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Naked and Unafraid Ch. 02


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The third time we had dinner with Kelly Ann and Jake, Jake surprised me by asking Ian, "you guys go skinny dipping at the quarries, don't you?"

Ian was always honest. "Yes," he replied, "we do. Siobhan, me, Joanna, Peter, and another couple."

"I've never been," Jake said. "In school, I was always tied up with baseball."

"Back then," Kelly Ann said, "you'd get kicked out of cheerleading if they caught you skinny dipping." Kelly Ann paused and then gave me a bigger surprise. "May Jake and I go with you next time you go to the quarries?" she asked.

In her mid-forties, Kelly Ann was still stunning. She was welcome to skinny dip with us. "We're going tomorrow if the weather's fair," Ian replied.

"No offense," Siobhan said, "but why do you want to go?"

Kelly Ann smiled. "Melissa just got back from spring break in Florida. She told us that she and some friends went to a beach called Haulover in Miami. It's a nude beach. Melissa said that being naked with her friends on the beach and in the water was one of the best experiences she's had."

"I'm impressed your daughter told you about that," Joanna commented.

Jake smiled. "Kelly Ann's got a little history."

Kelly Ann blushed. "I was a model in New York for a couple of years right after college," she said. "Mostly it was fashion ads. Somewhere, there are a lot of pictures of me in bra and panties. I also did some nude modelling."

"Like the pictures up in our house," Jake added.

"Yes," Kelly Ann said. "There was one photographer I really trusted. He talked me into posing in places around the City. In the park early in the morning. On a rooftop with the skyline behind me. He had a friend who had a small restaurant on the East Side. It closed Mondays so we went over there one Monday evening and he took some pictures of me pretending to be a nude waitress."

"Tell them the whole story," Jake chided her.

"Well," Kelly Ann said, "to create the illusion that I was actually waiting tables in the nude, Randall, the photographer, got a bunch of people to come in and sit at the tables pretending to be customers. He took about fifty shots of me doing waitress things nude among all the clothed 'customers.' I was naked, the only one, for over an hour. Most of the shots were junk. That's normal. Randall printed a few and gave me copies of two. In one, I'm only wearing heels and walking away from the camera between tables. You can see my whole backside. The other print is the same scene turned around so I'm coming toward the camera. I'm holding a tray of food covering my bush, but I'm obviously naked with my tits hanging out."

"It must have been interesting being the only one with naked," Joanna said.

"I liked it," Kelly Ann replied. "That's why I quit modeling. I enjoyed the nude work too much. Anyway, I had those two pictures framed. They've been up in our bedroom forever. Melissa's seen them tons of times, so she knows I can't fault her for going naked in public."

Jake and Kelly Ann joined us at the quarry the next day. It was a beautiful, warm day. There were a lot of people there when we arrived. About 90% of the people were nude. Joanna, Siobhan, Sheila, Ian, Keith, and I stripped our clothes off immediately. For us, the whole point of going was to be nude outdoors around other people.

Jake and Kelly Ann stayed clothed longer. They kept looking around, as if to make sure they didn't see anyone they recognized. Kelly Ann finally pulled her sundress over her head. She only wore panties underneath. She pushed those down and stepped out of them. Kelly Ann's body was spectacular. As she kicked her panties off, Joanna whispered to me, "I feel like the ugly duckling." I gave Joanna's hand a reassuring squeeze.

Kelly Ann was spectacular, but I preferred Joanna and Siobhan. Some of that was loyalty. However, and it wasn't her fault, something about Kelly Ann was a little too perfect. Joanna and Siobhan were beautiful, nude or clothed, and had character.

Jake stripped after his wife. Nude, he looked like what he was, a former athlete going to seed. That wasn't the first thing you noticed when Jake took his clothes off, though. Jake had an extraordinarily long, thick dick. When Jake turned to face us after stripping, Sheila gasped "my god!"

Kelly Ann chuckled and said, "see why I married him?" I suddenly understood how Joanna felt when Kelly Ann undressed. Joanna squeezed my hand.

We had a wonderful day at the quarry. As we were dressing to leave around 5:00 p.m., Kelly Ann said, "It's been over twenty years since I went naked in public. I forgot how much fun it is." Jake and Kelly Ann went up in my estimation that day.

Siobhan, Joanna, Ian, and I became spent considerable time with Kelly Ann and Jake. They were both personable and became close friends. Not quite a year after Jake and Kelly Ann first skinny dipped with us, Kelly Ann said at one of our dinners out, "guys, I've got a big problem. I need your thoughts."

