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Naked As a Jailbird

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A penal colony becomes a penile colony.
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Be careful what you wish for - Goethe

3/18/2036 10:30 AM: Intake

T. J. "Zeus" Jackson heard the iron door slammed shut behind him. So it had come to this. Her word against his word. As his lawyer Saul Rabinowitz put it, he had been found guilty of "humping while black."

They had both been shitfaced that night. The girl even more than him. Hell, everybody had been drunk. He didn't remember raping her or much of anything else from that night. But rape was not the usual way he swung. Usually he had to fight off the bitches to avoid getting raped himself.

Now here he was, evidently one of the few inmates "lucky" enough to gain admission as a patient and guinea pig at the brand spanking new Krupkenhoffer Institute for the Treatment of Sexual Deviancy. Most of the candidates had been turned away after the showers, apparently too scrawny, too poorly endowed, or too libidinally challenged to meet Krupkenhoffer's exacting admission standards.

A bull dyke wearing nothing but a standard issue Marlon Brando motorcycle cap and carrying a small case in one hand and a riding crop in the other made a beeline straight for Zeus. They were the only two people in this apparent purgatorial anteroom to Valhalla for psychopaths. Her hair had been dyed blue and jet black, even the tuft sprouting between her legs. Her lower lip was pierced by a steel ring, and her eyes were pierced by several nasty looking hooks. Her boobs (also pierced) were most impressive, at least an F cup by Zeus' estimation, and they bounced up and down delightfully with each step as she confidently strode toward him. Her body was firm and taut, although perhaps a little larger than Zeus was used to. Her nakedness surprised him, but he was not about to argue with Krupkenhoffer's protocols, in fact he was pretty sure he approved of them, at least so far.

In fact, Zeus' shaft had already risen in an impressive ten-inch salute to the presumably lesbian guard. She touched the tip of his cock with her riding crop and then batted it, setting it in motion like an inverted pendulum.

"Pretty impressive," she said, "even by Krupkenhoffer's standards." She pulled a pair of calipers from her case, and placed their cold steel tips on each side of Zeus's throbbing shaft. She pulled a tablet from her case and scribbled down some notes. "Good thickness too. " She spread the calipers to gauge its length. "I thought so. A little oven ten inches. I don't even need this thing," she said, throwing the tool back in the box.

She circled her fingers around his cock, which was on fire with hunger, and ran them up and down its length. Zeus trembled at her touch. "You do feel delicious," she said.

"Permit me to introduce myself. I am Amanda Silverhawk, Director of Admissions here at Krupkenhoffer. Don't worry, you're in. I just need to complete this paperwork before we can go through the gate."

She lifted his balls with the riding crop. "Pretty nice sac too," she said, as she whacked his scrotum with her crop. Zeus doubled over in pain. He wanted to snap her neck, but he knew that would get him nowhere.

"Can take a punch too. And anger. I like that," she said. She hefted his tortured balls in her hands. "If it were up to me, these would come off. This too," she said, grabbing his burning shaft. "I would give you a nice tight pussy, just like that poor girl in Denver you fucked, and I would rape you day and night."

She ran her fingers up and down his naked torso. "You're a pretty big buck. Nice abs too!" she said. "But maybe not quite good enough for Dr. Krupkenhoffer. She'll put you on an exercise program. Maybe put you on steroids. But not too much. She wouldn't want to shrink these lovely balls of yours," she said, once again hoisting his orbs in her hands, squeezing them with just enough force to make Zeus wince.

"But then again, maybe I wouldn't rape you in the pussy," she said, tracing the crop around his torso as she walked around behind him.

"Maybe I would rape you here," she whispered, as she inserted the tip of crop in his rectum. She pushed it in two inches, and Zeus roared with pain. He twisted around to fight her, only to be greeted with two more inches of crop penetration.

"I wouldn't try that," she said. "You see those cameras up there? They're everywhere in here, to ensure both safety and compliance. Especially compliance." She shoved the crop another six inches into his ass. Then, she pushed a button like an umbrella release and the crop began to widen, stretching Zeus' ass to the breaking point.

"Looks like you make the grade on volume, oh mighty Zeus. A little taste of your own medicine. How does it feel to be on the receiving side for a change?" she asked him, her pierced tits pressing against his back and her studded tongue roaming all over his shoulders, neck and ears. She reached around to grab his throbbing cock and balls with her left hand, using her right hand to thrust the crop in and out of his ass at a faster and faster rate. She squeezed his throbbing gonads rhythmically, in time with her thrusts inside him, which became faster and more violent.

