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Neighbours: Elly & Michelle

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Elly & Michelle trade sexy secrets.
3.4k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 08/31/2017
Created 04/09/2002
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(Storyline continued fromRamsey Street: Behind Closed Doors: The Doctor Will See You Now Miss Conway).

Ramsey Street: Behind Closed Doors.

A Secret for A Secret.

Despite having promised never to tell anyone about what had happened the previous night between her and Karl, Elly felt she had to tell someone or she would explode, and come Monday morning she was round at Michelle Scully's house ready to walk to school with a massive grin on her face.

Michelle had noticed how chirpy her best friend was, and despite several times asking her for the reason, she was frustrated at Elly's cagey reply "I'd love to tell you…..but I can't."

Truth was, that response seemed to make the secret more intriguing than ever, and the more often she said it, the more Michelle wanted to know it.

The two spent the whole day at school with one probing for a clue, and the other avoiding the issue, until by the end of the day Michelle was pretty tired of asking and getting her stock annoying reply. The two were at the lockers after the final bell had rung, when a girl Elly recognised from Michelle's English class invited Michelle to the mall that evening.

Michelle's reply in agreement startled Elly, who explained that she had agreed to go to the coffee shop with her after school.

"Well tough" said Michelle sternly, "Maybe I've had enough of you, I think I'll get a new best friend, one who shares her secrets!"

Elly tried hard to get her to change her mind, "Look 'Chellie", she explained, "I'd love to tell you…..but."

Michelle stopped her from saying it for what seemed like the hundredth time that day, finishing the sentence for her; "But you can't(!)"

Michelle then picked up her bag and half-heartedly shouted after the others, "Hey wait up girls", hoping that it would produce the desired outcome from Elly.

Then she grinned from ear to ear as she heard the words she wanted to hear from her school friend.

"OK", she conceded, "But you must promise not to tell anyone, swear on your life!"

Michelle nodded but Elly insisted on a verbal agreement. Then she said she couldn't risk telling her in public in case someone heard her. "So where?" said Michelle, "You can't come back to mine, dad'll have a fit…..and Susan and Karl will dob us in if we go to yours, we're not supposed to see each other outside school remember?"

"It's OK", answered Elly, "You can come round to mine, Karl's got late surgery and Susan's not back from the year 8 field trip 'til tomorrow."

The pair walked home at different paces, Michelle almost trotting home, desperate to finally hear what Elly had tried so hard to keep from her all day, and Elly dragging her heels as she moved at a snail's pace, wondering if she really should tell her.

However, she could keep it to herself no longer, as the pair arrived home at the Kennedy's house. Elly slipped her key in the lock and entered first, making sure the coast was clear before inviting Michelle in.

The pair sat down on the couch and the conversation began.

Elly decided that the best way to go about things was to just come out with it straight away and she broke the tension by boldly exclaiming, "I had sex last night!"

Michelle seemed somewhat disappointed as the secret was finally revealed. "Is that it, big deal!"

Elly was taken aback by her best friend's lack of interest in her news. "Don't you understand, I'm no longer a virgin."

Michelle laughed, "Yes I know, you told me that weeks ago."

"No", continued Elly "Last night was my first time, I lied about doing it with Mike Grady at the skate park."

"Oh," replied Michelle, "Who was it with, Tad?"

"Yes of course it was Tad!" snapped Elly, "Who do you think it was with?"

"Just checking" said Michelle defending her question, "You lied about Mike Grady, maybe you were lying about going out with Tad."

"No" confirmed Elly, "That's definitely true".

"What was it like?" asked Michelle, feeling her breath quicken as she anticipated her friend's reply.

"It was OK", she muttered, with a distinct lack of conviction in her voice.

Michelle's heart was pounding in her chest as she felt the thoughts spinning in her head. Had Elly's secret been a bit more important (she was of course assuming that's where the story ended), she would have surely shared her own secret with Elly, but now she wasn't so sure.

Eventually she decided it wasn't the importance of the secret which mattered but the fact Elly had told her, and as her best friend she felt compelled to reveal her own little tale.

Elly sat and watched as her young friend opened her mouth and exclaimed, "Ha, beat you!"

