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Nellie and Seven Minutes in Heaven

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Truth or Dare gets raunchy.
7.7k words

Part 4 of the 13 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 01/07/2020
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Author's Note:

This is a stand-alone story that is part of a larger series about the titular character, Nellie. Each story that follows can be read on its own or together, in any particular order, though they will be posted in chronological order. The stories may fall under different categories, but all will tell tales of Nellie's various adventures.

In this adventure, Nellie and her friends play a game of Truth or Dare that reveals secrets, fulfills fantasies, and gets riskier as the night goes on. This story takes place after the events of Nellie & The Officers.

Special thank you to OneAuthor and norafares for editing.



"What's the craziest thing you've ever done sexually?"

Veronica's face went bright red, unable to stop herself from glancing across the circle at me.

"Never mind. Dare."

A wave of disappointed shouts and raucous laughter filled the room as Veronica refused to answer the question. I was one of the laughers, as was Sydney, who most certainly knew what Veronica would have said. Jake didn't laugh, but he did smile as he held Veronica's hand comfortingly.

"Now I just want to know what it is even more," complained Alison.

"Yeah, you can't switch after picking," added Brandon.

Poor Veronica. Her mouth opened and closed silently as she met my eyes again.

I didn't care for one second if she told everyone about the threesome she, Jake, and I had in the locker room. But Veronica was a bit more tightly wound than I was, and wasn't quite ready for people to know about her sex life. I doubt she had expected the game to get so sexually focused, naive as she was.

At first, we had all pretended that playing Truth or Dare was far beneath us. Far too mature for that, we had said. But that was a bold-faced lie. Slowly, people admitted that they'd like to play, and there we were.

It was far more fun to play as adults, I had decided. The addition of alcohol made people a lot less inhibited with their answers and dares. The few times I'd played in high school, the Truth questions were all about who liked who, and the Dares were fairly tame. This game had started off strong. Since we were at Sydney and Reid's, they had flipped a coin for who would go first, and Reid won. He spun the bottle and landed on Calvin.

"Truth," Calvin had picked.

"What's your weirdest fetish?"

Calvin had looked surprised, glancing around the room.

"It's cool, man, we're all friends here," Jake said kindly.

He had still stuttered a bit before answering. "Well, I mean, it's not that I've ever done it before, but I always kind of wanted... I mean, it would be... you know that like, rope... tying... rope bondage stuff?"

So, that's how we found out Calvin was into what he finally said was kinbaku, an intricate type of rope binding. I immediately decided that if he picked Dare, we were daring him to try tying someone up.

We'd also found out that Alison lost her virginity in a clubhouse her friend had built above the bar her mom owned, watched Jake take a body shot off Brandon, and witnessed Kara leaning against the couch in just her bra after being dared to take her shirt off.

It was Kara who had asked for Veronica's craziest sexual story, and who was insisting that she couldn't switch to Dare. I took pity on Veronica as she looked around for help.

"I think you can switch after picking, but only once," I interjected.

"When we used to play it back home, you could refuse to do the Truth or Dare, but you had to do Seven Minutes in Heaven with someone of the asker's choosing," Alison added.

"Fine, do we agree to that?" Kara asked, to which everyone nodded. "Okay, Veronica. Seven Minutes in Heaven with Reid."

Alison tried not to look offended that Kara had picked her date, but we all caught the look she gave Reid as he got up and led Veronica to the small storage room beside the bathroom that fit just the washer and dryer and a cabinet of various items. Giggling like maniacs, we crowded into the hallway and listened at the door as Sydney started up a timer.

To be honest, it was boring. Reid and Veronica were chatting quietly, awkward laughs occasionally floating through the closed door. When seven minutes was up and Sydney flung the door open, they were standing on opposite ends of the small room, Veronica's arms crossed as Reid leaned against the washing machine.

Alison looked relieved, and Jake smiled encouragingly at Veronica, but the rest of us groaned at the lack of result.

"Seven minutes wasted." Brandon shook his head sadly.

"Oh whatever, we could barely hear what they were saying anyways," Calvin muttered.

"You said your fetish was rope bondage, not voyeurism," I teased.

Calvin scoffed. "Brandon's the voyeur, not me."

"Oh sure, regular Peeping Tom over here," Brandon replied sarcastically as we made our way back to Sydney and Reid's living room.

