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Just being neighborly leads to genuine rewards.
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I met Pam one Friday morning that summer, when John was late. John and I carpool together to work. We live in the same suburb, work in the same big corporation, in different departments, commute to work to take advantage of the carpool lanes and the company's carpool parking lot reserved spaces. It works out fine, but I'm an always on time punctual nut, and John's the other end of the spectrum, usually a bit late, sometimes way late to things. It sort of drives me nuts, but he manages to make it just under the wire for flights and meetings and such, so it's not all that bad all in all.

So, that morning, it was my week to drive, and I arrived at his house early, as usual, parked, and read the text that had dinged in to my phone a couple of minutes before. "John here, running a bit late. Pam's still sleeping. Coffee's in the pot in the kitchen. Door's unlocked. Have a cup. I'll join asap."

Typical. Usually I just wait in the car for 10 minutes or so. At least this time there would be coffee. Oh well. Fortunately for the whole situation, John's work hours start 30 minutes before mine, so if he's on time, I'm early. He can run late and I'm still good. I'd never been in their house, but figured, ok, and let myself in quietly. The path to the kitchen was obvious, and so I found the coffee, and the cups, and poured myself a dose. I was leaning up against the counter, sipping, when Pam appeared, not noticing me, went straight to the coffee, poured a cup, and managed to spill only a bit of it in surprise when she turned and saw me there.

"Yow!" she cried out, otherwise speechless.

"I'm so sorry - I'm Rob. John texted me to let myself in, said he was running late and I should help myself to coffee. I take it you're Pam. I'm really sorry to have surprised you like that - I didn't mean to!"

"Oh!... Rob - yes, the carpool mate guy. No, I'm sorry - I should have paid more attention. Then at least I'd have jumped before getting the coffee!" she laughed, thankfully.

Her immediate acceptance broke the tension, and gave me a chance to look at her, all this a whole 5 seconds or so after she'd turned around. She was barefoot, wearing just a man's white t-shirt, and it came down just far enough on her slight - 5'3" or so, I guessed - build. Probably mid-30s, like John and I. Nice legs, tanned, as were her arms. I couldn't tell, but she seemed compact and fit, with dirty blonde hair, in a morning-just-out-of-bed-tousled arrangement, no makeup, and some breasts pushing out at the shirt enticingly, but of indeterminate size - I guessed medium - B, maybe C.

The moment I took to check her out led my eyes back to her face, and I saw that she was well aware of my evaluation, and was now enjoying having busted me at it. She smiled a teasing smile and said, "Like what you see?"

"Oops - busted. Yes, but.... Sorry, I didn't mean to... "

"No worries. Flattering, I suppose. I guess I should be relieved that John's around somewhere, since who knows what might happen to an unsuspecting helpless female with a strange man in her home, and her in only - oh my! - only this old shirt thing!" She fluttered her eyes and vamped a convincing Blanche DuBois helpless female pose, one arm over her forehead, which just raised one breast enough to convince me there was indeed no bra, and I glanced down to see if the t-shirt was pulled up enough to reveal - it was close, and I could see the bottom edge of a nice bottom indeed, no sign of panties yet, before she dropped it, realizing I was checking that out now.

"Do you mean you think I might engage in some inappropriate behavior if John weren't?" I picked up on the tease and sent it back to her.

"That you might.... or that I might," she said, the flirt now right out there - whoa, this lady was fast, and I had no idea what was going on with the game, but was between enjoying it and being downright intimidated by her forwardness.

But, never one to let down a challenge, I said back, "Or that we might," my now flirting smile meeting hers. Her I realized green eyes were downright flashing, I thought.

"We might what?" I heard John say, as he entered the kitchen, in a rush, as usual catching up to whatever was going on.

"Might wonder where you are, dear," she quickly tossed back. "You're late again - get going! Rob and I were just chatting, waiting for you to get it together!" She reached up to give him a kiss goodbye, and in the process, on her tiptoes, her arms quickly around his neck, she managed to raise that t-shirt in back to where I got a clear shot of her bare, panty-less, and very nice, and tanned, with no lines, buns. Wow, what a nice ass, I got to observe in the instant, then she grinned, looking back at me across her shoulder as she exited, "Nice to meet you, Rob - I'll try not to spill the coffee next time!" and she was gone.

