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Natalie Portman: Grants a Wish

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Natalie Portman fulfills a dying kids wish.
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Every day children die of rare diseases, an all-too-common tragedy. A select few of them, are lucky enough to have their dying wish come true.

These make wish kids are usually young, and naive. They want to meet a superhero, Jack Sparrow, or some other character from a movie. Older kids want to meet singers or rappers, and occasionally they would get it. If a celeb was in town, and the star was doing a press junket or looking to get a news headline, they would pop in for 15 minutes, take a photo and leave. It's good publicity and it's free. Besides, they can deduct their appearance fee on their taxes, so it worked well.

I barely made the cut-off, applying at 18. I knew exactly what I wanted when the representative asked what my wish was. I wanted to meet Natalie Portman. Well more specifically I wanted my sperm to meet her ovaries, but I would settle for a meet and greet. Maybe the dying kid card would get me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

But I got a lot more than I had bargained for, and my wish really did come true, well, not the ovaries and the sperm part but pretty close.


The next couple of weeks were uneventful. When you're on your death bed, no days are truly uneventful. It's an endless series of nurses, and doctors walking in and out of your room. Pills, tests, options. I was still relatively healthy, and functional, I tiered out easily, and my stomach would feel like it was pushing into my intestines in between morphine doses, but there were still treatments, that could delay my inevitable, or at least nearly inevitable death. The doctors gave me a couple of months, maybe slightly more.

My family visited, a new young nurse gave me my weekly sponge bath, and she wasn't mad when I got a boner, despite my best efforts, although I always had a good wank afterwards.

I watched a lot of movies, including a few Portman films. I didn't hear back, from the Make a Wish Society, and I had almost come to accept the reality, that I might not get my wish. But I still held out hope. TIFF (The Toronto International Film Festival) was starting tomorrow, and celebs from all around the world would attend.

I called the Make a Wish Foundation daily but no response, I wondered if I had scared off the representative.

I hoped desperately that the foundation would surprise me. TIFF overlapping with my birthday, seemed like too much of a coincidence.


On Sunday, August 29th, my nurse woke me up early.

"Wake up, sleepy," she said.

I did, but not willingly. I felt groggy, and dehydrated, a feeling you're not supposed to have when you're hooked up to an IV drip. Z

"Sorry to wake you up honey, but I have great news. Natalie Portman is available. She's in town for her new movie. She's at Tiff and wants to take you to premier with her."

"Really?" I asked.

She laughed a little and rubbed my chest trying to wake me up.

"Yes really, but you have to start getting ready, her driver is going to come to pick you up in a couple of hours, and your doctor, needs to check you before you leave, and make sure you know about all your medications. So, let's get up and get you showered."

I had been hesitant to get out of bed in the hospital before, mostly because I didn't want to show off my morning wood, but today I felt sick, sicker than I had since chemo.

She helped me out of bed.

"Not feeling your best honey?" she asked.

"I'll be okay. I'll feel better once I shower."

She smiled at me, but I could tell she was worried, and so was I. she helped me take off my clothes, and the hot water felt good, it helped clear out my lungs, and I hawked up several large loogies. The doctor would be here soon, and I needed him to believe I was fit enough to survive a two-hour movie and the trip back to the hospital.

With the assistance of my nurse, I got dressed, and I wore a loose suit. I was going to a premiere; I needed to look at the part. I was nauseous and uncomfortable, I felt warm and uncomfortable. I lay in bed, over the blanket and sheets. I drank lots of water, trying to down my fever. For an hour I was being inspected by the doctor.

From the moment, the doctor saw me, I knew I wasn't going. He looked at me like the walking dead. He checked my temperature, listened to my heart, and checked my ear.

I couldn't listen to him. When he spoke, I just heard murmuring, like the teacher in Charlie Brown. The only part I heard was the doctor's final words.

"It's not contagious, but you still can't go. You're going to need your strength. Suppose you're going to make It through the week. I'm sorry kid." He said, patting my shoulder.

I wanted to be outraged, but I knew I couldn't. The world was blurry, my head felt like it was stuffed with cotton balls. The borders of my vision were blurred, I lay down, on the bed over the sheets, and fell asleep quickly, it was a deep, and dreamless sleep.