Suddenly she shoved her crop up to the hilt in Zeus' ass and crushed his balls with her other hand.

Zeus came in the biggest explosion he had ever known.

They rested for a while, Amanda's arms still wrapped around Zeus, her tongue tracing his spine. "Congratulations," she said. "You have just passed the preadmission physical."

"Can I get my clothes back now?" Zeus asked the unorthodox admission officer.

"You will find that clothes are optional here. Or more accurately, they are strictly prohibited inside these walls, even for staff such as myself, as you will see."

"Then how do you tell who's is a prisoner, who's a staff member, and who's a visitor?"

"You don't. That is precisely the point. Also, we don't use terms like prisoner, inmate, guard, warden and therapist here. We consider each of us to be a seeker, a person trying to find peace and harmony and to ease suffering. Sometimes to achieve these things, you must travel a road through pain and ugliness. That is the way of life.

"When it comes to visitors, they are very few. You, for instance, have chosen to go through life as a loner. No one will come looking for you. Of course, some of our seekers are here voluntarily and travel outside these walls on the regular basis, trying to attract more seekers and of course donors. Our food and energy must of course be paid for.

"Oh, one last thing," Amanda whispered in his ear, as she stabbed Zeus in the neck with a hypodermic needle and pushed down the plunger.

3/18/2036 3:30 PM: Awakening


Zeus opened his crusted eyelids, and felt the dryness of his mouth and throat. A hand mercifully placed some ice chips on his tongue, which he eagerly lapped up.

"It looks like you're coming around nicely," a melodic voice whispered in his ear. The source of the voice was downward, not upward as you would expect in hospital room.

The voice's unseen owner then took that very ear in her mouth, exploring its every convolution with her tongue before it drilled halfway down Zeus' auditory canal and almost into the temporal lobe of his recently violated brain.

Zeus soon realized that his was not lying on a postsurgical cot, but was in fact crucified on an X-shaped cross, his wrists and ankles chained spread-eagled to the wood, his brow festooned with a crown of thorns. Nice touch, he thought.

He looked down and saw her long golden hair moving against his skin as she licked and kissed her way down his torso. He saw her naked back, the crack in her ass and realized that she was just as naked as he was. Then he remembered what the Director of Admissions told him. Clothing was prohibited within these walls, (with the apparent exceptions of Marlon Brando style motorcycle caps and thorn-bearing crowns).

"Allow me to introduce myself. I am Dr. Sheila Krupkenhoffer. I run this asylum," she said, extending her hand, apparently forgetting the chained state of Zeus' right wrist.

Zeus felt her darkness, her hunger. His knowledge of her mind was more intimate than any human connection he had ever known.

"Hello there, Zeus. Welcome back to the world. How are you feeling? By the way, I took the liberty of surgically modifying your brain. Hope you weren't too attached to your old brain, because this new one's a doozie. Tell him what he has won, Don Pardo."

A familiar voice shouted inside Zeus's skull. "Zeus Jackson, you have just won a Krupkenhoffer 3000 nanotube-based BRAIN IMPLANT! This implant will keep you in a perpetual state of SEXUAL EXCITEMENT, complete with all the hydrodynamic mechanics needed for an ETERNAL BONER!

"This implant comes complete with a Krupkenhoffer MICROWAVE RADIO TRANSPONDER that will enable you detect the slightest horniness in your fellow seekers. This will enable you to rush to them to provide MAXIMAL SATISFACTION to their libidinally-tortured souls. They too will rush to satisfy even your most DEPRAVED DESIRES.

"The Krupkenhoffer 3000 comes complete with an EMPATHY CHIP that will enable you to experience each seeker's pleasure and pain. This gadget protects seekers from psychological and physical harm, such as UNWANTED RAPE!

"Or you can trade it for what's behind DOOR NUMBER 2!" shouted Don Pardo, Wink Martindale, Monty Hall, and Michael Buffer in unison.

Zeus didn't think that he was going to like what was behind Door Number 2. Maybe this brain wouldn't be so bad after all. Plus there was evidently going to be all the poontang he could ever want.

Dr. Krupkenhoffer's head was now perched halfway down Zeus' abdomen. She whispered, "Besides, your old brain wasn't really working out very well for you, was it?"

Zeus thought of his alcoholism and the impulsive and uncontrolled behavior that had lead to his present incarcerated state. He had to concede her point.