Once everyone was seated, Veronica took her turn and spun the bottle. When the bottle landed on me for the first time of the game, I raised my eyebrows as I met Veronica's eyes.

"Be nice to me. Remember I said you could switch," I told her as everyone laughed. "I pick Dare."

"Dare her to take her shirt off," Calvin suggested.

"Nah, dare her to give someone a lap dance," said Sydney.

I stuck my tongue out at her. She knew what happened the last time I gave someone a lap dance.

Veronica cleared her throat. "I dare you to rub your boobs on Calvin's face for a full minute."

Calvin's eyes were wide and he couldn't stop himself from smiling. I laughed, too. Calvin was sitting between Veronica and Brandon, and I had a feeling it was more of a show for Veronica than anything.

"Sure. Bra on or off?" I asked, standing up as I removed my T-shirt.

I knew that Sydney, Veronica, and Jake wouldn't be surprised by seeing me half-naked. Kara and Reid didn't appear to care one way or another, and even Alison seemed to have loosened up a bit. Calvin appeared to be frozen in place, and Brandon was determined not to look at me, his cheerful demeanour suddenly much quieter than usual.

"Bra off," Veronica decided, shrugging nonchalantly.

Grinning at Calvin, I took my bra off and threw it back towards my shirt. His eyes were glued to me, and he barely moved as I straddled his lap and turned to Veronica.

"Start the timer!" I said cheerfully, then pressed my breasts against Calvin's face.

His breath was warm on my skin as I jiggled my tits against him. I knew Calvin was trying very hard not to react because the warm puffs that came through his slightly parted lips were frequent. Since I was straddling him, I could feel his cock starting to twitch beneath me. While it would have been incredibly fun to start grinding against him, I didn't know how much Calvin would appreciate that, so I pulled myself away from his crotch and pushed even harder against his face.

On one side, I knew Veronica was watching intently. Even though she and Jake were exclusive now, I had a feeling she'd realized she liked tits a bit more than she thought she had. I smiled at her discreetly, a knowing look in my eyes, before glancing towards Brandon.

Brandon's face was stoic, an unusual expression for him. He was a loud, boisterous guy with a thick beard and broad torso, usually smiling joyfully at all times. I thought perhaps he wasn't having fun, until I realized he was watching the show out of the corner of his eyes.

A little bit jealous, maybe.

I licked my lips. I had told Sydney I'd be interested in maybe hooking up with Brandon, but nothing had really come from it. That had been the same night I'd met Shaun and Darryl, and while I hadn't seen either of the officers again, the lewd fantasies we'd made up about Brandon had fallen somewhat by the wayside.

The thought of fucking him came roaring back, though. The thrill I'd gotten from feeling Calvin's cock twitch beneath me returned, only this time it was a full tingle of arousal at the thought of rubbing my tits across Brandon's face. I didn't know if anyone noticed my nipples harden even more. That is, aside from Calvin, who took in a sharp breath as I let one nipple trail across his lips.

Calvin's sudden inhale seemed to get Brandon's attention, and he noticed me looking at him. I bit my lip as we made eye contact and smiled as his eyes flicked down to my tits reflexively. When he looked back up at me, I knew right then and there that Brandon would be up for at least some of the little fantasies I'd thought up with Sydney.

"And that's time," Veronica said softly.

Calvin cleared his throat as I pulled away.

"Thanks!" I said to him brightly.

Laughter filled the room as I got off his lap. I pulled my T-shirt back on without bothering with my bra, settling back in place as Calvin tried to discreetly adjust himself.

"Your turn to spin," said Veronica.

I leaned to the center of the circle and spun it, watching as it flew past each person sitting there. When it finally slowed, it landed on Sydney.

She groaned and tilted her head back. "Goddamnit, of all the people..."

It wasn't without reason. Sydney and I were close, and I knew a lot about her. I knew exactly what kind of Truth questions would embarrass her, and exactly what kind of Dares would be the most difficult.

When she looked back at me, I could almost read her mind. 'Don't make me do anything with Reid,' her eyes seemed to beg.

Sydney had never admitted it to me, nor probably to anyone, but I knew she carried a torch for Reid. They had been friends since they were kids and were now roommates, though nothing remotely romantic had ever happened between them.

I wasn't a mean person. Whatever she asked, I didn't intend to cause any actual harm.

We stared at each other for a moment longer, trying to communicate only through eye contact, before she finally sighed. "Dare."