Elly looked puzzled for a moment, that was not the response she had been expecting, and she asked her for an explanation. "Last Friday night, I had sex for the first time too!"

"Bullshit!" laughed Elly, "You've never even been with a guy, never mind done the business!"

Michelle's reply firstly made her laugh, but the calm way she had said it and the look on her face caused her to think twice.

"Who said it was with a guy?"

Elly sat totally stunned as she listened to Michelle's bold claim before she was able to stutter, "But who?"

"Remember that girl who invited me out tonight?"

"Becky Chambers!" bellowed Elly "But……." Then before she finished, she remembered the rumours she had heard going round the school about Becky liking other girls.

"Oh my god!" she finished, "But you're not…..are you?"

Michelle didn't need Elly to fill the gap for her, she new perfectly well what she was trying to say.

"Not strictly, no…….but I never seem to get many boys so I thought why not?"

It was true, she never seemed to have much luck with men, but that was not to say she wasn't attractive. Far from it, she had a young innocent looking face and a maturity way beyond her years, but she still had all the things a woman would want and she had blossomed into a curvy young lady at an early age.

Then she sat on the bed next to where Elly had placed herself. "I never even thought about it before, but I was sitting in the locker room after gym and Becky came over and put her hand on my bare thigh. I flinched a little at first, but then as she stroked it I started to relax and to be honest it felt good.

Elly had noticed how close she was sitting to her as she told her story, and true or not, it was making her feel uneasy. Although she had decided that Michelle was lying, she still felt uncomfortable with the way her friend was talking, as it wasn't like her to do something like that, she was usually so sensible. Nevertheless, Michelle continued.

"I think she wanted to do it there and then", she said calmly, "But there were too many other people about, and she said she needed to get something first."

Elly really started squirming with embarrassment, hoping that any minute Michelle would turn round and break into a big smile and say "Ha…Gotcha!" but her wishes were neglected as Michelle carried on in her tale.

"She invited me back to her place and I went, then we went into her bedroom."

"She sat on the bed next to me like I am with you now." At this point Elly was 99% certain that she was lying now, and she started to relax.

"Oh right yeah", she said sarcastically, "And what happened then."

"Then….." answered Michelle, as quick as a flash, "She put her hand on my thigh again, but this time a bit higher up, ……..like this."

Elly's new found calmness disappeared in an instant as she found Michelle's hand on her thigh, and felt it start to slowly slide towards her groin, just managing to slip beneath her short plaid skirt before Elly leaped to her feet in horror.

"Look!" she said sharply, "I don't know who you've been talking to, or what the big joke is….but it's not funny."

Michelle seemed taken aback by her friend's outburst, and stood up herself, moving over slowly to where Elly was standing, with her arms folded indignantly across her chest.

Due to her stance, she was unable to resist, as Michelle leaned over and kissed her softly on the lips. Elly was totally stunned and was unable to move for a second, giving Michelle to repeat her action, this time kissing her more firmly, and even licking gently at Elly's mouth, slowly tracing the outline of Elly's luscious full lips with her tongue.

Elly backed away and put her hand on the door handle of the bedroom, ready to open it and ask Michelle to leave. Michelle had remembered the way she had felt when Becky had ventured such a bold manoeuvre on her. It was an experience new to her at the time, but one she had found not unpleasant, but she couldn't quite decide if she had enjoyed the sensation or not. She felt that Elly was probably feeling the same way as she had done. She decided to find out.

As Elly's hand began to turn the doorknob, it was covered by Michelle's, as she pushed her back, trapping her between the door and Michelle's soft young body, and she leaned forward and whispered softly, "It's OK Elly, you're just a little confused, it's natural….I felt the same way." "Just relax and go with it."

As she spoke, she moved her face slowly forward, until she was barely an inch away from Elly's face by the time she finished her sentence and immediately after finishing, she closed the small gap between them and tilting her head slightly to the side to avoid clashing noses, she placed her mouth against Elly's leaving it there for a few seconds, before breaking the kiss to wait for a reaction. None was forthcoming, and so she moved forward once again, this time letting her tongue trace her lips as she had done previously. Again, no definite reaction, but Michelle was sure that she could feel Elly's warm breath beating harder against her soft cheek, staring deep into Elly's twinkling eyes she began to move forward, but this time there was movement from Elly too, as she bridged half of the gap with her head. The two girls stood against the door tentatively touching lips, just softly at first, barely brushing skin against skin, then more definitely until a proper kiss formed between them.

