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Neighbors Ch. 20

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Chris prepares for the party.
12.8k words

Part 20 of the 30 part series

Updated 05/02/2024
Created 05/07/2021
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I was running my hands over Sarah's naked body. She was stretched out in her bed, her long red hair forming a halo around her face as she moaned in pleasure at my touch. I gently rubbed her small hard nipples with my fingers, and then slowly worked my hand down her lean torso.

"Yes...please..." Sarah breathed in my ear as my hand slowly snaked between her legs. I felt the slight tickle of her pubic hair, and then the hot wetness of her slit. She moaned as I slid a finger between her lips. I found the hard kernel of her clit and traced slow circles with my middle finger, leaning over to kiss her on the mouth. Sarah eagerly sought out my tongue with hers and moaned again. Her hand clutched at my muscular chest, sighing as she felt the hardness of my muscles under her fingers. I broke the kiss and glanced down, taking in Sarah's nude athletic body twined with mine. My cock was fully erect, and all nine inches were laying across Sarah's belly as she gently stroked it with her other hand. Strangely, I felt a nagging pain in my groin - a sort of dull ache. I ignored it and focused my energy on Sarah's clit.

She pulled my head down to hers for another kiss before whispering in my ear.

"Please're driving me crazy. I need your dick. Please give it to me."

She gripped me, her fingers barely fitting around my thick shaft.

Again that strange aching sensation.

Amber climbed on the bed behind us, her naked body pressed against my back. Her brown hair tickled my neck and back as she gently nibbled on my shoulder. I inhaled deeply and breathed in her citrusy perfume. I felt her hands slide around my waist, until she was gripping my cock from behind, her hands joining Sarah's on my rock hard shaft.

"Oh no you don't you little slut" Amber said with a low chuckle. "You know I get first dibs on this."

I smiled.

"You know there's enough for both of you" I joked, before playfully biting Sarah's right nipple. She sighed again and I felt her legs part under my hand as I continued rubbing her wet pussy.


Amber had bit my shoulder, but weirdly I felt the pain in my groin instead.

I buried my face in Sarah's red hair, kissing her neck. She was panting and writhing under me now, lifting her hips from the bed in small circles to press herself against my kinetic hand.

"Don't make me beg for it" Sarah whispered, her breathing heavy.

Amber laughed again, still working her hands up and down my dick.


I slid over Sarah's slender body, kneeling between her widely spread legs. I admired her puffy lips and the swell of her mons at the top. Amber moved with me, and now held my massive cock pointed directly at Sarah's pussy.


I ignored the pain. I was inches away from fucking Sarah, and Amber was slowly guiding my massive tool towards her. I felt the firm pressure of her large breasts pressed against my back as she squeezed close to me, her thighs pressed against my ass.


The weird ache was getting unbearable. I again tried to ignore it.

I slid forward slightly, and Amber directed my member down. My swollen head brushed against Sarah's pussy and she moaned.


I jerked awake, my body covered in sweat, totally disoriented. I gradually took in the familiar shape of my bedroom furniture in the pale moonlight streaming through my window. The fog of sleep gradually lifted and I realized I was in my room. Alone.

I screamed in frustration, slamming my hands down on the bed. It wasn't fair. It just wasn't fair. The dream was so incredibly vivid. My imagination was working overtime after several weeks of being locked in Amber's cruel cage. And there was no end in sight. I knew I wasn't getting out for at least six months, and that was only if Erika said it was ok to do so.

My cock was in serious pain. It felt like it was clamped in a vice that was slowly tightening as more and more blood ran to my shaft crushing my cramped cock into the unyielding walls of the steel prison. I stumbled out of bed and half felt my way to my shower where I turned the water on full cold. Pulling off my underwear, I stepped in the tub and directed the stream to my crotch.

I shouted as the cold water struck me, and clenched my teeth while shivering in the icy blast. After a minute or two, the freezing shower did its job and I felt the pain diminish in my cock. A couple minutes later I was shivering but no longer in pain as my dick shrank. I toweled off, eager to climb back in my warm bed.

Suddenly and startlingly my alarm went off. It was Friday - the day of Amber's party with her girlfriends. That also meant it was time to get to the gym and clean for an hour before my session with Sarah. I groaned and started looking for my workout gear.

As I was finishing up my workout, Lexie walked into the gym several minutes early. She was certainly punctual, I thought to myself. I was also glad that I was fully clothed this time.