I thought for a moment. "I dare you to spin the bottle and make out with whoever it lands on for thirty seconds."

In comparison to the rest of the game, I thought it was a pretty tame request. Since everyone had just seen my tits, I figured it wouldn't be too big of a deal. Sydney looked relieved and spun the bottle right away.

My heart dropped as it slowed. I tried not to look panicked as it shifted past Jake and started to point at Reid. Even Sydney froze, her eyes wide, but luck was on our side. Both of us released a quiet breath as it moved past Reid and landed firmly on Alison.

Alison looked surprised, glancing at Reid as she realized it had stopped on her. He grinned.

"You're lucky, Syd. Alison's got a great tongue."

Everyone burst out laughing, the invisible tension fading from Sydney and I as she crawled through the circle towards Alison. She didn't say anything, just gently pulled Alison's face towards her and kissed her softly.

From what I could see, Reid was right: Alison looked like she was a great kisser. Both girls closed their eyes as they explored each other's mouths, Sydney kneeling as she cupped Alison's cheek. Alison put her hands on Sydney's shoulders and kissed her back, and the room seemed entranced by the sight of them.

Calvin had a huge grin on his face, and Brandon was watching intently when I glanced towards him. He seemed to realize I was looking, and glanced over at me. I grinned at him and he looked back to Alison and Sydney's show, his cheeks red beneath his thick beard.

Brandon was a bit of an enigma, I decided. I knew him as a loud, funny guy. But something seemed to have him a bit rattled, and I wondered if maybe I'd misread his quiet looks from earlier. He continued joking around, though his deep voice seemed a bit softer than usual, and the booming laugh was a bit forced.

Their kissing was getting a bit more intense, and Alison's hands had moved down Sydney's arms a bit. Reid couldn't seem to look away, and I wondered if maybe the three of them would end up exploring each other some more.

But I didn't have time to wonder any further than that, because Sydney pulled back and looked over her shoulder. "I am pretty sure that's been way longer than thirty seconds."

I burst out laughing. "Oops. I didn't set a timer. I'll start it now."

"No way!" Sydney and Alison said together as Sydney started moving back to her spot.

I conceded and shrugged, half-heartedly apologizing. Sydney rolled her eyes at me, but laughed, and spun the bottle again for the next victim.

For the first time in the game, it landed on Brandon.

He laughed loudly, grinning wildly as Sydney rubbed her hands together and smiled. She shot me a knowing glance that no one else seemed to notice.

"What'll it be, Brandon?"

"Truth," he said, almost immediately.

I think he thought it would be less embarrassing than whatever dare Sydney could come up with, but frankly, he didn't know what Sydney and I had talked about a few weeks earlier. Sydney smiled innocently as she pretended to think.

"Hmm... Truth, you say." She drummed her fingers against the coffee table lightly. "Okay, Brandon. If you had to fuck anyone in this room, who would it be and why?"

Brandon chuckled along with everyone else as he glanced around the room, determinedly avoiding my eye as he did. Reid and Jake urged him on, but Brandon didn't answer right away.

When he finally spoke, it wasn't the answer anyone really expected, except for maybe Sydney. "I pick not answering," he said.

"Seven minutes it is!" Sydney exclaimed. "Who will it be, who will it be..."

I rolled my eyes at her charade.

"Nellie, I think. Nellie and Brandon, Seven Minutes in Heaven for you!"

Brandon laughed that loud, forced laugh again as I got up.

"Wow, what a surprise. I mean it was an honour just to be nominated," I joked as I sauntered towards the room, everyone following behind us.

"Don't forget to start the timer," Brandon requested as we were ushered into the storage room.

"Sure thing." Sydney grinned and slammed the door shut.

It was darker than expected, and oddly quiet. We could hear the muffled chatter and giggles, but couldn't really make out any distinct words. The only light in the room came from the cracks around the door, and as my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I could see Brandon's outline on the other side of the room.

"So, what should we do with our seven minutes?"

He cleared his throat, chuckling. "I don't know. Talk sports?"

I licked my lips and took a step closer to him. The room was so small that it put me only half an arm's length away from him.

"Sure, let's talk sports. What sports do you follow?"

"Well, hockey, mainly. I don't, uh, don't actually follow sports that much."

I took another step closer. This close, I could see the light reflecting off Brandon's eyes, a sliver of warm glow just barely falling across his face.

