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Natalie Pt. 15

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An old friend comes back into Natalie's life.
4.2k words
Story does not have any rosa-blanca.ru

Part 15 of the 45 part series

Updated 04/24/2024
Created 02/26/2024
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When I got up, I went round to see Ash. Her mum was in so we would just be chatting, no opportunity for girl time. We lay back on Ash's bed and looked at her ceiling as we spoke, softly because Ash had left her bedroom door open.

"Have you been able to see anyone?" I asked.

"No. I enjoy our time; I don't feel I need to find anyone else."

"Okay, but, well, you know, I am with Jase too you know."

"Yes, I know, and I really don't mind that. He is a boy, and I don't feel awkward about that. I think I would if his name was Susan."

Well that was interesting. "Oh, okay. You know I would not be upset if you were also seeing Susan. By the way," I asked, "who is this Susan?"

Ash laughed. "You silly thing. You know what I mean. Her name could easily be Gupta for all I know."

"Oh, right, only I was going to ask where Susan lives and what does she look like?"

"Oh, she doesn't live far away, and she has long jet black hair and the deepest darkest eyes. Her lips are red and her nails are beautiful and long, manicured."

"Ooh, sounds interesting, what about her boobs?"

"They are not too big with nice pert nipples that beg to be sucked."

"Oh now I am getting very interested, she sounds just like my kind of girl. I would like to meet her."

Ash laughed and we heard her mum moving around downstairs, a reminder that we were not alone and that we should control ourselves.

"What do you do if you want to be alone with Jase?"

"Well, if one of our houses were empty then we would go there."

"And if not?"

"We would walk to the woods, there are a few nice quiet areas where we would not be disturbed."

"Oh, and when you got to one of those areas, what would you do?"

"I think that we would sit down next to a nice big tree and watch the birds as they fly in the sky."

"And that is it? What would you do if you were with me?"

"I think that you and I would sit down next to a big tree and birds? What birds, who cares about the birds?"

"And then what?"

"I would close my eyes and await the gentle touch of my lover."

"And where would you like this touch to be?"

"Oh so light and gentle in the secret place under my skirt."

"Here?" She asked as her fingers rubbed against my panties.

"Ash! Your mum is downstairs."

She moved her fingers up and down, pressing my panties into my crease. "I don't


I murmured and wiggled my hips a bit and Ash slid her fingers inside my panties and pressed gently on my clitty. Oh my goodness, this was so hot. Was it because we risked getting caught that it felt so good, or was my sex waking? It had been so good with Jase in the woods, and now here, in Ash's bedroom it felt good again. Ash ran her fingers down my crease, so slippery, so wet, and circled my entrance and pushed her finger inside me. Oh my.

"Ashara, I am going to the shop, please do not go out until I get back." Ash's mum called from downstairs.

"Okay mum," Ash called back. Ash took her hand away from me, sat up and faced me before moving down the bed. She put her hands up my skirt and pulled my panties down, leant forwards and ran her tongue along my crease. Oh my. I felt Ash's finger tease my crease open and then Ash blew along my valley, it was an incredible feeling. My breath caught in my mouth and the tickle that started in my clitty rolled down my valley and ran around the edge of my opening as Ash slowly pushed inside me again.

Ash did not move her fingers in and out, I guessed that to her that would be like a cock, no, she rotated them inside me and widened them, creating pleasure sensations with the pressure of her movements. I could not speak, my breath was held within me and my back was arching as the incredible sensations of pleasure took over my body.

Ash's tongue lightly touched my clitty, it was like an explosion and I suddenly slumped, breath rushed from me and I screamed out in pleasure. "Fuck Ash, what did you do to me?"

"I already know the answer, but did you cum?" She asked.

"Oh God, did I ever?" I replied, I had finished and I was finished. I was wracked from head to toe, the spasms that went through me had been unlike anything before. What had happened to me in the past twenty-four hours? Sex seemed to have taken on new depths and the pleasure it delivered was nothing I had experienced before.

"Your yoni is quite beautiful you know?" Ash said, "I wish mine were more like yours. I love the way that yours is all compact and hidden inside, your lips are treasures waiting, not like mine all hanging out."

"I am like my mum in that way," I replied, "but I prefer yours. I love that your fanny lips peak out, welcoming and inviting. So much better than being hidden out of sight."

"I do not know what my mum looks like, she does not go naked at home, she undresses and dresses in the bathroom."

