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Naked Dare Ch. 05


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“I’ll have a look at them after dinner while you’re getting ready.”

“Let me know what you think of her. I think she’s really pretty.”

“Did he say if he had a reply from the flasher?”

“Apparently he has but he wants to save that for next time we are online together. He said there has been a major development there but he didn’t say what exactly.”

“That sounds interesting.”

“I’m looking forward to finding out what has happened there.”

“When do you think we will be able to get back online with him?”

“I’m not sure but you can bet he’s going to want to talk to Cassie a.s.a.p. after this weekend. Especially after I gave him the details of what happened the other night. Perhaps we can get on Sunday night if we’re not too tired.”

“Have you spoken to Cassie today?”

“I called her just before you got home. She’s really excited. Steve’s more nervous about it than she is. Poor guy feels like he’s losing control of his wife.”

I had to laugh at this.

“He has never had control of Cassie. She’s a wild one that girl.”

“She’s great fun too. I mean who knows what we might get up to this weekend? After the dare we might not want to leave our room. We’re sharing a bed you know.”

Ella gave me a suggestive look and a saucy wink.

I guess I’ll have to wait to hear what went on but I wish I could be a fly on the wall that night. I dished out our Mongolian and poured us some wine.

“So how was your day Charlie?”

“You know, same shit different day. Although we did have a new girl start today. Her name is Jennifer and she seems really nice.”

Ella gave me a cheeky look.

“Oh yeah? How nice?”

Two can play this game.

“Oh man she is so hot. She’s got such a sexy pair of tits and when I walked into the room she was bent over the photo copier. I wanted to just stuff her full of my cock from behind.”

Ella burst out laughing. The truly funny thing is, what I just said wasn’t all that far from the truth. Not that I would say that to Ella but it felt kind of weird being so upfront and honest about something like that and not get into trouble for it.

“Not another Granny is it?”

“Actually no. She’s about our age I think. She’s married, her and her hubby have just moved back to the area. He seems like a nice bloke too.”

“When did you meet him?”

“Her car died this afternoon so I gave her a lift home. They live about four blocks from here. Oh I invited them around for a barbecue next Saturday.”

“I guess they made a good impression then. I hope they can party because I invited Cassie and Steve around for dinner on Saturday. I dare say Cassie is going to want to relive some of this weekends fun so I hope they are open minded.”

What have I done? This could be really bad. Hell this could be career ending. I’ll have to cancel on them. I hated doing it but it was just too big a risk.

“I think I’ll have to cancel on them. If they are religious or just don’t understand what we’re doing and it got back to my bosses it could be the end of my career.”

“Just apologize to them, reschedule it and say something came up.” Ella gave me another saucy grin and said “I’m sure plenty will come up.”

She lifted her foot under the table and insinuated it between my thighs and gently massaged my cock with it. She was doing a superb job of gently but firmly rubbing me to full hardness when the phone rang.

“What is it with this god damn phone? Its timing is impeccable.”

Ella laughed as she went to answer the phone. I was still grumbling about it when Ella called over to me.

“It’s for you Charlie, it’s Steve.”

Ella went back to her meal as I took the phone.

“Steve, what’s up mate?”

“Charlie, we have to put a stop to this. Cassie has lost her fucking mind. You should see what she has packed. She won’t listen to me. You have to tell her it’s off.”

“Whoa Steve; calm down a bit.”

“Calm down? Why the fuck does everyone keep telling me to calm down? She’s packed a double ended dildo Charlie.”

I walked out of the dining room with the phone and sat down in the office. I could see where this conversation was heading and I didn’t want Ella to hear too much.

“You need to calm down because you’re not thinking this through rationally. Just calm down and remember the plan. First of all be thankful it’s a double ended dildo and not just lube. I don’t think she means to have a man use a double ended dildo on her, just think about it o.k. Now where are we going to be when all this goes down?”

I could hear Steve take a deep breath and I knew I would be able to talk him back around. He was just panicking and all he really needed was some one to talk him through the plan and get him focused again.

“I don’t know Charlie, I’m freaking out over here, Cassie is so excited about this and all I can do is worry from a distance.”

“Steve I promise you we are not going to be all that far from them at any time. If something happens we will be seconds away to intervene.”

“How can you be so sure? Aren’t you worried at all?”

“Of course I am Steve, but I’m more worried about what will happen if we deny them this. Will they try it without our knowledge? If they do that there is no way we will be able to protect them. What I think we should do is remind them of the rules before they go and just let them know what we don’t think is acceptable. If they have ground rules in mind before they leave they’re less likely to break them.”

