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Nebula's New Emotions

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Nebula finally feels love with Star-Lord.
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Starlord shifted around in his seat as the ship he rented on Knowhere entered the atmosphere of a bright pink planet. Nebula sat in the chair closest to the window, her deep black eyes scanning the sky and surface. The entire planet's surface was light pink, with dim shades of blue peeking out from the ground where the ship landed. The place was shrouded in fog, the same shade as the planet.

"Rocket, what are we looking for again?" Peter spoke into his earpiece. The rest of the team was back on Knowhere.

"You and Nebula are lookin' for the part of my ship that got blown off a few weeks ago. I figured that you and her would do a better and faster job lookin' for it than all of us. I've pinpointed its location, you're close. Just a few clicks south of there." Rocket said.

"Alright," Peter turned around to see Nebula mindlessly kicking away at a small bush that looked like it was made of cotton candy. "Nebula, did you hear that?"

"Huh?" Nebula's head shot up from the ground, her black robotic eyes meeting his.

"We're looking for the tail of Rocket's ship. We're almost there." Peter pulled a small tracking device from his pocket.

"Following you." The Luphomoid women looked back down and began walking. As she followed behind Peter, she couldn't help but pay close attention to the robotic drone of her hips and feet as she walked. Most of the time, Nebula either didn't notice the sounds her cybernetically enhanced body made, or she didn't care, but today, she was very self-aware.

"Hey Peter?" Nebula called.


"Do you still think about Gamora?" She knew the question was sudden, but she had to know.

"All the time," Peter sighed before turning around and walking backward to face her. "Why do you ask?"

"I was just... I was just curious." Nebula said, her eyes not meeting him.

"I miss her alot, but at the same time, I don't regret punching that big purple bastard in the face. No offense." Peter said, remembering when he let his anger get the best of him when half of the Guardians, Iron Man, Doctor Strange, and Spider-Man had the Mad Titan trapped.

"None taken. My father killed her. Nothing would have brought her back, well at least not the one you knew. The one we knew." Nebula held back a tear.

"Yeah." Peter stopped walking backward before putting the tracker back in his pocket. Nebula noticed and looked up at him in confusion. Peter placed a hand on her biological shoulder.

"It's okay to say that you miss her too, Nebula." He said. Nebula froze.

"I do. Let's go find that part." Nebula returned to her usual cold tone.

Peter turned around and booted up the transmitter one more time. It began beeping and flashing.

"We're right below it," Peter said while looking at the ground. Nebula moved her feet around, noticing her boots were sticking to the bottom like mud.

"I'm not seeing anything." Nebula said.

"Welp," Peter put the transmitter in his pocket before getting on his hands and knees. "Looks like I'll just reach down and see if I feel anything." Peter then stuck his hands deep into what felt like quicksand, staining his brown jacket. Nebula stood over him, watching closely.

"Do you feel anything?" Nebula asked.

"All I'm feeling is- wait." Peter felt something cold and metallic.

"I think I found it." Peter said.

"I'll help you pull it out." Nebula wrapped her body around his back and grabbed his arms. Peter felt her breasts pushing into his back, but he pushed that thought away.

"Ready?" Nebula asked.

"Ready." Peter said. They began pulling as hard as they could until they heard a low rumble beneath them. The sound built up until the ground started to shake.

"What the hell is that?" Peter asked, his voice trembling slightly.

"I don't know. I'll try to-." Just then, a thick blue tentacle jutted from the wet ground, smacking Nebula in the face hard enough to break her grip on Peter's arm and send her flying back towards the ship.

"Oh shit!" Peter shouted before pulling his arm out of the ground and dove backward to avoid the giant tentacle that continued to rise from the ground. One tentacle had the tail end of Rockets ship wrapped in its slimy grip. Peter looked to his side to see if Nebula was fine, but he got hit by the same tentacle that knocked her out. Peter wasn't knocked unconscious, but he felt something running down the side of his face and into his ear.

"Crap." Peter felt blood mixing into his smashed earpiece. He felt like the tentacle monster intentionally opened a nasty gash on his forehead. The giant mass of tentacles began whipping and thrashing out of the ground wildly. Peter tried to stand up, but his head was spinning, and his vision was blurred. The tentacle monster used the part of Rocket's ship to smash a hole into the glass of the smaller vessel.