I didn't know how long I had been asleep. I felt better, I didn't wake up feeling dehydrated and withered as I had in the morning. I felt good, better than I had in months. I worried for a moment, that I had died, but when I tried to open my eyes. They were stuck together, and I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I was still In the hospital, the sheets were, clean, and I could smell the. There was a second smaller bag by my IV. I wasn't sure what it was, but I was glad it was there.

I looked down at myself sitting, up. I was out of my suit and wearing soft, silk pyjamas. I was confused, I had never worn silk pyjamas, especially not in a hospital. I would wear a loose-fitting shirt, and shorts or sweatpants if it was cold outside, but usually I wore a medical gown and boxers.

I tried to get off the bed but, my body felt heavy and dizzy. I pressed the non-emergency help button, I hated pressing it, but I had been asleep long enough to get a full bladder, and I didn't want to piss on my bed.

The door slid open, and a nurse walked in.

"I need to go to the bathroom, but my legs feel funny," I said.

"Would you like me to get the bedpan?" She asked.

"No just help me to the bathroom, please," I said.

She helped me up, and I leaned on her, before we could even start walking there was a knock on the door frame.

There she was, in all her glory. Smaller than I expected, 5 foot 2, in flats her soft hair lay layered to her shoulders, her breasts were small, but the cleavage of her dress wasn't, she had them showing to the max. She had only given birth a few months ago, and her breasts were still swollen, and plump looking. I could just make out a light blue vein in her breast leading to her nipple.

I didn't have a boner. I was too nervous to have a boner. I had never met a woman as beautiful as her and had never met a celebrity. I almost felt like I was going to cry, from being overwhelmed.

"Hi, you must be Elliot, she said." she reached out and shook my hand.

"Hi," I whispered looking down at her bright hazel eyes. Her makeup was slightly faded, she must have just gotten back from her premier.

She looked at me concerned, noticing the nurse helping me.

" Oww, you poor thing, I'll help you. She walked t ward me lifted my arm onto her shoulder and helped me along with the nurse to the toilet. I could smell her perfume. It smelt like vanilla & roses, I assumed it was Dior." I had seen the ads.

"You got a good grip on him," she asked with her soft, feminine voice.

The nurse nodded. "You don't have to be here for this Ms. Portman, you can just rest while I take care of this.

My cheeks were burning with shame. Natalie smiled at the nurse.

"No, you nurses work so hard, I can take care of him for a bit, I have a couple of kids of my own I can watch this young man she said, smiling at me."

The nurse looked up at me. "Are you alright with that?"

I just nodded. Everything felt like a dream, and the only thing between me and this dream was emptying my bladder.

The nurse left, closing the door behind her.

"Just press the emergency button, if you need any help." She said with a smile.

Natalie turned back to me after the door was closed.

"Now it's just the two of us." She said. Her face was only a few inches from my cheek, I could smell her breath. It smelt like champagne.

My heart was racing, I struggled to speak.

"I have to pee," I said between breaths.

She nodded. Bent over grabbed both sides of my pants, and pulled them down, quickly. I felt the cool air, on my genital. My cock was not at its best, and when she looked at it, I could see her plump lip curve into a little smirk. She reached out with her hand, but shifted to just two fingers, grabbing my stubby cock, and aiming it at the toilet.

She looked up at me with her sparkling eyes, her face maybe a foot from my bare cock, her smooth, small hands holding my cock. I wanted to piss but I couldn't get it out of my system, I could feel my cock swelling a bit between her thumb and index finger.

I closed my eyes and tried to push it out of my bladder's she leaned in close, her tiny body pressing against my back. She slowly shed me, rubbing my back, in a circular motion rubbing the sensitive skin on my back, relaxing my kidneys.

"Just relax sweety," she whispered. "Just drain your little pipe."

I relaxed my limbs, slumping a bit, she was so gentle, and her body was so warm.

The sound of running water hitting still water filled the room.

She kept her voice low, but with a newfound cheerfulness she said, "Good boy."

She waited till my bladder was empty and shook my penis to get the last few drops out.

"Stay still," Natalie said. She kissed the back of my neck as she turned away. I felt my erection building back again, from my taint to my tip.

She wrapped her warm body around my waste, now holding a small washcloth from under the sink. She had run under warm water, wrung it out, and wiped my pee-pee clean.

I could hardly breath normal, I could smell her perfume, I looked down and her long wave of hair, as she wiped down my penis.

