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Naked at College 01 Pt. 02


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Ms. Billingsley loved the feel of the smooth round cheeks of a young man's behind. She spread her hand out and firmly grasped both cheeks with her left hand, and then gave him a tight squeeze as she smiled into his eyes. "Wouldn't you enjoy seeing your professor, me, for instance, standing naked in front of you?"

Michael's cock began to swell. He glanced around the room. His cock was well hid by the back of his chair and, besides, most of the eyes were either averted, the guests not wanting to be caught staring at one of the naked students, or they were in fact stealing glances at Chrissie, who was standing between two of the more senior faculty. He had no idea what she was saying, but it was clear that they were paying very close attention to her every word, desperately trying not to notice how her breasts seemed to bounce with every exclamation, every gesture, every turn. President Rayburn, however, gestured toward her cunnie and Michael could see Chrissie's face flush with embarrassment as they stared intently in between her legs. She was indeed a beguiling sight. His cock was rapidly rising up, and soon thrust up straight.

Ms. Billingsley noticed where he was looking. "Michael!" Ms. Billingsley pretended to offended. She whispered to him, "Is that hard-on because of me, or is it for your little friend, Chrissie?"

Michael wasn't sure which of them was more arousing, although his stiffie was probably mostly because of Ms. Billingsley's hand caressing his butt. He was reminded of the womanly hand of Mrs. Canfield earlier that morning. He wondered if Ms. Billingsley might masturbate him as well. He was thinking that this Program thing was turning out to be pretty good, or at least the bad times did seem to be offset by some rather good times. He gave his bottom over to the pleasure of Ms. Billingsley's hand.

Ms Billingsley did not wait any longer for his answer. "Perhaps, Michael, you could assist me later this week?"

An undergraduate knew better than to decline a request to assist a faculty member. "Well, um, certainly, if I can, yes, I'd be happy to."

"We could perhaps have our own private Program," she said softly as she slid her fingers up and down the crack of his butt.

Michael turned to her, the head of his hard cock banging against the back of his chair as he turned. "Excuse me?"

"Alright, everybody," announced President Rayburn, "Let's retire to our seats. Our guests of honor have two more classes today and we certainly don't want them to be late."

Michael crawled into his seat to hide his erection. He was sitting kitty corner from the President who was at the head of the table. Chrissie sat directly across from Michael. Ms. Billingsley sat next to Michael on his right. Dean Worell was sitting next to Chrissie.

Michael was quite glad to be sitting down. The hard wood chair was rather uncomfortable on his butt, but no longer could his penis, erect or flaccid, be seen by anyone. Chrissie was not so lucky. Her naked breasts were still prominently displayed. In fact, they seemed to be all the more palpable, jutting out over the dining table, over her plate, like she was offering her breasts as an appetizer, and they certainly were quite appetizing to the eye.

President Rayburn felt they deserved particular commendation. "Chrissie, I must say, I was a bit concerned when you were chosen to be the first participant of The Program, but I can now see how wrong I was to feel this way."

"Sir, how do you mean?" She was confused as to his meaning, but not at all surprised that they might have had doubts about her. If she had been consulted, she would have raised quite a few doubts of her own. She placed her napkin in her lap, noting how this was the first time that day that she was able to hide her pussy.

"Well, honey, if I must say, you do have quite large breasts for your age, or, really, for any age."

Chrissie's eyes widened. She had never heard an administrator speak so openly about her breasts before, although given his earlier bold discussion of her trimmed pussy, perhaps she shouldn't have been surprised.

"It is curious, I must say. Normally I wouldn't speak so openly about a student's breasts." Turning to Michael, "Or his penis."

Michael nervously smiled, not only because of President Rayburn's remark, but also because, at the same time, he felt the fingers of Ms. Billingsley's left hand slipping into his lap, under his napkin, to wrap around his shaft. He had been hoping that the lunch would provide him with plenty of time to lose his erection, but that was not likely to occur if Professor Billingsley continued to play with him under the table.