It was my fault, so I grabbed a sponge from next to the sink and wiped up the drops of coffee on the counter, taking time to just enjoy what I'd just glimpsed. And with that, John and I exited, leaving my barely touched coffee and launching back into the mundane modern world of work.

Once on the freeway, cruising down in the carpool lane, John said, "So, 'glad you got to meet Pam. What did you think?"

"She's something - she was teasing me a bit after being surprised that I was in her house, having coffee, unannounced. I think she enjoyed my embarrassment. Seems like a nice, vivacious - and very attractive lady - you're a lucky guy, John."

"Yeah, I know. Sometimes I have a hard time keeping up with her, but she makes life an adventure, and somehow she puts up with me, so it's all good. Someday, I think she'll make a great mom, but we're putting that off for a couple more years." I was glad to hear that from him, and thought not much more about it.

After a lull in the conversation, I continued. I knew from our carpool conversations that John had recently had a pool put in, and asked him how it was going.

"Oh, the pool's in," he said. "all plumbed and working great as of a couple of weeks ago. Pam loves it, and we're enjoying the new addition. But the guy wanted a ridiculous amount to do the landscaping around it, so I told him to just deliver the materials and I'd take care of that. We've got the long weekend starting tomorrow, so I'll finally get to the hard part of it - out setting paving stones around the pool. I'll be lucky to get the stones in by the end of the weekend - it'll probably take weeks on end until the whole thing's really done. Oh well, a bit at a time, I guess."

"That sounds hard - can I help? I don't have plans this weekend - we divorcees get a lot of free time, you know. Or, I guess you don't know - good for you. Anyway, for me it would be gym or your back yard. Your back yard sounds fine to me"

"Really? Hey, that would be great!"

"Sure, just the neighborly thing to do - even if we're not exactly neighbors."

"Terrific, and thanks! Hey, consider yourself a neighbor now, and help yourself to the pool anytime! Saturday morning ok? Get an early start - say 8 or so? We don't have anything going on until late afternoon, so we could get in a half day's work at least!"

"Can you manage to get out of bed that early?" I joked.

"I'll try. Maybe I can get Pam to wear that t-shirt and greet you again. I could see that you appreciated that!"

I wasn't sure how to take that, but could see John was smiling, so just said, "No need, but, hey, that made my day - please thank her." We both laughed, and I mentally scratched my head over his response to his wife's flagrant flirtation - I realized I wouldn't have been so generous.

And then we were at work, and nothing more was said. I dropped him off later at his house, and he invited me in to see the pool. Pam was nowhere to be seen, out shopping or still at her own job, I supposed. Sure enough, there was a stack of flat stones, each piece looking to weigh maybe 30 pounds, irregular sizes. I was impressed to see that John had already done some other landscaping of the area (maybe he wasn't quite the loafer I'd thought, just late to work?), so it wouldn't be that challenging, just some weightlifting exercise to dig each stone's place, then set and backfill as needed, with associated tamping down and measuring all along the way. He invited me to stay for a beer, but I declined and went on my way.

The next morning, I was at his place at 8. I rang the bell, and waited. Sure enough, John appeared to be running late again. Oh well. I waited. Soon, Pam answered the door, in another t-shirt - this one a "wife-beater" style, white, ribbed, and thin enough that I could see, barely, the darker nipples pressing against it, and that the pointed tips were pushing it outward, enticingly. Plus, there was some side boob action, and I'm a voyeuristic fish for a side boob shot. She knew I was coming, she'd definitely stepped up her act, and I was unsure just how to deal with it all, other than appreciating the view. Hmm... helping out a friend, but whose wife sure seemed like she wanted to play, and whose wife sure made playtime an enticement. OK, I would play the flirtation thing, but that was it. The last thing I wanted on my plate was a tryst with a married woman, whose husband I sat in the same small space with (the car), almost every day. Nope, not going there, thank you very much. So, keep it together, Rob, I thought to myself, and just enjoy the sights.

"Oh my," she said, opening the door and stepping back to let me in. "You're going to think we're both useless latecomers! Come on in, and get a cup - John's behind schedule as usual."

"And I'm just a mess," she continued as we got to the kitchen, coffee prepared, and a plate of muffins on the table, their wonderful fresh out of the oven smell wafting through the room. She certainly had been up for some time, and no doubt had plenty of time to get dressed in more than that almost R rated undershirt - not that I was complaining, just keeping track.

"You are anything but a mess," I countered. "You look great, and this place smells terrific!"

