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Natural Corruption Pt. 02

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Alura rediscovers the pleasure of control.
3.8k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 11/11/2023
Created 09/17/2023
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The Lunar Beast's attack was relentless.

Throughout the long history of Tiurna, it was always said that when the moon fell into position, cosmic hell would rain down upon the planet in the form of a monster. Prophecies were often laughed at as nothing more than folklore, yet this one came true. Finally, since the dawn of the time, the beast had been awaiting its chance to strike.

The very world shook as the lord of space descended upon the globe, its form taking similar shape to that of the mythological creature Cthulhu. Four blank, purple eyes sat on its face, a fifth gazing down from its enormous forehead. Tentacles burning with lavender flames formed a beard, swaying in the astral breeze of deep space. The entity was simply colossal, its shape towering over the entirety of Tiurna. Even its fist alone could flatten an entire continent.

The Dryad's were about to face their greatest battle yet.

In an orderly line, two-by-two the Dryads flew into combat. All except for Alura of course, who sat diligently in her wooden throne awaiting the triumphant return of her army. Humanity cowered in their pathetic stone structures as every Dryad on the planet save one flew to their demise.

The Lunar Beast let out a deafening roar and the sky flashed a dark purple, never regaining its original colour. Clouds were blotted out by the creatures hulking form, Dryads swarming the skies like flies. Already, a hundred of them had fallen. Just a swing of the beast's hand knocked down over a dozen, swatting them like insects. Even with the power of nature on their side, they were powerless against such a foe.

Another bellowing cry came from the beast, the earth rumbling beneath it. It was as if it had summoned an earthquake, shaking the ground with enough force that humanity's poor constructions could not withstand it. Houses crumbled and monuments fell, leaving towns and villages crushed in its shadow.

"How are we supposed to beat this... this thing?" A dryad cried, a distinct lack of hope in her voice.

It wasn't unusual to lose a large amount of their own in a fight, but the Lunar Beast was racking up casualties faster than anything they had ever faced. On top of that, a strange symptom of the beast's presence was beginning to reveal itself.

Far below the battleground, grass was changing from its natural green to a foreboding purple. Not just the grass either, but plants and leaves were all changing, converting the fields and forest below into a lavender spectacle. Humans who camped down in the forest seemed to be affected too, transformed by the roar of the beast. Their eyes became purple and their teeth became fangs, now servants of the moons corruption.

"It's... changing them!" A Dryad called, seeing the hopelessness of the situation.

Slowly, they were realising that there was no chance of victory. One huge, beady eye glazed over its surrounding, before firing a magnificent laser of energy in the direction of the army. Thousands of people, both human and dryad were killed. In comparison, not even a scratch had been dealt to the monster's grey skin. This was a battle they couldn't win; a battle that would see Tiurna come to its tragic end.

Another roar sounded and the world trembled once more, writhing tentacles burning with purple embers erupting from the ground. The rate at which this lavender corruption spread increased ten-fold, engulfing every inch of the forest it initially appeared in. Within hours, not just Tiurna but the whole world would be consumed by this monster's evil, every living being brought under its thrall forever.

Another laser was fired from the Lunar Beast's forehead, this time slicing straight through the middle of the Dryad's great tree.

Alura screamed as she was launched away by the impact, crying out as she made impact, rolling over on the cold floor. Consciousness seemed to be fading, the borders of her vision slowly being drowned out by darkness. Eventually, she fell into slumber, the last thing she saw being the remnants of her would-be dryad empire burning in purple flames.

The world, it seemed, was fated to be corrupted by the Lunar Beast's cosmic evil.

"We can't let it win." The Dryads all called out in unison.

The beast cried out in defiance as magical green spirals manifested behind all of its opponents. Eyes closed, they began to chant, casting the one spell that would ensure the creature's defeat and the safety of the world. Wind howled across the battleground as the Lunar Beast attempted to end the chant to no avail. Perhaps it could strike down a few hundred more, yet it would still be futile.

"To protect this world," they exclaimed, their hearts and minds unified under one common cause, "We give our lives."

With that, the ultimate spell was cast. The souls of the Dryad people left their physical forms, allowing them to fall limp to the ground. Most of the bodies were destroyed on impact, yet the soul lived on with purpose. Energy and essence of which life itself was formed now encircled the cosmic beast, forming a prison from which there was no escape.