President Rayburn continued. "But, this is one of the benefits of The Program that I so very much admire. As the body opens up, so does the mind. You become so much more comfortable talking about oneself, admitting to things, that you normally would keep to yourself. False expectations, misperceptions, and stereotypic judgments become resolved because you address them so openly. You two are symbols for openness, for full honesty. I just can't tell you how delighted I am that The Program is finally beginning. You might be surprised at how much work and preparation was spent in addressing all of the concerns and objections that were raised. It wasn't like its implementation was a slam dunk, let me tell you."

"No sir," Chrissie replied, as she sipped her soup. She was always careful not to spill any food on herself while she was eating, and she was even more attentive when she was at a formal function. And, this was a formal soiree in which she was naked. It would be terrible to actually spill some of the soup on a naked tittie. Imagine having to clean herself there.

"And, I must acknowledge the substantial contributions of Ms. Billingsley here. She had quite a hand in its development."

Ms. Billingsley leaned forward, squeezing hard on Michael's stiff, throbbing dick. "I am always so very pleased, sir, to lend a hand, whenever it's helpful."

"Well, I do thank you for that," he replied.

Michael wasn't entirely sure how helpful her hand was being. He was having considerable difficulty concentrating on his soup. He was bent over the bowl, keeping his face right above it, as he continually spilled bits from his spoon as Ms. Billingsley's caressed, fondled, and stroked his stiffness below the table. It was awfully cool being jerked off by a prominent and very attractive professor, and even right under the nose of the President. But, he really didn't want to cum in her hand. He seriously doubted that President Rayburn would look well on the fact that a male student shot his load under the table during a formal luncheon. He could certainly kiss any letters of recommendation goodbye. Imagine trying to explain within a reference letter how or why he ejaculated at a formal luncheon. But, still, her hand felt so soft, so stimulating, so good.

"Goodness, I'm digressing here. Excuse an old man, Chrissie. It's hard for me to suppress my enthusiasm when the topic is The Program. We worked so hard to get it approved by the Board of Trustees. Yes, but, back to the subject at hand, which is and really should be you. As I was saying, we carefully reviewed quite a number of possible students for the honor of being the first. I must admit to one concern which was simply the size of your breasts."

"President Rayburn?" Why must so many of her conversations today return to her breasts?

Michael's eyes were as well continually glancing at Chrissie's boobs. With Ms. Billingsley's hand sliding up and down his cock, it was really hard not to enjoy their sight, along with the feel of her hand. 'Oh jeeez!' he thought. Ms. Billingsley was now just using the tips of her fingers, lightly scratching up and down the tightly stretched skin of his shaft. He could feel his balls pulling tightly against him.

"Yes, dear, I was concerned that they were so large that they would sag in some unattractive or embarrassing manner for you."

Chrissie's face flushed with self-consciousness.

"I know, I know. It is insensitive, and simply wrong, for me to suggest that a girl with droopy breasts should not participate in The Program. On the contrary, we will eventually have persons of all shapes and sizes. I might myself some day participate, and won't that be a rather disgusting sight!"

He chuckled at his effort to make light of himself. Chrissie felt fortunate that he didn't ask her what she would think of seeing him naked.

Ms. Billingsley shifted to lightly massaging the tip of his cock with the soft palm of her left hand, rolling it around and around the soft roundness of his crown. She could feel his precum soaking into her skin. She said to Michael, "Hmmmmm, doesn't this soup taste so good, Michael?"

"Um, uh, yes ma'am."

It was a thick tomato bisque. "I think though that it perhaps could use some more cream. Don't you think?" she asked, as she once again grasped his shaft.

"Yea, well, maybe." He considered shifting away from her, but he didn't want to draw any attention to himself, or letting any at the table, and certainly not President Rayburn, know that he was sporting a boner.

She said very quietly, "Do you think that you might have some cream for my soup, Michael?"

Michael protested, "Ms. Billingsley!"

President Rayburn continued, "Precisely because of this concern, because persons' insensitive reactions to bodies that lack an obvious appeal, we felt that it would be important for the initial participants not to have this disadvantage. It's not like you aren't already facing a number of other obstacles, being the initial participants."

Chrissie thought, 'That was certainly an understatement.'

"But, I must say, your bosoms stand up quite proud without any external support."

Chrissie looked down at her soup and responded rather self-consciously, "Yes, well, thank you sir." How might she change the focus of this conversation?