Nebula's eyes popped open after hearing the loud crack of the rusted metal banging against the glass. She sat up before automatically popping her shattered jaw back into place. She noticed Peter splayed out with blood running down the side of his face; her eyes were focused as she stood up and readied her nanotech arm, forming it into a cannon. Nebula used her other arm to aim it and fired two bright orange-colored shots into the body of the monster.

The tentacle monster shook at the blast's force; three tentacles dropped back into the ground, but the one holding the ship part swung at Nebula. She ducked under the attack, causing the limb to smack into the rented ship and knocking it to the side. Nebula changed her cannon to a red-hot blade, jumped into the air, and sliced the tentacle open. Purple blood spewed from the smoking skin as the tentacle finally dropped the ship part and disappeared into the ground.

Nebula's eyes returned to their blank stare as she ran to check Peter.

"That was really cool." Peter grunted through the pain. Nebula crouched down, and her blue fingers over the leaking wound.

"You'll be alright, I'll fix this." Nebula said.

"It's fine," Peter grabbed Nebula's shoulder to lift himself up into a seated position. "I'll live."

"There's a lot of blood, Peter. It's getting worse." Nebula noticed Peter staring at her when he thought she wasn't pay attention.

"Lay back down. Now." Nebula said with her usual growl. Peter did as he was told but kept staring into her eyes.

"I'm going to cauterize the wound." Nebula said before morphing her arm into a small candle-like shape with a light flame on the end.

"Nebula," Peter grabbed her non-bionic arm and ran his hand over her skin. "There's bandages on the ship."

"The ship is destroyed! Now stop staring at me and let me close the wound!" Nebula shouted, even though deep down she liked him caressing her arm. She just couldn't understand why it felt good.

"All you have to do is grab it from the smashed window! There's a compartment with a first aid kit near the steering wheel!" Peter began to panic as the flames came dangerously close to his facial hair.

"Fine." Nebula morphed her flame back to its normal shape and began to walk back to the ship. She dug through the broken glass and shattered bits of metal to find a small white box with an unknown symbol on it. Nebula swallowed hard, hoping Peter would stop making her feel so... attractive. She'd never seen herself that way.

"See, there's the safe option." Peter said as Nebula removed the cloth from the bin.

"Keep still." Nebula said before gently wrapping the white cloth around Peter's head.

"Y'know something I've noticed, Nebula?" Peter asked.

"What?" Nebula patted along the now blood-stained bandage that sat atop the gash.

"How pretty your eyes are."

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" Nebula shouted in a combination of fear and anger. Mostly fear.

"I didn't mean to-."

"I don't care! If you think you're going to use me as a stand in for Gamora then you're wrong!" Nebula's hollow, metallic voice began to crack.

"Nebula that's not what I- You know that's not what I mean. I don't see you as a stand in."

"Stop lying, Quill. I'm a monster." Nebula turned her head away in shame. In her mind, she was and always would be an unattractive collection of parts. No matter how many lives she'd saved or how many bad people she'd betrayed to do the right thing. Peter moved his hand up to cup her jaw.

"Tell me why you think you're a monster. I'll prove you wrong."

"It doesn't matter what you say. It's the truth. My father ripped me apart and put me back together again to torture me. Repeatedly. I'm a mess. More scrap metal than skin." Her voice was cold.

"You're a freaking Guardian of the Galaxy. You're my friend. You're a good person who cares in your own way, sure you can be a bit aggressive at times, but I know you're good. You can be better than who your father made you. You are better than what he made you. I know it."

Peter's fingers running up and down the light blue skin on her cheek forced Nebula to lower her guard.

"P-Peter I'm not... I've never..." Nebula stammered before Peter grabbed the back of her head to pull her in for a kiss. She didn't know how to kiss, and Peter tried his best to guide her through it. She just sat there with her deep black eyes wide open as Peter attempted to get her to move her lips. Despite Nebula's inexperience, Peter felt his cock getting hard through his dusty black pants. Nebula felt the growing erection against her knee and jumped at the feeling.

"What's wrong?" Peter asked. Nebula wiped Peter's spit from her face.

"I don't know. Something's in your pants."

Peter laughed before finding the strength to slide his pants down his hairy legs, freeing his cock.

"What the hell!?" Nebula gasped. This was her first time seeing a penis. It was hard and thick with a slight curve. Long, kinky curls of pubic hair were sprouting out.

"Don't worry," Peter was glad he decided to go commando today. "It won't bite."

"Can you do that mouth thing again?"

"You mean kissing?"

"Yes, whatever. I want to try again. It felt..." Nebula trailed off before Peter touched her bare skin again.

