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Neighbors Pt. 01

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The Lesbian Neighbors help a femboy blossom out of his shell.
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Hello everyone! Happy Holidays. I have another story for you. This one will actually be tied to several other that will be coming out soon. I hope you enjoy. All characters involved in sex are over the legal age of consent. And so on. Feel free to give it an honest review. And please leave any feedback in the comment section below. I would love to hear what you think about it. Your feedback helps me improve future stories.


"What a sissy." I hear them say as I walk by. Story of my life. Most guys pick on me and most girls don't even give me a glance. I'm either invisible or the target of every bully. Life is so unfair.

To make matters worse, my dad is one of those manly men and he seems convinced that he needs to turn me into a "manly man."

My dad can be such a dick sometimes, no wonder my mother left. I just wish she would've taken me with her.

She probably couldn't bear the thought of having a sissy for a son..

But, that's life or so I've been told.

There's not much I can do about it. At least it's finally the weekend.

As I grab my crap out of my locker and pile the mile high stack of homework for the weekend, I at least have one thing to look forward to, Sheila, my PC. Which seems a bit pathetic when I think about it, but that's all I really have going for me.

Walking out of school, I get on the dreaded school bus. Just keep my head down and don't make eye contact. From what I experienced, bullies only target you if you look at them.

I look up to see an open seat and I take it.

I put on my headphones and put on some music when someone slams into me, pinning me against the window. "Move over, sissy. You're in my seat!"

Ken Jackson, the biggest bully in school.

"Charley horse." he buries his fist in my thigh, making me wince in pain.

Then he pours half his bottle of water on my crotch. "Ha, looks like you pissed your pants!"

"Aww, are you going to cry you little sissy?" he laughs.

"You're such a little bitch." he says before he gets up and heads to the back of the bus. Why does he have to be such an asshole. I wipe the tears from my eyes as I try to hide my crotch. It's ironic that we're both seniors riding the bus and yet I'm the one who gets picked on.

Thank god it's a short bus ride to my house.

The bus drops me off at the beginning of the subdivision and I make my way up to my house.

As I approach my house, I notice the house next to us finally sold. It's been on the market for some time now. My jaw drops when I see two of the most gorgeous women ever, unloading a rental truck. One's ebony and the other must be latina. They both have perfect bubble butts. The latina has brown hair with blonde highlights and a tattoo sleeve on her arm. She's wearing tight skinny jeans that look as if they're about to rip at any time. Her legs are just so thick and lean. She's got on a pair of high top sneakers. She's wearing a plain t-shirt that is cut off at the midriff, showing off her six pack abs. Her bust can barely be contained within her shirt.

The black woman is wearing a blue dress with high heels. Her legs are long and lean as well. Her dark raven black hair is done up in a bun. Her dress shows off plenty of cleavage. The two couldn't be more different from each other.

"Hey, there. You must be the neighbor," the latina says as she caught me staring. My face must be red as a tomato.

"Hi," I say before I quickly try and head over to my house.

"Hey, no need to rush away, you can stay a little and talk," the other woman says.

I stop and look at them.

"Would you like something to drink? Glass of Ice water?" the black girl says as they both walk over to me, something about them keeps me locked in place.

I shake my head no.

"Aww, did you have an accident?" the latina laughs as she points down to my crotch. I tense up. Oh no, could this day get any worse?

"It's okay," the other woman says. "Everyone's peed themselves at least once in their lives."

"I didn't pee myself." I say.

"Honey, it's okay," the black woman says as she rubs her hand up and down my arm. "We won't judge you."

"Yes we will, but at least we won't make fun of you," the latina says.

"Excuse my outspoken girlfriend," the black girl says with an eye roll. "I'm Gelicia and this is Maddison. We're your new neighbors."

"You do live in the house next door, right?" Maddison asks.

I nod. "It's nice to meet you both."

"And what is your name?" Gelicia asks.

"Oh, right. I'm Skylar," I say nervously.

"Aww, what a pretty name," Gelicia says. How embarrassing. Another reason why people confuse me for a girl. A boy's name isn't supposed to be pretty. "Aww, you're super cute when you blush."

"So, Skylar. Would you like to come inside and check out our new home?" Gelicia asks.


Before I get a chance to answer, Maddison puts her arm around mine and leads me in. "Of course he would, wouldn't you Sky? You don't mind if I call you that, do you?"

I shake my head as I follow her inside.