"Hi there Chris, hi mistress Sarah" She said cheerfully.

She was dressed as usual in sweats and a somewhat baggy sweater.

Sarah looked up. She was spotting me in my last set of butterfly presses. As usual, I was a huffing, sweating mess at the end of the hour, lying flat on my back on the bench. Sarah was standing directly behind my head, with her hips a foot or so above me. She had her legs spread apart to give her a more powerful stance as she spotted me, and it was hard not to stare at her crotch. Her usual yoga pants hugged her muscular legs. She wore just a jog bra as was typical for her, exposing her belly. The image of her from my dream popped into my head and I quickly averted my eyes before my cock swelled again in the cage.

"Oh hey Lexie - you're a few minutes early. I'm just finishing up with Chris here."

Lexie put a duffel bag down on the floor and walked into the main weight room. I was struck again with how cute she looked with her small upturned nose and full lips. She leaned against the wall and eyed me.

"You're wearing more clothes than last time" she said with a twinkle in her eye.

I blushed, remembering two days ago when she saw me naked and sprawled out on a bench, with my chastity device fully on display.

Sarah noticed my red face and laughed. She reached down and patted me on the cheek. I could clearly see the outline of both of her nipples pressed against the taut white fabric of her jog bra and fought down a moan of frustration.

"You're embarrassing him, Lexie" she said with a laugh.

"Well, ordinarily I'd say it's nothing I haven't seen before...but to be honest I've never seen a naked guy in a cock cage in real life. Just on your website."

Sarah grinned.

"I decided to be nice and let him keep his clothes on today. What do you say, Chris?"

I swallowed.

"Uh...thank you mistress Sarah."

She chuckled and tossed me a towel.

"Alright Chris, we're done for today. Go ahead and dry off. It's time for Lexie's workout now."

Sarah and Lexie exchanged small talk for a minute while I wiped myself off and got my things together.

"Oh Chris - I almost forgot."

Sarah trotted over the the counter and bent over, grabbing something behind the desk. I stared at her muscular butt, accentuated by the tight yoga pants. Feeling eyes on me, I glanced over to where Lexie was standing. She was looking at me with a strange expression. I realized I had been totally busted checking out Sarah. I felt myself blush again.

Something struck me in the chest. Surprised, I turned back to Sarah and looked down. A full laundry bag was on the floor at my feet. I groaned. I had almost forgotten it was Friday - my day to do Sarah's laundry.

Sarah bounced over to me with a wide smile.

"Laundry day, chastity boy. Make sure to do a good job. No wrinkles like last time, right?"

I gulped and glanced over at Lexie. She was staring at us.

"No, mistress Sarah. I'll make sure to do a better job this time."

Sarah looked at Lexie and then back to me.

"And how are you going to wash my underwear?"

She took a step closer. I could smell her now, and noticed how deeply green her eyes were. I tried not to let my gaze slide down to her small breasts, but I failed.

"Uh..." I looked at Lexie again out of the corner of my eye. Her mouth was open slightly and I saw her pink tongue lick her lips slightly.

"I'm going to hand wash them, mistress Sarah."

She nodded.

"That's right. You can bring me my clean clothes tomorrow, as usual. Now, I'll see you tonight at Amber's?"

"Yes mistress Sarah" I said, bending down to pick up her dirty clothes.

"Good boy" She said, patting me on the cheek again. I glowed in pride at her praise.

"Ok. On your way. Lexie - strip and on the scale."

The sounds of Lexie and Sarah chatting followed me as I left the gym, lugging her full laundry bag.

Amber told me yesterday she had a full day of chores for me to do before the big party tonight, so I had taken the day off work, much to my assistant Ruth's disapproval. I drove back to my place and took a quick shower before reporting for work next door at Amber's.

While I was in the shower I heard my phone ding several times. After getting dressed in jeans and a button down shirt I checked my phone. First was a text from Amber.

*Hey girls! All good for the party tonight?*

I flushed when I realized I was included in a group text and Amber had addressed us all as "girls".

Claire texted back almost immediately.

*Yes!!! I'm so excited! What can I bring?*

Amber -

*haha let bank worry about everything. Just bring your beautiful selves and a pair of pajamas so you can spend the night! AHHHH!!!!!"