"I have seen my mum a few times, she wanders around upstairs with no clothes on sometimes. We look very similar, her boobs are just a bit bigger." No point in saying that my dad had made the comparison a few times recently, Ash did not need to know that my dad had seen me naked, and more.

I lay there still unwilling to move, dressed but for my panties, resting in the aftermath of something I couldn't explain. "Would you care for me to return the favour?" I asked.

"No, not today, the usual."

"Oh, the curse?"

"Yes, but I still wanted to do you. I hope that is okay?"

"It is a little unfair, but that is okay. No, I am joking, of course it is okay, it is just a little sad for you to miss out. I mean, if you were to use a tampon, I could still, you know, play around the outside."

"I am not allowed tampons, I have to use towels, but, no, it is not an issue. You can kiss me though, and then you better put your panties back on."

After I left Ash I went into town still feeling a little numbed, and decided to grab a frappe at the coffee shop in the precinct. I sat in the corner on the swinging chair and watched people as they walked past. Someone tapped my shoulder. "Hi Nat."

I turned around, it was Brenda, we used to be in school together. "Oh hi Bren, crumbs haven't seen you in ages."

"No," she pointed to the empty part of the seat, "are you waiting for someone?"

"Gosh no, I am just sitting and watching the world go by." She sat down next to me and took a sip at her drink, a coffee by the looks.

"What you up to Bren?" I asked.

"I work part time in Boots. It is not brilliant, but it is something, it gives me money that I can spend or save as I want. I still live at home with mum. Dad is somewhere else at the moment. You?"

"Oh, college, at home with parents, pretty mundane." I didn't ask about her dad, if she wanted to say, she would.

"Yeah, life gives you lemons but no instructions on how to make lemonade." She laughed at her own joke, as lame as it was, I couldn't help but smile too.

"We should hang out sometimes. I seem to have just lost touch and I don't know how that happened." She looked at me as she spoke, there was something there, but I couldn't work out what.

"I know, mad isn't it? We saw each other every day and then suddenly, nothing. I have no clue, it wasn't intentional you know?" I felt as if I needed to apologise, and I didn't quite know why.

"Oh I know, the same here. There we were at school, seeing each other all the time, in class and at break, and the evenings too, and then school finished and we sort of drifted. It is so odd because we really seemed close and yet perhaps we weren't?"

"I feel the same Bren. I didn't realise how much I missed seeing you until you just popped up. We can sort that out. Come back to mine if you like and we can relax and chat and catch up."

"Oh I wish I could Nat, but I am on a break. How about tomorrow? Tomorrow is a day off, I could pop round if you're going to be free?'

"Sounds great, I am free all morning, I have college in the afternoon. Do you still have my number?"

"Yes, unless you have changed it. You mine?"

"Same and no, I haven't changed my number."

Mum was home when I got in. "Stew for tea sweetheart," she said.

"Okay mum, thanks." I went and sat on the settee and thought about today's events. First Ash had given me an unbelievable moment, you hear people say that the Earth moved, and you think 'yeah, right', well, for me, it really did. That is two days on the trot, once with Jase and once with Ash. Then I bumped into Bren in the coffee shop.

So odd, we were really close at school, and yet, for some reason at the end of term, we just went our separate ways. I was trying to think if there had been a reason, but I really couldn't think of one. She turned left and I turned right and our paths didn't cross. Until today. Right now my life was being very weird.

"I saw Uncle John today," mum said as she came into the room. 'Oh, dad'll be lucky tonight' I thought. "he asked after you."

"Oh, okay." I didn't want to say much more.

"He asked me to say that he would like to take you to lunch again."

Okay. Right. I need to nip this in the bud. "I don't think so mum."

"Oh, why not? You seemed to get on alright the other day."

"No mum, I just didn't say anything."

"Right Natalie Marie, I think you need to tell me what happened. Why don't you want to see him?"

"Mum, look, he just kept saying I looked just like you and then he got a bit too touch feely. I was just uncomfortable and so, no, I really don't want to see him, okay?"

"Oh did he? Are you sure he wasn't just being friendly?"

"Mum, look don't say anything to dad, but a hand up my skirt isn't just being friendly, and when I pushed him away he started making threats about how he would say I tried it on and he refused me. That was quite horrible. I wasn't going to say anything and just not see him again, but, well, it looks like I have to say something. I don't know why me looking like you should make any difference, I mean you are his sister, not an old girlfriend." I added the last bit to give her an opportunity, if she wanted to. I know she was more girlfriend than sister, but she didn't know that I knew.

