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National Nude Day River Challenge

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Along Came Nikka continued...
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Along Came Nikka continued...


While our off-season business remained solid, we definitely look forward to the summer months along the river here. The number of visitors increases exponentially depending on the river flow and weather. Heat wave after heat wave have been hitting Texas since March. Some well timed rain has helped keep the river flow perfect for the crowds.

Nikka and I decided to use some social media tricks to start a new tradition: The National Nude Day Float. Based upon our first date on the river, and some subsequent floats, we felt like we could attract a certain crowd to enjoy the river.

For this Inaugural 2018 Nude Float, our prizes will be small, but hopefully enough to get the word out for the following years.

The challenge is simple. Float the river nude, from our food trucks, to certain checkpoints. The farther you go downstream, the farther you have to travel back. A small digital camera system will capture participants along the float. The last checkpoint is 2 miles downstream and equates into a 4 mile walk back to the park. Points will be accumulated according to checkpoint, both in the water, and out. Those wishing to stay in the water on the way back may do so, but will only collect half the available points as those on dry land. We determined this due to the chances of discovery on the road.

Keeping naked people on the road was our main concern. We feel the river is shallow enough to simply walk back up to the start. And then the answer came to us: position the food trucks along the road on the walk back. All nude people get a complimentary drink. Their entry fee will also provide for food from the trucks of their choice. Our only requirement is that the participants must be naked to receive food and drink from the trucks.

So, let's add up all that together. Pay a simple entry fee. Float 2 miles from our food truck park. Walk back naked. Along the way, eat and drink from our conveniently spaced food trucks. Naked. Accumulate points along the way; those taking the longest receive the most points toward our prizes.

And then, along came July 14...

Nikka and I had reserved over 40 participants, and both agreed that we would double that amount on July 14. Little did we know. As the sun began to rise over the treetops, the line to the registration table looked more like 100. At least we didn't have t-shirts to hand out. I mean, what would have been the point of that?

Finally, after over an hour, Nikka and I headed out to see what we had created.

The flatbed trailer we positioned near the river entrance was absolutely piled high with backpacks. Next year, we'll need at least 2 of these for participants to park their goods. There were even bags stacked up along the treeline near the river.

We stopped at the river, and shed our clothes. And off we went after our customers and friends. But, with a twist. Both of us decided not to float, but to walk or swim and pull along a cooler tube. Basically, it's a tube with a cooler full of fun on it, mostly cold beer and water.

Imagine summers upriver, full of tubers everywhere. This is what our section of the river looked like, only everyone was naked. As Nikka approached the backside of the group, tubes filled the river from bank to bank. We could hear the laughing, and the uninhibited sounds of people in the buff.

Knowing the river intimately, Nikka and I stood up in the ankle deep portion of the first river curve, and began handing out beer as we walked amongst the naked bodies. Man, these people have no problems at all. Nikka bent over to hand a beer, and promptly had her tits fondled. By a woman. Then, Nikka turned around, opening her ass to be fingered.

"Nikka, be sure to warn people about the houses coming up on the right side." I tell her.

I continue moving through the tubes. And there she is, GinaBee, in all her glory. Gina sees me, smiles, and turns over with her ass in the air.

"This is our Ft. Lauderdale, Gina." I say.

"Well, the sun is still shining, and I need some sunscreen." Gina tells me. "Put some on my back."

Not wanting to disappoint my favorite Florida exhibitionist, I pull my cooler alongside her, and grab her sunscreen. I spray it on her back, and begin rubbing. Gina's ass is perfect, and her lack of tanlines indicate she lives in very little clothing. Oh, to see her cross the A1 like in her stories.

Then, I see an opportunity. I continue rubbing sunscreen along her legs, and I dip my body into the water.

"Just cooling off." I say, as I bring myself around to Gina's feet. My cooler floats slightly away, and I know I'll catch up to it later.

I stand up again, and begin rubbing Gina's legs. She separates them naturally.

"Please forgive me." I somehow mumble.

Then, I kiss her ass. Gina responds with an agreeable movement of her ass upward. So, I dive face first right into her pussy. I lick her cleanly shaved tastiness, and then stand up.

"Is that all?" Gina asks.

I walk around so my cock is right above her head.

"Yep, I have many more pussies to lick today." I say.

"Let me know if you need any help." Gina says, grabbing my still hardening cock.

"With my cock, or lickng pussy?" I respond.

"Both!" Gina exclaims.

"Well, my cooler has floated off. I'll go get it, and we can catch up later." I tell her.

I swim off in pursuit of my cooler. It's about 30 metres away, and I spy another group about 20 metres past it. I catch up to the cooler, and push on, a threesome with Gina fresh in my mind.

The next group seems pretty chill compared to the first group. Then, I see why. We have approached the group of homes.

"Hey, Zoo." I hear Requiax from within the tubes.

"What up, Req?" I respond.

I am able to stand up and wade among the group, handing out beers.

"Don't worry about the homes." I tell no one in particular. "Some of the owners are here, others on vacation. They're fairly used to me and Nikka floating around here. We actually plan on building a home here when the land is available."

