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Naked Friday 04


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He was quite hairy down his chest and it ran on down across his tummy and joined up with his pubic hair, which had obviously been trimmed. His dick was sort of half hard -- nothing surprising there then, and was quite thick but a little short -- at the moment anyway. Despite this look I didn't feel sexually attracted to him still -- he was just naked the same as me and it was quite matter-of-fact.

He took the cup and said 'Thank you'. He took a couple of swigs and then said, "Do you know, I was OK until I got on the main road to work and then found myself in traffic next to a van with a woman driver in it -- she was looking straight into my car at my crotch and smiling -- I found it quite unnerving."

"Only natural, I suppose" I said. "But don't worry, as soon as more arrive and we get into the days work, you will forget about it and just get on the same as normal -- or pretty much the same. Odd things may pop up during the day and you'll just need to take care of them at the time. Don't dwell on it though will you. Oh, and don't be embarrassed if you find you have to 'take care of it' during the day, I know I'm expecting more than the usual lavatory trips today, even if it's just to wipe up the juices." I said, pointing at my glistening pussy. God, I wasn't just naked, I was fully drawing attention to my most intimate areas and to the fact that they my pussy was juicy and betraying my heightened sexual condition laying beneath the calm exterior. Actually, I was calm, my pussy was just behaving separately from me!

We both sat down facing each other across the kitchen and Robert crossed his legs. I left mine slightly open so that my pussy was clearly visible and highlighted by my little landing strip that we hadn't shaved off yet, and just chatted and wondered who else would come naked today. We didn't think that many would play.

After a few minutes, Donna arrived and, true to her word, she was wearing a substantial bra and granny knickers. Robert looked embarrassed and said to her, "I'm disappointed with you Donna, after all you did agree with this project before we announced it to the staff so I expected you at least, as one of the Officers of the company, would support it."

Donna's face reddened and she said, "I'm sorry Robert, but with my upbringing, not to mention the state of my body compared to the other girls here, I just can't." she had a tear in her eye while she moved over to the kettle and made her own cup of tea.

"Don't worry Donna, at least you've engaged in the spirit of the project by undressing to your underwear, I'm sure you won't be the only one that doesn't strip completely." I glanced at Robert trying to convey in my look that he should be more sympathetic and supporting -- not that it was my place to say, of course.

"Yes, I suppose I have to agree with Gina, you have shown support by undressing as far as you feel able, so I thank you for that at least." Said Robert.

Well, it was better than nothing and I did see her shoulders go back a little and her stance changed with it. She wasn't as bad looking as she seemed to think though. A little overweight yes, but she was nearing 50 after all so, for her age, she was in reasonably good condition. I felt sure she would be OK once we all started work properly.

Rachel came in with Dave, both of whom were naked too. So, that just left Phil and Gerald to arrive.

After a few minutes, we took our teas into the office with us and, to our surprise, Phil and Gerald were at their desks. They too were naked, leaving only Donna covered up, but they were doing their best to hide behind their desks.

Everyone rather sheepishly said their 'good mornings' to each other -- except me.

I smiled at each of them in turn and brightly said, "Good morning both, don't you think we've been lucky with the weather today? I had a lovely naked walk in the sunshine before catching my bus this morning and it was quite stimulating. I think it set me up nicely for the day."

Donna looked at me with shock on her face and stuttered "Did, did you come to work on the bus dressed like that then?"

"Yes, of course I did. I knew that Robert and Phil were coming from home naked, so I said I would too. It wasn't all that difficult really, and I did have the camera crew there with me if anything had gotten sticky. I found it very enjoyable too, I must admit." I said to her.

She tutted and went around to her desk, so the rest of us just sat and got on with our work.