"You're very kind, sir," she almost blushed, lowering her eyes - she knew all the tricks. Then looking up at me again, "and you look pretty good yourself!"

I was decked out in a t-shirt, camp shorts, and work boots, so either she had a thing for working men, or she was bull-shitting, or I had mysteriously gained a helping of good looks overnight. I figured odds were it was the second of those, maybe with a sprinkling of the first - certainly not the last. I look ok, and I work out, but I'm no Adonis, what with I fear is going to turn into a receding hairline and an average, likely forgettable face. I do what I can at the gym and such, but I'll never kid myself that I'm the guy the babes come on to in the crowded bar - if anything, just too vanilla.

"Now you're the one being kind, or maybe just kidding."

"No, not kidding," she said, suddenly serious, looking straight at me as she handed me a cup of coffee and a muffin. As I took one of each in each hand, she placed her palms flat on my chest, then sort of groped my pectorals, then down my sides to my hip bone and said, "No, not kidding at all." Then, "But, I'd better check on John, and I have places to go today, so have fun working in the heat, and don't let John take on too much - he sometimes pulls his back when he tries to be a twenty year old again!" The whole coffee and a grope took maybe 5 seconds, but I was left surprised, and with a stirring in my groin.

"I'll watch out for him, but who'll watch out for me?" I managed to joke back, still in a bit of shock over her forwardness.

"Oh, you'll get some watching, I'm sure. Ta ta," and with that, she skipped out of the room, her buns jiggling amazingly in that thing as she bounced away. I sat down, figured I'd survived that pretty well, and took my first bite of a very nicely cooked muffin.

John appeared moments later, and we set about the task at hand. We worked steadily, with me doing whatever he wanted done, and offering only a couple of tips from similar work I'd done over the years. Sometime around eleven, Pam yelled that she was leaving, and John told her to have a good time, and that was all I saw or heard of her since our breakfast flirt.

At about noon, we were done - I was amazed we'd done so much so quickly, and John's back seemed fine, so all was good. We were both sweating in the heat, and had both gone shirtless for the past couple of hours. John was more hirsute than I am - very macho looking crop of hair on his front, but also a good bit on his back and shoulders, which did nothing to hide or improve the hint of what was trying to be a future beer belly. He wasn't fat per se, but it was obvious that he could lose some weight and get into shape if he took the effort. All in all, it wasn't a sight I was taken to - more like an inspiration to keep on keeping from that happening to me.

Surveying our work, John was really proud of the progress we'd made, and rightly so, I told him.

"We should celebrate with a swim to cool off!" he told me as we drained the last of several bottles of chilled water he'd prepositioned.

"I'm too sweaty to mess up your nice pool, but thanks - I'll take a rain check," I said.

"No, no," he insisted. Pointing to the outdoor shower near the pool at the shallow end, he said, "We'll both take showers out in that, then we'll be all clean and it'll feel great!"

"OK - Do you have some trunks I can borrow?" I asked, admitting to myself that a dip would indeed feel fine.

"No need - we'll just do it in the raw - I'm not too embarrassed if you're not!"

"But, Pam... " I worried.

"Hell, she's gone to her Tai Chi class - they do that slow thing, and it'll be another good hour before she gets back." Brooking no further argument, John headed over to the outdoor shower, took off his shoes, then dropped his drawers and stood under the shower naked, turning it on and jumping a bit from the sudden cold.

"It gets warm in a minute," he called to me, adjusting the knobs, then he grabbed the nearby soap, lathered up, and took a quick shower as I stood by, not wanting to stare, not knowing just how to handle things. He quickly was all suds'd up. I didn't stare, but we all look, right? - His dick was not imposing, in fact it was practically hidden by the untrimmed pubic hair, while his ass was somewhat, but at least not overly hairy. My discomfort was steady, but his cheerfulness helped.

Finally, he stepped out and waved me in. Standing by as I disrobed, he took his own look and exclaimed, "Wow - all that and manscaped too, huh?"

I was surprised by his comment - I wouldn't have mentioned anything to a guy I was naked with about his nakedness, but John was just an outgoing sort, I figured. And yeah, I do some manscaping. I trim the whole area to about 1/2" and keep the shaft clean. I hadn't really considered that it was going to be a topic of conversation when I dropped my pants. Going with the light humor tone, I quipped back, "I hear it makes my dick look bigger. Plus, I haven't gotten any complaints from sources who might have mattered."