*I know - a sleepover lol! Thanks so much for inviting me!*


*Yeah girl! Looking forward to getting to know you better. And it'll be fun with bank serving us and waiting on us. Speaking of - let me know if there's anything you want to eat or drink. Anything at all. Bank will take care of it*

I groaned as I slid my sneakers on and got ready to head next door.

Claire sent a "hmm" emoji followed a few seconds later by-

*Well, since bank is taking care of my favorite food is beef Wellington. And I like margaritas*


*haha I love it. So specific and sounds fancy. You got that bank?*

I typed.

*Yes miss Amber.*

Claire texted an lol emoji.

Sarah joined the chat.

*Hey!!! I'm so excited too! Hmm beef Wellington sounds awesome - never had it! and I like a nice old fashioned. I'll make sure to bring some pjs!*

I opened up my phone and started taking notes. I'd have to do some careful grocery shopping and hit the liquor store. Beef Wellington would take some time to prepare as well, but if that's what Claire wanted I knew that I'd better prepare that or there would be dire consequences.

Suddenly there was a sound at my front door. I looked up in surprise as the deadbolt turned and the door swung open. Amber walked in confidently, my spare key in her hand.

She brushed past me, heading for my kitchen. It was clear she had just gotten out of bed. She was wearing dark blue sweatpants and a pink crop top t shirt that exposed just a touch of belly as she passed me. Her brown hair tumbled wildly around her face and shoulders.

I had almost forgotten that she had a key to my house and felt very free to use it whenever she wanted. Last time, at least that I knew of, she had taken my laptop to check on my finances.

"Uh...good morning Miss" I stammered, following her into my kitchen. My eyes were glued to her butt. Even through the sweatpants I could see the enticing shape of her hips and ass. I felt my cock begin to swell in its small cage.

"Oh hi bank" she said, distractedly. She looked around for a second before settling her gaze on my jar of coffee beans sitting on my counter. She reached out and plucked up the jar, tucking it under her arm. She turned to face me.

"I'm out of coffee, so I'm taking this." she announced. She seemed suddenly distracted by something she saw over my shoulder.

"Um of course Miss" I said again, feeling a wave of shame tinged with excitement run through me. It was so wrong that she could come into my house and take whatever she wanted, but the fact that it was so unfair was undeniably exciting to me. Whatever was mine was hers to take. My dick started to hurt. I shifted uncomfortably, resisting the urge to readjust myself in my pants.

She took a step to the side to get a good look at my living room.

"That's a really nice TV, isn't it? I think it's a lot bigger than mine."

Confused, I turned around. It was a high end screen. Incredibly expensive and massive.

"Yes Miss. I think it's quite a bit larger than the one you have."

She looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Trying to compensate for something, little bank?"

I felt myself flush.

"Uh...I'm not sure Miss."

Amber reached out and patted my shoulder.

"It's ok. I won't judge you. But I think you should move it to my living room today. We might watch a movie or something tonight and it would be nicer on that TV."

I gulped.

"Ah...uh...ok Miss. Should I swap with you?"

She considered, tapping her finger against her full lips.

"I don't think so. You don't really need a TV do you?"

I looked down at my feet.

She answered for me.

"No, I don't think you do. You shouldn't have that much free time. If you're not working for me you should be in your office earning me money. Don't you think?"

I opened my mouth to protest, but closed it immediately. Amber was working her particular form of magic over me again, making me feel controlled and inferior in a million small ways. She was giving me exactly what I asked for, being constantly and cruelly unfair to me to her benefit.

I took a deep breath, composing myself. My cock was still vainly trying to swell and reflexively I winced and reached down to adjust myself a bit. Amber looked at my hand between my legs and smirked.

"Well?" She said, staring into my eyes.

"Yes Miss. Of course."

She smiled triumphantly.

"Where shall I put your old TV?"

She thought again for a second. And then made a dismissive gesture with her hand.

"Oh I guess you can set it up in my guest bedroom. I don't have much need for a second TV."

I groaned internally.

"I certainly don't need a TV in my room. I have...other stay entertained."

This time I couldn't suppress my groan as I imagined Amber in bed with Justin.

She brushed past me again, headed for my front door.

"Come, bank" she said, snapping her fingers. "You can help me bathe and dress, and then you can get started on your chores. I have quite a list of things you have to do today to prepare for the party."

I perked up.

"Yes Miss!" I practically shouted, hurrying after her. I imagined myself in the shower with her, running soapy hands all over her body...

