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Naked Tag


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Gwen tensed. "You don't want to try?"

"Nah. She's all yours. I might try and herd her for you if it comes to it. She seems kind of oblivious right now."

"How? Like... can she not see we're not wearing anything?"

"She's all wrapped up in her friend. Mister No-Shirt."


"You disappointed she's not checking out your butt?"

"No! I mean... no. Definitely no."

Jade grinned. "It's ok. It's interesting having people look. I know. Exciting, sometimes."

"It isn't anything like that."



"Even though you're all nakey? Outside? Where everyone can see? And you can't help wondering just where their eyes are landing?"


"And you feel that soft breeze and realize your thighs are starting to--"


"--get a little wet?"

"Oh my goddd."

Jade grinned. "Sorry. Just thought you might prefer knowing it's not just you."

Gwen squirmed. "Is that ok? Like, it's just a game, right? But if--"

"It's fine to get excited. Totally fine. It's a game, and we're all just having fun, but we're still naked in public. You know?"

Gwen shook her head, perhaps trying to deny reality for a moment. She took a deep breath. "Ok, I'm going for her."

Gwen dropped her backpack and tore off before Jade could properly react.

"Wait, no, it's too... oh whatever. It was too soon," Jade finished, only muttering to herself by the end.

She stopped anyway, guarding Gwen's bag, and turned to watch.

Gwen had a second or two of surprise on her side, but she hadn't let her target get close enough. Rookie mistake.

The girl's eyes widened and she took off the other way, racing away a bit more slowly than Gwen was moving. But there was the boy.

Mister No-Shirt laughed and stretched his arms out, moving to block Gwen as she neared. Gwen tried to veer around him, but he stuck with her, and she was forced to skid to a halt.

Gwen stomped her foot in frustration. She'd forgotten she was naked and had just charged a pair of strangers, and was only concerned with having been denied.

"No fair!"

Jade picked up Gwen's bag and walked over to her. "Yeah, Gwen, it's fair."

"But he blocked me."


"He can't do that, can he?"

"Sure I can," the boy said, smiling as wide as ever.

Gwen blushed and shrank back as she belatedly remembered she had no clothes on. Her arms twitched, nearly folding across her chest to cover her breasts, but then she sighed and let them drop again.

The guy had flicked his eyes to both Gwen and Jade, which he really couldn't be blamed for, but was mostly maintaining eye contact with Gwen, when she allowed it.

"It was a good try," Mister No-Shirt said.

"... thanks," Gwen said, taking her bag back from Jade and slipping it on.

"Let us go by?" he asked.

"Yeah," Jade said, speaking for both of them. She waved to the girl who was slowly creeping back up, keeping her boy between her and the two naked girls. "We had our shot."

Gwen's breathing slowed back to normal as she and Jade gave their missed target a good head start.

"Can't believe I didn't get her," Gwen said.

"Gotta be patient."

"But she might run if I didn't go."

"She did run."

"Well... yeah, but...."

Jade nodded to the dining hall. "Come on."


A moment passed before Gwen spoke again. "He totally saw everything."


"I didn't even think of it, but, like, I just ran at a boy naked."

"Sure did."

"That's... oh my god. What was I thinking?"

"You were playing the game. That's how it goes."

"I'm not used to boys seeing... things. Or girls."

"What, like your boobs?"

"... yeah. Or my butt. Or...."

"Your pussy."

Gwen blushed, but nodded.

"But for a moment you didn't think about that, did you?" Jade said.

"Not really, no. But I'm thinking about it now."

"And how does that feel?"



"And... it makes me all anxious again."


Gwen shook her head and refused to answer. That was fine. Jade could tell it was doing things to her. Her nipples were way too hard to be only feeling embarrassment. And even though Jade didn't want to stare and make Gwen uncomfortable, she was pretty sure Gwen was getting wet too.

Jade understood. She felt that same kind of thrill. Being naked outside. Free to do it and not worry about it. Knowing that everyone she passed would check her out to one degree or another. That every part of her would be seen and hopefully appreciated.

Sure it was embarrassing and a little nerve-wracking to think about being judged and perhaps perved on, but it was naked tag day. There'd be plenty of other people taking attention away and ensuring that Jade and Gwen weren't all anyone remembered by the end of it.

Just for now, though, they kind of were. The only two fully naked girls to be seen anywhere around. A shiver ran through Jade as she contemplated just how exposed, vulnerable, and alone they were at the moment. She could only imagine how Gwen and her lack of experience felt about it.