Mum sat there quiet for a moment. "Right." She said and then took my hand.

"Okay sweetheart, you never have to be alone with him again. I think he has over stepped. What he did is not on. I will speak to him."

"Mum, I am not sure that is a good idea. He said that if I said anything that he would say that I put my hand on his trousers and rubbed him and asked him to take us somewhere private. I didn't, I wouldn't, I have a boyfriend, and I have no interest in him, he is over twice my age, and eurgh mum, I mean, just eurgh."

I didn't want the conversation to lead to anywhere that ended up with him saying what had actually happened. I would deny it of course, but I never have been an especially good liar. "I just wish he didn't have to be a part of our lives. He scares me a bit mum. I mean he is stronger than me and, well, no, I never want to be alone with him, ever again."

"Oh darling," she leaned over and hugged me, "don't be scared, we will protect you. Your dad is bigger than him and so, well, let's hope it never gets to that." She let go and then sat back. "He was always a bit like that with me," she said. I wondered if she would go the whole way. "And when I was your age, we did fool around a bit. Perhaps he is remembering that when he sees you and you remind him of me back then."

"That was a long time ago mum, I mean you aren't fooling around with him now, I don't know what he is thinking, I just know that what he did now is wrong. I am not a consenting adult for him and never will be." Hopefully that will put ideas into mum's head and hopefully she will start to do something about him and perhaps put a stop to all his nonsense. "You are with dad now and I hope that you and dad are okay, so no need for him in our lives, in fact, mum, I don't think there is room for him. Does he ever help with Gran, she is his mum too? You never say if he does."

"No love, he doesn't, and there is nothing to worry about where your dad and I are concerned."

"Good mum, only you never seem to kiss or cuddle, and well, you know."

"Just because you don't see something, doesn't mean something doesn't happen."

"Good mum, and where your brother is concerned, if he says something happened, it doesn't mean that it did. Okay?" I had to get that in, just in case.

"That is so true. He thinks he saw something years ago, he didn't, it wasn't what he thought, but, mud can stick, you know?"

So, I was sort of right. He has something over mum and is still blackmailing her to this day. "Mum things have moved on, tell him to get lost, he can say all he wants, but there is no evidence, I assume, and well, washing powder is good these days, all things come out in the wash." I wasn't sure where I was going with that, but I just hope that mum thinks about it.

"You're right sweetheart, things have moved on. Let's not worry about John any more. And, young lady, if anyone, and I mean anyone, tries it on with you and you don't want it and you have said no, you can shout loudly and always remember, kick him as hard as you can in his balls, and if you can't kick them, squeeze them with all your might. You can ring me or dad any time and we will be right there sweetheart."

"Thanks mum. He did take no for an answer that time, so luckily no need for an emergency mum call, I just worried about a next time."

"There won't be a next time love."

After tea I was laying on bed when dad tapped on the door, I had left it open, and he popped his head in.

"Can I talk with you?"

"Yes dad, of course you can, come in."

Dad sat on the end of the bed. "Sweetheart, your mum told me about your Uncle John."

"Oh, okay dad."

"In future, please, do not be embarrassed, if your mum isn't around, you can come to me, okay? You are precious to us, and we will always defend you. Just to say, John won't be coming to this house again. We don't want his actions or lies here. Okay sweetheart?"

"Yes dad, thank you. I will, always. But please, can you promise, we will always be just dad and daughter, nothing more?"

"Yes, of course. Cross my heart."

The way my sex life was at the moment, I did not want to do with dad what I had done with Jase or Ash and end up with the same ending. That would be way too confusing. "I am fine dad, honestly, will you shut the door, I want to go to sleep now dad."

"Okay baby." He blew me a kiss and left. I didn't really want to go to sleep, but I was kind of curious if he and mum would do anything tonight and so I planned to try and stay awake and listen.

I had my music on quietly through my ear buds, just enough to let me listen to the music, low enough that I would be able to hear anything.

"Hush, don't wake her, she's asleep." Dad speaking softly on the landing, I silenced my music.

"She never hears us Pat, she said so this afternoon."

"Really, she said that?"

"Well, not in those words, she said she never heard us 'you know', it was the context."