"So, let me show you around," she says.

"We haven't gotten the place furnished yet, so you'll have to excuse us for our lack of decor," Maddison says as she follows us inside.

There are several boxes lying around as we walk into her entry way. They've got all wood flooring. And she was right, not a spec of furniture.

Gelicia walks rush along into the kitchen while Maddison tugs me along as she gives me the tour. "As you can see, the place is pretty bare at the moment. That'll change as we gather more shit."

Gelicia comes back with a drink in hand. "Can't let our guest go thirsty." She smiles as she hands me the drink.

I take a sip. "Wow, this peach tea is delicious."

"Aww, thanks. I whipped it up in a snap."

"This door leads to the basement, and you can take a guess what's down there," Maddison says, continuing the tour. "Absolutely nothing..."

"Now, let's go upstairs. I would love for you to see our room. Oh and definitely the master bedroom," Gelicia says. I follow them both upstairs.

"This will be the spare bedroom," Gelicia points out as we cross a room. She opens the door to a bare empty room.

"So what do you both do for work?" I ask as we continue down the hall.

Gelicia and Maddison both exchange subtle looks. "Well, I'm a real estate agent and Maddison here is a P. I."

"Wow, that's pretty cool. Do you get a lot of cases?" I ask Maddison.

She nods. "Oh of course. Some are really weird, but others can be pretty exciting. I can't talk about them, because of client confidentiality, but I've had my fair share of craziness."

"That's neat," I say. "So Gelicia, did you choose this house personally? Being a real estate agent must give you first pick of the litter," I say.

"You are right. I knew I liked this house as soon as I first saw it. It's got a pool in the back with a nice hot tube. The master bathroom is beautiful. And I love the wood flooring," she says.

We walk into a bedroom at the end of the hall and it's massive. There's even a sunroom and a balcony overlooking the pool. "Wow," I mutter.

"Isn't it lovely? I can just picture it now fully furnished with a giant bed in the middle here. Maybe some artwork up on the wall over there. Urgh, it'll be so gorgeous," Gelicia says.

"And giant flatscreen tv right here!" Maddison says pointing in front of where the bed would be.

"We can discuss that later, babe," Gelicia says.

"Come on, babe you know I need to watch my shows and catch up on the news," Maddison says.

"But you know how I hate having a TV in the bedroom. It's supposed to be a place of intimacy," she says.

"Whatever, then we at least need one in the kitchen," she says.

"Fine, we can do that," Gelicia says before she turns back to me. "Now let me show you the bathroom. You're going to love it."

She grabs my arm and pulls me behind her as we enter one of the biggest bathrooms I've ever seen. It's got an enormous shower with sliding glass doors and stone tile floor. And there's a jacuzzi on top of a wooden stairway.

"Isn't it just beautiful?" she asks.

I nod in amazement. They must be loaded. Just like my step dad.

Maddison grabs my arm and tugs me along. "Okay, enough about the bathroom, let me show you the pool, you're going to love it!"

I follow her down the stairs and out to the back patio. Outside is one of the most beautiful set up ever. Beneath the wood patio is the largest pool ever. It's surrounded by stone. The hot tube is actually built into the wood deck. It's all very extravagant.

"You're welcome to come over anytime to use the pool and hot tub, even when we're not home," Gelicia says. "Just make yourself at home."

"Uh, thanks," I say.

"Well, we should let him get on with his day, I'm sure he has plenty of homework," Gelicia says to Maddison.

"Fine, but he's just so adorable," she says causing my blood to rush to my face.

"You know," Gelicia says as she turns to me. "We could use a cute boy like yourself around. How would you like a job. You could be our pool boy! What do you say? We'll pay you well enough."

"I... I... ah... sure," I say. I do need a job anyways, especially with summer coming up.

"That's great, we'll start tomorrow after you get done with school, how does that sound?" she asks. I nod my head.

"It's settled then, now why don't you get some rest and we'll go over your responsibilities tomorrow," she says.

I nod my head. "Thank you, I won't let you down."

"I don't doubt it," she says. "You have a good night, Skylar."

"You both have a good night as well," I say before heading back home. I can't believe I'm now working for two really hot lesbians. Just when I thought I was having the worst day ever, those two completely turned it around.

I'm so happy, I feel like I'm glowing.

Hopefully my father will back off now that I got a job. He's always complaining that I mooch off him. I know he may be wealthy, but I want nothing to do with him. He's a total pig and has always treated me horribly.