“Yeah that sounds like a good idea. Sorry mate, I was just freaking out. I don’t want anything to happen to them. Don’t get me wrong, I want them to have a good time and I’m no prude, I mean I know Cassie was sucking your cock in the office the other day and it doesn’t bother me, I just don’t want her to get hurt.”

I was a little shocked by that revelation but I tried to take it all in my stride.

“I propose that one of the rules should be that everything is recorded, that way they will have to think about everything they do.”

“Yeah that sounds like a good idea. Thanks Charlie, I needed that.”

“No worries mate. Could I talk to Cassie for a moment?”

“Yeah sure, I’ll just get her.”

Moments later I could hear Steve handing the phone to Cassie.

“Hey Charlie, what’s up?”

“Hi Cassie, could you do me a huge favor?”

“Sure, does it involve swallowing your cum?”

I couldn’t help but laugh, she always was upfront to the point of being shocking.

“Well you never know what the future holds but not today anyway. What I need is for you to settle down a bit, you’re getting Steve very stressed and he was on the verge of pulling the pin on the whole thing. None of us wants that right at the last minute.”

“Oh o.k. I’m just really excited about this weekend.”

“I know you are but what you need to do right now is to reassure Steve that you won’t be running away with someone else or that you won’t be going beyond the limits you and Steve agree on.”

“We haven’t really discussed limits.”

“I thought that might be the case. He’s imagining the worst case scenario and he feels like he hasn’t got any control of this situation.”

“O.k. I’ll sit him down and have a word with him. Thanks Charlie.”

“That’s o.k. Oh; by the way, I hope you’re nice and smooth because I don’t want Ella coming home with stubble rash.”

We both had a good laugh and said our goodbyes and I went back to the table to finish my dinner.

“What’s wrong? Did Steve change his mind?”

“No he’s just got a case of cold feet. I think he’ll be fine.”

“God I hope so. I can’t do this without Cassie.”

“Look I’m sure it will be fine in the morning. Don’t worry about it.”

“I hope so.”

I spent the rest of the evening trying to calm Ella down and convince her everything will be fine.

I woke up the next morning the best possible way a man can. With his cock firmly lodged in his wife’s mouth.

“Well good morning to you too honey.”

“Hi babe. Can’t talk right now.”

“Hell, who am I to argue?”

Ella gave me a nice slow sensual and very slippery blowjob and it wasn’t long until I could feel my balls start to tighten up. It probably didn’t help that I had been dreaming about Cassie sucking my cock and swallowing my cum the way she suggested on the phone last night. I warned Ella that I was about to cum and half expected her to finish me with a hand job but it appeared she wanted a protein shake for breakfast today. Moments later I was bucking my hips and Ella just hung on and sucked even harder. I let out a huge groan as I deposited my load in her mouth. Ella started to giggle as my cum leaked out the sides of her mouth and she did her best to swallow it all.

Ella stood up, walked over to the wardrobe and pulled out her favorite summer dress. It was a loose fitting, light weight, white cotton dress that left little to the imagination in the right light. I was busy admiring her ass as she slid just the dress over her naked body. She turned around with a grin.

“I might as well go commando today, I think it will be hot enough. What do you think?”

“I think it already is hot enough. In fact if you hadn’t just eaten all my cum I would be bending you over in that dress and filling your pussy with it.”

“We can’t have that. I want my pussy to be nice and fresh for Cassie.”

I couldn’t believe how open Ella was becoming about wanting Cassie sexually. God it turned me on. But I must admit that it scared me a bit too. It must have shown on my face.

“Oh don’t pout baby, she could never replace you and I promise to record it if Cassie and I get together o.k.?”

“Actually I wanted to talk to you about that. I think there should be a rule for this weekend that if there is a cock in sight it must be filmed. Steve is freaking out a bit and I don’t think he trusts Cassie not to fuck a stranger.”

“Sounds fair to me. I’m not going to be responsible for what Cassie does though; when that girl gets started she’s pretty hard to stop.”

“Don’t I know it?”

I heard the car doors close and moments later the door bell was going.

“You’d better get that Ella, seeing as I’m still naked. Just tell them I’ll be out in a minute. I just want to recover for a second then I’ll get dressed.”

Ella wandered off to get the door and lay back momentarily to enjoy the soft breeze of the ceiling fan on my still damp cock. I could here Steve greet Ella and then a squeal of excitement as Cassie came in the front door. I could make out the sounds of a kiss as they greeted each other then Cassie laughed her wicked laugh.

