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Neighbor's Daughters

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Neighbor's Daughters gave me thrills like no other.
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Tom and I had become best friends over the years, while living next door to each other. From pretty much day one, when my Wife and I moved in nearly 20 years ago, he came over and introduced himself. That was the start of a very long close friendship, hanging out together with our wives and watching each other's kids grow up and head off to college. Tom and his wife, Marlene, had been by my side to help me get through the loss of my wife, Jennifer, to pancreatic cancer, just two and a half years ago.

My twin Sons had both entered the military academy, right out of high school and were now stationed in other areas of the country, so that left me alone now to keep busy around the house, go to the gym, and continue working on my successful online business.

I had not even thought about dating yet, mostly due to being busy with my business and even though I was only 45 and in great shape physically, I felt the dating pool around our small suburban town was just not the best since so many women around my age were married or single and extremely obese.

I am not one to shy away from appreciating a beautiful woman, whether she is thin or on the chubby side, but morbidly obese is nothing I could be attracted to. My Wife had gained a bit of weight after having our boys, but she was still sexy as Hell, even with those extra curves. So, at this point, I would just wait it out and figured I would meet a nice woman down the road sometime.

Summer had come, and as Tom and I were having a few beers on his back deck one evening, he told me that his youngest daughter Ashlynn, was coming home for the summer from university, to work here locally and to visit him and Marlene. He seemed excited about it since they had not seen her since Christmas break. It was just a little too expensive for her to come home often since her college was on the other side of the country.

Several days had passed since then, and I had gotten particularly busy with my work, so I did not know when exactly Ashlynn had or had not gotten home. My home office overlooked the back yard, and I had a clear view of Tom's deck and large in the ground pool. It was then that I noticed someone had come out on his deck and that someone was Ashlynn.

Ashlynn was now 20 years old and two years into college, but her college is not what popped into my head as I really got a good look at her, standing there on the deck wearing the skimpiest pale blue bikini I had ever seen. WOW she looked amazing! I had to shake my head for a second to scold myself for the thoughts that were entering my mind, but I just could not help it.

Ashlynn was only about 5'2", had long raven colored hair, like her Mother, who was Korean, and shared that same skin tone her Mom had, too. She had a fantastic firm little ass and those smallish breasts of hers were barely covered. You could clearly see her dark nipples through the top, as she turned towards my place, and the faint shadow of pubic hair through her bottoms.

Holy shit! I gave up trying to push out the bad thoughts in my head and just marveled at how freaking hot she looked. My cock immediately sprang to life and began pushing hard against my khaki shorts zipper, wanting out of its confines.

Ashlynn then slid one of the deck chairs near the pool, at a perfect angle to give me the best view.

I cannot remember the last time I was this horny or even the last time I had masturbated, but as I lowered my shorts and my eight-inch cock sprang out, I was clearly ready to jerk off right then and there. I began stroking my meat as I watched her apply sunscreen to her entire body, covering every square inch of her skin that was exposed and underneath the thin material covering her intimate areas.

My cock throbbed in my hand as I stroked it harder, a small bead of precum now forming at the small opening. I kept watching Ashlynn as I pumped it harder and nearly came when she seemed to take extra-long applying the sunscreen under the seam of her bottoms. Good Lord! It was not even a half minute longer and I shot my cum across the floor.

I came so hard, I got lightheaded, as each pulse sent more cum out onto the hardwood floor of my office. I stood there breathing so heavy, my eyes still fixed on her gorgeous body as I finally stopped pulsing. Then to my horror, Ashlynn looked up at my window, smiled and waved. Holy fuck! I had forgotten to close the blinds! Had she seen me jerking off or did she just now see me after I was finished?

I ducked down a little, hoping to God that she had not seen me with my cock in my hand. I tried to act like nothing was out of the ordinary, so I painted on a smile and waved back at her with the hand that was not still holding my softening prick. I started to get worried as I sat down in my computer chair, a million thoughts running through my head along with guilt.

How could I get so excited over seeing her? I had watched her grow up for crying out loud. I still remember the time she wrecked her bike in my driveway. She was just a little tiny girl of nine then, as I carried her, crying her eyes out, over to Tom and Marlene's so they could bandage up her skinned knees and now, I had just jerked off looking at her extremely hot young womanly body.

