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Natalie Dormer: Overplaying Her Hand

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Natalie Dormer loses more than a few chips playing poker...
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This story was written as a collaboration between myself [ Noj ] and Sammycolto. He's a great writer, so please check out his other works here on Literotica, and we hope you enjoy!

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This story is entirely fictional and is in no way connected with the subject. This story contains adult material and is only suitable for people over the age of 18. If you are under 18 please stop reading now. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living, dead, or undead, is purely coincidental. All characters portrayed in this story are over 18. Do not use this without our permission. (c) Copyright Viper_Noj & SammyColt 2002 onwards. Now, on with the story!

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It was after hours on the shoot of the latest film the gorgeous Natalie Dormer was working on; filming had finished hours before and after going through the process of removing all her make-up and costume, Natalie had enjoyed a quick shower and dressed down casually in long sleeved black top, skinny blue jeans and simple black dolly shoes to unwind for the evening. She hadn't bothered with a bra, figuring the top would do enough to cover her, and she was comfortable enough with the crew by now anyway.

Speaking of the crew, she was currently engaged in an after-hours poker game with them. It was something they liked to do to relax after the shooting, and it was better than going back to a hotel alone, so they just chatted it up and played some hands of cards to kick back. Natalie was good at poker, she loved to play it and get into the psychology of it all, guessing when people were bluffing and the rush of winning hands as the game went on. Initially it'd just been the crew and behind the scenes people enjoying it, but once Natalie had heard about it she'd asked to be part of the game. They had initially been reticent, knowing her reputation as a savvy poker player and also wary of someone as high up as herself getting involved lest they offend her in some way and upset the apple cart, but once she'd joined them she'd rapidly become part of the gang and they loved having her around.

"Call or fold?"

Natalie looked up from her hand of cards. Her opponent, one of the lighting engineers named Adam, was waiting for her to either match his bet or give it up as a bad job. The poker game tonight had gone on for a long time, longer than normal as there seemed to be so much back and forth between everyone before Adam had got the upper hand and taken their money...and hers. Everyone else had been busted and left, calling it a night, and since then she'd been bleeding chips. He was just on it now and she saw little way back, especially with the latest crappy hand she'd been landed with. After a final look, she gave a sigh and threw the cards down.

"Fold," she said, sitting back in her chair. He smiled and reached out to pull the small pile of chips towards him, adding the latest weak bet she'd been able to manage to the rest of his winnings.

"You know you really should give this up," he teased, shuffling the deck of cards again as he flirted with her. They had a good back and forth, and she knew he wanted her. Like so many men she figured, but she liked the attention.

"Just a bad night, and it's not over yet," she replied with a smile, taking the cards as he dealt them out. He stood the deck aside as Natalie threw forward a couple of her remaining chips for the big blind with him and they checked their cards. It was reasonable hand with a single suit in her pair of cards and she watched him for every tiny twitch or expression as he checked his own cards, after which he simply called, matching her initial blind. There was nothing for her to decipher, and she had to simply wait as he laid out the flop, which immediately made her heart jump a little. It gave her a flush, a decent hand and a good position to win back a few chips, exciting her to stay in the game as she made sure to keep her expression motionless. Not wanting to risk herself, she just stuck with where things were, hoping it would be enough.

"Call," she said, not raising the bet at all. She had only a couple of chips left and no other options without them.

"Raise," he said, dropping his chips forward, one more than she had left; she had to go all in to even challenge this hand now and break his grip on the game. Her hand was good, she was sure it would win with what was on the table, though she couldn't read him very well; he wasn't trying to bluff his way out of his bet, though he may as well have been with the non-existent chips she had left. Her mind rolled it over for a few moments before she decided to go for it.

"All in," she said, pushing her measly chips forward into action, giving a little raise of her eyebrow that said she was game.

"OK then, let's see 'em," he said with a smile, holding his own as he gave a wink at her. Natalie laid them down to show the flush of spades she had, her hope of victory, and for a moment she was elated as a look of disappointment appeared to cross Adam's face, until he laid his cards down.