"And, I certainly don't want to neglect our second participant, the young Mr. Bates."

Michael looked up in fright. This was not the time that he wanted to be talking to President Rayburn. Chrissie though appreciated that the focus of attention was now finally leaving her, and her breasts in particular.

"How has it been so far for you, young man."

Some parts of the day had been quite difficult, if not miserable, but Ms. Billingsley's hand beneath the table was approaching another great moment. He answered rather neutrally, "It's been fine, sir."

"Fine? Is that all?" President Rayburn was surprised. The day must have been full of all sorts of adventures and new experiences. "Excuse me, son, but I was wondering, we were all expecting, that a young man like yourself would have some difficulty with erections. This was why The Program includes the option of gaining relief within the first five minutes of each class. May I ask if you have felt the need so far of taking advantage of this option?"

Ms. Billingsley came to his rescue, sort of. She removed her hand from his cock and said, "He might need relief at the beginning of his next class."

"Excuse me?" President Rayburn asked.

"I believe the young man has an erection right as we speak,"

A smiled crossed President Rayburn's lips. "Well, thank goodness. I was beginning to wonder. But, my gracious, you've gotten excited while having lunch with us?" President Rayburn chuckled over Michael's evidently rampant libido. "How did that in fact happen, Michael? It certainly wasn't talking to me, I hope," he said with a smile.

"I believe, sir," Ms. Billingsley again interjected, "It was Michael's interest in those lovely breasts of Chrissie."

Chrissie thought, 'There they go again, turning the conversation back to my breasts!'

"Well," President Rayburn replied, "that makes much more sense." He turned to Chrissie, or, more accurately, her breasts. "If I was a much younger man, I might have been as responsive." As he allowed himself to look directly at those luscious young globes, so well developed and shaped, jutting out like two large white peaks, capped by such cute, perky nipples, he could in fact feel himself stir. He tore his eyes away and turned his attention back to Michael. "Yes, well, would you mind, young man, sharing your pride with the rest of us?"


"Oh, I think it would be wonderful, Michael," Ms. Billingsley agreed. "As the faculty and administration, we should not ourselves cringe from a display of a participant. On the contrary, we must embrace and applaud these moments as we hope the students will do so as well."

"I can't agree more, Ms. Billingsley. Michael, please, stand up and let us fully enjoy your Program participation."

Michael slid back his chair, and slowly stood up.

All eyes turned to him as first just the red bulb peeked over the edge of the table, and then the entire shaft, jutting out over his luncheon plate, as Chrissie's breasts towered over hers.

Ms. Billingsley exclaimed, "Isn't that a handsome erection, President Rayburn?"

President Rayburn had to admit that it was a bit odd, as an older male, the President of this college, to have a young male student displaying an erection for him, but that was what made The Program so innovative, so progressive, so pioneering. He was himself personally familiar with The Program, and he appreciated that those at the luncheon who were novice to its practices and principles might be somewhat thrown by the sight. It was important to model the proper response. "Yes, it is, yes ma'am. Our young Mr. Bates indeed has an impressive erection. You must be quite proud of it, young man."

Dean Worell agreed as well. "Yes, yes, it's a really wonderful erection," and she was being quite sincere. In the morning, she had worried about Michael being too small, as President Rayburn had worried about Chrissie being too large. However, from her own perspective, the sight of a youthful stout erection was really quite impressive and exciting. It had been quite some time since she had seen the erection of a young man, and the fact that it was rather small was well offset by its boyish, juvenile eagerness.

This was not the reaction Michael had been expecting, particularly after the psychology professor's derogatory remark.

Ms. Billingsley reached out and lightly traced her fingers along the underside of his shaft, starting at where it met his balls and slowly moving up to the crown. She even bounced it up and down a bit on her fingers. Michael's eyes were half shut as he enjoyed the sensual touch of the tips of her fingers. It would be bad enough to cum under the table. Imagine if he shot a hot, heavy load out over the dining table, staining the expensive white table cloth, and perhaps even splashing into some bowls of soup. He did not, however, feel that it would be right to ask her to stop, as he didn't want to publicly admit to these administrators that he was about to cum. "Isn't its shape most impressive," she said, turning to Professor Stumpf; "so stout, so stiff, don't you think, sir?"