"Hey, Zoo, we can stand up here?" SimonDoom asks.

"Yep. Actually, you can stand up in just about all portions of the river. The flow and water levels have been going down since late March. So, Nikka and I usually just swim instead of floating." I respond.

And then, I spot Hizchick. What a hot piece of ass. I cannot wait to touch it, so I quickly approach her.

"Need any sunscreen?" I ask Hizchick.

"Sure." She reponds.

She is still on her back, so pull my cooler alongside, and begin spraying on the lotion on her chest.

"I've been waiting to touch your incredible ass." I tell Hizchick as I rub her tits.

"Well, Zoo, when you're done enjoying my nipples, I'll turn over just for you." She tells me.

"Why bother?" I respond by taking a nipple into my mouth. At the same time, I bring a hand under her tube, and begin exploring her incredible ass. It is perfectly round, and cool from the water. I then gently nibble on the nipple and allow a finger into her shaved pussy while keeping a thumb on her ass.

"I have to head downstream now. I'll wait for you at a photo checkpoint so I can get a picture with me and your perfect ass." I tell Hizchick.

"Sounds good, Zoo." She says.

With that, I'm off. I have one more conquest in mind. SusanJillParker is here somewhere, and good things happen in 3's. Tasting her will make this little adventure that much greater.

"Slow down, Zoo." I hear Nikka behind me.

"How's your pussy?" I ask her. "Got any left for me?"

"That's why I'm here. I ran into Req. He had some fun. Also ran into sirhugs and SimonDoom. They have tasty cocks. " She says.

I feel legs wrap around my back, and some rock hard nipples near my neck. I twist around, and enter Nikka while we keep hold of our coolers. We approach the second camera checkpoint.

"Hold onto your cooler while I lift your legs." I direct Nikka.

I pull out of Nikka, and begin lifting her body up, then spread her legs. As we approach the camera, I begin eating her pussy. It is wet and cold, and perfectly delicious. The camera should capture Nikka's tits above the waterline, and my face deep within her pussy. I see the camera, look up at it, and smile with my tongue lapping at her lips.

"That's enough, lover. Beside, I saw jennifer99920 up ahead. Go get her, tiger." Nikka directs.

"Alright, I'll see you a few checkpoints down. Don't forget about Wahoo-1991." I respond.

Jennifer was a surprise entry today. I can't wait to see her. Her stories of strip poker are legendary. Then I spy her, up ahead and standing up for the camera checkpoint. She has hold of her tits.

"I can help with those if you like." I say to Jennifer.

"Sure, Zoo. This is a fun National Nude Day." Jennifer responds.

I get behind Jennifer, and grab both tits with my left arm, then move my right hand down to her pussy. We smile for the camera. Then I fell Jennifer fall forward, and we continue into the water. Entering from behind, we lazily float with the cooler while I harden into her pussy.

Time ,to exit the river, but not the story. I get Jennifer off my dick, and we walk up the river bank. My cooler still has plenty of beer. I decide to head back up river and lighten the load. Jennifer continues up the bank and walks to the first food truck.

I push upstream, and hand several beers out. I come across Nikka fairly quickly, and we continue back against the crowds to hand out the drinks we have. And then, there they are.

Nick and Amber. How did I miss their registration?

"Hey guys. When did you get here?" I ask them.

"Well, it was a last second decision." Amber says. "But, I needed more."

"More what?" I respond.

"Sexual adventures." Amber explains. "I just need more."

"Well, then come with us." I say, looking at Nikka. "Anything goes?"

"Anything." Nick agrees.

Away we go, everyone now with a beer in hand. My plan is to go upstream, then get out near the houses for some more fun. To make our job easier, I assign a cooler to Nick and Amber, and Nikka and I take the other.

"Okay Nick. Here's the deal. We change partners after each beer we drink." I say aloud.

"Well, damn. Get going, Nick!" Amber exclaims.

We raise our beers in salute, then simultaneously chug them down. Nikka just looks at me. I smile.

"Hey, we'll be changing partners quickly." I answer as she hands me my next beer. I swim away, high fiving Nick as we pass.

Amber gives me a kiss as I arrive at her cooler. I take her into my free arm, and kiss her back. She tastes good.

I turn to see Amber has climbed onto Nick's broad shoulders, beer in hand. He bends his head back, and she pours it in his mouth. As I watch, I can feel Amber wrap her right arm around me, grasping my cock. I know I'll have to leave if I drink it too quickly, but I chug another beer. Amber's hand is firm and familiar from our Miami beach fun.

Amber gets my next beer, and I head back to Nikka. When I get to her, I am still hard.

"Jump on." I demand. "Amber got me ready for you."

Amber jumps on my cock backwards, and we watch Nick and Amber embrace. We continue upstream, albeit slowly against the current and late afternoon shadows. The live oaks and Texas pecans love this location, almost as much as me.

Another beer done, the coolers open, and we grab another beer.

"Not so fast." Amber says. "I want to be near her."