All of a sudden, Michelle's lips parted and she was delighted to find Elly soon followed as the girls clamped their mouths hard against each other's.

Then, Michelle felt her body tingle as she felt Elly's tongue slide into her mouth and begin exploring. Michelle took her hand off Elly's, still on the door handle and Placed it on Elly's side, then, she moved it up slowly before Elly's hand released it's grip on the knob and moved South, clicking the lock on the bedroom door so they would not be disturbed.

Michelle's tongue had by this time entered Elly's warm wet mouth and they danced playfully as they lashed across each other in a long passionate kiss.

Michelle watched Elly's beautiful eyes slowly close as her hand moved up her body slowly, until it was firmly cupping her left breast through her thin dress.

Michelle gently squeezed the soft bosom, and Elly moaned softly, moving her hand behind Michelle's head to prevent her from breaking the kiss she was enjoying so much.

Michelle had no intention of breaking away, but welcomed the encouragement from Elly, who had moved her other hand behind Michelle and was lifting her skirt, revealing her white cotton panties. Her hand was slipping inside the frilly waistband of Michelle's knickers, and soon her palm was smoothing over the peachy ripe flesh of her best friend's firm round buttocks.

Michelle closed her eyes too as she delighted in having her bottom massaged so tenderly by Elly's expert hands, and she found herself eager to go one better.

Michelle had found herself with one hand pressed against the door beside Elly's head and she felt it could be put to much better use.

She took it away fro the door and moved it downwards, then in between them. It then slipped up inside Elly's dress and rested itself on the inside of her thigh. Michelle slowly moved it upwards, remembering the resistance Elly had provided just minutes ago to such an action, but this time she was much too busy herself to concern herself with its intended destination. It didn't take long before it found just that place, and both girls gasped simultaneously, breaking their kiss, but keeping their eyes closed, as Michelle's hand touched not upon soft white cotton as she had expected, but soft downy hair and moisture.

She rubbed her hand through the hair and realised Elly was not wearing panties beneath her skirt. That turned Michelle on more than anything else that had taken place beforehand by a long way, and she opened her eyes to watch Elly's reaction as her hand moved down between Elly's slender thighs.

Elly opened her mouth wide and squealed as she felt Michelle's fingertips rubbing at the entrance to her pussy.

Michelle watched intently as she watched her friend's expression changing as she rubbed harder at her slit, until she leaned over and whispered lustfully in Michelle's ear "I want you to put your fingers inside my pussy."

Michelle didn't need to be asked again and quickly and easily slid her middle finger right up inside Elly, who began nuzzling at Michelle's neck as her digit probed her most intimate area.

After being fingered for long enough to have her juices freely flowing, Michelle removed her finger and put it up to Elly's mouth, tracing her lips with her fluid before putting it inside Elly's mouth for her to sample.

"Taste me!" insisted Elly as she sucked her own juice from Michelle's finger, Michelle smiled, and taking her by the hand, she led her young friend over to the bed.

Elly lay on the bed and lifted her dress up around her waist. Exposing what she had only previously felt to Michelle. Michelle looked at her pussy momentarily before kneeling on the floor and placing her head between Elly's legs.

Michelle pushed her face hard against Elly's groin and sucked at the entrance to her vagina. She rubbed her face all over Elly's pussy, which was gushing with juice, covering Michelle's round face with her sticky fluid.

Then as she finished her feast, Michelle got up and pulled her dress off over her head. Then she unclipped her bra and slipped off her panties. Elly gazed at her naked body open-mouthed as she traced her eyes from top to bottom.

She started at her beautiful angelic face, her big blue eyes twinkling like sapphires in the light. Her big round cheeks flanked a cute little button nose and small pouting lips, while her long light coloured hair tumbled down, just touching her broad shoulders.

Her chest was wide and deep and contained just more than a large handful of soft fat tit flesh, her brownish nipples were short and stubby, with two large dark circles of skin beneath.

Her stomach was not as flat as Elly's slender abdomen, but still just as beautiful and her chubby, womanly hips finished her torso off perfectly.