"Full house," he said, pushing his own cards forward to show how it defeated her own. The draw of the cards had screwed her again, for the final time tonight it seemed, as it conspired to give him the hand just above hers to cost her the last of her money and hopes of a monumental comeback.

"Goddamn it," she sighed with a humoured, exasperated look down at the table as he swept the last of her chips away to his pile.

"Them's the breaks," he smiled, pulling the cards back into the deck, about to put them away.

"I want to keep playing," she said, sitting up and leaning forward, looking at him pleadingly. She did; right now she just wanted to play some poker to relax and unwind after the long day's shooting.

"Game's over, you're bust," he said, smiling as he let his eyes flick to her unsupported chest on show through her thin black top.

"Can't we just play as if I'm not?! Come on you can spare some of those chips," she said, looking to his spoils.

"That's just me giving you money, and I don't really think that's fair, do you? You could take everything I've got if you come back on a streak and where am I then?" he said, raising his eyebrows.

"Okay, okay... well, what do I have to do here to get into this next hand?" she said, looking at him with her big, pretty eyes, playing on his desire for her.

"You got nothing, so come up with something," he said, leaving it open to her to bargain her way into the hand, "you gotta pay if you wanna play."

"A signed photo?" she offered.

"No," he replied simply.

"How about some merchandise, some piece of memorabilia?" she said, thinking what might get him interested.

"No, no, something more personal. You want this don't you?" he teased, making her work for it.

"Clothing?" she said, seeing his eyebrow twitch a little as he looked down over her, taking a second to think what he might go for.

"My underwear?" she said with a sly smile.

"You're not even wearing a bra, how are you gonna do that?" he said with a laugh, making her glance down at her chest to be reminded that she was indeed braless, and that her nipples were showing a little. But she was getting close here.

"Come on, a pair of my panties, you can eBay them if you want to?" she said with a smile, her famous, enticing smile.

"No dice. Come on, you want into this hand," he said. Natalie thought for another moment, pondering how far to go with it.

"I'll flash you," she said, watching for his response. He didn't need to speak, his look telling her it wasn't enough.

"A blowjob," she blurted out, at which his eyes widened and he sat up more.

"Deal," he said, immediately closing on it before she could back out, a broad smile crossing his face. There was a pause, a moment where she was like a deer in the headlights, eyes wide as her mind raced, their flirtation suddenly having come to fruition.

"Alright then, how many chips am I getting for that?" Natalie said, her heart racing in the wake of what she'd got herself into, but pressing on with it to bargain for all she could.

"Five bucks, and that's the price if you win the hand agreed?" he said.

"Uh well, hang on," she said, not wanting to be backed into a corner.

"No that's the deal. That's your offer to play another hand, which I accept, so that's the price if you win," he said, laying it out logically. Natalie thought about it, and couldn't really argue. She'd offered it, and he'd understandably snapped her hand off for it.

"I... alright yeah, deal. So what do you get if you win?" she said, realising it would be a single hand at a time unless she could win some and start to rival him money wise. He could just bust her any time right now.

"What are you offering?" he said, lifting his eyebrow as he eyed her. Both their hearts were pumping fast, emotions heightened in this moment of physical negotiation.

"What do you want?" she asked, deciding to just let him set the terms on this. He had to accept it after all, and she had a fairly decent idea what he might want.

"Everything," he said after a pause. They stared into each other's eyes for a silent moment before she spoke.

"You mean...?" she trailed off, the suggestion clear.

"Yep," he replied simply. Natalie thought for a pause, knowing what she'd started...but deciding to go for it.

"Deal," she said with a smile, a naughty smile that said that they were in this now and it was gonna get messy.

"Okay then," he grinned, getting the cards back out and dealing them out as Natalie sat back in her seat to await her fate in the draw, heart rate returning to her cooler, poker-faced beat. He dealt them the cards, then put the deck aside and handed over her agreed five dollars in chips, after which they looked at the cards. Natalie matched his blind and he laid out the flop, at which Natalie raised him another fifty cents. He called and they revealed their hands. The actress was pleased to see him with only a pair to her straight, giving her the hand and a couple of bucks in winnings.