To confine an unstoppable foe at the cost of their life was the last act the Dryad's ever performed. An unescapable jail was created, one where only another Dryad held the key. The Lunar Beast was to be imprisoned for all eternity, as no Dryads remained to free it.

The monster from the moon let out a final anguished roar as it vanished from the physical world, taking its jailers with it.

Corruption no longer spread across the region, however it didn't simply vanish. Instead, the corrupted forest remained as a sealed off area, unsafe for all visitors. It almost became a tourist attraction, with people visiting from all across the globe to catch a glimpse of the lavender forest whilst not getting too close.

Gradually, Tiurna began to rebuild itself piece by piece. Societies were established and villages were rebuilt, one of the most noteworthy being Lavup, a small settlement located right next to the corrupted forest. It's economy was thriving thanks to the cosmic wonder that sat next door. A prophecy of ruin had been averted thanks to a grand sacrifice, the world returned to its former glory.

"Hey Red! Nice job clearing the border of the forest!" the crowd cheered as Lavup's renowned knight made his way through the square.

"Thank you, it was nothing really." Red laughed, humbly playing down his accomplishments.

Red was pretty much the ideal guy in lower class Tiurna: brave and handsome. He had bright blue eyes and jet black hair, but surprisingly most of the public didn't know this. As the go-to knight and mercenary of the town, Red tended to keep his helmet on whilst in public. Only those he trusted or those he respected were allowed to see him without it.

"God, what a day." he groaned as the front door swung shut behind him. "Damn savages, all of those purple-eyed freaks."

Typically, Red was tasked with dealing with humans that had been corrupted by ignoring the rules and venturing into the forest. Much like with the forest itself, being corrupted looked incredibly pretty, however it brought unwarranted side effects. Most commonly those side effects included insanity and psychosis. Originally the corruption was intended to bind people's minds to the Lunar Beast, but without a master to serve, the corrupted became feral beasts.

After fighting with them, Red wanted nothing more than to lay down on his bed and let his dreams carry him away. Throwing his helmet down onto the floor, he did exactly that.

Knock, knock.

"You've gotta be kidding." Red groaned as he rose from his brief period of relaxation, picking his helmet back up, "What is it?"

"Sorry sir, I know you prefer to not be bothered after work." a quiet female voice called from the other side of the door.

"Oh, don't worry about it, relaxing can wait. What's the problem?"

"A new arrival sir. A new citizen I mean, not a tourist."

This sparked Red's interest. It had been quite a while since anyone had wanted to stay here long-term. "I'll be right there."

Now eager with anticipation, Red donned his helmet and left the confines of his room. With haste he hurried through the crowds of the market stalls surrounding the front gate to the town, watching as a line of guards escorted the towns newest resident. It had been so long since anyone had been willing to move so close to the corruption permanently, so such an occasion meant that the guards were on full alert.

Armour-clad soldiers wielding spears marched forth in two single file lines, escorting their mystery citizen in a manner fit for royalty. No ordinary person in another town would get this kind of treatment, only here in Lavup. Red watched on from behind his helmet with anticipation, waiting for the town's newest settler to be revealed.

It wasn't long before the line reached him, Red gazing down the long parade of soldiers. There, passing through the gates, was a seemingly young girl. All she wore were a pair of panties and a bra made of leaves, leaving the rest of her porcelain body for the eye to behold. Her skin was flawless, the crowds jaws dropping as sunlight bounced from the glowing surface of her thighs. Striding down the street with a slight sway to her hips, this girl radiated confidence with her green ponytail blowing in the wind. Even the guards seemed mesmerised, keeping track of her every step, intently focusing on her green-painted toes as her bare feet met the ground one after the other.

She had to be the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

"Commander Red, this fine young woman is this towns newest settler." a guard explained, standing at his side.

Before long, the girl had crossed the entire market and stood before him, her emerald-green eyes peering up at his helmet. It felt as if she was looking straight through it, causing his heart to beat a little faster.

"Alura, sir." The girl introduced herself with a bow of her head, a sign of respect to the knight, "It's an honour to meet you."

