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Nancy Wheeler is Such a Priss Ch. 02

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Nancy visits Robin at work.
5.7k words

Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 06/25/2022
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Disclaimer: I do not own Stranger Things. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. It takes place around Season 4, when both girls are 18.


"So?" Steve questioned.

"What?" Robin questioned with a frown.

"So, I just struck out. Again. And you're not making fun of me? Which makes me think something is seriously wrong." Steve quipped, before checking, "It isn't, is it?"

"No, I'm just not in the mood." Robin said dismissively.

"Uh-huh." Steve looked at her sceptically for a few long seconds, as he slowly thought of something, and then softened his tone so no one else in the video store would hear, "Wait, are you actually in a good mood? Oh my God, it finally happened, didn't it? You got a girlfriend! Oh my God, this is so great. It's Vicky, isn't it? I told you she liked boobies."

"Keep your voice down!" Robin hissed, frantically looking around at the other people in the store, who were all thankfully not paying attention to this conversation, "And I told you, don't use that word in front of me."

"What? Boobies?" Steve responded childishly, earning him a punch in the arm. There was then a brief pause, then he leaned in to tell her softly, "Seriously though, I'm so proud of you, Robin. And happy for you. We don't have to talk about it if you don't want too. But, if you do, I promise I'll be good. I just, I just want to be here for you."

"Thanks Steve." Robin smiled despite herself.

Steve tried to leave it there, but his curiosity got the better of him, "You ARE seeing someone, right?"

"Steve!" Robin snapped.

"You don't have to tell me her name, or anything about her." Steve promised, "I just want to know it finally happened."

"And that you're right about something, for once." Robin grumbled.

"And that." Steve admitted, before grinning, "And that's a yes, isn't it?"

There was a brief pause, and then against her better judgment Robin nodded, "Yes."

"Alright!" Steve then literally fist pumped and held out his hand, like a total loser.

Robin high-fived him out of pity, and because she wanted him to stop, and then again against her better judgment, softly asked, "Have you..."

"Have I what?" Steve asked.

Robin swallowed, then followed through, "Have you ever dated someone, who surprised you. That wasn't what you thought she was. Like, at all."

"Nancy Wheeler." Steve answered almost instantly with a smile, unknowingly scaring the shit out of Robin, before he continued, "I know you think she's just a priss, but trust me. She isn't. I know she can seem that way, but once you've earned her trust... her love, even? Wow. She's like the sun. Intense and blinding, sure. But... well, let's just say, things with her were never boring."

Which made Robin feel like crap, but she just had to make it worse on herself, "You really loved her, huh?"

"Yeah." Steve admitted.

Another pause, then Robin softly asked, "Do you think you guys will ever get back together?"

"Maybe." Steve shrugged, "I mean, it's probably better we don't, as I'm just getting over her. And chances are she and Jonathan won't make it. If there even still together at this point."

"So, you're saying she's a heartbreaker?" Robin questioned nervously.

"I love her, but... yeah." Steve admitted, adding softly, "I sure hope your girl isn't like that."

Robin forced a laugh, feeling as guilty as hell, as she thought back to last night. Just then the front door, which happened to be directly in front of them, opened, and she breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank God..."

Robin, as it turned out, was premature in her thanks, given that it was Nancy Wheeler walking through the door, and... Robin was so gay. Oh God, she was so, so gay! Yes, she had known that from a young age, but ever since their first kiss, she felt like she became gayer every time she so much as looked at Nancy Wheeler. Because she'd always known that girl was beautiful, but... God damn.

And right now, as she walked to the door of the video rental store, it looked like there was a Holy Light shining behind her. As if she was God's gift to lesbians. Or at least one very young and painfully inexperienced lesbian, who melted at the sight of her girlfriend. Thankfully, Steve was never the sharpest knife in the drawer, so he didn't seem to notice.

"Nancy, hey?" Steve greeted brightly.

"Hey Steve, how are things?" Nancy greeted him warmly.

"Fine." He shrugged, before asking, "So how can I help you? Anything I should know about?"

Nancy hesitantly asked, "Like what?"

"You know, is this anything to do with... The Upside Down." Steve hissed, trying to be silent and failing, but thankfully no one noticed.

"No, no, nothing like that." Nancy said dismissively, hiding her relief, "Robin was just going to show me something in the back."