Gwen took Jade's hand and squeezed it tight for extra reassurance as they made the final stretch of the journey to the dining hall. Jade didn't mind being her security blanket, if that's what she needed.

As they approached the front cash, Gwen moaned loudly in defeat. "Nooo, shit, I forgot my card."

Jade smirked lopsidedly. "Forgot it in your other pants?"

Gwen was too busy feeling sorry for herself to catch on right away, but a moment later she glared at Jade. Jade just laughed.

"Her first time?" the woman sitting at the cash asked.

Jade nodded easily as she handed over her card to be swiped through. "First naked tag for her. I never thought to mention about making sure you can carry all your stuff you need. Ok if I pay for her?"

The woman shook her head. "Don't worry about it. It's gonna be a rough morning for some."

Jade flashed a wide smile. "Thanks."

"Thanks," Gwen echoed, mumbling half to her feet as she followed Jade through.

"She was nice," Jade said.

"Mmhm. God that's embarrassing though."

"Forgetting your meal card on the day you have to walk around with no clothes? I wouldn't worry about it."

Gwen just shuffled and mumbled some more. Jade took some extra pity on her.

"Here, grab a table. Look after my bag. I'll get us breakfast, ok?"

Gwen nodded, already looking around for a good spot. Somewhere she could hide from prying eyes somewhat.

"Anything in particular you want?" Jade asked.

"Maybe... maybe just toast or something? I'm feeling all nervous."

"Makes sense. I'll make sure I get some toast for you. And orange juice maybe."

Gwen nodded. "Ok. Thanks."

Jade stood for a moment and watched Gwen walk off with her own backpack and Jade's satchel. Gwen's cute little butt was pretty dang watchable, and really wasn't blocked by her bag hardly at all.

Jade realized she was staring and shook her head to try and clear it. It was too early for this. Besides, it wasn't her fault Gwen was so adorable and sexy, all walking around with no clothes on, her bare little bum all swaying if anyone wanted to watch.

Well ok, partly her fault. Mostly? No, partly. Someone else almost certainly would have tagged her first if Jade hadn't, since somehow Gwen didn't know any better.

The place wasn't all that busy yet. There were more than enough wandering eyes around to make any naked girl anxious and fluttery, but it wasn't nearly so bad as it'd be later on in the day. It wasn't crowded by any means.

Jade easily glided around, filling a tray mostly on whim, though ensuring she grabbed some toast for Gwen's nervous tummy.

She'd become pretty good at acting like she wasn't even aware she was naked. Opportunities to practice were rare, but they came a whole day at a time.

Her act didn't mean she was oblivious to the looks she got. Especially this time of day, while nudity was still scarce and people were adjusting to it.

Jade stood in a short line for coffee, well aware of the guy in front of her trying to casually peek back at her without being obvious about it. He was failing miserably.

She herself was doing her best not to look back at the shuffling feet getting in line behind her. Whoever was there would be able to stare pretty freely if they wanted. She wouldn't know. She didn't even know who was there, or exactly how many.

A warmth grew inside Jade. Helping Gwen had kept her distracted, but now she was flying solo, and her emotions were allowed more time to shine.

She loved this feeling. And hated it, too. But mostly loved it. This feeling of being so visible. Uncovered. Available to be looked at, to truly be seen.

And, yes, to know that some people were definitely enjoying what they saw. A lot of them would be people she ordinarily would never take her clothes off for. Not ever. But lots, too, would be people she wouldn't mind seeing her, under the right circumstances. It was such a mix. Boys and girls both. She was naked in front of everyone equally.

Jade's pussy was betraying her as she got her turn to fill up a pair of mugs with hot coffee. Standing at the machine gave her a first natural chance to glance at the line behind her. All of a sudden the people behind her seemed to have lots of things to look at that weren't her butt, now that she might catch them. The warmth in her grew and she tried not to show that she knew some of them had been looking.

There was definitely some arousal happening. Some actual, physical slickness overflowing her pussy and wetting her thighs.

Jade tried to ignore her body's reactions the same as she ignored stares and glances. It was harder to feign indifference to herself, though. She knew better.

Gwen was fidgeting anxiously at the table she'd picked. Her leg was bouncing with uncontained nervous energy. She seemed much relieved to have Jade back, and it had little to do with the food.

"You drink coffee?" Jade asked, setting the precarious tray down.

"Yeah. Don't know if I want it this morning. My nerves don't need it."