“You’ve got cum breath you naughty girl. Here give me another kiss. Mmm tastes good.”

Next thing the bedroom door was thrown open and there was Cassie staring at me lying naked on the bed. I figured it was too late to do anything now so I just went with it.

“Look at you looking all smug with your freshly sucked cock.”

“Hi Cassie, how are you today?”

“Great now that I’ve tasted your cum already.”

Ella leaned over her shoulder looking in at me and said.

“There might still be some drops left in him if you think you can get them out.”

I nearly died of shock. What did my wife just suggest? Before I could even register what was going on Cassie had leapt onto the bed next to me and had my cock in her hand. Despite the shock I still felt my cock twitch with delight as she leant down to take me in her mouth. I looked past Cassie as my cock disappeared into her mouth at Ella.

“Ella, what….”

That was about all I got out as Ella was grinning from ear to ear watching her best friend suck her husbands cock and then the pleasure just took over and I laid back down. I was momentarily lost in the thrill of it all and the wonderful sensations of Cassie blowing me when I heard Steve moan.

At first I thought he was upset at seeing his wife sucking my cock but then I raised my head. There was Ella, on her knees in front of Steve with her gorgeous tits already out of the top of her dress. Steve’s cock was buried halfway down Ella’s throat and from the noises Steve was making and the effort Ella was putting in I knew he wouldn’t be far away from cumming. I was still a long way off despite Cassie doing her best and I didn’t think I would be able to cum again so soon after being so thoroughly blown earlier.

I was intrigued to see what Ella would do and she surprised me a second time for the day by firmly holding Steve’s cock in her mouth while he emptied his load of cum into her. I could see her swallowing it down and as she released him she used her tongue to wipe up any that got away.

I told Cassie that I didn’t think I would be able to cum again so soon and that Ella and her had probably better get going if they were going to get to their motel and then into the city where they wanted to go. She seemed a little disappointed and only reluctantly let go of my cock. She turned to Ella and laughed.

“You greedy bitch. Two loads of cum in one morning and I don’t get any. Well you owe me one.”

“Oh alright, you can have one of Charlie’s after we get back.”

I felt kind of odd being passed about like a communal fuck toy, but then I wasn’t about to complain either.

I got up and jumped into the shower while the girls discussed their plans with Steve. Ella went over their itinerary with him and he seemed a lot more at ease about things when we were waving the girls off. He even seemed to be a little bit excited as he said.

“Right let’s get our stuff and go get the rental car.”

“Yeah, we don’t want them to get too far ahead of us. I filled the car up with fuel last night so I know they won’t be stopping along the way.”

It took us maybe half an hour of driving like a lunatic before I saw their car ahead of us. I backed off enough to keep pace with them but not get close enough for them to see us. They wouldn’t recognize the car of course but I didn’t want them to see us in it. We settled in for a two hour cruise and we decided early on that we would take a different route to the motel.

Watching them driving from a distance I noticed a few times they were driving a bit erratically, they would speed up to over take a truck or a 4wd but then once they were beside it they would slow right down again, only to take off past it again. I just put it down to them being to busy talking and being silly.

I had spent some time late last night organizing a motel near theirs. I was incredibly lucky and managed to get a room in the motel directly across the road from theirs. We wouldn’t be able to see their room from ours but we could at least watch for when they came and went. Having their itinerary was a brilliant piece of luck.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Amazing logic

Ella says of Mike's brother: “Yeah looks aren’t everything though, she might be a real bitch but from the way Mike speaks about her I don’t get the impression that she is. Maybe he’s just a dog. Some men are like that. No matter what they have at home there is always something better elsewhere.” That's as she's preparing to blow strange cock at a glory hole and fuck her girlfriend.

If you saw the absurdity and didn't incirporate it into the story, that's a big WTF Otherwise your reasoning and understanding of relationships is fucked

deedles38deedles38over 14 years ago
Oh So Wonderful!

I really love this story! Once again, I happened upon another really good story. You just left me definitely wanting to come back for more. You have such a creative mind. I will be back to see where Ella's and Cassie's adventures lead.

deedles38deedles38over 14 years ago
Oh So Wonderful!

I really love this story! Once again, I happened upon another really good story. You just left me definitely wanting to come back for more. You have such a creative mind. I will be back to see where Ella's and Cassie's adventures lead.

deedles38deedles38over 14 years ago
Oh So Wonderful!

I really love this story! Once again, I happened upon another really good story. You just left me definitely wanting to come back for more. You have such a creative mind. I will be back to see where Ella's and Cassie's adventures lead.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

Can't wait for the next chapter! HPUK

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