"I was?" Robin frowned, before blushing, "Oh, I... I was."

"Right, and I wanted to talk to her about something, so it might be a while. But you can watch the store, can't you?" Nancy pushed.

"I don't see why not." Steve shrugged, innocently adding, "Have fun."

"We will." Nancy said, hiding a smile.

During that exchange, Nancy walked around the desk like she owned the place, grabbed hold of Robin's hand, and started pulling her in the direction of the back, and all the poor lesbian could do was let her. She tried to remind herself that girls held hands, and snuck off for private conversations, all the time. It was the kind of blurry line shit she hated.

Although in this case, it was a good thing, because no one gave them a second look. Not even Steve. God, Robin felt so guilty about Steve. But just not enough to stop Nancy Wheeler from dragging her into the back room, and then as soon as the door was closed, shoving her up against the nearest wall which wasn't covered in videos.

"Hey?" Robin said awkwardly, unsure what to say.

"Hey." Nancy grinned, before closing the distance between their lips.

Not that there was much distance to begin with, given Nancy's body was pressed firmly against Robin's front, while her back was against the wall. It made her feel helpless, like there was nowhere to go, and she was being kissed by the other girl. And what was the love sick lesbian supposed to do? Not kiss back, when the girl she was crazy about was initiating it? Surely no one expected her to do anything else.

Just like no one expected her not to melt into that kiss so much, it felt like she was being consumed. And it was the same thing when Nancy Wheeler's hands started sliding all over her, initially up her back and sides, but eventually cupping her tits over her shirt, and then having one hand head south.

It was then Robin gasped, broke the kiss, and whined, "Steve! Steve is right outside."

Nancy avoided the urge to make a joke about Robin crying out Steve's name during what they were doing, and instead pulled her hand away from the other girl, and firmly told her, "We're as over each other as we're going to get. And honestly, I think if he came in here right now, it would probably hurt him, but he'd also probably high-five you. And me. Am I wrong?"

Robin thought back to his reaction that she was dating someone, and while she wasn't entirely sure, she had to admit it was a strong possibility, then softly pointed out, "Maybe, but... he's my best friend."

There was a brief pause, then Nancy reluctantly pointed out, "Going by that logic, we should stop seeing each other. Do you really want that?"

"No!" Robin answered quickly, and truthfully.

"Well then, relax." Nancy softly insisted, before pointing out, "And trust me, if the roles were reversed, I could really talk Steve into this. Well, he's a boy, and easily persuaded. But still, don't feel bad."

"Also, it's impossible to say no to you." Robin grumbled.

"So you noticed?" Nancy grinned playfully.

Which caused Robin to roll her eyes, but she didn't exactly protest when Nancy started kissing her cheeks, working her way down her jawline, and then concentrating on her neck for a few long minutes. Thankfully she didn't try to leave a mark this time, given that there was no way they could possibly explain that to Steve. He might be dumb, but that was the kind of thing he would definitely notice.

Hell, it was possible that he would put two and two together about them being in here. Or even just have to come back here. If that happened, Robin desperately hoped that he would forgive her for being so weak. She should insist they waited until later, but she couldn't. She just couldn't. No, she allowed Nancy to once again have her way with her, which included her allowing her hands to cup her tits again.

"I can't stop thinking about you." Nancy growled into Robin's ear, as she pushed that bra out of the way, so she could get to some bare skin, without removing the top.

"Same." Robin moaned, while desperately trying to keep herself as quiet as possible.

"And I can't stop thinking about these." Nancy grinned wickedly against Robin's neck, as she fondled those breasts to emphasize her words, "God Robin, your body is amazing. As my mother would say, if you'd only dress to impress, you'd be beating them off with a stick. Because as soon as they see these big tittes, and this fat ass of yours? All the boys would want you."

"Oh God!" Robin gasped, as Nancy emphasized her words about her butt by grabbing and squeezing it, then she complained, "I don't, I don't want boys."

"I know..." Nancy grinned, moving her mouth directly against Robin's ear, "You want girls. Mmmmmmmm, you want to dropped to your knees, and beg for the privilege of kissing them. Touching them. Tasting them. And I bet they would act all shocked, and disgusted. But really, if they knew a fraction of the way you could make them feel? You'd have so many repeat customers. Ooooooooooh yesssssssss, women would come from far and wide, just for the chance to fuck you. To feel that little mouth on their cunts. Maybe even to fuck you, if you're really, really good. But they can't! They can't have you. And you know why? It's because this, is mine!"