"Well I got some on spec. Have some if you want."

Gwen nodded and started munching on toast. She seemed glad for something to hold, and something to keep herself occupied.

"Everyone's been staring," Gwen said quietly. "I nearly just left."

"Wouldn't have been any better out there."

"Well... no. But I wouldn't have just been sitting here knowing they're looking. And I might have been able to tag someone."


"You left your bag with me, though."

"Well I'm glad you guarded it with such dedication."

Gwen gave Jade a funny look like she wasn't sure if she was being made fun of or not. She shook her head minutely and took another nibble of toast. "How do you deal with it?"

"The looks?"

"Yeah. I mean, I know you just try and ignore them or whatever, but--"

"I get horny."

Gwen blushed bright red. Probably it was more pronounced given her light skin tone and red hair, but it was a good effect whatever the case.

"Oh my god!"

"I'm just saying," Jade said, grinning at Gwen's shock. "You know what I'm saying, don't you?"

Gwen's leg started bouncing again. She held her toast in one hand, unable to decide between another bite or setting it down. Then, finally, she cautiously met Jade's eyes.

"I do," she admitted. "It's... oh my god, just what this is all doing to me...." She let out a deep sigh. "I can't even deal with it. I don't want to feel this way."

"Why not?"

"I... I can't get...." Gwen paused and lowered her voice to a bare whisper, still blushing furiously. "Horny. I can't be all turned on or whatever."

"Why not. Happens to lots of us. Happens to me."

"But... it's just a game, you said."

"Yeah, Gwen. A game where you're naked in front of everyone."

Gwen meeped and huddled lower in her seat at the reminder. "You're confusing me!"

"Sorry. But honestly, yeah. It's embarrassing. It's thrilling. It's gonna make you horny. And people are gonna know sometimes. Know that you're turned on. And that's gonna make everything more intense all over again." Jade shrugged and sipped her coffee. "But it's also just a game. Everyone knows the deal. Almost everyone," she amended.

"Yeah, but--"

"So have fun with it. Enjoy it. You're not gonna get in trouble. No one's gonna think you're a weirdo."

"Or a slut?"

"Definitely not that. Why would you even think that?"

"Because, you know. Naked."

"There's... too much to unpack there. I can't process it all right now."

"I mean, not that it means... not that it's slutty... just...." Gwen made a noise of frustration and reached for the other cup of coffee.

Jade smiled to herself, noting that Gwen had once again forgotten to be embarrassed, and was just drinking coffee down like it was a normal day and she needed to wake up. She'd remember again, but for a moment she was just herself. Just Gwen. Nudity only a small part of who she currently was rather than the main thing. Jade liked seeing her like that.

"I forgot cutlery," Jade said. "I'll be back."

Gwen nodded and distractedly took another bite of toast, staring absently into the distance while she chewed. Yep. She'd forgotten to be embarrassed.

Jade hadn't. She let the naked thrill run through her again as she made the quick trip over to grab a knife and fork for herself. She grabbed a pair for Gwen as well, just in case.

Her body had calmed itself a bit while she and Gwen were talking, but reminding herself of all the people around, and catching quick peeks on her way by got her revved up again. Not a lot, just enough to keep it fun.

Jade saw Naomi on her way back to Gwen and beckoned her over. Naomi saw her and smiled assent. She'd won a shirt at some point since Jade had last seen her, but nothing else by the look of it. And the shirt wasn't long enough to properly cover her pussy as she walked.

Gwen was still lost in her own world and was startled about being joined by someone other than Jade. She seemed relieved that it Naomi. Someone she already knew.

"Naked again, huh kiddo?" Naomi said.

Gwen nodded, somewhere between resigned, dejected, and maybe just a little bit excited. "I'm maybe kinda getting used to it. Some."


"I was just explaining that it's ok to get kinda horny," Jade said.

Gwen gasped, eyes wide, and reflexively kicked Jade under the table. She immediately covered her mouth with both hands in shock as she realized what she'd done. "Oh shit, sorry!"

Jade laughed. and rubbed her shin. "It's fine. I deserved it."

"Yeah you did," Naomi agreed. "But Jade's right, though. It happens."

Gwen squirmed. "Yeah?"

"Yeah. I mean, I know I got a shirt on and everything, but you should feel how wet I am still."

Gwen's eyes went wide again and she covered her face by bringing her mug up with both hands cupped to it.

Jade laughed. "And you're talking about me deserving a kick."