On Tuesday, when I was wearing clothing that showed off everything I had, I'd had a good day; because of my heightened state of awareness, amongst other things, I found that I worked better and made less mistakes than normal, and that had generally carried on throughout the week so far. Today, however, was a little different. I didn't have any worries or fears about my state of dress, as I said before, I was enjoying the freedom of being naked, but I couldn't help taking looks around the office at the others, to see how they were handling it. Rachel seemed to be glowing and enjoying the freedom that I was experiencing, Donna looked as though she couldn't concentrate on anything for more than a few seconds and I once caught her looking around the room at each of us, then she looked out the window and she seemed very dejected. I wondered if she would not be better getting off home if she was so concerned. All the others seemed to have gotten over the initial embarrassment of the morning and were just getting on with their work. There was, however, a much better, more electrifying atmosphere about the place today, so maybe this plan would work and help us meld together better as a team. I hoped so -- in fact I was relying on it -- if I wanted to come to work every day naked.

About 10'ish, Donna came over to me and asked me to accompany her to the kitchen for an early coffee break. As she is one of the company officers, it seemed to me that no-one else would say anything about me going early for our morning break, so I followed her out. We made our coffee without saying anything to each other and I wondered what was about to happen.

She sat in a chair and pointed to the chair next to her for me to sit too, which I did.

She remained silent for a little while longer and then, almost with a sob, she said, "Gina, I feel that I am letting the company down so badly today -- I can see that this communal nudity thing is nothing like I expected. It's just people doing the same things that they usually do -- they just don't have any clothes on. I have thought about that throughout the morning so far and I seem to be at war with myself. One part of me thinks that this is quite disgusting, the other part thinks that it seems OK -- non of the sexual problems that I was kind of expecting. What do you think I should do, and how did you come to accept it so readily?"

"I think all that this week has done for me is to awaken the latent exhibitionist in me and, not only am I enjoying it, I want to stay naked all the time now. Apart from work this week, I haven't worn clothes at all and even gone home naked when Martin's been able to pick me up. But that's me -- and what I feel doesn't apply to everyone. What did surprise me this week though was what my neighbour, Sammie, did. She saw me getting out of the car naked on Tuesday and came out of her house to talk to me about it. She and her husband came around to ours later that evening, and within an hour she was off back home, with me in tow, to undress too and then she came back to our house and we went to KFC for supper -- her and I naked. We were going to just go in and get a take-out while we were naked, but we ended up eating it in the restaurant with our husbands -- and we were quite politely accepted. The same with the bus, I spoke to all the regular commuters yesterday morning about being naked on the way to work this morning, and almost all of the agreed that it would be no problem, so I did come naked. The point, though, is not me -- it is what Sammie did. Once she overcame her initial concerns and got naked herself, she stood in front of a full length mirror and we took a long hard critical look at her. She is normally quite a mousey sort of person, but once she was standing naked in front of the mirror and saw, with my help, how good she actually looked, she was hooked. Even Geraint, her husband, was shocked at the change in her. Not just her appearance, but how more alive and proud she was afterwards. So, the only thing that I can suggest, if you want to, is for us to go off to the lavatory, get you out of that underwear and take a good look at you in the mirror. What do you think?"

She sat and thought for a few minutes and said, "OK then, but only if we can find a way to lock the door."

I smiled and got up, stretching my hand out to take hers.

Once we got into the loos, I put the heavy tampon bin front of the door -- it would give with a shove, but would also allow time for her to jump into one of the cubicles and shut the door if anyone (it would only be Rachel anyway, the toilets weren't shared with the other offices) should come in.

"Come on then, take your bra off first, yes?"

Gingerly, she unclasped her bra but held it in front of her for a moment. I took it gently out of her hands and, as I did so, her arms went up to cover her now naked breasts. I put her bra down and got behind her, moving her arms away and down to her side, so we were both looking at her breasts in the mirror. I kept hold of her arms, just so she knew I was still being supportive.

"You have lovely nipples, and they sit so perfectly level, which is unusual. Even mine are not exactly equal -- look." and I moved away from her so that she could see me too. "And, I bet you thought they would look saggy didn't you? Well they don't -- in fact they are in pretty good condition given the size and, and I don't mean to be rude here, your age -- they are standing up very well for themselves. I suppose if you wanted to be some sort of model, you'd have to lose a little weight, but that's not what were looking for here is it. I think you look really good you know. Certainly nothing to be ashamed of and I would be justifiably happy if my body looks that good when I'm your age. Sorry, I don't mean to be bitchy about your age -- just that it is a factor, whether we like it or not I'm afraid."

