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Nebula and Thor: Guardians, Lovers.

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Thor teaches Nebula the finer things about physical intimacy.
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Nebula is my favorite MCU female character. I'm simply infatuated with her, so I decided to help her out with a story about receiving something she desperately needs and deserves.

This is also the longest and (IMHO) the best story that I have ever written, so enjoy it, because I enjoyed writing it! \m/

The (mostly) restored Guardians of the Galaxy have departed from Earth after the brutal battle with Thanos and contributing to his ultimate defeat.

The team is now bolstered by the additions of Thor and Nebula, although the absence of Gamora weighs heavily on all their hearts. Of course, none more so than Peter Quill, aka: Star-Lord.

Nebula couldn't help but notice how her loss had changed him; he was now a sullen man, desperate to find Gamora ever since she returned from the past (albeit as she was before he first met her and thus, with no attachment to him...yet). He seemed consumed by his need to find her, and Nebula couldn't help but actually feel pity for the man.

Pity itself was a new emotion for her, as were most of these emotions and feelings that had recently surfaced. It seemed that Thanos's death had allowed her to finally begin developing emotionally; there was more to life than rage and vengeance.... there was room for caring, camaraderie, a sense of belonging...and -as she glanced over at Thor- attraction? These feelings were previously unknown to her, and in a past life, she would have denounced them as weaknesses. Looking at Thor now though, she couldn't help but feel drawn to this powerful man.

Even though he had let himself go as far as his appearance was concerned, she remembered how he had looked before Thanos had made his "snap"; he emanated masculinity and nobility simultaneously. She was in awe of his manliness, and now awe was free to evolve into attraction.

Then she saw her reflection in one of the panels and cursed herself for allowing herself to think that someone like Thor could ever return her affections, especially considering her appearance, so she shook her head and dismissed her wandering thoughts momentarily to concentrate on the ship's coordinates.

Thor was healing psychologically; their victory

had provided the necessary redemption for him, and thus, closure. Now he could concentrate on cleaning himself up and returning to his original form and start over with a new path that included these fascinating characters who called themselves "Guardians of the Galaxy".

Still, he was new to the team and along with his fellow new recruit Nebula, he resolved to step back and let events take their course. If Star-Lord was set on finding Gamora, then Thor God of Thunder would be there along with Nebula to support him.

There was Nebula in his thoughts again; he found himself fascinated by the unfortunate state of that woman. So dark and brooding, so damaged physically and psychologically, yet inexplicably compelling!

He looked at her sitting across and in front of him, staring silently into space (literally) and noticed that in spite of her cybernetic implants and lack of hair, she had a lovely feminine figure and quite a nice behind. Her wide hips hung over the edges of her narrow seat just a bit, further accentuating her hourglass figure.

The more he thought about Nebula, the more he found himself attracted to her. He wanted to help her and show her that life had some great experiences to offer, that it wasn't all pain and hurt and rage.

Then at that moment, he saw her shake her head as if bringing herself back from wherever her mind had been wandering, only to look down at her control panel. Suddenly, her head snapped up and she turned her head just enough to glance over her shoulder at him for a second. Her large black eyes met his gaze, then widened and looked fearful for an instant before quickly turning back toward her control station.

He had seen that reaction many times before during his days as a bachelor in Odin's palace; that look of incredulousness, as if she couldn't believe that he was actually looking at her.

Poor Nebula..."yes.." he thought to himself, "I will help her become a real woman."

Nebula couldn't concentrate on her readouts because she felt that nagging sensation on the back of her neck, someone was staring at her! A life of physical alterations courtesy of her "father" had left her with an abysmal self-image, and a sensitivity to people staring at her, but who in this ship could be looking at her for so long?

Finally, she couldn't resist the urge to find out any longer, and glanced over her shoulder...and met HIS gaze! Nebula whipped her head forward again and sat there with her mouth open, her mind reeling from a whirlwind of mixed thoughts and emotions.