"Well you did. I'm just trying to help."

"By telling her about your pussy?"

"... yes."

Gwen giggled uncertainly. "You guys are crazy."

"Says the nakey girl," Naomi shot back calmly.

"Says the bottomless horny girl," Jade said.

"Pff, whatever, also-naked-but-even-hornier-than-me girl." Naomi grinned and turned to Gwen. "You know Jade gets off on this?"

"Don't make stuff up," Jade said.

"No, it's true. You know I know." Naomi winked and leaned in closer to Gwen, pushing her hair back behind her ear. "Just watch. Bet ya she won't try to get clothes all day."

Gwen's eyes locked on Jade for a moment, searching for the truth of the statement. Jade just took a bite of her eggs and declined to respond.

"Really?" Gwen asked.

"Yep," Naomi said. "I noticed it last time. She likes showing off."

"I might enjoy the freedom of it," Jade said, "but that doesn't mean I'm a show-off."

"You like being na-ked," Naomi teased. "It gets you hor-ny."

Jade calmly kicked Naomi under the table, making her swear and rub her leg.

Gwen giggled again and relaxed some more. The three girls at the table only had a single shirt between them, but other than that they were still just who they were. Jade hoped Gwen would come around to appreciate that fact. That she could enjoy her lack of clothes for what it was without obsessing too much over the negatives all day.

The girls all left together, heading back out into the sunshine. It was getting busier out, and the three of them all lined up together drew some definite attention. Jade and Gwen naked and pretty, Naomi bottomless and alluring.

Before they got moving, Gwen casually reached out and tapped Naomi's shoulder. "Tag," she said.

Naomi just stared for a moment, then burst out laughing. "Oh you little shit! I was actually feeling sympathetic toward you, you know."

Jade laughed even harder and held her hand up for a hi-five. Gwen smiled and slapped her hand.

"Now we're talking," Jade said.

Naomi was a good sport and took her shirt off, getting just as naked as Jade and Gwen, then tucked the shirt in her bag.

Gwen tilted her head as she watched Naomi. "So, uh, I know my clothes are probably back on our floor anyway, but how do people usually get them back?"

"That's part of the fun," Naomi said. "There really isn't a good way. I still sometimes see someone wearing something of mine weeks afterward."



"Do they give it back?"

"Eventually. If they're really fun, they'll take it off right there when I ask."

"Oh wow."

"Yep," Jade said. "Usually not if they'd actually be, like, topless or something. But I've seen it. A girl one time took off her borrowed sundress to give it back. She didn't have anything on but a pair of panties underneath."

"Oh my god," Gwen said. "Even, like, on a day when it wasn't... naked tag day?"


Naomi leaned closer to Gwen. "Jade won't tell you, but I will. She was the one that did that."

Jade shrugged, not being terribly surprised that Naomi would give it away. It hadn't been a big deal. She was on her way back from class anyway at the time. It just meant a mostly naked walk the rest of the way to her dorm.

Even as she lied to herself about the lack of meaning to the event, she felt the warmth and thrill of the memory wash back over her, adding to the soft breeze breathing over the wetness between her legs, and the all-over tingles from being naked outside in the sun around passers by.

That had been such a good one. She'd been so damn turned on even from that brief, not-quite-naked walk. It was so much naughtier on a non-tag day.

The girls got moving, walking slowly off toward their classes. They were headed to the same building anyway, so they got to stick together.

Gwen wedged herself in the middle, presumably for the comfort of being flanked on either side. Jade didn't think it'd really help hide her much. No one was going to see three butts in a row and not look at the middle one. Ditto for anything else they chose to look at.

There were enough people around that Jade could sense eyes always being on her, and the looks could from anywhere. Any angle at all.

Sure some of the other students heading to class were only half dressed, but Jade, Gwen, and Naomi constituted an island of pure nudity in the midst of it all. Jade was on the lookout for anyone else being 'it', but she couldn't see anyone else fully naked yet, boy or girl.

Jade wasn't sure if Gwen had realized yet that the people closest to them were pretty well all boys. It wasn't a matter of them perving necessarily, so much as it was other girls giving a wider berth.

Gwen was mostly walking with the security of her naked friends to her sides, eyes down, cheeks rosy and warm. It was hard to say how aware she was of their surroundings. She was, presumably, still very aware of her nudity, judging by her face and how hard her nipples were. Jade tried not to be too obvious about looking, but she was pretty sure Gwen's thighs were getting as wet as hers were.

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