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Never in a Million Years

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She surprised him.
3.2k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 02/24/2008
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My wife Kay is as close to a normal housewife as can be described. Twelve long years together, I can't say we ever really had a fight.

She is pretty in her own way, certainly no raving beauty but what she lacks in that is made up for in a personality that makes everyone who meets her just love her.

Her hair is best described as dishwater blonde, framed over her ears. No point in trying to curl it, it won't. Kay just brushes it out in a half dozen strokes and that's it. Add in the sparkling light blue eyes, slightly high cheekbones and a nose a bit on the thin side and you have seen a lot of women similar in appearance.

What stands out is she was born with a smile on her face and it never left. People, animals, with everyone and everything the reaction to her is the same.

Every tiny creature on the face of the Earth that she sees will get adopted and there is no way out of that.

So we have 4 Cats and two scruffy Dogs, there is even a three legged Rabbit in a pen out back.

I gave up on trying to evict the Cats from the bed at night and got one of those giant California king beds. That was a blessing anyway since we are both tall.

Kay is very tall as women go, she was 5'10" by the time she was a senior in high school, and added another before we got married. Athletic, too, she played center on our women's basketball team.

That is how we met, I played guard on the men's team.

I happened to stop by the gym one afternoon, pretending to just to get some gear since the women's team was practicing. I liked to watch them, strong muscular legs and arms, sweat pouring off of them. I had even dated Sherry, one of the other gals for a few months.

Sherry was a bit reserved, I got a peck on the cheek and nothing else so after a few dates we just drifted apart.

I spotted Kay as she moved to the outside and took the ball, then inside, her long legs working in the air to maintain balance as she seemed to float up toward the basket.

She slammed the ball and landed on her feet, grinning. I clapped my hands, she glanced up and gave me a wicked smile that made my heart skip a beat.

I sat mesmerized.

I was waiting later as she came out of the locker room.

Her eyes looked around the room, it was like she was perhaps expecting me to be there?

"Hi!" I said simply.

"Hi back! You are on the men's team, aren't you?"

"Yea. I'm Dan."

"Kay." She held out her hand, I shook it.

That somehow seemed odd.


"Sure, but let's make it juice, OK?"

"Juice it is."

That was probably as close as I ever came to actually asking her for a date, we just hooked up.

One of those meant to be things, my 6'2" body was just the right size for hers. From that first day sitting and talking, drinking Grape juice, we were just together.

I could say that we ended up in bed and had wild sex, that didn't happen. We necked in the car, we necked in my apartment. Hell, we necked everywhere that we thought nobody was looking and a few places when they were. Sometimes when we were alone I tried to fondle her breasts through her clothing with a bit of success, getting my hands pushed away when I tried to go farther.

We were a full 4 months into our exclusive relationship when she told me with a shy expression on her face that she had seen the Doctor.

"Doctor? What for?"

"Birth control pills."

So we became lovers, even that was matter of fact.

I remember waiting in bed, strangely nervous as she prepared herself in the bathroom. There was just a little back light in the room, she came out and stood there for a moment, in a pose.

I am sure it was deliberate.

The light framed her body, I could see the outline of her right breast, the curve of her hips. There were no concerns about my performance, the sight was so beautiful I became as hard as a rock and just stayed that way.

Then she walked to the side of the bed, leaned down and kissed me. Flipping the covers aside, she slid into bed, her fingers brushing up and across my chest, then down to fondle me.

Her body shuddered in excitement as she felt my length, I reached over and slid my own hand down her side, then stroked up and over her damp lips. She felt soft, moist, hot.

I was rewarded with another tremble I took to be a small orgasm. There were many stronger ones that night for both of us.

It had become obvious that we were going to be together, I never did formally ask her to marry me.

We shopped together for her rings, Kay really wasn't into the big rock or anything like that. The gold engagement ring was a nice little 3/8ths blue white diamond, the wedding ring a simple gold band.

It seemed like half the planet was at our wedding, it was a big party. Her Dad put on quite a show, even a band set up in his yard on the back of a big flat bed truck. Her family was fairly well off, owning a medium size trucking company.

My own parents were not wealthy, just comfortable. My Dad was a writer, mostly pulp fiction, my Mom sold real estate.

I went to work at a large company in the automotive field, Kay took a part time job working in electronics.

The house, the car, the boat, all the things like that came along over a decade or so of living together.

Then came the computer.

It didn't take very long for Kay to become somewhat addicted to it. First it was online games and chat boards. I noticed she would spend hours in the evenings in our spare room online.

Still, she kept up with everything else, so I didn't say much.

I even got into some of that myself, in short order I found some websites that showed photos that I figured Kay would throw a fit about me looking at, so I was careful.