"Was he actually looking at me?? Yes he was, but why?? Does he have a mind reading ability that I wasn't aware of?? If so, I will be

absolutely mortified!! he can't have that power, we all would have known about it by now. Still, why was he staring at me?? He looks so handsome...ugh I look like a monster, there's no way he could ever be interested in someone who looks like me, he could have any woman!! Ok get yourself together, Nebula. The mission is more important!"

She realized that she was clenching her fists, and immediately relaxed them and unconsciously made a calming gesture with them.

Thor saw this and smiled. For all her fierce bravado, she was merely a frightened, insecure, and socially inexperienced girl. He found this to be extremely endearing and he resolved to develop his relationship with his new teammate at his first opportunity.

They had been cooped up in the Benatar for a week, and all Thor could do to alleviate the cabin fever was work out. Due to his Asgardian physiology, seven days of intense exercise and eating nothing but one ration a day was all he needed to regain his old powerful physique.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Nebula peeking glances at him more than once as he exercised. "Good. get an eyeful, girl." He thought.

Nebula couldn't stop stealing glances at him from time to time, he was just so captivating! She never felt so attracted to anyone before, and she didn't know how to handle this new feeling inside that people called "desire". If Gamora was there, Nebula would ask her, but the only other woman around was meek Mantis and she didn't seem the type to consult with in such matters.

Finally, on the sixth day and right before they reached their destination of the abandoned planet Morag, Thor caught her staring and met her gaze. He nodded, winked, and smiled disarmingly at her and as expected, she scowled and quickly turned away in a feeble attempt at covering up her thoughts. "Game on, Nebula." he said to himself.

She couldn't believe that he caught her staring! She was so angry at herself for getting sloppy enough to slip up like that and clenched her fist, gritting her teeth from frustration. Still, he had such a handsome smile, and wasn't it directed at her? He didn't seem to be laughing at her, but it did have that glint of mischief that made her shift in her seat from what felt like some unfulfilled need that she couldn't describe.

The next day, they landed on Morag. Before disembarking from the Benatar, Star-Lord warned that there would be a lot of ground to cover and that Morag, although previously inhabited, was now an abandoned world with only ruins of an ancient civilization. Nobody to help if they encountered any difficulties.

At this point, Thor took the opportunity to start the game with Nebula by suggesting to Star-Lord that they split up into teams. Star-Lord looked thoughtful for a minute and then nodded in agreement, but just as he was about to assign partners, Thor quickly interjected and said "I think it would be wise for Nebula and I to head off on our own, the two of us can cover more ground that way."

Even though she tried as hard as she could, Nebula couldn't hide her look of astonishment; her jaw dropped, and her eyes widened before looking downcast, then she crossed her arms and looked away.

When she didn't respond, Star-Lord said "Well? do you agree, Nebula?" She lowered her gaze again and after a couple of seconds, gave a barely perceptible nod. She could almost feel Thor's subtle grin as he came to stand next to her.

Star-Lord then assigned the others; Rocket and Groot, Drax and Mantis, and he would tag along with the latter just to keep tabs on Drax (much to Drax's confusion). He then designated a rendezvous time of six hours from that moment, and then they all split up into different directions.

Thor began walking away in the direction assigned to himself and Nebula. She stared at him and then reluctantly followed him.

After an hour of walking in silence, they reached their destination; the ruins of what appeared to be some kind of palace or compound. They looked at each other and entered through a large gateway, wandering through corridors until they entered a small enclosed chamber, except for a portion of the ceiling that looked to be intentionally missing. It gave them a nice view of the open sky.

Thor looked around and decided that this room would be as good a place as any to take a break and make the next move in his little "game" that he was playing with Nebula. Then he sat down on a stone bench and looked at her, patting the seat next to him and smiling innocently.

She looked at the spot on the bench that he was patting and then at him. She stood there, unsure of what to do, with yet another unfamiliar set of feelings churning inside her; butterflies in her stomach from nervousness, and shy anticipation. Then he pointed his chin at the spot, which made her roll her eyes and hug herself. Finally, with eyes downcast to avoid eye contact, she stomped over to the seat and with quick nervous movements, sat down with her back straight and her head tilted down.