She stood and looked a bit more then moved her hands up to her breasts, cupping and slightly moving them around. "I suppose you're quite right, now that I look at them with open eyes, but I do feel a little fat around the middle and that's not necessarily something that one should show off, is it?"

I sighed at this remark and said "Well, the middle bit is showing now and nobody has had to run off and be sick or anything have they!" I couldn't keep the annoyance out of my voice now though -- it was a silly remark. I moved back behind her and touched the elastic of her knickers around her waist. "What about the rest then, shall we try that now?" I asked.

She shut her eyes and, with some trepidation, she started to push her knickers down. I turned away for a moment, not wanting to put more pressure on her by watching. I heard her feet each in turn lift up and the click back onto the floor, the heels on her shoes making the clicking noise, and then turned around again. She had a shock of quite red pubic hair, which surprised me, and it was thick enough that it made seeing her pussy lips almost impossible. This could work for us I thought.

"Wow, that's a surprise." I said. I have always thought you were naturally blonde. No wonder your skin is so light. How often do you have to dye your hair?"

"Oh, I don't. I lost the colour in my hair in my mid twenties, and it just turned a silvery blond that you see now. I do colour my eyebrows occasionally though." She replied.

"Anyway", I said, "Let's get back to what we we're really doing, we can chat about that later. You have good thighs, so nothing to worry about there, a nice flat stomach -- I guess you haven't had any children then -- and your bum, whilst you can't see it, is still nice a perky. On the whole, I think you still look pretty good. Definitely a MILF, as the American's would say, so I think the only thing wrong here is the doubts in your own mind."

"What the hell is a MILF" she asked.

"It is kind of polite term that the Yanks use to say 'Mother I'd Like to Fuck'; and the term fits you to a tea Donna. Oh, and sorry for the swearing -- but you did ask." I replied.

"Hmmm." was all she said to that.

We stood a while longer while she gazed at her image in the mirror. She moved her hands across her breasts, her stomach and down to her hair, fluffing it up where it had become compressed by the tightness of her knickers, and then moved around to her bum where she felt the bottom creases, to see how much of a droop was there I supposed. She turned this way and that and hummed a little more. Then, after a few moments, she stood upright, put her shoulders back and said "I think you may be right you know -- how come you're so wise for one so young. I think I do look reasonably good for my age, now that I have been forced to evaluate myself in the cold light of day. I think I feel much better now, thank you Gina." and she turned and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm flattered that I could help, and I'm not so young you know!" I said with a smile. "So, I think it's time we got back to work, don't you?"

"Yes." was all she said, and she picked up her bra and, for a moment, I thought she was going to put it back on. However, she then bent down and collected her knickers from the floor and asked, "What do you think I ought to do with these then -- I don't think I want to put them back on now."

"Just fold them up, put them in your hand and, ignoring everyone else when we go back into the office, just put them away quietly in your handbag. Then, just sit back at your desk and pretend that nothing has changed, at least outwardly. I can't tell you how to deal with the feelings that you are about to experience, though, other than to say enjoy them -- I know I do!"

"OK then, here goes." she said and moved over to the door, pushing the tampax bin out of the way and proudly marching straight out the door. I collected our cups and took them back to the kitchen and then went back on through to the office. Apart from Donna being naked, the room was just like it was when we left -- thankfully, no-one had reacted to her re-appearance sans underwear. I felt quite proud of myself then, actually. So, here we all are -- working away as usual, but all naked.

"Oh, wait a moment. Do you think anyone would mind if I took a slightly longer break this morning? I promised Helen I would go to see her during my coffee break this morning."

"I think that will be OK, if anyone says anything I'll tell them you missed yours helping me, OK?"

"Thanks Donna, I shan't be too long."