"Likewise. I'm Red, knight and captain of Lavup's guard."

Alura giggled sweetly, "Knight, huh? I suppose it would fall to you to give me a tour, then?"

"I suppose it would. Let's begin then."

Frankly, he wasn't sure how him being a knight meant he was entitled to give her a tour around the town, but how could he complain? Years without a single settler moving in and the first one is an angel. Anything would be worth spending some time with her; she seemed much different from the common folk.

"So tell me, what brought you to want to stay here?" Red asked, walking alongside her.

"Well, I'd be lying if I didn't say the corrupted forest." Alura replied, hands held together behind her back, "You get that a lot, don't you?"

"Yeah we do, but that's not normally a reason for a permanent stay. A lot of people are scared of it and only come here as tourists. Just a quick look is usually enough for them."

"I wanna research it. Me and it have some... history."

This sparked Red's curiosity. "History? Would it be rude of me to ask?"

"Not at all!" She gave a sweet smile, "But not in public. I don't want strangers hearing all my secrets."

"Very well. We're near my home, we can go there."

Only known her for ten minutes and already he had her coming over to his house. Red might've been a knight, but he was also a real lady's man. The two of them approached the dark brown door, Red pulling a golden key from a compartment in his armour. With the turn of the key, the door swung open.

"Make yourself at home." he said, closing the door behind him.

"I'll do just that." Alura responded with a wink.

Alura confidently strode over to a soft bench, an old couch outfitted with red cotton. It was carved from walnut coloured wood, complimenting the faint orange glow from the rooms wall torches. Red was clearly used to having guests as the couch was big enough for at least three people. Funny, considering the average citizen couldn't afford a couch and simply made do with chairs. It was certainly clear he was the towns favoured knight.

Standing on her toes, she stretched her arms out above her head and let out a loud yawn before lowering down into the couch. The cotton felt nice against her bare skin, gently rubbing against her thigh and back. With legs crossed, her hand slowly glided along the armrest, appreciating its smooth texture. It reminded her of the life she used to live, one of borderline regality that ended before it could even begin.

"So, your history with the forest?" Red began, eyes subconsciously drawn to her foot, green-painted toes dangling off the ground. He'd never been so thankful for his helmet.

"I'll tell you," she said, pointing a finger at her lips teasingly, "If you tell me why you wear that helmet."

"Do you think you can handle the truth of it?"

"I'm sure I can handle anything you tell me."

Red gave out a sigh, but her self-confidence won him over.

"I wear it because of the pressure. It's not easy knowing I'm all that stands between this town and the corruption. Sure, there's the other guards, but they haven't seen what those corrupted... things can do. Neither have you. They'd be crushed. If I ever fall everyone here will die. I prefer the people of this village don't tie my face to my role as a knight, that way my personal life has less pressure."

Alura seemed to be listening intently, once again staring at where his eyes would be. Once more, it was like she was looking through his helmet to the face hidden behind it. The truth was that she was only interested in one part of his explanation.

"What can they do?" she asked, almost seeming to expect an answer, "What are the corrupted capable of?"

"I answered your question, now you'll tell me your history as promised. You could know things about it that we don't.

"I won't. Not until you answer me." Alura's lips curled into a grin. Having leverage over someone felt good.

"Fine." he sighed, defeated. "They have powers. Weird, corrupted nature powers. They aren't too strong, but they'd slaughter a normal soldier if they could."


"Satisfied? Will you tell me about your past now?"

"Hmm..." Alura feigned thought. Truthfully she had no intention of telling him anything, not yet anyway. Not until he was tamed. It's just so much more fun leading them on like this, seeing just how obedient she could make them with her words alone, "Maybe, if you take off your helmet for me."

Normally Red would've been hesitant to remove the helmet for who was essentially a stranger, but in this instance he felt dangerously inclined to do so. Despite the fact that without it, Alura would be able to see his eyes freely exploring her body, her impossible body overpowering the knights resolve. He didn't have any choice in the matter, he simply had to obey. Slowly, his hands rose to the sides of his helmet.

Amused by his growing obedience, Alura bit her lower lip as she watched on. Soon the helmet fell to the ground, revealing the face of the man beneath. Staring into his bright blue eyes, she said two words. "Good boy."