"What?" Joanna asked.

"You know the background," Kelly Ann said. "I've worked for the Athletic Department for 21 years, 18 in Development. When the Associate AD for Development, my boss, left last summer; they wouldn't even interview me for the position. Instead, they brought in this 30-year-old guy with slicked-back hair, Art Rizzo."

"What's the immediate problem?" I asked.

"We have the spring football game coming up," Kelly Ann said. "Every year, after that game, they have a private dinner for our twenty biggest boosters. These are guys, they're all guys, who give at least $ 100,000 per year. We always thought it was good enough to have the coaches there to talk to these guys so they feel like insiders. Art Rizzo has a 'better' idea."

"What's that?" I sked.

"He called me in Monday," Kelly Ann said, "and said we need to do something really special for these guys so they'll give more. His first thought was having girls from the gymnastics team to do gymnastics nude. At first, I thought he was kidding. I said they're in competition that weekend. 'What about a couple of tennis girls playing a set with nothing on' he asked. I was starting to think, 'shit, this guy may be serious.' I told him the tennis team was in Texas that weekend. Then, he scared me."

"How?" Ian asked.

"He said, 'your daughter's a cheerleader. Get her and some of her friends to do nude cheer routines. They're all over 18.' I lost it, called him a couple of names, and walked out. Tuesday, I got this e-mail. Notice that it was cc'd to the AD."

Kelly Ann hand us a sheet of paper on which she had printed out an e-mail from Arthur E. Rizzo at a University e-mail address. The e-mail said,

I understand your disappointment at not getting the position I now hold. Our exchange yesterday illustrates why the Department did not select you. You have been cocooned here for twenty years and do not appreciate the intense competition for booster dollars. New, daring ideas are necessary to keep the money coming. If the choice is showing skin or having us drop teams, I'm sure our athletes and spirit squad members will gladly show skin. The cheerleaders are all of age and having them appear nude at the private boosters' dinner has been approved at the highest level. You are tasked to make this event happen. If you cannot, we will need to reassess whether your skills fit the current needs of the Department.

"Jesus!" I said after reading the e-mail. Putting that in writing seemed just dumb to me.

"Either my daughter and her friends strip naked for these rich fucks or I lose my job," Kelly Ann moaned. "Jake's business isn't doing that well. We need my salary!"

"The cheerleaders surely wouldn't do it," Ian commented.

"I'm ashamed to admit" Kelly Ann replied, "I talked to Melissa Tuesday night. She called back last night. She and five other girls will do it if I can get their boyfriends in. Melissa's excited about it. I can get the boyfriends in as busboys."

"You're going to do it?" Siobhan asked.

"I don't see a choice," Kelly Ann replied.

"I think things could go horribly wrong," Siobhan said.

"I'm going to find a way to get Jake in too," Kelly Ann said. "Ian, Peter, will you go if I get you in? I want people there I trust in case a geezer tries to grope a cheerleader. I'm afraid Rizzo and the AD will say "do as you please if you give another Twenty Grand.'"

"Well, uh, sure," I said. Ian nodded.

"Should I just quit instead of doing this?" Kelly Ann asked.

"You're in a shitty position," Joanna said.

"Kelly Ann," I asked, "if you were a cheerleader again and were asked to join your daughter at this booster's dinner, would you do it?"

"Damn Peter," Kelly Ann replied. "I wish you hadn't asked that. Yes, I would and I'd probably enjoy it."

"Jake," I asked, "what do you think?"

"I think Rizzo's an asshole," Jake answered, "but, it's up to Kelly Ann and Melissa. I'm support them whatever they decide."

The spring game was played three weeks later. Ian, Jake, and I were in the basketball arena that night. We wore ties and black sport coats bearing the logo of a local private security firm. For obvious reasons, University police couldn't be used for security. Being "in charge," Kelly Ann hired a local security owned by one of Jake's friends. We were employees for the night.

A high black curtain had been drawn across the mid-court line. A long table was set up at about the foul line. A complimentary bar was set up under the basket and it was busy. Only fifteen boosters showed. The football coaches stayed long enough to eat the prime rib served by attractive young women in short skits. The football coaches left so fast they must have known something was up.

The "busboys" cleared the table and boosters got more drinks. The Athletic Director made a speech. He turned the floor over to Rizzo and left the building.