I went down reception after topping up my coffee cup and sat on the corner of Helen's desk.

"Hi Gina, thanks for coming down to see me, I know it's taking up your coffee break."

"Don't worry about that, it's not a problem at all. What did you want to see me about then, or should I just assume you want to know how it feels and what it's like to be naked around other people?"

"Hmmm, mind reader too are you? That's exactly what I wanted to know, and how you are able to look so confident about it and not be scared silly; I'm sure I would be, even if I did have the bottle you've got."

"I'm sure that if I can do it, you could you too. Just a question of getting into the right mindset I suppose. How it feels though?"

I paused for a moment, wondering where to start.

"Well, I feel liberated, I suppose. I'm not afraid of being seen and I've had great support, particularly from Martin, but also from the people that I've met during the week, and I've met a lot of new people this week too. I just feel so alive; so attuned to myself and my surroundings; contented and happy. Oh, and very sexy too. I've found too that I don't like the feeling I get when wearing clothes -- they feel heavy, restrictive and uncomfortable against my skin. I'm not embarrassed about my body and I don't think I ever have been."

"Don't you get hassle off people though?" she asked.

"Most of the people I have interacted with have been very kind to me and, once I answer their questions honestly, they seem to be OK. Quite a few have even joined me. I haven't the time now but I'll have to tell you about our trip to McDonalds sometime. I've had a few hysterically based, ignorant comments, but I just ignored them. I think that once people understand that you are not doing it for sexually motivated reasons, and that takes a whole lot of honesty on your own behalf to open up to them, then so far they've been OK.

I don't know how it will progress though -- I'm going to ask if I can work naked every day and if I can, it will mean that I will very rarely wear clothes again -- so who knows what the future will hold.

"Yes; OK." But how will you be able to do that, you know, go shopping and all the other stuff you do in public places just to be able to manage your life?"

"Well, we haven't quite worked out all the bugs in that question yet. I suppose that I will just carry on being honest with people and see how it goes. I know that at some point there is likely to be police interaction at some point, but Martin and I will deal with that when it comes. I just know that I have to do this and people like you are helping me -- even if you don't realise it."

"Anyway" I continued, "I'd better be getting back to work now. If you want to know more, just ask, OK?"

"OK, and thanks for taking the time to talk to me. I'll see you later and I hope you get what you are looking for -- you look good on it I know that!" she said with a huge smile on her face.

I smiled back and then went back to my own office.

The rest of the day went pretty much without incident, other than I had to talk to a courier and we had a visitor for Robert -- who much to his credit remained naked throughout, Robert I mean, not the visitor -- and I had to go over to one of the other firms in an adjoining building to collect some custom stationery that they had printed up for us. The girl on the desk in there talked to me a while about why I was undressed, what it was all about and again I just explained openly and honestly, including what I thought and how happy I was about being naked in public. She said she had wondered what had been going on when she saw me walking across the car park naked a few times this week. She seemed to be OK with it though -- she didn't have a fit when I walked in to her office or anything, so I guess she was. I must admit, though, that it did give me a buzz and dampened my pussy (again!) when I went outside my own workplace without dressing and being with others who were dressed.

That was the only time I went out of the office today for anything, which obviously took longer than normal due to my having to explain why I was naked.

I very much enjoyed the day, everybody in the end naked together. Also, it was an eye-opening experience to see the variety of body shapes, both male and female, that I had never really thought about in the past. They were as distinctive as the clothes that people normally wore which I found surprising.

All too soon though, it was time to go home -- and time to face up to another, albeit personally created, challenge.

Just before we did all leave for the weekend though, Robert gathered us all around the meeting table and congratulated us for the level of commitment that we had all displayed. (Maybe that wasn't the right word to use right then, but Hey Ho I suppose). He said he was proud of us all and that he thought the day had gone really well, and we all had certainly, not necessarily today, but over the week got to know each other's strengths and weaknesses a little better, and that he was sure it would benefit the firm in the future. He wished us all a good weekend and the others started to get themselves together to go home.

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