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Necromancer Chronicles Pt. 03

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Final book one.
  • April 2015 monthly contest
29.1k words

Part 3 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/25/2015
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Chapter 8 - Anise

When we got back to the house, Lisa almost had the BBQ ribs done and the smell of the food was divine.

Leanne said, "Damn, necromancers are supposed to be creepy. Even his voice was yummy, can we keep him?"

I looked over with an amused look on my face and raised an eyebrow.

She stuck her tongue out and said, "Don't give me that look, don't think I didn't notice you staring at him with a stupid grin on your face, totally mesmerized as he talked. Do you even know what he said to you?"

I blushed scarlet not sure what to say, I had a small idea of course, something about how he dealt with his powers and his people. I kind of had gotten a little lost in his eyes and the tone of his voice, not that I'd admit it.

I finally replied with a scoffing noise then said haughtily, "Like I'd pay attention to an evil necromancer."

Leanne snickered and Willa looked amused.

Lisa looked up from the BBQ and said, "What'd I miss?"

Leanne threw me under the bus while her eyes sparkled, "Our Anise here falling all over the hot necromancer."

I really wanted to protest, after all she herself had said she wanted to keep him, but I knew I wouldn't win this one, it would just make the teasing worse. So I picked another direction.

"Don't worry Leanne, I'll share," I said before laughing.

I shook my head, he was hot, but also very clearly taken. I could see he thought I was attractive when he looked at me, and talked to me. Even interested. But it was a pale shadow in his eyes compared to how he looked at Amy. I am not quite so bad as to come between my granddaughter and her mate.

Then again, Leanne and I like to share, maybe it runs in the family... I sighed and tried to change tracks. My ploy worked and after a few more rounds of teasing, this time Leanne, we ate dinner together by the grove. I was still not sure I was doing the right thing by challenging James, but it seemed the only way to help my family, my new friends and lovers, and the necromancer. I wasn't exactly sure what category he would end up in yet.

After we ate we just relaxed, I could feel the calm energy slowly swirling among the groves and witches. I did feel welcomed by it, but I couldn't effect it any. Willa had a far away troubled look on her face and I wondered what happened. She had left us for a few minutes to call Krista, the other coven's head witch, and find out what was going on.

I moved and sat behind her, caressing her arms and neck. She leaned back into me and relaxed a little.

I asked, "What happened?"

She tensed, but relaxed again after a few seconds, "Krista was very smug. She didn't come right out and say it, but it seems she thinks to take my place soon. She foolishly betrayed her own and worked with Silas to gain power. I don't know what the plan is, maybe there isn't one, maybe Silas is just stringing her along, but I doubt it."

"I'm sorry sweetie, what's to be done about it?"

She shook her head, "Nothing for now. Silas is the real danger, once he is dealt with one way or another I can take care of Krista, hopefully she will run for it when her support is gone."

She added reluctantly, "I did find out one more thing, she knew you are staying here, and that we have grown close in the short time you've been here."

I asked gently, "What is it?"

She said, "I'm so sorry, maybe you should have avoided me. Silas is determined now to make you move on, to cut any support I have. All the fake glowing references he was supposed to be supplying for your hospital job search... well, let's just say you'll never get any call backs in this town."

"Huh, I was wondering about that." It hurt, healing was something I loved. Ironically it was also something I would have given up soon anyway, I was determined to make a lifetime here. I can still do it, I'll just have to be very sneaky about it.

But it sure as hell wasn't Willa's fault. Something I have learned over the years though, is she would never believe it, even if I said it. So I took another tack hoping to cheer her up.

I kissed the side of her neck and whispered, "You'll have to make it up to me."

She said, "How can I do that."

I whispered in her ear, "It's a game, I'm going to torture you right here in front of Lisa and Leanne, and you have to stay quiet and not give it away."

She said nervously, "What are you going to do?"

I said sultrily in here ear while releasing my magic, "This," and she locked up in my arms.

I used air and spirit, guided it down her body from her neck. Everywhere it touched would cause sensuous sensations on her skin. I sucked her earlobe in my mouth and bit down as my magic reached her nipples. Her breath was fast, and shallow, and I could tell she was fighting down a gasp.