"Good?" Peter answered for her.

"Yes. Very good."

"Well, come here," Peter said. Nebula laid on top of Peter, and they began kissing again. Nebula tried miming what Peter did by closing her eyes and moving her lips. Peter's tongue crawled into Nebula's warm mouth as he ran his hands up and down her back.

Nebula let out a strange animalistic grunt into Peter's mouth as she pushed herself closer to him. She eventually pulled off of him after feeling his dick brush against her butt and legs.

"How do I make that thing stop?!" Nebula asked.

"What? What are you talking about?"

"That!" Nebula pointed at his dick. "What the hell even is that thing?!"

"It's called a penis. It doesn't really stop. Sometimes I feel like it has a mind of its own." Peter said before sneakily bringing his hand around Nebula's bald head and caressing her face again.

"It keeps moving. Why?"

"It likes you. I like you. A lot." Peter admitted.

"You still haven't told me how to calm it down." Nebula said.

"For one, you have to get down there," Peter said. Nebula scooted down and laid on her stomach; his balls almost touched her chin.

"Now what?" Nebula asked.

"Touch it a little. Not too rough." Peter said. He hoped her bionic arm wasn't as strong as it looked.

"Like this?" Nebula wrapped her normal blue hand around the base of his dick.

"Ye-Yeah... Like that," Peter groaned. Her hand was soft and delicate. "Now you just want to give it a good st-stroke."

Nebula focused her black eyes on her hand and the tip of his dick. She moved her hand up and down his shaft, her eyes glued to the movement of his foreskin and the constant throbbing.

"Oh... that's it..." Peter said, his voice almost a whisper. A small drop of pre-cum leaked from the head. Nebula's eyes widened at the sight of it.

"You can put your mouth on it now..." Peter said.

Nebula let out another grunt before slightly opening her mouth and planting her lips on the head of his cock. Her tongue tapped at the sticky dribble of seed and moved it around her mouth until it mixed with her saliva. Nebula gathered up more spit and spat it out from her pursed lips, drenching Peter's cockhead in spit. Thick lines fell down every vein and stopped at his pubic hair.

"NoAw wha?" Nebula mumbled around Peter's shaft.

"Move your head up and down, slowly. Let it roll down your tongue as it goes in..." Peter hummed.

She bobbed her head slowly as more slime fell out of her mouth and down his crotch. Nebula loved the odd texture of his solid cock buried in her throat, but she simply didn't know what to tell him. Peter grabbed the back of her bald head and pushed it down until her chin began to graze his wet balls.

"Ke-Keep using your to-tongue..." Peter begged. He was close. Dangerously close.

Nebula wiggled her tongue right along the base as she continued to slobber and grunt. Her eyes were wide open and locked onto Peter, grinning like an idiot.

"Shit... I'm close..."

Nebula didn't know what he meant, but from the increased throbbing of his cock she knew whatever the hell was happening would end soon. Not that she really wanted that, of course.


Peter came into Nebula's mouth. Hard. He hadn't pleasured himself in nearly half a year, and Nebula was taking the full force of it. Her deep black eyes were wide open in shock and pleasure. His seed was a completely new thing to her. It was thick and milky, filling her mouth until it began to overflow, falling out her mouth and down her chin. Nebula finally pulled off Peter's cock and held the rest of his seed in her mouth like a chipmunk.

"I-wh..." Peter trailed off as he watched Nebula spit his seed out on the ground.

"What was that?" Nebula asked.

"Amazing..." Peter ran his fingers through his hair while sighing dramatically.

"I meant what we did. What I did." Nebula asked.

"It's called a blowjob," Peter's eyes softened at the sight of Nebula's face dropping in confusion. "Well the slang term is a blowjob but I guess the technical term would be oral sex. That makes it sound better right?"

"I guess." Nebula stood up and readjusted her tank top.

"Did you... enjoy yourself?" Peter asked before pulling up his pants.

"I," Nebula's brief pause felt like five minutes to Peter. "I did. I'd like to... I'd like to do it again. Later. But we have to get off this planet."

"I'll see if I can call Rocket to pick us up. Let's hope the communicator on the ship still works." Peter stood up and rubbed the side of his head. Nebula wrapped her arms along his ribcage to steady him.

"Let me see if I can flip the ship upright. Can you walk?" Nebula's voice lowered slightly.

"Yeah I'll be fine." Peter answered, sneaking a glance at the small drop of cum leaking down her blue chin.