I closed my mouth just in time for her to turn her gaze back to my eyes, her soft brown eyes looking up at me, her thick lips curling into a motherly smile. I felt so safe with her.

She pulled back my foreskin gently.

"Tsk tsk tsk" She whispered. "You have to clean under the foreskin. Now the best thing to do would be to get rid of this extra bit of skin, but if you insist on keeping it, you better keep it clean."

My cheeks burned with embarrassment.

She patted my bare bum, and stood up, pulling my boxers back up.

"Are you feeling better?" she asked.

"Yes, mam." I stuttered.

She smiled at me, making my heart swell.

"You don't have to call me mam, miss Portman is good enough." She teased.

"Okay, Ms. Portman."

"Let's get you back to bed" I nodded. I was taller than her, even in her heels, but only by a few inches. She let me lean on her a bit, I could feel the silk of her dress on my skin, and her skinny body tucked into the nook of mine. I still couldn't believe this was happening, the butterfly in my stomach was running amuck.

"Can you stay upright honey?" She asked

"Yes, Ms. Portman," I said.

She pulled the medical blanket aside creating a space for us.

"I'll get in first, and then you can join me." She said slurring her words slightly. The champagne from the award show was still inside of her.

She crawled into the bed, her chubby butt, wiggling as she did. When she laid down all the way, her dress was tugged down, showing more of her cleavage than she meant to.

I joined her in the bed, I felt dizzy, and my heart was beating fast.

"I have a surprise for you." She said in a soft voice. She sounded like an elementary school teacher.

I laid in the bed next to her, our bodies gentle touching one another. She turned back to me showing a large screen MacBook.

"I heard you were a real superfan, that you've seen all my movies, is that true?" she said looking up at me.

I felt embarrassed.

"Yes, I think I saw all of them, even this new one," I said, not making eye contact.

She took small hands, with her sparkling French nails, and gently turned my face towards her. My cheeks burned with embarrassment, I felt intimidated by her and attracted at the same time.

She smiled at me and spoke quietly like she was telling me a secret.

"You don't have to be shy, they told me you have a crush on me. It's normal to be shy, but you'll get over it if you look me in the eyes."

I made eye contact with her and tried to smile, my lips twitching.

"Good Boy." She whispered.

"Still looking at my eyes, tell me how you got my newest DVD."

I gulped.

"When your agent found out that I couldn't show up tonight, he sent us a signed screener."

"And did you like the movie?"

I hesitated.

"You can be honest," she said her hand laid on the bare skin of my chest.

"You were great in it. I liked your character. She was in charge, it was great to see."

She looked down at me, the way a mother looks at her newborn. She slowly rubbed her smooth hand, against my chest, the pressure felt great. My heart was racing, and I was starting to get hard. decided to wait till she was distracted and try to adjust me.

"I think you were right, about that character. A friend of mine wrote it, and I was looking for something with a strong female lead, something less traditional for me." She said.

I nodded.

"Do you like strong women?" She asked. "Women, who know what they want?" The circular motions of her hand moving to my stomach, the circle getting closer to my crotch.

"Yes, Ms. Portman," I said, I could feel my dick twitching,

Her eyes remained trained on mine.

"That's good, not enough young men respect women." She said.

I nodded meekly.

"So many men are afraid when a woman's in control."

I swallowed, as she leaned in closer.

"You look a little green, are you okay? "She asked. "Do you want me to call the nurse?"

"No." I blurted out.

She raised an eyebrow.

"It's just butterfly, I don't need a nurse. Sorry." I said.

"Sorry what?" She asked.

"Sorry, Ms. Portman," I said.

"Good boy."

"Now, it's time for that special surprise I told you about." She smiled. "you've seen the movie closer, right."

"Yes, Ms. Portman. I liked that movie."

"Well, I have a special director's cut of the film, that no one else has seen." Her big smile matched mine.

She slipped in the DVD, and it began without any DVD menu, it started the way it normally did. It had been a while since I had seen the film, but it was much like I remembered.

"Is this an extended version?" I asked.

"Aren't you enjoying it, honey?" She asked.

"Yeah, I am, it just seems like the regular movie," I spoke.

"You'll see, just relax." She put her hand under the medical gown and rubbed my bare chest. My erection twitched against the weight of the laptop.

I kept watching, My attention was split between watching the movie, and her plump cleavage. Natalie wasn't a busty woman, but something between the dress, the angle her breast looked like perfect handfuls. They were angled right under my eyes.