My magic continued down her torso, stimulating and pleasuring her nerve endings, when it reached over her abdomen then down between her legs she bit her lip and made a very light but intense whimpering sound that made me wet. She was completely mine in this moment, mine to pleasure, tease and yes, it really must have been torture to hold back her voice. Her body trembled against mine as I continued to innocently massage her shoulders with my hands, and pleasure her beyond reason with my magic.

Even her subdued reactions would have been obvious if Lisa and Leanne hadn't been talking to each other nonstop during all this. I slid the magic inside her now, leaving a swirl of energy to circle and tease her clit. My mouth started watering and I wondered exactly who I was torturing as I felt her body wrack with pleasure as my magic took her to bliss for the first time. I kissed her neck again and looked up, she had tears in the corners of her eyes at the intensity of what I was doing to her.

This was so erotic for me too, with the spirit mixed in the air I could feel it all, like I had a million tiny little hands brushing against her silky smooth skin, manipulating her warm wet sex, her hardened nipples, her clit, all over her body really, all at the same time.

I grinned against her neck as I let the energy split and teased her puckered star open, she gasped at the feeling of stimulation in both places. I think the jig was up, because the two girls looked at us when I sent her into a second overwhelming orgasm. I held her and continued caressing her neck and shoulders with my fingertips, and her inner thigh with my magic as I brought her down gently from her height.

She looked at me with tears in her eyes then whispered. "I guess that means you forgive me?"

I kissed her in answer, it was such a silly question, it wasn't her fault.

Leanne asked, eyes narrowed, "What did you do to her?"

Lisa added with a smile, "And can you do it to us too?"

I laughed faux wickedly and sent my magic at both of them while Willa pushed me onto my back, looking determined to torture me right back, I heard both of them gasp loudly as Willa started to have her way with my quite ready and willing body...

A few hours later I was lying in bed amidst three other warm bodies. I was sore, in a good way, and I felt like a total two faced bitch. I was growing to really care about these ladies, and they did not know the truth about me. Even worse, I had not even told Amy the half truth I had told Leanne, about us being related.

It was so much easier keeping my secret from casual friends, but family and lovers were different and the guilt dug in. I felt like telling them the whole truth would be a mistake, but I wondered how much of that was cowardice.

Fear that Willa, Lisa and Leanne would reject me.

Fear that Amy would hate me, the grandmother that didn't even know she was brutally enslaved for almost two hundred years.

I felt sick, my stomach was roiling more and more as I thought about it, and I could feel the silent tears running down my cheeks, I knew I had to tell them. Besides knowing I would get caught in my half truths, especially when Amy and Vince showed up tomorrow, I felt guilty about the angel thing. It was bound to come out that Amy and I were related, Leanne had no reason not to say anything, had no idea I had kept it to myself in fear Amy would recognize me.

I had to tell them, and now would be best. Tomorrow would be dangerous enough with our enemies running around, if it came out then, from someone else, there would be a blow up.

I tried to say it strongly, but it came out like a squeak, "There is something I need to tell you all, something I've been... hiding about myself. People... don't always react well, so I've grown accustomed to keeping it to myself, but I care about you all too much to continue hiding it. And after I tell you I need to go tell Amy."

Lisa faux gasped, "You used to be a man?!"

I snorted with laughter. Here I was coming clean, and she was trying to make me feel better.

"No, I'm older than I look, much, much older."

Leanne kissed my cheek and said, "Stop procrastinating, it can't be that bad."

"I'm Nephilim. I am ancient, immortal. Leanne, I let you come to the conclusion and believe that I had come from a branch family, the truth is I am your great times ten grandmother, Amy is my granddaughter."

Willa whispered, "How old?"

I sighed, "Before Christ, before Rome, before the great flood. So old I keep track by millennia, not century."

I finally looked away from the ceiling, they were all staring at me as if unsure they should believe me, or think that I was pulling their chain. I got out of bed, stood and revealed my power. White glowing wings, my powerful ancient aura filled the room and I saw fear on their faces. I expected it, but their fear still felt like a betrayal. They knew me, I was their friend, I loved them already.