"I like hockey. Probably the only thing I really follow. Who do you cheer for?" I put my hand on his chest and lowered my voice, certain no one in the hallway could hear me. "Tell me to stop if you don't want me to touch you."

Brandon inhaled softly. "Is this happening?" he muttered.

"The playoffs? Yeah, I'm sure they're happening, they happen every year," I said loudly. My hand trailed down his belly to the waistband of his jeans, where I brought my other hand to undo the button. "Who are you hoping wins?"

"B-Boston," he said.

I slipped my hand into his now-unbuttoned pants, under the waistband of his boxers. Unsurprisingly, Brandon's cock was rock hard, and I started stroking him lightly as we chatted.

"Bruins fan, eh? My dad's from Quebec so I grew up a Canadiens fan."

"Jesus, Nellie," he whispered.

"I can stop," I whispered back, starting to withdraw my hand from his pants.

He reached down and grabbed it, holding my wrist in place. "Not a chance."

Brandon's voice was choked and I giggled. "You're right, they don't have a chance at the cup, but once a fan, always a fan."

I used my other hand to release his fingers from my wrist, then guided him to the hem of my T-shirt. Once it was there, some of Brandon's confidence seemed to return, and he brought his hand under my shirt and up to my breasts.

His fingers found my nipple easily, the pad of his thumb brushing across it before he began kneading my tits. I sighed softly, my eyes fluttering as he explored my breasts, and resumed stroking his cock.

"So tell me something else about you," I said. "I don't know you all that well."

"I have no idea what to say."

That was fair, given he was a little distracted.

"What was the first job you ever had?"

He seemed to think for a moment, and I took the opportunity to increase the pace of my hand. I had less than seven minutes with Brandon, and didn't want to leave him hanging.

"Grocery store," he managed to grunt. "I was a stock boy."

"Oh cool. I worked at an amusement park. Ran the roller coaster for a while, then the swings. Hated doing the carnival games, though. Felt like I was ripping people off."

Brandon's breathing was heavy as he gripped my breast beneath his hand. I continued jacking him off as I talked, only making him interject occasionally. The whole situation was unreal, but I was having a blast. I'd played Seven Minutes in Heaven before, but had never actually done anything during my turn in the closet.

My panties were starting to get wet as he played with my nipple again. I knew there was no way I'd be able to come before the seven minutes was up, but I was craving the feeling of something against my pussy. Still working Brandon's cock, I quickly undid the button of my jeans, then grabbed his hand and guided it between my legs.

"Stick your fingers inside me," I whispered urgently.

He made a choked noise as his fingers moved into my panties, feeling the juices coating my folds. I sighed as he slid a finger into my dripping entrance, the walls of my pussy clenching almost involuntarily against his thick finger.

"So he quit after I got really drunk at the staff party and puked on his shoes..."

I continued yammering as Brandon fingered me, my hand setting the pace on his cock. We had to be getting close to the timer going off, but I couldn't bring myself to stop.

Brandon was almost panting, and he leaned his face towards mine. "This is embarrassing but I think I'm gonna come already. Where...?"

It was a good question, and one I hadn't thought of before grabbing Brandon's cock. I didn't think he'd want to sit around the party with his boxers full of cum, but it would be pretty obvious if either of us walked out there with jizz on our clothes. So I did the only sensible thing.

Pulling Brandon's hand from my own pants, I dropped to my knees in front of him and pulled his cock out fully from his boxers. As soon as it was out, I took him in my mouth and began bobbing my head.

Brandon's knees buckled slightly as he grabbed my head. Within just a few moments, he was coming. Hot spurts of salty cum filled my mouth and he struggled to keep quiet, muffled groans escaping his throat as he finished. As soon as he was done, I stood back up, and we both hurried to do our pants back up.

"Sorry," he mumbled. "That was—"

"—totally expected and not something to apologize for." I laughed as I patted my hair down. "You can make it up to me later, okay?"

As soon as I finished speaking, the door flew open. I squinted in the sudden brightness as the faces of our friends peered eagerly into the room.

"Damnit, nothing from them either," declared Calvin.

Brandon was standing in almost the same spot Veronica had been, and I had mirrored Reid's pose leaning against the washing machine. Casually, I walked from the room.

"Course not. Like we could get anything done with you people yammering at the door."

"Don't look so surprised, you could hear them talking the whole time," Sydney said.

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