"Coming back," she smiled, flicking her tongue out a little, wanting to put him off his game a little as he imagined what she'd be doing with that tongue later on for him after she won. She was definitely intending to win; if she didn't...

The next hand was dealt out and he called, silence seeming to descend on them, the darkness in the gloomily lit backstage area they inhabited for their gambling almost closing in on them. The stakes were higher now, so much more personal. The flop made Natalie grimace a little internally, giving her nothing to work with, simply calling on the pot and not raising it any further. He paused, making her cringe internally that he was going to break her again immediately, but she was relieved in the end.

"Fold," he said, casting his cards down on the table. It didn't really mean much with just the two of them, but Natalie smiled as she pulled in another couple of bucks. He smiled casually at her and took the cards back for another deep shuffle, the actress watching intently to make sure there was no funny business involved before he dealt the cards back out, throwing in for the big blind before they picked up their cards. Natalie had a pair of sequential cards of the same suit, the two and three of hearts, making her think about it. She considered, then decided to go for it, calling on the blind to deal the cards out. He was unreadable, just cool and calm behind his hand, frustrating her usually excellent watch. The three cards were dealt out, giving her a rather decent straight as the four, five, and six of diamonds dropped out onto the table. It was a good hand, enough to normally beat people, and she couldn't help but pursue it.

"I'll raise you a dollar," she said, throwing a couple of chips forward to the pot. He considered for a moment, wondering whether she was trying to bluff her way out with a bit of a bet. Natalie was tricky to read as she got serious again.

"I'll call your dollar," he said, throwing a chip forwards, "and I'll raise you..." he said as he studied her stack of chips, "six bucks," he finished, pushing the chips forwards. It was just fifty cents short of every penny she had.

"Come on," she said, looking up at him with an expression that said he wasn't playing fair with her.

"Hey you bought your way back into this, you know how it works. So you gonna go almost all in on that or pussy out?" he said, giving her a smile that he knew would antagonise the gorgeous British beauty. Natalie simmered for a moment, squinting at him slightly; a flush. Would it do it? Most probably, she expected his move was just to drive her off the table with a poor hand. She'd seen it from him before, and this felt exactly the same as those times. He was cocky, toying with her, but from behind the shield of his cash, making her even more sure she could go for it.

"Call," she said coolly, pushing her chips forward. He smiled, and offered to let her lay her cards down. Natalie did in her moment of victory, grinning widely and reaching forwards for the pot as he seemed to sag in his seat, disappointed. Her slender hands had just closed around the small stack of chips when he laid his cards down on the table before her; from her position leant over the table she saw the two of diamonds, then with a slide of his finger the card slipped to reveal the Jack of diamonds beneath. It was a flush, he had a flush of diamonds, and he had all of her money. Natalie just sagged, defeated and knowing what she'd done, which was to get too cocky after her couple of small victories and give away all the edge she'd accumulated in those early hands.

"Goddamn it," she sighed, shaking her head, annoyed as herself as much as anything else. She'd let herself get stars in her eyes and taken her eye off the ball.

"All or nothing now," he teased as he reshuffled the cards. She sat silently as he dealt them out, with Natalie all in from the get go.

"No point wasting time here," he said, loving the control her had of her as he laid out the flop. Natalie studied her cards, and the three on the table, thinking what she could do.

"Two pair," he said, laying down a pair of threes and sevens, which were on the table. It wasn't a high hand, but he could afford to play. Natalie paused for a few seconds longer, before she lowered her cards face down and looked him in the eyes.

"I fold," she said quietly. His heart gave a rush, feeling it through his whole chest as it started to pound, his cock instantly starting to stiffen. Natalie Dormer was his, all his.

"You know the price," he said, keeping his voice level.

"Yes, everything. Where do you want to start?" she said with a dirty smile pulling at the corner of her mouth. His mind raced as he was given the chance to instruct the stunning actress to do exactly as he wanted, as she had agreed.

