She pulled her shirt over her head. Chelsea's breasts were not as small as I'd expected. She had two nicely shaped handfuls with nipples that were, at the time, erect. Below her chest, a flat stomach descended to nice, but thin, hips with small thighs framing a tuft of neatly trimmed brown hair. Chelsea was cute clothed. She was very pretty in the nude.

We all took another sip of our drinks. "What were you doing when the tree fell?" Joanna asked Chelsea.

"Uh, well," Chelsea stuttered.

Joanna smiled and asked "vibrator?" Chelsea nodded. "A girl's best friend," Joanna said and then asked, "you didn't get finished did you?" Chelsea shook her head. "Why don't you go get you vibrator, bring it back, and finish up, or start over, here?"

"In front of you?" Chelsea asked with a shocked tone.

I took a chance. "You watched Joanna and I make love down at the pool this afternoon, didn't you?" I asked. Chelsea looked down but nodded her head. "You saw us both come, right?" Again, Chelsea nodded. "You mentioned fairness earlier," I went on. "Since you've seen us orgasm, isn't it fair that we see you?"

"Chelsea," Joanna said, "it is incredibly hot to come while you know people are watching. This is your opportunity to do something very erotic with no possible consequences."

Chelsea looked up at us. Her nipples appeared to have grown even harder. She smiled. "You're right, Peter," she said. "It is only fair. Let me get my vibrator." She started to pick up her tee shirt.

"You don't need any clothes," Joanna said. "Just take your passkey."

"I've never gone naked in the lodge," Chelsea said.

"Tonight's your chance," Joanna replied.

Chelsea dropped the tee shirt and picked up her passkey. I watched her cute little ass go out the door.

Once Chelsea was gone, I asked Joanna, "Do you think she'll come back?"

"She'll be back with her vibrator and she'll get herself off while we watch," Joanna said. "Right now, she wants to do that more than anything." Joanna paused, then added, "what Chelsea really wants to do is fuck you."

"No," I said.

"Oh yeah," Joanna replied. "I'd be okay with that, monogamy is overrated, except for the disease risk. I'd be fine with you fucking Chelsea, I'd even join in, if I knew she'd had a recent test and is clean." Joanna paused before asking, "am I shocking you Peter?"

I didn't answer immediately. I thought about what Joanna had said earlier about being afraid of pleasure. I also thought about my respect and affection for Joanna. "No," I said, "you don't shock me. What you're talking about is new to me but, if you think it is a good idea, it probably is. As you said at dinner, we need to be open to new pleasures."

Joanna walked over to me. She hugged me and kissed me. "Peter," she said, "I'm certain we have a future together."

I kissed Joanna. "I certainly hope so," I replied.

"Really?" Joanna said with what seemed genuine surprise. "You actually want an old lady like me for more than a dirty weekend?"

"Joanna," I said, "you are probably the brightest and most engaging woman I've ever met, and the sexiest."

Joanna and I were still hugging and kissing when Chelsea came back into the room. "Uh, guys," Chelsea said with a new tone of confidence in her voice, "I'm back with my vibrator. Can I be the center of attention for a while?"

Joanna and I broke our embrace. "Of course," I said to Chelsea. Looking at her, I noticed something odd. She seemed more attractive each time I saw her.

Joanna must have noticed it too because she whispered in my ear, "she grows on you, doesn't she?"

Chelsea sat in a large, upholstered chair, pulled her heels up onto the seat cushion, and spread her legs. She twisted the vibrator and began teasing herself. She leaned her head back. Even I could see Chelsea getting moist. Finally, she pushed the vibrator into herself. I had expected her to move the vibrator back and forth like a dick fucking her. Instead, she largely left the vibrator in place, only very slightly changing its angle occasionally.

After several minutes, Chelsea reached between her legs with both hands. One hand continued to hold the vibrator while her other hand twisted part of it. I gathered she had sped the vibrator up because it got louder. She also began moving the vibrator back and forth more. She was breathing harder, and her face was flushed. She made a small "uh" sound, raised her head up, and looked straight at Joanna and me as she continued to work on herself. Watching her was one of the most erotic things I'd ever seen. My dick got awfully hard."

Chelsea's breathing accelerated more and got deeper. Her "uh," became a staccato series of "oh, oh, oh." Her hips started bucking in the chair. The bucking became more violent, and her groans became louder and faster. Finally, Chelsea pushed herself up from the chair, resting only on her feet and shoulders, made one loud moan, and collapsed back into the chair. After several seconds, she pulled the vibrator out.

Chelsea sat for a couple of minutes with her eyes closed as her breathing slowed. I could see sweat above her small breasts and on her upper lip. When she opened her eyes, Joanna said, "Chelsea, that was special."

"You were right," Chelsea said, "it is hot to get off with people watching."

"It was hot for us too," Joanna said. She wrapped a hand around my erect dick and said, "look what you did to Peter."

Chelsea looked at my hard-on. "That's beautiful!" she said. I was enjoying Chelsea's compliments about my penis.

"Do you mind if I take care of Peter?" Joanna asked.

"On me?" Chelsea asked.

Joanna nodded and led me by the dick to the chair where Chelsea sat. Joanna jacked me off while Chelsea watched. I came almost embarrassingly quickly, shooting into Chelsea's hair, and onto her face and chest. "Great!" Chelsea said.

Joanna needed to come too. I pointed to the couch. Joanna understood. She sat down and spread her legs. I got on the floor between Joanna's legs and put my face into her vulva. I licked and kissed. I sucked her clit. I worked my tongue into her and licked the wall of her cunt. One spot produced an "oh yes!' from Joanna so I stayed there. I felt Chelsea sit on the couch next to Joanna. I'm not sure what they did, but Joanna came, wrapping her thighs around my head with her calves and feet on my back. I haven't been in many nicer positions.

Joanna finally let me up. "We have drinks left," she said. The three of us walked to the credenza where we'd set our drinks. Standing close together, we finished the drinks.

"If you had told me this morning," Chelsea said, "that I would do what we just did, I'd have been offended and angry. I'm amazed at myself."

"Are you sorry?" Joanna asked.

"Absolutely not!" Chelsea said. "With you two, it seemed perfectly normal, and it felt incredibly good. Thank you for getting me to do it." We all three hugged.

The intense sexual energy which had been in the room from the moment Chelsea stripped dissipated. I suddenly felt tired. Chelsea yawned and apologized.

"I think we all need sleep," Joanna said. "Do you want to stay with us tonight Chelsea?"

"May I?" she asked.

"Of course," Joanna replied. The three of us slept together nude.

Chelsea's phone started ringing and woke us late the next morning. Joanna and I stayed quiet while Chelsea explained to her boss that she'd been too deeply asleep to hear her phone earlier. She'd been out because she'd been awoken early that morning by the tree falling into the lodge. She hadn't called her boss because she didn't want to wake him and there was nothing that could be done until the road was open. It sounded like those explanations satisfied her boss.

Chelsea called DOT. After that call, she told us "DOT says 80% chance they get to us around 7:00 p.m." We had at least eight hours to kill.

We went the restaurant and made a late breakfast. This time, Chelsea also wore only an apron. Her tight little ass peeking out the back looked wonderful. Chelsea ate nude with us. "I've never eaten a meal in the nude before," she said.

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