Squeezing his throbbing cock in her hand, she said, "It is possible that you may have some questions about your medical care, what with the involuntary surgical modification of your brain and your present state of crucifixion and all. Many new seekers do. Not to worry.

"I know what you are thinking. You did not seek your present state. However, you will realize as time passes, this is precisely what you have been seeking all your life, but you did not know it. No one has ever escaped these walls, because no one has ever wanted to. Of course, we've only been open for five days.

"There are seekers who travel outside to promote our cause. But they will always return. They will be pulled here by their desires and their belief in the work we are doing."

Not to mention their brain implants, Zeus thought silently, as the esteemed Dr. Krupkenhoffer licked her way past his bellybutton and raked her fingernails down his naked torso. His shaft throbbed with an intensity greater than he had ever known.

Dr. Krupkenhoffer squeezed his cock, which had by now inflated to the hematological breaking point, and beamed up at him. "You will never need to worry about erectile dysfunction ever again," she told him. "At the slightest urge on the part of you or another seeker, you will be granite hard, always ready for maximal pleasure. And you will be horny almost all of the time."

She ran her hand up and down Zeus' lightning bolt. "I can see that Amanda wasn't exaggerating your assets," she whispered approvingly. She took Zeus into her mouth, her fingernails raking their way up and down his thighs as she began to suck him.

She sucked him faster and faster, as her fingers scuttled their way back up Zeus' legs and seized Zeus' balls, hefting them one at a time like an erotic juggler. As her mouth insatiably hoovered Zeus' shaft, her hands cruelly squeezed his cojones, and Zeus exploded into her ravenous mouth.

"Magnifique," raved the esteemed forensic neuroscientist, wiping away the semen dripping from the corner of her mouth with a brush of her hand. "Oh my, you taste good. Just as I imagined it would be."

Zeus somehow sensed her hunger and her pleasure directly. They became his own.

"Did I ever tell you that I am something of a nymphomaniac myself? Of course I didn't. I've only known you for five minutes, that is if you don't count the hour I spent frolicking around in the grey matter of your brain.

"You can now know my mind directly, because of the improvements I have made in your brain, not the least of which is the implanted transponder that allows you to directly communicate with another person's mind. Of course, that requires that the other person has a transponder as well.

"And yes, I have one too. I would never experiment on another person before trying it out on myself. You think it is easy doing neurosurgery on yourself aided only by a bathroom mirror?"

Zeus shook his head, desperately hoping that the conscience and rationality centers in her brain were intact after her do-it-yourself lobotomy.

"No, I didn't think so. Well, your implant will let you experience the desires, the pleasures, and the pain of any other seeker here at Krupkenhoffer. And they will experience yours. No one can inflict unwanted pain on another seeker, because they would experience the same agony themselves. Of course, the same thing is true of pleasure. You will directly experience the pleasure of your partners and feel a joy that surpasses anything you have ever known.

"Wait until you get to the threesomes and eightsomes, which sure as hell will commence the moment you walk through that door. The pleasure is indescribable.

"By the way, did I ever tell you that I kinda have a thing for Jesus? No? I guess maybe it was too soon," she said, gazing up at him through the maze of her cornsilk hair.

"I sort of had a feeling you did," Zeus told her, "what with the crucifixion and crown and all."

Her scarlet mouth formed a wry grin. "Am I that obvious?" she asked, licking her way around Zeus's somehow still granite-hard cock.

"Can you imagine all the permutations of our bodies I will explore?"

Actually, Zeus could, thanks to the transponder implanted in his brain. There were 45,158,400 of them. Assuming that they spent a half hour on each one, he would get out of this room in a mere 10,403 years. That wasn't so bad.

"Let's get started, baby," she mumbled as she seized Zeus' cock in her mouth once again, her studded tongue lashing it like a whip, before she began to climb up Zeus' chained torso. Zeus's chained arms were pulled downward as they began to support Dr. Krupkenhoffer's weight in addition to his own. Her feet gained purchase on the lower legs of the wooden X and her hands on the upper arms. She hauled herself upward until her lips met his in a furious, albeit painful, kiss.

She pressed her naked torso into his and interlaced her fingers with those of his chained hands. She wriggled around on him as she climbed even further, and Zeus felt her pubic hair on his belly just above his yearning cock. She slid her tongue into Zeus' mouth and harshly pressed her forehead into his crown of thorns. Blood soon flowed down both their brows.

She wrapped her legs around the wooden cross and lowered the mouth of her cunt onto Zeus' throbbing shaft. She dropped suddenly, impaling herself on Zeus' 10-inch tool, letting out a gasp as she grasped the hedonic implications of his unparalleled endowment.