I went downstairs and got some rags to clean up my mess that I had left all over my office floor. After I finished, I glanced out the window and Ashlynn was in the pool taking a swim. This time, I positioned myself so she would not be able to see me as I watched her swim a few laps.

She moved over to the side pool when she was done swimming and lifted herself out. Good God, her suit which was opaque dry was damn near see through now and clearly left nothing to the imagination. If there was a will or a way, I really wanted to fuck that sweet looking pussy of hers, while squeezing her gorgeous tits, and feeling her writhing beneath me as I pounded my cock into her.

Oh, dear God, my mind was gone now, and it clearly was taking up residence inside that mind blowing sexy body of Ashlynn's. I had to get back to work. I had to do something to get my mind back in order and fast. I stripped down and jumped in the shower, leaving it mostly cold, to hopefully clear my mind.

I finished up, got dressed and went down to the kitchen to get some lunch. Thoughts of Ashlynn kept creeping back into my mind, but I was getting better at pushing the thoughts away and getting my rightful mind back. I made a turkey sandwich, toasted it on the panini maker, then sat down with a bottle of mineral water to eat when who should appear at my kitchen sliding door? Ashlynn.

There she was, still in that freaking hot bikini, a towel hanging around her neck, with the sweetest of smiles across her gorgeous face. I nearly choked on the food in my mouth, and I hurriedly took a drink before getting up to open the door. I half squeaked out, "Hey there, Ashlynn, welcome home. Did you need something sweetie?"

She still had that impish childlike charm as always and as sweet as honey, said, "Can you help me, Mister Dave? I managed to lock myself out of the house. Do you still have an extra key so I can get in?"

"Sure, I still have an extra key around here somewhere, let me go check in my office, I think it's in there," I managed to say clearly now. "Have a seat here and I'll go get it. Do you want a bottle of mineral water before I go get it?"

"Yes, that would be great, thank you," she said with a smile then put her towel down on the kitchen chair and took a seat. I popped the top of the bottle and handed it to her then went to get that key. I ran up to my office and rummaged around for the key in my desk drawer, found it, and headed back down to the kitchen.

"Here you go, Ashlynn," I said then handed her the key.

"Thank you so much, you're a lifesaver as always Mister Dave! Mom and Dad went into the city to do some shopping and I would have been stuck outside for hours, so thanks again and I'll bring the key back after I shower up," she said with such sweetness that I could have poured her on a stack of pancakes, then she stood up to leave.

"Well, I surely wouldn't have let you stay outside like that for hours, Ashlynn, and always glad to help out," I said with sincerity. She nodded and thanked me again, then headed out the door. I watched with hunger as she walked that sexy body of hers across my patio towards their house.

My cock began to stir again. Good grief, I thought as I snapped myself back to reality. Stop already, I said in my mind, looking down at the growing erection in my shorts. I headed back up to my office and got busy on a project I was working on, that managed to keep my mind occupied and my cock quiet, at least for a little while.

About an hour later, my doorbell rang. I headed down and opened the door to see Ashlynn standing there in a set of medical scrubs, her hair pulled back in a ponytail and a key in her hand.

"Hi Mister Dave, here is that key back, thanks again. I would have been late for my new job if you had not been home," Ashlynn said with a sweet smile.

"Happy to help, Ashlynn. So where are you going to be working at," I asked.

"I'm doing my summer clinicals at the free health clinic on Fourth street. Since I am taking nursing courses, it was a great way to make a little extra money and get the experience, too," she said.

"Odd time of day to be going in isn't it?"

"Yeah, they scheduled me late today since it's my first day and all. I guess they are slower in the afternoon and so there will be someone free to show me around."

Okay, Ashlynn, well you enjoy your first day and I hope it goes well, Sweetie," I said with a smile.

Oh, Mister Dave, there is one more thing," she said then leaned closer to talk quietly. "I know that you were jerking off looking at me earlier while I was out at the pool."

My eyes widened and my mouth opened, my body frozen in fear. I could not find the words.

Ashlynn giggled and said, "I wasn't sure you were, but the look on your face just confirmed it. It's okay, please don't worry, I won't say anything because honestly, it excites me to know that you did. I don't get many admirers at school because all these young guys want girls with fat asses and my butt must be too small for their liking. Oh, and one last thing, I couldn't see your cock but maybe sometime in the future I can." She winked and grinned at me, then headed for her car.