Nikka looks at me and smiles. "You know you want this." She says.

"Okay, Nick. Just stay on the other side of my cooler." I say.

"No. Not like that." Amber says. "I want to put on a show on the river bank."

"Oh, I like the sound of that." Nikka replies.

They both swim away together, towards some shade. There, under the tree canopy, Nikka and Amber giggle in unison, then stand up. They hold each other by the hips, then reach to the other's breasts. I can four nipples harden, probably as hard as I become, even in the cool water.

Turning to face each other, the girls begin fingering each other. They lightly kiss, then Amber works her face down to Nikka's right breast, taking a nipple into her luscious lips. Nikka grabs her hair and holds Amber's head in place. Their hips move in time together. Too bad we aren't closer to a camera checkpoint, but I think my crew has picked up the cameras anyway.

Then, after another kiss, Amber and Nikka whisper something together, then look at us.

"Okay, enough fun for you." Amber says.

"Both of you stand up, and jerk off for us." Nikka continues.

I look at Nick. He looks back. Shit eating grins take over both our faces.

"No watching." I tell him.

"Agreed." He replies.

So, we stand up next to our respective coolers, and stroke ourselves for the girls. Well, at least I know I did. I don't dare look at Nick. That would just kill my beer buzz.

I don't feel like I last very long. I squirt my load into the river, and watch it float away. Somewhere downstream is about a gallon of my cum, courtesy of Nikka. I dip my body back into the water, behind my cooler. The girls are still above water, still fingering and rubbing each other.

I'm not done. I see the river exit nearby.

"Nick, take your cooler out of the tube. We're gonna put the coolers on the river bank. Girls, get on a tube. We'll be right back." I direct.

At riverbank, we put the coolers on dry land.

"Who do you want to eat?" I ask Nick.

"Let's have them decide." He responds.

We swim back to the girls.

"Okay, your turn. Which of us do you want to eat you?" I ask the girls.

"I have an idea. Both of us will fit onto one tube. Let's play musical pussies." Amber responds.

Good God, she is one horny woman, I think.

"Damn great idea!" Nick exclaims.

"I'm in." Nikka says.

So, I get in between Nikka's legs, Nick in between Amber's. And we go to work.

"Just say when." I direct.

"Time." Amber says.

Nick and simply spin the tube until a new set of feet surround our heads. And back to work we go. Amber tastes fantastic. She has kept her pussy freshly shaved, and I grab her firm tits as I work my tongue into her cunt.

"Time." Nikka says.

And back around comes Nikka's feet. Her pussy is freshly swollen and wide open for my face. I burrow into her while I grasp her thighs. I love the feel and taste of her.

"Time." I hear Nick say.

Amber comes back around to my waiting mouth. She is wide open, and grabs my head and guides my face into her pussy. Amber begins to rub herself against my face. I enjoy the feel of her sex swell against my tongue.

"Time." I say, lifting my head from Amber.

"Hold on." Nikka says. "Let's play a game. Boys, you step back, and close your eyes. We'll spin around, and then see if you can guess which pussy is put on your face."

"Cool." Nick and I say together.

We back up, and close our eyes. I can hear some water splashing around. Then, some feet hit my ears, and calves surround my head, and finally thighs engulf my senses as I feel two hands guide my face to a waiting cunt. I stick out my tongue.

"It's Amber!" I hear Nick exclaim. I open my eyes. Amber is smiling at me. I continue licking her.

"Nope." I reply.

"Damn!" I hear from the other side of the tube.

"One more time, only this time, get in the water and either suck or fuck us until we guess." I suggest.

"Okay." I hear Nikka say as both girls jump in. We close our eyes. I hear some more splashing and giggling. And just as before, two hands touch me, then I hear the distinctive sound of someone going underwater. Lips surround my cock. While I doubt I can cum again, I can feel myself harden as a tongue swirls around the head of my dick.

"Hold on." I hear a voice tell us. I keep my eyes closed. The mouth leaves my cock.

Then, I feel a pussy surround my dick, and an ass bump against my legs.

"That is Nikka!" I shout. I open my eyes. Sure enough, Nikka is facing Amber and Nick while I fuck her doggy style. I grab her tits, and let her ride me. I can feel the familiar spasms come from within as Nikka's body reacts in waves. God, I love this river.

From here, it's back to the starting point. The four of us leave the river, and get onto the street for the walk back. It's a fun walk, with lots of banter and smiling. Back at the food truck court, we grab whatever clothing we need, and then I cook up some tacos before closing.

The contest was a success. In fact, it appears next year we can pick a charity to support. We could support one this year, but I'll consider that after we cover all our administrative and staffing. Someone has to process those camera images, don't ya know.

As for those who missed this year's festivities, look up something called Float Fest here in Texas. The Literotica All-Stars are gonna crash it and turn it upside down on its naked ass.

Until then...

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

I floated the upper Guadalupe and Comal recently. Plenty of skin. Texas rivers are the best.

Bob150BobBob150Bobalmost 6 years ago
Great idea.

You guys did good.

Thanks for sharing.


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