But I liked some of that, I spent time on the bodybuilder's sites looking at women. Then I found one that had photos of women posing nude, my weakness was for the athletic types.

I was always careful to clear the history though.

The next thing I noticed was whenever I went online, the history was cleared also which meant Kay didn't want me to know what she was looking at either.

I thought about that quite a bit. No way was Kay having any type of a silly online affair, she just wasn't like that.

It did cross my mind to try and snoop but in twelve long years I had never even looked inside her purse, she had never looked inside my wallet.

More silly stuff but we did keep that one private place for each of us that just could not be violated.

So I knew she would never find the piece of paper with the phone number on it. A massuese I knew that was a bit more willing than most, if you know what I mean.

It wasn't that I had any physical need for sex, Kay seldom begged off, in fact she often initiated. Her responses to me were easy and natural, she reached her peak with almost no effort.

Kay stayed interested in basketball, she served as coach for a local league. Just fun stuff for her, plus it had the advantage of keeping her body in shape.

She also didn't mind if I came along and watched, knowing me well enough to know how much I liked that. The gals on her team were all younger, in their 20's. I often got to sit and watch, it was great fun.

They all wore those loose tops, shorts, and they ran around all over sweating. Several would just wear a sports bra on the warmer days, that was a kick, too.

Then one evening while Kay was at the gym I decided to stay home. It was a cool night anyway, I knew most of them would be wearing sweats anyway.

I clicked on the PC and was loading some body building videos. I normally went to the free sites but one link popped up and required a credit card to enter.

I have no idea why I did but I entered my card number, paid the $9.95 for access.

Wow! This was different! There were photos of women in poses, action shots, nearly all of them were topless or in thongs and small tops.

I must have looked at over 200 different photos, when a 2nd link on the side caught my eye.

"Vote!" It said, for the best athlete of the season.

I figured I would cast my vote, so I clicked on that. A page opened up with probably 30 thumbnail size pictures, all fully nude.

I started at the first one and began to wade my way through them. They were all pretty much the same, the first pictures clothed, then topless, ending up with the last two or three fully nude.

A few had obvious bust enlargement jobs but some were slender and lean, the way I liked them.

I was about halfway through when I saw one photo that made my heart skip a beat! There was a shot of a long muscular body, bare breasts exposed. The hips turned slightly away pretending to be coy, left leg raised just enough to hide her pubic region.

And a very familiar blemish on the left hip!

I sat there surprised for a few moments, the picture looked like Kay, right down to the hair style. But her face was turned away.

I opened the next one, then the next. Now there was little doubt, one shot showed her nose and profile fairly clearly. There was no mistaking the breasts that I had had in my hands, my mouth, literally hundreds of times.

All doubt vanished at the last photos as her legs were open, swollen lips clearly on display, her clit protruding, the last one taken from less than a foot away.

My wife's vagina filled the computer screen, larger than life in full living color. I sat there in shock.

I also realized I was as turned on as I ever got.

My Kay never showed any outward sign of being an exhibitionist. Sure, she wore halter tops in the summer, ever present shorts but they weren't the tight and nasty looking kind. Sometimes she wore off the shoulder dresses when we went out for a fancy dinner or to a play, things like that. I did know she got many second looks at parties but she always had so I never really paid a hell of a lot of attention to that.

Spreading her legs, baring her breasts for a camera and posting that on a public website just seemed to be completely abnormal, not something I would have ever suspected.

I checked the vote totals, saw her total placed her third on the list. The top three would be in a video runoff.

I cast my vote, gave my wife a five. Then I closed the screen, cleared the history. Kay arrived home a half hour later, I didn't let on at all. She gave me a peck on the cheek and vanished into the spare room.

That night as we slid into bed, she reached over and stroked my stomach, finding me very up and ready to go.

"Wow!" she said with a giggle, her head slipping under the covers. I relaxed and enjoyed, my head filled with the vision of her laying back, opening herself for the world to see. Kay had me spraying my seed in less than 30 seconds. Then I rolled her over onto her back and pounded into her with gusto, still fully arroused.

"Wow!" She muttered again as I finally softened, her upper body flushed red, tiny ripples moving her tight stomach muscles as she slowly calmed.

We did it again as soon as I woke up, I had another raging hardon.

"What got into you, honey?" She asked me, as she lay there again still flushed with orgasm.

"I don't know, you just look so....so damned good!"

She beamed at that.

The next day I went to the library, spent another $9.95 for a second account and voted again. Checking the totals, I saw she was now in 2nd place.

I made up my mind to be sure that my wife was in the finals no matter how much it cost, the pervert inside me wanted to see what she would do.

Yea, I know. That's cheating. I didn't care.

Another surprise was that was all it took, I guess most guys look but don't vote. A few days later I saw Kay had come in 2nd.