I whispered, my voice broken, "I'm sorry," before I called on my power and transported to my apartment.

I couldn't blame them, I still had hope they would accept me, be okay with it. My aura for the most part scared the crap out of everyone when I let it all out. I took a quick shower and dressed quickly in a pair of jeans and a doctor who t-shirt and let my power bear me away. I appeared in front of Vince's door and knocked.

When Hardin answered the door I asked for Amy, she came out a few moments later, a look of confusion on her face.

Here we go again.

"I have something to tell you, something I should have said sooner, but I was too afraid, and too ashamed."

She asked, "Ashamed?"

I nodded and looked down, "I should have been there for you, should have saved you, and I am sorry. I was off living another life, I had no idea what happened to you and your mother all those years ago."

She asked, "Who are you, I thought you seemed familiar but..."

I glowed briefly, undoing the minute changes that were enough to fool the human mind, I also changed my appearance to reflect an aged body. Whenever I live out a full life I usually age with my family, it prevents some issues. Some would think a man would love to have a young wife with a perfect body even as they age, the truth is it simply doesn't work that way.

But twenty five is my body's natural state, so I always revert when a husband passes and it is time for me to move on.

I looked up tears in my eyes and begged, "Please little one, forgive me."

I could see her emotions in her eyes, disbelief, anger, regret, longing, contempt. I wondered which one it would settle on.

She shook her head in denial, "Grams... how?"

I said patiently, "You know how, I am Nephilim. Even worse than not knowing and saving you, I was a likely cause. My children and children's children never show angelic power, but they are uncommonly strong in other gifts for the first two or three generations. Your mother was a very powerful sorceress, and you were an uncommonly powerful witch. It may have brought the trouble to your door. It might be why they made you a vampire."

She whispered accusingly, "Where were you?"

I sighed, "Where I always go when I lose a husband to time. I grieved. I travelled as a healer for sixty years until my heart recovered and I remarried. It's what I do, it's how I live. I'm sorry, I didn't know what happened until a few days ago when I found the information in Leanne's genealogy book."

She frowned and her voice sounded dazed, lifeless, "I need to think. I know it's not your fault, but I really want to hurt you for not being there. Leave, I will see you tomorrow night."

I wrapped myself in my power, restoring my age and disguise, and then teleported to my apartment. I doubt the secret would keep now that so many knew, but I hoped it would. If they could accept me maybe the rest of the community didn't need to know.

It was so quiet. No one else breathing, no life but my own, I felt alone, alienated. I snorted, I had lived my last century alone, and after a few nights with the witches it felt so much different.

I stripped and crawled into bed, rolling up into a ball I beckoned sleep with a wisp of spirit, I didn't want to be conscious anymore, full of regret. I was such a fool. Was telling really the right thing, or was I selfish to share my burden? All I did tonight was hurt them all with my truth, I just had to hope it would lead somewhere better.

I sighed in relief as the sleep spell took hold.

I woke up to giggling. That was confusing and it was taking my brain a moment to catch up. I gasped as I felt warm wet heat on both my labia and puckered star. I was on my back, but my waist was partially twisted and someone was holding my leg up.

More giggles. Then I felt a tongue digging into my backside while someone else held my labia apart and sucked in my clit.

I opened my eyes and wanted to cry as they drew a pleasurable gasp from my lips. My body was so confused at the conflicting information.

I looked around, Willa and Leanne were between my legs doing amazing things to me, Lisa was smiling down at me, then she kissed me fiercely.

She whispered, "I'm sorry we freaked out, that's not something you see every day. Know what else is something you don't see every day?"

I giggled at my relief then arched my back and gasped, someone had curled their fingers inside me and hit my g-spot just right.

I managed to gasp out, "What's that?"

She winked and looked me up and down, "Getting off on an Angel's face."

She started giggling as I laughed. She cut off my laugh by straddling my head and grinding her core on my lips. I gasped when she grabbed my nipples and twisted, pulling on them hard.

I fought for the ability to act through the pleasure I was receiving down below and slid my tongue between her labia and flicked her clit before licking all the down her slit, over her taint to briefly tease her puckered star.

Lisa said breathily, "Oh god, an angel just licked my ass. And I really liked it."