"Well, that is a good thing, isn't it? We don't really want our daughter listening in to our love life."

"Frankly I don't care. She knows we are adults, she is virtually an adult herself, she knows what goes where. If she hears, she hears."

By this point in the conversation, they were in the bedroom and the sounds became more muffled, but eventually, they were there. The unmistakable sounds of my parents having sex. So, dad was getting lucky because mum had been with her brother, or they were both getting lucky because they still loved each other. I decided to put little dots on my calendar. Blue dots for when I heard mum and dad have sex, red dots for days when I knew she had seen her brother. Be interesting if there was any correlation. I dozed off and eventually must have gone into a deep sleep. My dreams were conflated mixtures of Jase, Ash and Bren. Very surreal.

Mum had greeted me with toast when I went down. Dad had already left for the day. I had no need to examine their sheets, I knew what they had done. After mum left, she didn't say where or why, just a cheery 'tara', I showered. All clean clothes today, a nice lacy white bra, white panties, a skinny polar neck top, also white, and a white and blue plaid skirt. I looked in the mirror and was pleased with how I looked. I toyed with adding white hold ups, but, no, I thought I might save them for Ash or Jase. Today was just a visit and catch up with an old friend.

Bren arrived just after I had finished dressing. She was wearing a mid length red coat over a blue and yellow princess dress, her bust pushing the front forward. I had forgotten that she was a busty girl. "Come in Bren, come in. Do you want a drink, shall we sit on the settee or lounge on my bed?"

"Hello Nat, no to the drink just yet, and if your folks are out, then either will be fine, if they are in, then let's go upstairs."

"I am not expecting my mum back, but she could always just turn up, and my dad will be away all day."

"Let's go up then." She took her coat off and hung it over the banister and followed me up."

We sat or rather lay with raised shoulders, on my bed. "I love your dress," I said, "It is very flattering."

"Thank you. I made it myself, so it fits just the way I like."

"I haven't made anything since school, I just don't seem to get the urge. I pretty much live in jeans or a skirt. I do have some dresses, but never seem to be inclined to put them on. Mum and dad stopped telling me what to wear a long time ago."

"I have a small waist and a biggish bust, so I always had to alter shop bought dresses, and so I just decided to simply make my own."

I took the hem of her dress in my hand and rubbed it between my fingers, "this fabric is so soft."

"It is an excellent fabric, hardly needs ironing and has a natural stretch, so I can make it drape and fit properly."

"You made a really good job, I am impressed, you do look quite stunning in it. I bet all the boys are after you."

"I wouldn't know if they were Nat, boys are just, well, they aren't girls."

I had forgotten, how could I do that? Brenda always preferred girls' company at school. Never danced with boys at disco's and never seemed interested in them. It wasn't an issue at school, few of us were particularly interested in boys back then if truth be told. "So, no boyfriend at the moment then Bren, how about a girlfriend instead?"

"No Nat, and are you asking or offering?"

"Oh. I hadn't really thought about it Bren," I replied then stopped talking because she had turned and kissed me full on my lips. Oh.

Her lips were soft and had a nice tasting lip balm over her lipstick and as her tongue sought out mine, her hand roamed gently along my leg. It seemed only right to return her actions and my hand brushed past her arm and found her thigh, warm and soft and welcoming.

She wasn't wearing panties I discovered as my bravery and inquisitiveness drove my hand up her thigh to her sex. She had a light covering of hair and as I ran my finger along her crease I could feel her fanny lips. My desire to see her was overwhelming and I pulled her dress up and bent down and took in her aroma and I tasted her.

"Yes Nat, yes." Bren encouraged me as my tongue slipped between the nicely protruding lips of her fanny and circled around her entrance. Her clitty was much bigger than mine, or Ash's and I sucked it greedily into my mouth as I pushed two fingers into her wet and ready opening. Her breaths were coming in gasps but I hardly noticed, I was too engrossed in tasting her, in twirling her clitty around my mouth, and using my fingers inside her, scratching lightly at the small patch of scar skin inside her.

I opened and closed my fingers, making a scissoring motion, and at the same time I was using my teeth to lightly chew on her clitty. I pulled my fingers out and ran them behind her fanny down as far as her pucker before coming back and this time I used three fingers, and pushed inside her and started a gentle 3 fingers shag and clitty lick. She spasmed, her back arching and as she finished, she squirted into my face. "Oh, oh, Nat, oh my God."


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