Walking inside his house, I try to sneak up to my room, but I'm sorely unlucky.

"Is that the sissy boy I hear?" I hear him ask as he walks over from the kitchen.

I freeze in place. He's a lot bigger than me, there's no doubt about it. Wearing his sweatpants and a football jersey, his typical douche attire.

He looks down at my crotch and busts a nut laughing. "Did someone have an accident at school? God you're pathetic. I'm beginning to wonder if you're even mine."

I can't even come up with anything to say.

I just stand there staring at him and his stupid face. His black hair is combed over trying to hide his balding scalp.

"You're such a sissy," he laughs.

"Where's Ashley?" I ask.

"Why?" he asks.

"I just want to know," I say, getting irritated. I hate him so much. He's such an asshole. Why can't he just leave me alone.

"When the hell are you going to get a job and move the hell out?" He asks.

"I got a job!" I say.

"About time! And where's that?" he asks.

"I'm working for the neighbors now," I say.

"The lesbo couple that just moved in? And how the fuck did you get so lucky?" he sneers.

I shrug as I start making my way up stairs. "Unlike you, there really nice." I mutter.

"Hey, I heard that!" He shouts as I walk up to my room.

Once I reach the haven of my bedroom, I get on my computer and check out the shadow leaks.

A new post. Awesome! It's of Karma and Fate, my favorite superhero duo! I click on the video and watch with giddy anticipation.

It's a video captured by someone's cell phone of a bank robbery. They're being held hostage. The person who's recording this must have some serious balls. I surely wouldn't have the guts to do it.

There are 4 men with guns and masks, they're loading their bags full of money. Suddenly out of nowhere, Fate and Karma teleport into the room in an explosion of blue light. Karma, her face covered by a black mask. She's dressed in her black leather jacket, thigh high boots, and fishnet stocks. Her dark brown hair with blonde highlights flows with the wind as she charges the men. They start shooting at her, but the bullets bounce off. Fate creates a blue magical dome over the hostages just as another robber opens a clip on them. The bullets disintegrate as they hit the shield.

She then taps her staff on the ground and a surge of wind blows the guy back, smashing him against the wall. Her costume is amazing. Like Karma, she also has thigh high boots, but their white instead of black. Which contrasts her dark chocolate skin. She's also got tights that ride up underneath her skirt. She's wearing a magicians tux with a bow tie. A masquerade mask covers her face with a top hat to finish her outfit. Her weapon is a mythical wizard's staff.

Fate raises her staff once more and a bright blue light blinds the surrounding area, making it impossible to see.

When the light finally vanishes, the staff is just floating there by itself. Fate has a man pinned down as she binds his arms behind his back. Another man goes flying across the camera as Karma comes into view. She grabs the guy and pulls out a zip tie from his pocket to tie his hands behind his back.

A guy goes to run, but Fate's magic carpet flies in and wraps him up, and spins him out at Fate's feet. She snaps her fingers and a rope appears and binds the man's hands behind his back.

The fourth robber has a gun to a hostages head. "Don't move, I'll blow her brains out! I swear I will!"

Suddenly, the gun gets pulled from the man's hand and flies straight to Fate's outstretched palm. Karma doesn't hesitate and knocks him unconscious.

That was incredible! Those two are my favorite heroes of all time. They're so beautiful and such badasses. I wish I was like that. Brave and courageous. I can't even stand up to a bully, let alone bank robbers with guns.

That was epic! I need to add that clip to their fan page I manage. I know, I'm such a fanboy.

As I get ready for bed I wonder what it would be like to be them. To have superpowers and save people. Oddly my thoughts drift to wearing fishnet stockings and thigh high boots.


The Next Day.

Why is it I can't seem to go a whole day without being picked on? Walking into the locker room after I've waited patiently for the rest of the boys to shower and change, I find my clothes soaking wet in the middle of the shower.

Life is so unfair. Why is it always me?

Now I'm forced to go the entire day in my stinky gym clothes.

I can hardly hold back the tears that are fighting their way to the surface.

It's just not fair...


Getting on the bus, everyone holds their nose in an exaggerated attempt to tell me that I stink. I know I don't stink that bad, everyone is just being so mean.

"God damn, something stinks. Oh hey, sissy! I knew I smelt something. Don't you ever shower?" Ken Jackson asks as he walks by snickering.

He's such a jerk. Why is he so much bigger than me? I wish I could just beat him up.