As a psychology professor, Mr. Stumpf really should have been comfortable with the appearance of a nude erect male, frankly with the behavior and appearance of most anything. However, he was in fact speechless. He considered commenting again on how small it was, but he knew that he would be doing so at the risk of President Rayburn's disapproval and his own standing within the college. He was in line for an endowed chair and he was not about to risk that over the sight of a little dick.

Ms. Billingsley could see his verbal impotence. She smiled at her success in turning the table on him.

President Rayburn spoke up, "Let's give Michael a round of applause in support of his participation, his display, and his forthright courage; what do you say."

All of the faculty and administrators laid down their utensils and clapped.

Michael looked around the table at the sight of the prominent faculty and administrators politely applauding the fact that he was showing them his woodie. Everybody was clapping, and many were smiling appreciatively. He had to admit that there was something surreal about this. Even Professor Stumpf was clapping, although he wasn't smiling. He wondered if they would continue to applaud if he just shot off right then.

Ms. Billingsley once again reached out to take hold of Michael's cock. She pointed it toward Chrissie. "You must be quite proud to have had this effect on the young man, Chrissie," displaying his hard cock like it was a precious artifact.

Chrissie's eyes were also fixed on Michael's erection. When she first saw it this morning, she was offended, perhaps even repulsed. She wasn't so sure how she felt now.

"I think she is, Ms. Billingsley," interjected President Rayburn. "Her nipples are standing up a bit as well."

Chrissie's eyes quickly went down to her chest. He was right. Her nipples were stiffening, but that could very well be something to do with the temperature in the room. The thermostat was set for persons with clothes. 'Still, why does the attention keep coming back to my breasts?'

"Alright, now," President Rayburn suggested, "let's all return to our lunch. These two young adventurers still have two more classes to complete today. They will need their energy and, besides, I suspect that Michael will want to cool off a bit before he returns to the Commons. I know that you are becoming increasingly more comfortable with your nudity, young man, as do all participants in The Program, but I suspect that you haven't quite got used to walking around campus with an ole boner poking out, excuse my French, Chrissie."

Michael hadn't gotten used to any part of it, erection or no erection, although he would agree that he would prefer to lose his erection before he got back up from the table. He concentrated on his lunch, keeping his eyes off Chrissie's breasts that wiggled with every move of her utensils. Fortunately, Ms. Billingsley kept her hands to herself.

Physical Education 101

Chrissie and Michael had been quite scared of attending gym class. Neither of them were particularly athletic. It's never fun embarrassing yourself in front of your friends with respect to how clumsy or inadequate you are at some sport: repeatedly fanning at the bat, shooting air balls at the free throw line, or being unable to throw anything other than gutter balls.

Well, neither Chrissie nor Michael were really athletic. Michael was even worse than Chrissie, and he felt that she would at least be entertaining for the guys, playing the sport naked. Guys actually like clumsy girls. It makes them feel more masculine. They can show off their brawny, masculine prowess, impressing the girls with their physical strength and skills. Imagine how much more fun it would be if it was a naked clumsy girl. That would be doubly good.

Clumsy guys though are not particularly appealing to girls. Naked clumsy guys; well, that would be doubly bad. Imagine repeatedly striking out with a little erect penis fanning the air along with your bat. You would be ripe for a lot of cruel jokes.

But, it didn't turn out to be like that at all. Fortunately, perhaps for both of them, their gym class was confined simply to warm-ups, calisthenics, and gymnastics. It was a course that was more for the purpose of becoming a physical ed instructor than an athlete. They were both tremendously relieved.

There were a few rough moments. Having to lead the class in jumping jacks was pretty rough. Nobody could stop laughing. However, it was so absurd that Chrissie and Michael both had to laugh as well. Chrissie's big tits were just flying around, complemented by Michael's little balls and penis springing up and down. They felt so terribly silly that they broke up as well. It was in fact rather nice. For the first time that day they didn't feel mortified about their nakedness, and were even enjoying the absurdity of the whole thing. And, they felt less shameful at their nakedness, because they knew the tide would turn at the end.


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