Thor chuckled internally, he couldn't believe how inexperienced she was! Like a young adolescent girl trapped in the body of an athletic, cybernetically enhanced, formidable warrior woman.

...A bald, blue skinned, shapely, beautiful woman......With a great behind set on those wide feminine hips.

He was going to have some fun with her, but he reminded himself that she WASN'T a little girl, that she had seen and experienced some truly awful and traumatizing things in her life, so she was fragile and therefore, required some gentle finesse.

He had centuries of experience with this though, and he looked forward to the challenge.

Nebula was beginning to feel awkward, especially since they hadn't really spoken in over an hour. So without taking her gaze off the floor, she built up the courage to quietly mutter "what are we doing here? why have we stopped?"

"Because sometimes,'s nice to just sit and enjoy some privacy. You have to admit that it's refreshing to finally have some after being cooped up in that ship on top of each other for a whole week!"

He took her silence as an agreement and then decided to press her a little, " what are you thinking, Nebula?"

She just shrugged uncomfortably, still averting his gaze, which felt like two irresistible beams of powerful masculinity trained directly at her face. It was unrelenting to the point where after a tense moment, she turned her eyes to him for a second before looking back down at the floor, quietly asking "why are you staring at me?"

He figured that the best route to take with her was frank honesty, no potentially confusing hints or subtleties. He found that such confusion usually led to lashing out for emotionally fragile women like her, so he said "because we are teammates now, and because I want to be your friend....and because I find you extremely attractive."

Her eyes bulged and her mouth opened in shock at how forward he was, no man had ever said this to her before! She whirled to glare at him and then jumped up, indignantly shouting "OH REALLY?! YOU THINK I'M GOING TO BE JUST ANOTHER ONE OF YOUR CONQUESTS?!"

He saw right through her false bravado and made calming motions with his hands "Take it easy, Nebula. I'm not playing games with you, I'm just being honest. I assumed you would appreciate that instead of unnecessary mind games. Was I wrong in my assumption?"

This unexpected move from him deflated her indignant posturing and when he motioned for her to sit down again, she did so quickly and tensely. This time however, although she still looked downcast, she had her hands clasped together on her lap.

Then she muttered "Why me? What do you see in me?? I'm a damned cyborg! He tortured me and made me so ugly!"

"I see a beautiful young woman who has been through so much in her relatively short life. TOO much...but not enough."

She felt her face growing hot, but looked at him directly now and challenged, "Not ENOUGH?! What do you mean by that??"

"I mean that...well correct me if I'm wrong, and I apologize if I am, but maybe you haven't experienced enough of the GOOD things in life; laughing with a friend... Holding someone's hand...Hugging someone you care about and have feelings for...enjoying the warmth of their body against yours...INSIDE yours..THAT'S what i mean, Nebula."

"And I suppose YOU will be the one to show me??" she said doubtfully in her hollow cybernetic voice.

"If you'll let me. Here, give me your hand." Thor stood in front of her and held out his hand. She looked away,

reluctantly took it and stood up in front of him, but went back to hugging her body and avoiding eye contact.

He took her chin and turned it to his face. "Look at me, Nebula. It's just us. Nobody around for miles. We can do whatever we want and it will only be between us, I swear by my father Odin the AllFather that nobody will find out about this, unless you want someone to know."

Nebula stood silently staring at him, her face burning. "Oh how I want why am I so terrified??" she thought. Then he gently slid his warm hand around to the back of her neck.

She closed her eyes and swallowed hard, terrified of what was happening because for once, she had no idea how to handle it and what to do as far as her part was concerned. She balled her hands into fists to keep them from trembling, even the cybernetic one.

Thor sensed her tension and placed his other hand reassuringly on her shoulder (her biological shoulder) and began to gently but firmly pull her towards him. He felt her resistance, but kept pulling until she took a step forward, and then another, until she was inches from his face.

He was only slightly taller than she was, so they were almost at eye level. His steady gaze and reassuring smile were too strong for her, and she felt her defenses breaking down. She would look into his eyes for a second, only to look down or away, defeated by his indomitable will.