Rizzo talked longer than he should have. When he finally realized the boosters were antsy, he said, "The Department has not always made completely clear how much we appreciate your support. We arranged something special this year to show our appreciation and our trust of you. You'll recognize that these are real University cheerleaders, doing their part to express how much we value you."

Rizzo waved a hand. The six college girls ran out to a spot between the table and the black curtain. They carried pom-poms and wore their cheerleading uniforms. It looked like the start of any basketball game. It wasn't until the girls did high leg kicks that you realized none of them wore anything under their short one-piece uniforms. Still, the kicks were so quick, you were asking yourself "did I really see that?"

Doubt evaporated when the girls lined up, turned their backs to the table, and bent over. Their short uniforms went up, exposing lovely bare legs, asses, assholes, and cunts.

After that display, four girls continued to do cheer routines. Two went to the side of the floor, removed each other's uniforms, and came back to the center naked save for shoes and pom-poms. The two nude girls joined routines with two partially clothed girls while another two stripped. Then, four nude cheerleaders were doing routines while the last two undressed. Finally, all six were nude, doing jumps, backflips, and other cheer moves in front of the drunk, speechless boosters.

Jake, Ian, and I stood by the portal the cheerleaders entered and would leave through. We tried to look intimidating. Kelly Ann came out of the portal. "I was watching from further back," she said. "This sounds terrible, but I wish I was out there with Melissa."

In addition to us, the boosters, and the busboy boyfriends disguised, the show was watched by the servers and the rest of the caterer's staff. Too many people knew for this not to go public. I thought the fallout would be interesting.

After almost 30 minutes of cheer routines, the six girls, wearing only shoes and carrying pom-poms, began circling the table. I give Jake credit for suggesting that the girls hang onto the pom-poms. It created a psychological barrier between them and the boosters. In a worst case, they could use them to ward off a molesting booster until Jake, Ian, and I got there. As the girls circled the table, they kept turning so boosters saw their fronts, profiles, and backs.

The girls circled the table several times. Our fears of boosters molesting them were unjustified. The boosters seemed stunned. I won't defend Rizzo for using college girls that way. However, it was a sexy performance and the girls seemed enthusiastic.

Finally, one of the cheerleaders called out, "Bye guys. This was fun. Thank you." The six nude cheerleaders ran past us through the portal towards a locker room. Jake, Ian, and I followed them. Kelly Ann went to get the girls' discarded uniforms. As we walked up the hall away from the court, I heard a deep, drunken voice say, "I'll be damned!"

We followed the cheerleaders into a locker room. A beautiful brunette with a fantastic body ran up to Jake, pecked him on a cheek, and asked, "well, Dad, what did you think?"

Jake said, "Uh, well, uh, shit, I don't know what to say." He paused before saying, "Ian, Peter, this is my daughter Melissa."

Melissa moved in front of us. "Hi," she said. "I hope you liked it. You're the friends Mom and Dad skinny dip with, right?" We nodded, rather dumbfounded. Melissa was gorgeous. "Well," Melissa said, looking at Jake, "now that you've seen me naked, maybe Mom and Dad will let me go too. Let me introduce my friends."

Jake, Ian, and I met five more lovely, nude college cheerleaders: Bethany, a natural blonde senior; Sally, a natural redhead junior; Lena, a darker-skinned brunette junior; Leann, a dyed blonde junior; and Kate, another brunette junior. After the introductions, Melissa looked at the three of us and said, "I can see from the bulges in your pants we made an impression." I can't speak for Jake or Ian, but I certainly had a hard-on.

Nothing happened right away, but it would. One of the boyfriend/busboys recorded video on his phone. He shared the video with a buddy. Pretty soon, the video went viral. Stories appeared in the state's major daily newspaper. There was an investigation.

The Athletic Department stonewalled for about a week. Then, they threw Kelly Ann under the bus. They fired her and issued a press release that the entire event was her doing.

Kelly Ann gave the e-mail Rizzo had sent her to a reporter. The paper published the entire e-mail. The story highlighted that the e-mail was copied to the Athletic Director weeks before the event. Rizzo went on TV and said the e-mail was a forgery. The AD said he'd never seen it.

On the Governor's orders, the state police went over the University e-mail servers and Rizzo's and the AD's office computers. The bottom line was that the e-mail was genuine, from Rizzo, copied to the AD and opened. Some had tried, unsuccessfully to wipe it off Rizzo's and the AD's computers.

Rizzo and the AD were fired and became the villains. That deflected attention away from the girls and Kelly Ann. After the first story, the girls' names never appeared again. There was no question of Kelly Ann getting her old job back, but the University quietly gave her a six-figure settlement.