"OK, thanks - ha! In that case, I need to try that - hell, I need it more than you!" I didn't know if that meant he was hairier and thus needed it, or if it was that he needed even more of the making his dick look bigger part - and I wasn't about to ask for a clarification.

Enough of that, I shut up and showered, rinsed, and followed John's example as he dived into the pool. The water was just cold enough to make an impression on entry, not so cold that it wouldn't quickly be just refreshing, and it was. The combination of hot air and cool water was just right, so I swam a few laps while John sort of bided his time at the side. We ended up mostly just floating around, chatting about how well the paving had turned out and how he wanted to furnish the pool area once done. For now, there were two simple picnic chairs and a small side table - just enough.

We'd been in the pool maybe fifteen minutes, when out of nowhere, Pam appeared, certainly not in gym attire. She had on a dressy black skirt, some kind of low heels, and a shiny white satiny blouse. Very classy, could have gone to a bar for drinks in it, or could have gone to the opera without changing. She was carrying a stack of towels, and called out, "John, did you forget? We're visiting the Johnsons this afternoon, and I don't want to miss the performance! Get a move on - we'll be late if you don't hurry and get ready!"

"Oh yeah, sorry - lost track of time. But we got all the stones set, did you see?" John said cheerfully, as he headed to the shallow end, and toward her. He seemed blithely at ease with being naked as he walked toward her.

"It does look good - you guys worked hard! Towel will cost you a kiss, though," she announced. He leaned over and tried to embrace her, but she held him off, no doubt not wanting to get her nice clothes wet. She did, however, cooperate in the kiss. Standing just separated, her hand on his chest to frustrate further touching, they kissed, not just friend-like, but lover-like, going at it for a good thirty seconds. When they finally broke off, she gave him a towel. John took the towel to dry off his hair, turning toward me and grinning. "Her kisses always do that to me," he laughed, exposing his sudden erection to me. Not what I expected, or wanted to see for that matter. Still chuckling, he turned back, slapping her buns lightly, back-handed, as he headed toward the house, still naked, still toweling off his hair.

I was left standing, about waist-deep, with no decent options. Obviously, they had places to go, and it was time for me to depart. Equally obviously to both Pam and me, I was naked, and she was making no move to toss me the towel.

"Need a towel? Same deal," she said, challenging me, and thoroughly enjoying the situation she had me in. No guts, no glory, right? Taking a breath, I strode forward, to the steps and up, my dick mostly flaccid, but not totally, thanks to the show that she and John had just put on. There was also the factor that I was about to show my stuff to this hot lady, and that did nothing to quell the swelling that I could tell was just starting. Ah well.

She took me in with one of those 'undress the target' kind of visual inspections, except that I was already undressed. I walked up to her, leaned down (a little farther than John, since I'm a bit taller), and met her rising to me, her hand now on my chest as it had done with John - convenient for both of us - the hand felt good to me and would keep her dry in case I got rambunctious. Her lips rose to mine and I saw her eyes close as we kissed, gently, just lips, testing each other's response at first. After a couple of nice, gentle seconds, I felt the tip of her tongue emerge and press through my lips, and I opened naturally to welcome that, no thoughts in my head, just going with the flow. We explored further, still just mouths and that hand on my chest, but it was fine - dueling with her tongue, feeling her dipping into me, then me dipping into her. I realized I'd closed my own eyes without thinking and opened them to see her staring at me, then she broke the kiss, smiling - sort of a Cheshire cat gotcha now kind of smile - and stepped back.

Looking down at me, she saw that my dick had started to respond as John's had, but not as much - I was definitely swelling, and pointing at her but far from fully erect - call it half mast.

"Mmmm, just like John... except moreso!" she reflected, looking down, seeming pleased by what was getting her attention, and what was attending wholly to her.

"Uh, Pam," I started, not knowing quite where I was going, but figuring I could tell where "this" was going. "Pam, I'm friends with John, and this has gone a bit beyond a light flirtation. I'm not sure whether you're just out to tease me until I do something stupid, or you want this to go further, and if that's the case, what about John - I'm not a guy who does that to friends." I took the towel, but just held it at my side - it didn't seem right to cover up, and I sure didn't want to cover up anyway, but I couldn't just start making it with a guy's wife while he was inside only yards away - hell, I couldn't do that regardless, I told myself, uncertainly.


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