Then he took her hands and placed them on his chest, letting her feel his strong muscles. Her fingers twitched and then slowly moved up and down, tracing the shape of them.

"You've wanted to do this to me for a while now, haven't you?" he said softly. She gasped, froze, and looked up at him with terror in her eyes, but he just smiled warmly and whispered, "It's ok, I've wanted you to do this to me too. It's just us here, Nebula."

She looked down in mortified shame, but he just wrapped his arms around her body and pulled her against him, then he pressed his lips into hers.

Her black eyes bulged in shock, and she gasped through her nose, but she didn't pull away. His lips felt warm, wet, and slippery against hers, and after a few seconds, she hesitantly kissed back, mimicking his movements.

Her mind was swirling from all this newness, and she thought "it really does feel good to have him against me, if feels so warm and safe!"

Just at that moment he pulled away and asked "How was that?" She nodded and stared directly into his eyes now, the shyness was dissolving by the second. Then she took the initiative and pressed her lips against his, closing her eyes and unconsciously sliding her trembling hands up to his face and then wrapping her arms around his neck.

He could tell that the passion was taking over her to the point where her movements were coming naturally, even with her lack of experience. She was breathing deeply through her nose as she kissed him sloppily but passionately, her tongue twirling inside his mouth as their faces were locked together.

At one point she even let out a little whimper and he took that as his queue to move his hands down to her firm bottom. She whimpered more loudly as he began to kneed her buttocks, then he pulled her hips towards his, so that they ground their groins together.

By now, Nebula had abandoned her inhibitions and insecurities. She was dizzy from these new things called "passion" and "desire". They were amazing and she wanted more. Her loins felt tingly and her stomach fluttered, but this was pleasant fluttering, not the uncomfortable nervous kind. She surrendered to her urges and let them dictate her movements, starting by wrapping her leg around his and pressing against him as hard as she could.

She felt a large bulge in his groin grinding against her crotch and it felt good. Then she yelped as he picked her up by her waist, and then while still locked together in a passionate embrace, she wrapped her legs around his body as he held her by her bottom to support her weight.

Thor felt the heat emanating from her crotch and knew that she was ready for the next step, so he walked to the bench while still holding her up. Then he laid her down on her back and rested his weight on her.

She kept her legs around his waist as she continued kissing him and thrusting her pelvis into his. She really didn't know what was supposed to happen, but she did know that she wanted more of whatever was already happening.

He now had her panting and biting his lips and tongue, "she's like a wild beast that has finally been freed!" he thought. He knew he was going to enjoy this merely because of her unbridled enthusiasm, but only if he kept control of every aspect of it.

She had no experience at all, so if he didn't guide her actions, she could actually do something that might potentially ruin the moment.

Thor detached himself from her ravenous kissing with a loud popping noise as the suction of their mouths was broken, and she looked up at him expectantly while panting. Then he tugged at her sleeveless top, and she took the hint and let him pull it up over her head, exposing her perky blue breasts. A mere handful in size, but shapely, with dark blue almost purplish nipples.

Nebula reflexively covered her chest out of modesty, but he just pulled her arms away and leaned forward, taking an entire breast into her mouth at once. She gasped and arched her back, thrusting her chest forward in response to the wonderful sensation of his tongue as it twirled over her nipple, making it hard like a nut.

With his face so close to her chest, Thor could detect the subtle hint of body odor coming from her arm pits and skin, which didn't surprise him. She was a warrior after all, with no experience at physical intimacy whatsoever, how could she possibly know to be mindful of her personal hygiene? It didn't matter because sometimes, a little bit of natural body funk could be very arousing, stimulating the senses in a most primitive way..,but only if it wasn't overpowering. There was a fine line and she thankfully hadn't crossed it. On the contrary, it made his erection throb in his pants.

She ran her fingers through his hair as he suckled her breast, unconsciously grabbing fistfuls of it. Then she felt his hand slide down to her crotch, and once again, she reflexively closed her legs, but he forced them open and was soon rubbing it up and down over her pants.

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