Amber handed the jar of coffee beans to me to carry as she strode across the lawn to her house. I followed eagerly.

After letting us in, she reached up and grabbed my shoulder to steady herself as she reached down to tug off her sneakers.

"Make me a cup of coffee and then join me in the bathroom" she said, kicking her shoes to the side. I knew I'd be straightening them up later.

"Yes Miss" I said eagerly. I got to work. I heard the water running in the tub and willed the water to boil even faster.

A few minutes later I carefully carried her coffee down the hall to the bathroom. The door was closed and I knocked tentatively.

"Come in, bank."

I let out a deep breath. This was it. I was going to see Amber naked. Weeks ago she had lounged on her back porch in a tiny bikini, teasing me as she sunned herself. Since she started to control me and locked up my penis she hasn't allowed me to see her in anything as revealing. She seemed to enjoy wearing short dresses or tops that showed off her stunning cleavage, but was always careful to make sure I didn't see anything more. I turned the doorknob and stepped in.

The room was steamy and hot from the filling tub. Amber stood in front of the mirror pushing her hair out of her face and loosely bunching it behind her neck. She was fully clothed in her sweats and t shirt. She looked at my reflection in the mirror and laughed when she saw my downcast expression.

"A..expecting to see some skin?"

I knew she was toying with me.

"Yes Miss" I said, trying to keep the disappointment from my voice. It had been so long since I had seen naked breasts, or an ass or pussy. I wasn't even allowed to look at porn on my laptop or phone.

Amber frowned and turned, taking a step towards me.

"But that's not for you, is it bank? I think it's best if you just put such things out of your mind."

I groaned. I really wish it were that simple. My cramped cock was aching.

"Is it difficult for you?" She asked, stepping even closer. Her breasts were almost touching my chest now, and her face was inches away. She gently placed her left hand on my shoulder and reached down and put her right hand on my hip.

"Yes Miss" I said, breathing heavily as I tried to control my traitorous cock.

She stared at me for a few seconds. Her hand slid ever so slightly closer to my crotch.

"What would you do if I were to just take my shirt off? It would be so easy. I'm not wearing anything underneath."

I groaned. I could tell she wasn't wearing a bra. Her large breasts strained against the fabric of her shirt and I could clearly see the outline of her nipples, which were hardening visibly.

"I'd do anything, Miss" I said honestly.

She smiled and crossed her arms in front of her, grabbing the hem of her shirt in both hands. I felt my eyes widen involuntarily.

"Anything?" She said, in her maddeningly sweet mocking voice.

"Yes Miss." I gasped. "Just...please...I don't know if I can take it anymore..."

I was slightly shaking, both from the painful swelling in my tiny chastity cage as well as frustration and anticipation. The feeling of Amber's hands gripping my cock from my dream that morning flashed through my mind.

She pulled the shirt up a couple of inches. The swell of the bottom of her breasts was now exposed slightly. I realized I was holding my breath.

She frowned slightly.

"But already do everything I want you to do."

"Yes Miss" I agreed reflexively, not thinking properly. It seemed that every cell of blood was trying to cram into my constricted cock.

She lowered the hem of her shirt slightly.

"So I don't see how I benefit at all from showing you my tits."

"No..." I begged. My cramped penis ached as I tried to will her hands to lift up.

Amber looked at me with a wicked grin on her face.

"Tell you what, bank. Tell me you're a real man. Tell me you deserve to see me. Just one word and I promise I'll take this shirt off. Not only that..." she slowly ran her hand down to her waist. I watched, mesmerized, as she slid it under the waistband of her sweatpants.

"Not only that, but I promise I'll take these off too."

She gave a small gasp and her eyes seemed to glaze over temporarily as she moved her hand between her legs.

"And I'm not wearing any panties."

"Oh god..." I moaned. I needed to see her.

"It's just..." she breathed, closing her eyes momentarily as her hand moved again between her legs. "I thought that we understood your place. I thought I was doing a good job training you to be a good little bank. And do good little banks get to see me naked?"

She opened her eyes to look at me. Her lips twitched in a hint of a smile when she saw the desperate struggle on my face.

"Ahhh...Miss, please..." I begged again.

"Answer the question" she said, quietly. Her left hand was under her crop top now, cupping her breast.

I moaned.

"No, Miss. Good little banks don't get to see you naked."

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