Nancy emphasized these last few words by sliding a hand downwards, until she was cupping Robin's pussy through her pants. Something which she was kind of disgusted at herself for, given how pushy she was being, and maybe even cruel, but she just couldn't help it. And ironically, if she found a guy acting this way to a girl, she would've probably kicked his ass. Or at the very least, taken that girl aside, and made clear she didn't have to be treated this way, and she should break up with her boyfriend.

Or whatever he was to her. But there was just something about Robin Buckley which brought out this side of her. And as much as she wanted to back off, the fact that the other girl cried out joyfully, and even pushed herself more firmly against Nancy's hand, encouraging her to start rubbing.

"No one else can have you. Even in your dreams." Nancy continued, unable to stop herself, but trying to ease off a bit, "I know it isn't fair. No, one can't be blamed for their fantasies, and you were obviously born to be a lesbian slut, so it's hard for you, surrounded by so many pretty girls. But I want you to try. Please baby, for me? Mmmmmmmmm, it isn't fair, but I only want you thinking about me. And me doing this to you."

Again, Nancy emphasized her words by escalating things, this time, by sliding a hand into Robin's pants. She intended to further tease her, by rubbing the other girl through her panties, making sure they were absolutely ruined in the process. However, in her excitement, she forgot to position her hand properly, and it went inside of the panties. Oh well, it was hard to be to upset about that.

Especially given the reaction she got from Robin. Namely, an adorable cry of pleasure. Which was honestly too loud, but that just gave Nancy the excuse to kiss her girl again. Not that she really needed one, but it was kind of fun to muffle the whimpers, cries and moans of her girlfriend.

"Think about this!" Nancy growled into Robin's ear, when she broke the latest kiss, "Think about me pinning you against the wall, and playing with this hot and needy little pussy of yours. Think about how I fuck it. How you squirm, whimper, and beg for me. Beg me to slid inside you, and make you cum, like the hot little lezzie slut you are. And I bet you wanna beg now, don't you?"

"Yes!" Robin blurted out, in the middle of a pathetic whimper, "Please Nance, fuck me!"

"Or! I could let you eat me?" Nancy quickly interrupted, before explaining, "Sorry baby, but I don't think we have time for both. So what would you prefer? Me fucking this little gay cunt of yours? Or getting down onto your knees, and making me cum with that hot little mouth of yours? Ohhhhhhhhhh God, what do you really want Robin? Be honest. Mmmmmmmmm, I'll know if you're lying."

"You! I wanna make you cum!" Robin blurted out without hesitation, "Oooooooooooh, wanna fuck you so bad! Fuck you with my mouth. Eat your yummy pussy! Please Nance, mmmmmmmmm, I need to taste you."

"Yeah, that's what I thought." Nancy chuckled, pulling her hand out of Robin's pants, turned to lean against the wall next to the other girl, before ordering, "Make it quick."

Wordlessly and quickly, Robin did as she was told, dropping down to her knees and sticking her head underneath the dress that Nancy was wearing. There was a surprise waiting for the redhead when she reached her destination, in the form of the brunette not wearing any panties. Which had been an extremely weird experience for her, although definitely worth it, as it made this particular moment easier.

Although she wished she could see the expression on Robin's face right now. So much so, that Nancy almost lifted up the dress, so she could see it for herself. However, there was something to be said for just imagining it. Especially because this way, she had no way of knowing when exactly the pussy licking would start.

She also was given time to feel guilty about her actions, as she was being such a selfish bitch right now. And well, just a bitch, in general. Something that she promised to make up to Robin later. But again, she just couldn't help herself. Robin Buckley just had a way of bringing this side of her out to play. And to be fair, she would have fucked that little gay pussy, if that was what Robin had chosen.

But deep down, she knew this was what was going to happen. Just like this. And when it did happen, it felt beyond amazing. So much so, Nancy really struggled to keep herself under control, as her girlfriend Robin Buckley started eagerly lapping away at her cunt. And that was just from the first initial licks.