"We can start with that blowjob you owe me...after you strip for me," he said, grinning as he pushed away from the table. Natalie looked around, evidently unsure about their security.

"There's nobody else here, just us, we've got all the time we want," he assured her, standing up as she slid down onto her feet.

"Alright then, let's do this," she said as she stepped away from the table, kicking off her cute black dolly shoes. He was a little taken aback by her forwardness, taking the lead and getting straight down to it, but then again she had suggested the blowjob in the first place even if he'd been suggesting at something in that direction for her price. Natalie's heart was pumping hard in her chest as she stood up, not wanting him to know that she was eager to go for it before she lost her nerve. She was a cool, calm professional, but right now she was tingling and nervy, excited by almost scared despite the fact she knew he would accept her stunning, lithe body without complaint of any sort.

"Can't wait," he murmured, just letting her do her thing. Natalie flicked her hair out and stepped into the space by the table.

"Can you see alright there?" she said, meaning the light since it wasn't bright in their backstage room.

"Just fine thanks," he said with a smile, loving that she'd asked him.

"Good," she said with a smile and reached down for her tight jeans, looking him in the eye as she pulled them undone and started to push them down as she rocked her hips. She couldn't help but love the feeling of his gaze on her as she pushed the tight denim down over the curve of her hips to reveal her purple panties, noticing how his eyes were immediately drawn to them and her sweet feminine bulge. Turning around, Natalie revealed her purple panties were a thong as she flicked her blonde ponytail over her shoulder and looked back at him as she effortlessly bent over at the waist, slowly descending towards the floor and pushing her peachy ass out towards him, his eyes locking onto it as she wiggled. With her gorgeous ass pushed out for him to ogle, she let her legs slide apart a little to show herself off a bit more and then slowly pulled her jeans down towards the floor, taking her time to let him take it all in as she slid the trousers down over her toned legs. She paused as she got to the floor and lifted each foot in turn to tug the snug jeans off her feet, balancing perfectly as she removed them and cast them aside.

"Bet you're glad I lost aren't you?" she said as she stood back up, giving a stretch and turning back around to face him.

"Very glad," he said with a grin, loving watching the English beauty remove her outfit. He gazed down her to take in her toned legs and pale skin, a picture of beauty as she arched her back and pushed her chest out for him with another wiggle, both of them laughing as she did. Her unsupported breasts were hidden beneath a thin layer of black cotton and her nipples were now screwed up hard and poking through the fabric, full beams on show.

"This isn't how I imagined this game ending," she said with a smile, clearly enjoying herself as she reached down for the bottom of the black top, fingers playing with the hem.

"Nor me, but I'm glad it did, that's for sure," he said, watching avidly as she pulled the top carefully up, revealing her toned tummy. Man, he could kiss his way down that...

"It's gonna be fun," she smiled, heart pounding silently in her chest once more as she wasted no further time and peeled the top up, crossing her arms and arching her back. She revealed her whole stomach and bottom of her ribcage before she tipped her head back and let the top pull over her head to reveal her chest and beautifully soft breasts, nipples hard to the fresh air as she wrenched the top off her hair and lowered it down. Her gorgeous tits were framed perfectly by her arms as she pulled the top off them in turn and then cast it aside, standing before him in just her purple thong, pausing to let him take her in. His eyes roamed hungrily over her body, taking in every stunning curve and contour of her pale body, from her pretty face down to her slender legs and everything in between.

Natalie wiggled and danced a little bit with a giggle, not the least bit worried by being topless for him as she shook her hip towards him before turning back to stand straight on and let her thumbs hook down into the waistband of her panties. He just stared, not a word between them as she looked him in the eyes and started to ease her thong down, toying with the elastic and teasing him as she slipped it away from her treasures. With a final breath she pushed it down to reveal her pussy, lips silky smooth and shaven perfectly, full and waiting for him in her arousal now, very turned on as she gave him this impromptu strip tease. Leaning forward a little to give her the reach to push the thong down her thighs and let it drop to the floor, she stepped out of it and kicked it towards him with a flick of her toes and a giggle as she stood completely naked before him.

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