I was still completely blown away, as she drove off, waving with a smile as she did. I turned slowly and went back to my office. I flopped down in the chair, looked down at my cock and said, "See what trouble you just caused me?"

I did not see Ashlynn for a couple of days, until Saturday came. I was in the kitchen clearing some dishes when I caught a glimpse of her out by the pool again. I hurriedly finished what I was doing, then ran upstairs to my office, the best vantage point to be able to see her. I had the blinds half closed so she would hopefully not see me.

There she was, walking around the pool in a little more conservative black bikini, that did a much better job at hiding her sexy bits. I thought to myself, Mom and Dad are home, and her Mom would have thrown a fit to see Ashlynn in that bikini she had on previously. Marlene was your A typical conservative Asian woman, that did not believe in dressing so scantily.

Ashlynn still looked sexy as hell though, and once more my cock began to get hard as I watched her. Okay, she already knows I jerked off to her, so fuck it, why not? I pulled down my boxer shorts and began to stroke it as she took the cleaning net and started working on the pool. My cock began to throb in my hand as I stroked it harder, staring at her. She bent over once to pick something up, and I swear I could see her pussy bulge winking at me through the gap in her thighs.

It did not take long, and I started spewing hot cum all over my floor again, as I kept my eyes out the window looking at her. My hand movements got slower as my orgasm began to fade, cum still oozing from me. She turned as she continued cleaning, glanced up at my window and smiled, then kept working.

There is no way she knew I was there, the way I had the blinds set, but maybe she just hoped I was there? I do not know, but I could not get the thought of fucking her sweet little pussy out of my head. I cleaned up my mess, then got dressed in my work clothes. After I finished, I went out in the back to get some yard work done and hopefully catch some more views of her.

As I got into the yard, heading for my shed, I heard her sweet voice call out to me, "Hi Mister Dave!"

I turned to see her standing on the edge of the pool patio, waving at me with a smile. "Hello Ashlynn, enjoying your day so far?"

"Yes, I sure am, thanks for asking. What are you up to today?"

"I am going to do some yard work, then I don't know what the rest of the day holds," I said to her.

Just then, Tom came out and waved at me to come closer. "Hey there, Dave. Marlene and I are going to BBQ this evening, why don't you join us? Haven't seen you in a few days, you get lost in work again or what," Tom said with a hearty laugh.

I laughed and said, "Sure, sounds good. I'll throw together a side dish and dessert to bring over, along with a great bottle of rye that I just picked up."

"Okay then, we'll see you later on," Tom said then went back to the house.

I turned to go back to my yard work, then saw Ashlynn looking at me with a smile.

"See you later, Mister Dave," she said with an impish grin and a wink, then headed into the house.

I nodded at her with a smile and went to work. You little minx, I thought to myself, then began to image how snug her hot little 20-year-old pussy would feel wrapped tightly around my cock. I headed to the shed as I continued my fantasy. Just before I got to the door, I put my foot in a hidden ground squirrel hole, twisted my ankle, and fell flat on my ass.

Oh, fuck it hurt, as I laid there writhing in pain. I looked down to see if my ankle was broken and thankfully it did not appear to be as it was still straight, but the throbbing pain was saying otherwise. I heard voices coming in my direction and looked up to see Tom and Ashlynn running towards me.

Tom yelled, "Dave, what the fuck happened? You okay?" Ashlynn got to me first and said, "Don't move Mister Dave, tell me what you did." I explained to the two of them what happened and Ashlynn being a nursing student went to work right away examining my ankle. She moved it around a little, causing me to wince in pain. I did not care what she did to me right then, she was still in that bikini and even the pain could not silence my desire.

She nodded then said, "Well Mister Dave, it doesn't appear to be broken but you better go to the urgent care room and get it x-rayed just to make sure. You are going to have a nasty sprain though, even if it's not broken." I just shook my head.

Tom said proudly, "That's my girl there, she's gonna be a good nurse, huh, Dave?"

"Most definitely," I said still wincing from the burning pain coming from my already swollen ankle. Tom and Ashlynn helped me stand up, then helped me get to the patio chair. Tom said to Ashlynn, "Go tell your Mom that we have to take Dave to the emergency room." Ashlynn sprinted over there as if I were dying or something.