Robin loved sticking her head underneath a dress, or the bedcovers, or anything which would block out the rest of the world, so all that she could focus on was Nancy Wheeler's heavenly cunt. Well, in truth, she didn't need the help, because whenever she got a taste of that yummy treat, it was hard to focus on anything else.

Or at least, anything other than her girl. Like the wonderful sounds she made. In this case, that was unfortunately muffled, but considering the circumstances, that was a very, very good thing. Just like the fact that she couldn't see Nancy's face right now. Yeah, that was kind of heart-breaking, but again, it allowed her to concentrate on eating pussy. Which was the most important thing in the world to her right now.

In fact, pleasing Nancy Wheeler in any way that she could had become her top priority 24/7. Honestly, it was kind of embarrassing just how much she thought about this girl. About making her happy. About worshiping her, just like this. Oh yes, Robin Buckley had become obsessed with Nancy Wheeler.

Obsessed with her pretty little pussy. How good it felt against her mouth and tongue, and how good it smelt, and especially, just how good it tasted. Naturally, it was the last thing she thought about the most. At least when it came to eating pussy. Especially when she made the other girl cum for her. Something she should make happen as soon as possible, but for better or for worse, Robin just couldn't resist savouring the taste for a few long seconds.

Slowly, oh so slowly, Robin slid her tongue up and down that wonderfully inviting twat, lingering on the sensitive bundle of nerves on top of it so she could ensure there would be more tasty liquid for her to lick up. Then she felt a hand on the back of her head, pushing her deeper into that yummy little pussy.

Something which Nancy had done a lot to encourage her, so much so, that Robin was beginning to be able to tell the difference between those encouragements. Although admittedly, it was simple. Gentle strokes the back of her head meant kept going, more pressure meant more. And of course, the redhead was only too happy to oblige, lingering her tongue on the brunette's clit, and finally forcing a cry out of her.

This would normally be the point that Nancy started to provide more verbal encouragement, and given how quiet everything seemed, she might get away with whispering it. But sadly, it was a chance they shouldn't really take. Hell, they had already pushed their luck way too much. Especially considering Steve was outside. And this was not how Robin wanted him to find out about her and his ex-girlfriend.

So Robin went into overdrive, wrapping her lips around the other girl's clit, and sucking on it with increasing force, until she got what she wanted. Well, at least one thing. One thing which very nearly gave her the other. Especially as just before she got even more yummy liquid to swallow, she remembered about how Nancy Wheeler had been walking around in a dress, with no panties. Just waiting, and probably aching, for her girlfriend to eat her pussy.

Nancy had indeed been thinking about this ever since she chose not to wear panties today. Hell, she pretty much found herself thinking about it 24/7. Maybe especially Robin Buckley eating her pussy. Which was incredibly selfish of her, but she just couldn't help it. Robin was just so good at this. Although to be fair, fucking her girlfriend was an extremely close second.

Actually, maybe it was 50-50, as Nancy finally gave herself the treat that she had been saving for the moment just before she came. Namely, taking the fingers which had been rubbing the other girl's pussy, and pushing them into her mouth. Which, perhaps even more than the hot mouth on her clit, was the thing which sent her over the edge.

Although, the combination of that taste and that mouth definitely made sure that she came surprisingly hard, given how sadly short this pussy licking had been. Then again, there was just something about Robin Buckley which made it so very easy to cum like that. And again, she had been thinking about this all day, so it didn't really matter that there wasn't really a build-up.

And Robin was just so good at this. And oh God, the redhead took her mouth away from the brunette's clit, so she could wrap her lips around her entrance, and swallow her cum. Which just made the orgasm so much more intense for Nancy. Especially, because again, she was also tasting pussy at the same time.

Very soon, she would have more than a taste. Nancy promised herself that. Oh yes, as soon as they were completely alone, in a nice soft bed, she was going to lay Robin down and worship her body for hours, until she was literally begging Nancy to fuck her. Then, she would spend at least another hour fucking her girlfriend with her tongue and fingers.

Which would be a great way for her to apologize for her behaviour, and thank her for this wonderful favour. Hell, the brunette very nearly went straight into fucking the redhead right then and there, regardless of the consequences. Especially when Robin bought her down from her high, and then pulled her head from underneath the dress, and shyly smiled up at her, with her face glistening in girl cum and pussy cream.


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