As the bus comes to a halt at my stop, I don't hesitate to get off and rush home.

"Sky! Right on time," Gelicia says as she gets out of her car. "Ready to start your first day of work?"

I nod my head. "May I get changed first? I'm still in my sweaty gym clothes."

"You won't need to get changed, you're going to probably be getting sweaty anyways. You're going to be helping Maddison and me unpack," she says as she grabs a bag out from her car. "Now come on, lots to do."

I follow her inside. My eyes can't help but fall to her butt. Her business skirt can barely maintain such a perfect ass. "You can just leave your bag there."

I drop my backpack off by the door. "No need to take your shoes off, we're going to end up cleaning anyways."

Their house is full of boxes, unlike yesterday, it was practically empty.

"I'm going to get changed real fast. All these boxes have to go upstairs. Would you like to get started moving them?"

I nod.

"Great, just bring them up to the first room on the left. That's where we'll put them for now," she says before she walks upstairs. I can't help but take a glance at that ass of hers as she leaves.

I get to work and start bringing the boxes upstairs.

It takes a good 40 minutes to get all the boxes she wanted into the spare bedroom.

By the time I'm finished, Gelicia walks out in booty shorts and a tank top. My eyes immediately drop to those legs of hers. So thick and yet so lean.

"You know, my eyes are up here," she laughs.

I freeze up immediately. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to stare!"

"Aww, it's okay. I was just giving you a hard time. You're still a teenager. I'll let it slide," she giggles. "Good job with the boxes. I'm going to be having some furniture delivered tomorrow. We had the bed brought in today. It's nice to have something to sleep on. Want to come check it out?"

I nod and follow her into the bedroom. She's got the biggest bed I've ever seen in the middle of the bedroom. "So I was thinking of putting a dresser here. Obviously two nightstands on both sides of the bed. Maddy needs a stand to put her cpap on. She snores like crazy. She's still insistent on putting a tv in here, but I won't budge. What do you think?"

She turns and looks at me for an answer.

"I... uh. I agree," I say.

"I knew you would see things my way. So how come you're still in your gym clothes? Did you shower at all?" she asks.

I tense up at the question as my eyes drift away. "No..."

"No? Didn't you bring a change of clothes to school?" she asks.

I nod.

"Okay, so what happened?" she asks.

She lifts my chin, bringing my gaze up to hers. "It's okay, sweetie, you can tell me."

"Some kids took my clothes and soaked them in the showers.

Her eyes narrow. "That's awful. Who would do such a thing?"

"It's this kid named Ken Jackson and his friends. They're always picking on me," I say.

"I see, do things like this happen a lot?" she asks.

I nod.

"It can definitely be tough facing bullies. Believe it or not, I used to be bullied a lot when I was your age as well," she says.


"Yep, I too was different from everyone else, but different isn't always bad," she says.

"Everyone likes to make fun of me for being so effeminate," I say. "They call me names and call me a girl all the time. Yesterday, Ken poured water on my crotch during the bus ride home."

"How awful. It sounds like Ken is a real piece of work. Usually bullies end up getting a good dose of Karma. You just wait, Fate is on your side. Besides, I don't think being effeminate is a bad thing," she says.

"Really?" I ask.

"No, not at all. So what if you're a bit girlish. I think it's a plus. Have you ever tried on women's clothing?" she asks.

I shake my head no.

"Have you ever thought about trying some on?" She asks.

I'm speechless. I can't say no, because the truth is. I have. I've thought a lot about wearing women's clothing, but I don't want to tell her the truth.

"I'll take your silence as a yes," she says.

"I can't. If my step dad ever caught me in women's clothing, he'd toss me out," I say.

"Oh, I understand." she puts her arms on my shoulders as she kneels down to my height. "If you ever want a safe place to experiment, you're always welcome here. Okay?"

I nod.

"Don't ever be ashamed of who you are," she says.

I look up at her as a feeling of awe takes over me. She is so genuine. "You really mean that?" I ask.

"Of course," she says.

I hear the door open downstairs. "Looks like Maddy is home," Gelicia says with a smile.

"We're up stairs, babe," she hollers down.

I hear her rush up the stairs. She walks in the room with a big smile and pulls Gelicia in her arms giving her such a passionate kiss. I have to pick my jaw up off the floor and adjust my pants. Seeing two beautiful women kiss so passionately definitely causes a stirring in my groin.

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