Those words seemed to stir something in him, "Please. I've done everything you asked."

Slowly, the girl was turning a brave knight into her obedient puppy. Red had no idea it was happening since it was entirely subconscious, but Alura was fully aware. Already it had progressed to the point where he was begging for what she had promised him, and she was loving it. Once again she could feel a cocky smirk playing on her lips as she looked into the eyes of her toy.

"I guess you've earned it." she said, enjoying the feeling of his trance-like gaze scanning her. "Five hundred years ago a monster created that corruption. It destroyed my home."

"You've been living... For five hundred years?"

"That's right. I'm a Dryad. The last Dryad. Not only did it destroy my home, but it also killed off my entire species. I'm all that's left."

"I'm sorry to ask, but why do you need to research the corruption? How does this help you if your people are already gone?"

"Eager, aren't you? Well, if you really wanna know," she beckoned with half-lidded eyes, curling the toes of her dangling foot, "then come closer."

Wordlessly, Red moved forward until he was stood directly before her. He was desperate to learn anything he could, or perhaps he was simply desperate to serve her.

"Kneel down." she ordered with a knowing smirk.

Almost mindlessly he did so, lowering himself to the ground until her foot was level with his face. Thoughts raced through his head as Alura's green-painted toes hung mere centimetres in front of him, silently beckoning as they curled back and forth. Ironic how he was supposed to be questioning her, but Alura had grabbed the reigns and was now ordering him like a servant.

Now knelt before a girl in his own home was Red, a once proud knight reduced to her loyal pawn. His sofa was now a pedestal from which she could look down from, observing the world at her feet whilst she relaxed high above. Words need not be used for her next command, as her big toe brushing against his lips told him everything he needed to know.

"There you go..." the Dryad sighed, closing her eyes as his warm lips enveloped her toe. "God, I haven't felt this in so long. Don't you think I deserve it?"

"Yes. Yes you deserve this." Red replied as he obediently sucked on her toes, enjoying the taste of nail polish in his mouth.

"Don't you wanna serve me forever?" she laughed, already knowing what his answer would be. "Say yes and I'll tell you everything."

"You don't need to tell me anything. I just wanna serve you."

Who was a well respected warrior had been broken, transformed into a footslave for the last Dryad in existence. Alura's heart was pounding; she didn't expect such subservience so quickly. Then again, who could blame him?

The sight of the knight, her knight, down on his knees with her toes in his mouth was making her wet, the knowledge that her plan was proceeding even quicker than intended only adding to that. She intended to continue luring him with promises of information about the corruption, but it seemed her spectacular body was more than enough to melt his will. No normal girl could make a knight captain crumble like that.

Relishing the sensation of her foot being sucked, Alura examined her own body. She let a hand glide along her soft thighs, skin glowing at all times. Every single part of her was radiant, from her perky breasts held by a bra made from leaves, to the arch of her back which only defined her ass even more. It was no surprise that even the strongest minds were nothing before her.

"Then," Alura commanded, allowing her hand to sail across her midriff, resting on her naval, "Get up here and kiss me. Kiss my lips."

Lust was commanding him, as he rose up from her feet and leaned forward, hungrily placing his lips against hers. Alura let out a moan of satisfaction as her eyes closed, her green lips gently returning the favour. With a body like hers, she knew she could have anything she wanted.

Alura sank back into the sofa, legs still crossed as her divine body orchestrated him like a puppet on strings. A faint giggle escaped her mouth, confirmation that she was now the one in control. Despite her attention being solely on herself, Red continued to attack her lips, desperate for her taste.

"Down boy." the Dryad commanded, expecting complete obedience. To taste her lips was to be bewitched; anyone who had the honour of kissing this goddess would be drowned in their own desires. "You can be mine forever, if that's what you really want."

"Yes. Yes, please."

Red had fallen to his knees once more, holding her perfect sole in his hands as it hung before him. Glancing up, his eyes met hers. Emerald eyes gazed down at him with victorious lust, laced with condescension. The sheer weight of her hypnotic eyes upon him was almost crushing, bathing in the presence of her divine body as her foot filled his mouth. Simply tasting the nail polish on her toes was to die for, as it reinforced his newfound belief of being beneath her.


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