The crowds at the quarries got smaller and older after the school year ended in May, but people went all summer. We kept going. On weekends Jake was out of town, which were suddenly often, Kelly Ann brought Melissa, who was "home" from school. (Jake and Kelly Ann's house, where Melissa grew up, was about five miles from campus).

Kelly Ann and Melissa were with us at the quarry one Sunday afternoon in June. The conversation got around to the "nude cheerleader" scandal. "I learned something," Kelly Ann said. "For years, I was afraid. I didn't do what I was told not to do. I didn't let myself feel what I was told not to feel. I did do what I was told. All that got me was shit on. I enjoyed nude modeling. I quit because I was afraid when I got turned on being naked in front of people. Back when I cheered, I used to fantasize about cheering a game in a full stadium buck naked. That really turned me on, but, of course, I didn't do it. What did I get for following the rules instead of my feelings?"

"You know, Mom," Melissa interjected. "I have the same fantasy about cheering naked."

Kelly Ann continued, "watching Melissa and the other girls that night, I wanted to be one of them. I want people to see me naked. I'm not going to be afraid of that anymore. I'm going to embrace it. I don't care what Jake thinks."

Melissa leaned over and gave Kelly Ann a nude hug. After they separated, Kelly Ann added, "And I'm not afraid of Melissa showing off either." Kelly Ann spun so she was facing the rest of us. She spread her legs and said, "There. That's my cunt. Look at it. Does seeing that hurt you?"

Joanna laughed. "You're preaching to the choir," she said. Joanna paused, grinned, and said "maybe it takes more than one to be harmful." Joanna scooted to beside Kelly Ann. Joanna spread her legs wide and said, "let's see what happens with two on display."

After a moment, Siobhan chuckled and said, "I don't see any ill effects. Perhaps it takes three." Siobhan moved next to Joanna. Siobhan spread her legs wide. "Is this the straw that breaks the camel's back?" she asked. The three women looked fantastic.

"Still no effect," Sheila said. She moved next to Siobhan. "I'm only doing this in a spirit of scientific inquiry you understand," she joked. Sheila spread her legs wide. "To further science guys, take a good look."

"I still don't see anyone suffering," Melissa said. She had been sitting behind her mother. She got up and sat down again beside her mother. "Let's see if there is a cumulative effect," Melissa said. She spread her legs wide.

Keith, Ian, and I were looking at a line of five nude women, all beautiful, ranging in age from Melissa's twenty-two to Joanna's fifty-eight. They all had their legs spread and were asking us to look at them. It was a special sight.

I didn't realize until they started applauding that several people had gathered a couple of feet behind us. The girls had been facing them and knew they were there. All five women were smiling.

After a moment, Kelly Ann said, "ok. A bunch of people are looking at our cunts. Are we any worse off?"

"I'm quite enjoying myself," Siobhan said.

"Me too," Joanna added.

"I'm just here for science," Sheila said.

"Maybe," Melissa said, "it isn't bare cunts which are harmful but bare dicks."

"We need to find out," Sheila said. "Ok guys, off your asses." Keith, Ian, and I slowly stood up. "Turn around and face our audience, Sheila instructed. We did. There were, maybe, two dozen people gathered. It seemed about 50-50 men and women. It looked like everyone was nude save one woman wearing a bikini bottom.

Joanna, Siobhan, Sheila, Kelly Ann, and Melissa walked in front of us and stared at our dicks. "I still don't see anyone suffering," Joanna said.

"Maybe we need to get them hard," Melissa said saucily.

"Can we do that here?" Siobhan asked.

"Why not?" a female voice called out.

"Mom?" Melissa said. Kelly Ann got a naughty look at her face. She went to Ian. Joanna went to Keith. Melissa came to me.

I wasn't hard yet, but the look on Melissa Pohl's face got me started. She ran her index finger around the head of my dick. "I think circumcision is interesting," she said, "but I'm glad we don't do it to women, at least not here." She continued to run her finger around me. Melissa knew what she was doing. She had found some of my most sensitive spots.

I was getting hard. Melissa said, "I don't know if I should this . . . oh, what the hell!" She knelt and took me in her mouth.

You could get way with a lot at the quarries, the only rule was no one underage, but I feared a blow job crossed the line. Joanna was busy with Keith. I looked at Siobhan. She was smiling. "Just enjoy it Peter," she said.

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