"Damn Dave, you sure you weren't sipping that Rye already," he said with a chuckle.

"I wish, then maybe it wouldn't hurt so damn bad," I laughed.

A few minutes later, Ashlynn and Marlene came hurrying over. I said to Marlene in a meek manner, "Hi Marlene, nice day for a BBQ, huh?" She just pursed her lips together, shook her head, looked at my ballooning ankle and said, "Dave, what are we going to do with you?"

Tom once more helped me walk to their car, as Ashlynn held the door open for me and got me inside, propping up my ankle on the back seat. Marlene stayed behind to finish preparations for the BBQ, while Tom and Ashlynn took me to the urgent care center in town.

Thankfully, it was not busy there and I was able to get in pretty quick. They took some x-rays of my ankle and confirmed that it was not broken but was badly sprained just as Ashlynn had said. They put me in an angle brace, fitted me with a set of crutches and sent me out with some care instructions.

Ashlynn took the papers from my hand as we were heading to the car in a wheelchair, "Don't worry Mister Dave, you are in good hands, I will make sure you are taken care of." I just smiled, trying not to let my mind go there.

Tom said, "She's a good girl there, Dave, and she'll have you fixed up in no time."

Yep, my mind went there, and there was no denying it as I looked at Ashlynn while Tom drove us back home. She turned to me and grinned as if knowing what I was thinking, then turned back to the front. We got back home and the two of them helped me inside as I struggled to navigate with the crutches.

Ashlynn told Tom, "I got him, Dad, just go help Mom and we'll be over in a little bit."

Tom points at her while looking at me laughing and said, "Yes Nurse Smith." He closed the screen door behind him and headed over to his house.

Ashlynn look at me with a grin and said, "Well, what do you need me to help with first?"

I played it cool, as I stood there on the crutches, and said, "Well I was going to make a dessert for the BBQ, but I'm not sure I can now, unless you'd like to be my helping hands."

"Sure, I can do that," she said with a smile, then added, "Just tell me what to do, and I'll get it done." I was glad she had thrown on some jean shorts and a button up top before we went to the urgent care center because I probably would have been ready to jerk off again had she not.

I directed Ashlynn on what ingredients were needed, the oven temperature setting and the directions on how to complete the dessert. She did a wonderful job as she beamed with pride when she completed it.

"Wow, that looks fantastic, Ashlynn! You did great! I did not know you knew how to cook so well," I said to her with a smile.

She came over and kissed me on the cheek and said, "Thanks but you'll find out that I am full of surprises." She grinned and winked at me.

Stay cool, I thought to myself, do not get hard, do not get hard I thought to my cock.

"Let's get you upstairs so you can get changed, Mister Dave," she said still grinning.

"Ashlynn, when you are with me, you can cut out the Mister part and just call me Dave," I said with as much confidence as I could muster in my crippled state.

"Okay, just Dave it is," she nodded.

Ashlynn helped me up the stairs and into my bedroom so I could change. She went out and waited in the hallway, leaving the door partially opened. I managed to get my clothes off and since I had just showered before falling on my ass, I did not need to shower again.

I stripped down naked and got out some clean khaki shorts and a polo shirt. I could have sworn as I looked at the bedroom door, I saw a pair of eyes peeking from the dark hallway but was not sure. She is getting an eyeful now, I thought, as my cock hung down, nice and proud. I pulled out a clean pair of boxers, put them on, then the rest of my clothes.

"Okay, I'm dressed," I called out to her. She came back in my room with a grin on her face and I asked, "What's that grin for?"

"Oh, well, eh, I'm just happy to be able to help you out," she managed to get out behind a bit of a blush.

"Mmm hmmm, and I really appreciate that, Ashlynn," I said with a smile.

She helped me get back down the stairs, then grabbed the dessert she made and the bottle of rye, and we headed over to her house. Once we got there, I made my way over to a deck lounge chair and planted my crippled ass down, hoping I was in a good spot to not have to move around much. My ankle was aching something fierce and it sure felt better to prop it up. Ashlynn was right there in a snap with a pillow for me. She is going to be a great nurse, that is for sure.

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