All four of us broke down laughing, it took a minute for us to get back to it. I would have time for my cathartic cry later, right now I was too busy being with and enjoying the women I loved. My bed wasn't as big as Willa's, just a queen, but we managed just fine...

After a shower and breakfast we went to the council chamber. I was so happy, yet still guarded. That they had accepted me was more than I could hope, yet, I still hoped for more. I had butterflies in my stomach wondering about Amy. I knew I had to focus though, I was old and powerful, that didn't mean I could be sloppy during a challenge.

James was old enough to be plenty powerful, and I had no idea what his skills were, but Chicago was a pretty big city, he had to be a pretty damn good sorcerer at the very least. Not to mention I couldn't use my angelic powers during a challenge, this would be purely sorcerer verse sorceress.

I used mediation techniques to focus my mind, I had been around a long time. Sorcery requires focus of mind. It doesn't depend on words, or semantic gestures like a witch. So over time I had sought out ways and philosophies to improve my mind and sorcery. Stronger mind, stronger sorcery. Walking around in an emotionless state wasn't one of my favorite things, but it had its uses. No distractions.

When we walked in there weren't all that many people there, I guess that means word didn't spread on what we planned. That was a good thing, no spies in our camp. I took a seat near the front and waited for the council meeting to start. I sat through a couple of issues that Silas went through, and immediately stood up when he asked if there was any other business.

Silas recognized me warily, he was right to be wary.

I said in a clear voice, "I challenge James for the right to represent sorcerers on the council."

James looked pissed, Silas just narrowed his eyes.

James said arrogantly, "Aren't you a bit young? I won't go easy on you if you persist in this foolishness. Do you even know any other sorcerers in this city?"

I suppressed an eye roll and just stared at him waiting. His replies were beside the point, I challenged him, he either needed to answer or step down. I could see Silas wanted to say something, but challenges were an internal race matter, they were only made at council so there would be witnesses that it was all above board.

Silas may interfere in the other groups, but he has done so on the sly through backroom politics, he dare not try and stop this. Finally James stood and walked out on the floor. He showed his sigil, his power. He had all the elements, but earth and spirit were rather weak. Still, it was impressive.

He smirked, at least, until he saw my sigil glowing brightly in all five elements. He didn't look panicked though, in a fight between sorcerers, power counted, but more often than not experience and cunning mattered more, and he thought he was facing a young woman.

I asked, "Do you yield your place?"

It was traditional for the more powerful one to ask that question.

He shook his head no, and attacked. This was not a blood challenge, not to the death. The system was designed to make sure the most able was in charge, not to weed out the stupid or weak. The floor buckled under me and I supported my feet on a column of air before summoning a ball of water around his head. He tried to dispel it, remembered I was stronger and managed to create a reed out of stone to breathe while collapsing the ceiling around me, trying to enclose me.

I enlarged my ball of water and he once again held his breath as I reached out and took hold of the stone in the building, locking it all in place. It was quite an effort, but he could no longer breathe or make his breathing straw bigger. I held it together, deflecting his fire attack with the very walls he tried to enclose me with. Over the next two minutes his efforts grew weaker.

If he passed out, he lost, so he conceded at that point. I put the broken parts of the building back together and allowed him to banish the water. He looked at me with a question in his eyes.

I simply said, "Because you forgot why you were there in the first place, and got two of our people killed yesterday."

He nodded, collected what remained of his dignity and walked out. I didn't think he was an evil man like Silas, I believe he let his desire for personal power to make him greedy enough to get under Silas's thumb and didn't know how to dig himself back out.

I released the hold I had on my emotions, but still kept them contained inside myself. With a stony face I took my place as a councilor. It felt very strange, I had lived thousands of years and never found a reason to take this step before. I hoped I was right, but all I could do is follow my heart and hope I was making the right decisions.

Only time would tell...

Chapter 9 - Vincent

Six hours ago...

I held Amy in my arms, she seemed closed off, distant. I asked her a couple of times what happened with Anise, but she wouldn't tell me, said she needed to think through some things. I was curious, and I wanted to fix it, but I knew I couldn't, so I gave her what she wanted, time.


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