"Good." Nebula turned around and walked towards the ship with a confident sway in her shapely hips. She reached the ship and placed her bionic arm against the side. Nebula quickly glanced at Peter, grinning like a doofus, before she bent down and pushed the ship's right side up with a loud clunk.

Peter walked towards the ship and carefully climbed through the bits of broken glass to boot up the communicator. After he flipped a few switches, a small orange light popped up above a speaker. Nebula followed him inside.

"Rocket. This is Quill. Can you hear me?" Peter said.

"Quill? Did you and Nebs find my part? I saw that your location dropped off." Rocket responded.

"Yeah we found it, but we were attacked by some giant freaky tentacle thing in the ground. It destroyed the ship." Peter explained.

"We need you to pick us up. We're not flying with a broken ship." Nebula said.

"Alright. The latest I can get you outta there is tomorrow morning. You'll have to stay put overnight." Rocket said.

"Tha-" Peter started, but Nebula cut him off.

"That works. Thanks Rocket." Nebula immediately hit the off switch on the communicator before grabbing Peter by his shoulders, gently pushing him into the wall, and pulling him in for a kiss. She'd learned a lot during their brief makeout session from only a few minutes ago. Not a lot of technique, but she learned that she was addicted to his lips, his tongue, the taste of his skin, and the way his tool throbbed along her tongue.

Nebula's blue hand gripped the back of his head, her fingers wrapped around his curls as Peter's hands traveled down her back to the end of her tank top. He slid a finger underneath the fabric to feel the soft skin underneath. Nebula let out a cute, high-pitched squeal into his mouth. She didn't know she was capable of making that sound.

Nebula pulled off of him while keeping her hand wrapped around his head.

"What do I do now? I want to do more now that we have time." Nebula said. Peter noticed she was trying to make her voice sound more feminine.

"It's not about steps, Nebula. It's about going with the flow. What do you want?" Peter explained.

"It doesn't matter what I want. I don't know what I'm doing. You're the guide."

Peter leaned in and kissed her neck sweetly, making her shudder.

"Did that feel good?"

"Yes." Nebula choked out.

"Would you like it if I went lower?"


"Then take your shirt off." Peter said before moving up and kissing the bridge of her nose.

Nebula slipped her top over her head and hugged herself tight, pushing her purple and blue breasts together with her forearm. Nobody had ever seen her this way. A few years ago, if anyone had seen her naked, she'd have ripped their fingers off, but Peter looked at her like she was worth something. He looked at her like she was the blueprint for beauty across the galaxy.

Peter stepped forward and placed a hand over her left breast. It was softer than he expected. Her areolas were a deep indigo blue overtop light blue and dark purple flesh. No part of her chest was cold or metallic. A long scar ran alongside her belly button down to her crotch.

"I got stabbed. I was young." Nebula sounded like she was on the verge of tears. She was overwhelmed with emotion. Wild new feelings that came all at once. Peter kissed her nose again.

"No more talking about your past. Let's stay in the present." Peter leaned in and kissed the soft flesh of her breast. His facial hair brushed her sensitive nipple as he continued to kiss and lick the top of her breast.

"Mmmh Peter..." Nebula moaned. While Peter lowered his lips to her nipple, his right hand caressed her other breast, gently tugging the fun bag of warm flesh. He ran his tongue around her nipple, slobbering along the tasty skin. Nebula's moans grew softer as she ran both of her hands in his hair. She was careful not to tug too hard with her metal arm to not yank his curls clean off. Peter then switched his attention to her right nipple, smothering it with gentle kisses and licks.

"Pete..." Nebula closed her eyes tight, determined to get lost in the pure bliss of the moment. Peter removed his hungry mouth from her chest before taking off his jacket and shirt.

"You ain't seen nothing yet gorgeous. I want you to lie down for me." Peter's body language was excited, almost manic, but his face was gentle and loving. Nebula trusted him. She trusted him with her emotions. She trusted him with her body. So she did as she was told.

"Your um... penis is moving again." Nebula pointed at the bulge in his pants.

"I know. I'm really excited. You're going to love this." Peter got on his knees and removed Nebula's boots and pants, revealing her long, beautiful legs. Peter licked his lips at the sight of her curves. He began to massage her inner thigh.

"What are you about to do?" Nebula asked sheepishly.

"Eat your- Perform oral sex on you." Peter corrected himself.

"Okay. That sounds..." Nebula paused before nervously smiling. "Sorry, I don't know what to say, Peter."


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