I enjoyed the movie, and she cuddled up my body, I felt like I could fall asleep, I was so comfy, but my erection kept the blood flowing.

That was until the strip club scene. I had watched this part of the movie many times, but it was never like this. She wasn't wearing the pink panties, and bra anymore, instead she was completely naked. Her frame was small and perfect, she was 22 when this was filmed, and she was tiny and sexy. Her pale skin, the pink wig, her sparkling makeup. I had heard that this cut existed, but I assumed the tapes had been destroyed. She had regrated doing full nudity in these scenes and reshot them in a bra and panties. To this day she said the director Mike Nichols was the only director who was never creepy with her.

I watched her perfect body move; she had waxed her entire body for this scene. Her pussy was completely bare. Her labia lips were a soft pink just like I imagined. She danced the same routine. Sticking out her tits, sliding her chubby butt across his thighs, and face. She opened her legs wide, her pussy opening, right in front of him, I wished I knew what she smelt like.

She let me enjoy the scene in peace, but once it was over, she turned to me.

"Did you like that scene?" She asked.

I nodded. I was rock hard.

She winked at me. "I can tell, it seems that the movie got you a little excited."

I couldn't make eye contact with her, my cheeks burned, but my erection remained.

"You made a little tent in your Pajama bottoms."

"Yes," I whispered.

"Yes, what?" Natalie asked, lifting my face to make eye contact with her, I felt like I was going to cry.

I sniffed up some snot. "Yes, Ms. Portman," I said my voice quivering.

She lifted the laptop and moved it to the side table, giving her a clear view of the tent in the blanket.

"What are we going to do about that?" She asked.

"I'm sorry Ms. Portman," I said still making eye contact.

"Shhhhhhh, you don't need to cry." She said. "I take it as a compliment." She rested her hand on my erection.

I shook a little, she had touched me earlier, but this was different.

"It's a compliment that you think I'm pretty enough to merit an erection from such a nice young man."

She moved her hand in a circular motion, rotating my dick like a joystick.

" Did you like the way I looked in the movie or was it the dancing you liked?"

"It was both... and..."

She looked at me expectingly.

"And I liked the way you look right now too," I said, almost whispering.

She lit up. "That's very sweet. She stopped rotating my dick and grabbed it around the sheet, my cock gently squeezed it into a pillow of silk, and cotton.

I instinctively tried humping, in small motions, trying to relieve the tension.

"Do you have a preference? Do you like me more now, or more in the video?" She asked seductively.

"Now, Ms. Portman, you're much more beautiful now."

" aww, your such a polite young man." She cooed in her sing-song voice.

She wiggled a little closer, my face only a few inches from cleavage, it was compressed enough, it look like she was wearing a corset.

I closed my eyes, enjoying the sensation of her tight grip sliding up and down my small shaft. Her hand squeezed tight on the up stroke, and loose on the down stroke, it felt like all the blood was pressuring on the tips.

I moaned softly.

"That feels good Ms. Portman."

"Do you ever do this by yourself?"

"Yes, Ms. Portman."

"What do you think about when you masturbate?"

"I think about you, mommy." It slipped out, but I was enjoying myself too much to care.

I suddenly felt a hot breath on my lips, I opened my eyes, and her lips were an inch away from mine.

I could see every millimetre of her perfect face. Her almond eyes were even deeper, and softer than I had expected, her teeth were white, her younger was pink and soft, her ears were pointed like an elf, even the ghosts of crow's feet were beautiful, and her right hand gently gripped my face.

"Mommy? Do you want me to be your mommy?"

"Yes, please."

She stopped stroking me. A good instinct, I was leaking precum and would have ejaculated any moment. She squeezed my cheeks pouting my lips.

"Stick out your tongue sweety." I did, not knowing what would come next.

She sucked in her saliva and spit a small drop of it into my mouth.

"Thank you," I said, swallowing.

"You're welcome." She said. Each word warmed my lips.

"You're a good boy, but the nurse told me about you, and I know you're a bit of a pervert." She whispered. Her eyes were only a few inches from mine, her lips so close to mine, I could almost taste them.

"and it just so happens I haven't had a chance to pump."

I was confused, I had to admit I was a little naive, but it didn't affect my enjoyment. She gave me a soft kiss on the lips, my eyes tearing a bit from the excitement,


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