She began to ride him in earnest, her ample boobs running up and down his electrified torso with each of her posts. She placed her hands on his shoulders as she began to ride him even harder. Through his implant, Zeus could feel her pleasure directly and he tried to increase it even further by matching his thrusts with hers.

Her tongue explored his ear as they both drew nearer to climax. She was completely split open now, and dropped violently onto his massive tool with each of their thrusts. She threw her arms around Zeus' neck and buried her soft blond hair in his chest as they both exploded, and Zeus could feel her juices mixing with his semen and joining the stream of blood that was already flowing down their legs from the crown of thorns.

They stayed motionless for a few moments, their sexual heat rising again. Their rhapsody was cruelly interrupted when Dr. Krupkenhoffer's pager went off somewhere below them.

She clambered down the cross to listen to the message.

"Sorry Zeus. I have to go. It seems that another miscreant has arrived at our humble abode."

She came back to give Zeus' engorged cock one final squeeze and whack, the latter of which sent Zeus' pole into a metronome-like motion.

"I will come back," She promised. "I haven't even begun to explore the possibilities of this magnificent organ. We will spend many more delectable hours together. I promise."

She turned and walked toward the door through which they had entered.

Zeus tried to break free of his shackles, but to no avail. "Hey, a little help here!" he shouted in panic.

Dr. Krupkenhoffer turned to look at him and said. "Don't worry. Hattie, one of our new guards, will get you down and settled in your new quarters." Then she turned and went out the door.

Hattie? It couldn't be. He sure as hell hoped it wasn't.

3/18/2036 4:30 PM: Family Reunion.

"Mom? What are you doing here?" Zeus asked, as Hattie stormed through the other door, her gargantuan untamed breasts bouncing provocatively with every step.

"Help me get off this cross, Mama. I can explain everything."

"Whatcha done now, T.J., you heathen scoundrel, you no account worthless piece of shit?" Hattie had her hands on her hips and punctuated her comments by thrusting her blatantly exposed mammoth brown hooters directly at him like a pair of shotgun barrels. The areolas alone were the size of fine china plates (not that Zeus had ever seen such dinnerware).

"They say I raped a girl, Mama! I don't think I did, but I was wasted and can't remember shit. What the hell you doing here, Mama? Why you in a place like this?"

"I'm one of the new guards, Baby. You know how bad things been in this shithole of a town ever since the phthalate plant burned down."

"If you're a guard, then get me down from here. You must have a key or something."

Hattie opened a drawer in the cabinet and pulled out a chain of keys along with something else Zeus couldn't quite see. She walked over to him, and her eyes opened wide. "Well, look at you! Lordy me, I never seen nothing like this," she said, as she slid her fingernails up and down Zeus's throbbing, physically-enhanced johnson. She looked at Zeus' crown of thorns.

"This must be what our Lord's Holy Wanger is like! You sure as hell didn't get this from yo' daddy, whoever that lowlife bastard mighta been." She batted his outsized cock, setting it once again into the by-now all-too-familiar metronome motion.

"Never thought you'd grow up liked this when I was changin' your diapers. No siree, Bob. Let's getcha down from there so that mama can properly say hi to her baby."

She pressed a button in the wall, and the X-shaped cross descended so that it was lying flat on the ground. Hattie quickly unlocked Zeus' manacles, her naked breasts running delightfully back and forth on Zeus' chest as she did so.

Once he was free, Hattie walked over to the double bed, which had been conveniently installed to facilitate the orientation process. She was soon sprawled out on the sheets.

"Come on honey, give your mama a kiss."

Zeus walked over to the bed, his organ still rigidly at full salute despite his recent adventures. He pressed his lips to hers.

"That's no way to kiss your mama, T. J. You know how I like to be kissed. Or have you forgotten?"

Zeus lifted his head from hers and dutifully positioned himself to smooch her nether end. Hattie raised her legs and placed them over Zeus' shoulders. He placed his mouth over her cunt and began licking her in the precise patterns she had so patiently taught him. He engulfed her clit and began swirling his tongue around that sizable bud. Her hands grasped his head and pressed him tightly against her cunt, which he lapped with all the vigor she demanded. She screamed out but did not release him. In fact, she increased the considerable pressure her grasping hands were putting on his head, almost as if she were trying to force him back in the very birth canal from which he had so cruelly emerged 26 years ago, abandoning her loving body for the empty air of this world.

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