Her thighs were bulky and golden and tapered down to fine proud calves, which supported them. The big difference between the girls was in the genitalia, as Elly noticed that where hers was naturally covered in short curly brown hairs, Michelle's was smooth and bald, and she sat up to touch it. "Wow", she gasped, "It's beautiful".

"Becky did it for me", she explained, "Her pussy is shaved too".

"Then what did she do" asked Elly keenly, now much more eager to hear what had happened between her best friend and Becky Chambers.

"She reached into her drawer and pulled out a big vibrator".

As Michelle recalled the evenings happenings, Elly remembered something from her own activity the previous night and told Michelle to get on the bed as she had a surprise for her.

Elly got up and crossed the room to where her robe hung and reached inside the pocket. Michelle's eyes lit up as she removed her hand, holding in it a long black vibrator with a shiny golden tip. "Where did you get that from?" she asked, unable to take her eyes off the sex-toy Elly had retrieved from its hiding place.

"Found it in Susan's drawer", she answered, "She's got 3 or 4 of them the dirty slut!"

"Lucky bitch", enthused Michelle, as Elly walked towards her, holding it aloft like the statue of liberty.

"You don't know the half of it(!)" she thought to herself with a smirk, as she got onto the bed with Michelle.

After her previous night's exploits, Elly had gone back to her room after showering, and buzzed her burning cunt with Susan's vibrator for an hour before drifting off to sleep, and remembering how it pleasured her so intensely, was keen to insert it into her friend's young bald pussy.

She also wanted her own attending to, and the girls quickly arranged themselves into a sixty-nine position. Before she had even switched the dildo on, Michelle's face was once again buried in Elly's sweet vagina, only this time she was holding the lips open so she could push her tongue inside her.

Elly felt the toy vibrating in her hand as she twisted the base, and moved it towards Michelle's fanny. When she arrived at it, she traced the slit with the golden tip but was soon discouraged from such foreplay by Michelle, whose shouting was muffled by Elly's silky thighs at her mouth, "Don't tease me Elly, put it in me, shove it right up my cunt!"

Elly did as she was told, and buried it right up inside Michelle, who instantly responded to it by licking and chewing at Elly's flaps with renewed vigour and intensity.

As Michelle feasted on her squishy folds, Elly busily probed inside Michelle, finding her clit with the cold metal tip of the sex aid. Michelle juddered as her clit tingled with pleasure, and as she ground her pelvis against it, the vibrator brought her to a fierce climax, making Elly jump as she screamed out loud in ecstasy.

Michelle was more tan grateful to her friend for her orgasm and remembered what she had experienced at the lips of Becky Chambers. She buried her face deep into Elly's groin and put her tongue as far as it would go, before noisily sucking as hard as she could.

Then she forcefully exhaled into her cunt, before sucking hard again.

Elly felt her stomach cramping and her pussy start to spasm, still Michelle continued. Her sucking and blowing was driving Elly wild and she responded by jamming the dildo roughly into Michelle's cunt until both girls were thrashing around on the bed.

Then the room filled with noise as both girls yelled simultaneously that they were going to cum.

Then it happened, again simultaneously. Both girls shook violently as their orgasm took control of their perfect young bodies, Elly jammed the vibrator in hard one last time before slipping it out and replacing it with her face.

Then the eruption came, each girl's pussy twitching four times before blasting the other's face with gooey sticky cum. The powerful ejaculations more intense than they could have imagined possible.

Michelle's orgasm lasted exactly two minutes, and Elly's a fraction longer due to her partner's expert oral technique.

As both girls lay embracing each other, basking in the afterglow of such a passionate encounter, Michelle picked up the vibrator and held it up in front of Elly's face.

"What were you doing in Susan and Karl's bedroom when you found this Elly?" she asked.

Elly remembered every last detail of what she had been doing in Susan's room when she found it, but feared saying "Oh, just wiping several gallons of Karl's hot spunk off my tits", may be a bit too much information.

Instead she chuckled to herself as she responded, "Well, 'Chellie", she began, before her friend telepathically anticipated her answer….

"I know" she interrupted, "You'd love to tell me"….then at the same time both girls erupted into fits of laughter as they finished the sentence together,

"But I can't!!!!"

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