The finals were to be a 2 minute video that had to be submitted in just 7 days. Since we owned no video equipment, I was wondering just how she planned to do that.

Then it hit me!

Who took the pictures in the first place? I have never been famous for quick thinking, I guess.

I did my best to watch Kay closely over the next couple of days. Well, as best as I could since I did have to go to work.

Not a single thing that I could describe as out of the ordinary happened.

I had to wait another full week before Kay would be off at her gym, I couldn't take the chance of her catching me.

Now that was silly, logic would have been me asking her what her nude pictures were doing on the internet?

The voyeur in me made me keep my knowledge a secret.

I sat down and with shaking hands opened the website. I clicked on the contest link. The first one was a dark haired woman with oversized breasts. She squirmed around, lifted her breasts and held them for the camera, finally ending up on her back, legs splayed as wide as humanly possible.

Kay's was there, the 2nd link!

How in the hell?

I skipped it, clicked on the last finalist, it was like the first one except the model was thinner and more agile.

Then taking a deep breath, I clicked on Kay's video. It started out with her walking into a room I didn't recognize, it almost looked like a small studio. She was wearing a halter top and tan shorts, she looked just like how I had seen her almost daily for a dozen years. Then I noticed her hair was longer, darker, it had to be a wig.

She sat on the edge of a futon, reached behind and tripped the catch on her halter top. Her breasts swung free, crinckled up into tiny buttons. She was turned on! She then stood and slid her shorts down her legs, stepped out of them.

She lay back on the small bed, raised and opened her legs several times, almost like doing simple stretch exercises.

The camera moved in closer as she repeated the motions. Then she rolled over on her stomach, lay there for a moment. I saw her draw her knees up, until finally they were against her breasts.

Her hips raised, her knees splayed out wide. She reached back and grasped her butt cheeks, leaned forwards and spread them as wide as they would go.

Her face was against the futon, her ass was elevated and she was completely open to the camera as it moved in closer and closer until finally it was inches away.

My Kay's vagina, her puckered asshole, everything was totally exposed. I hit the pause button.

I realized I had been holding my breath, then I felt my body let go in an orgasm without me even touching myself.

I left the screen like that, went into the bathroom and washed up. I had to discard my briefs.

Back at the computer, I cut and pasted to my files and then printed it. Then I closed the program, deliberately leaving the history.

I popped a beer open, went into the living room and clicked on the TV, sat and waited. I set the printout face down on the center table.

It was just over an hour later when Kay got home.

"Hi, honey!" She gave me a bright smile as she came in. I looked her up and down, she had on a different blouse but the same pair of shorts I had seen in the video.

I got up and wrapped my arms around her, she seemed a little surprised at that. I kissed her, letting my hands roam all over her body. It doesn't normally take much of that to get Kay going, this time was no exception.

In short order I had her naked, I shoved myself inside her with little fanfare. She was already damp, though. I rolled her over on her hands and knees, the same scene I had seen on the computer was before me. I leaned forward and slid inside her again as she thrust back at me.

Then I reached up and picked up the photo, turned it over and lay it on the carpet in front of her.

She looked, hesitated, then gasped.

"Oh my GOD!" She said as she tried to pull away from me. But I had her hips solidly, I held her and just kept pounding away.

"OH! Dan!...I...OH!...I can..EXPLAIN!!! She shrieked as her orgasm overwhelmed her.

I felt myself begin to soften, then I slid out. We sat exhausted for a few seconds.

"So? Tell me what that is all about?"

Kay blushed, then looked down.

"It was just for fun...It started out as just some pictures."

"Those were quite some pictures." I grinned at her.

She studied my face.

"You aren't mad?"

"Did I seem to be mad?"


"Yea, it was a butt for sure!" I wisecracked.

"I'm sorry..."

"Don't be. I have never been so turned on in my life!"

"You...You liked that?"

"Yea, you were gorgeous, so naughty." I reached out and fondled her breast.

I saw her take a sigh of relief.

"Well, I won't do it again."

"Why not? In fact, why not be a...LOT..naughtier?"

"You want me to..you mean..It's OK?"

"Sure. No more bras, no more panties, OK?"


"Maybe do some flashing, teasing? That seems to excite me."

"Oh Danny. It does me too."

"Well, let's go look and see how you did in the contest."

We sat in the computer room and replayed the video, Kay hiked up one leg and slid over me and settled down as we watched.

I came again as the screen showed her leaning forward, spreading herself for the world.

"One question, hon. Who took the pictures?"

"Boy, do I have a story for you!" She grinned.

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Carioca_ManCarioca_Manover 2 years ago


Is she a bitch?

Is she a traitor?

Is she selfish and conniving?

He loves her?

Will he forgive her?

Will he wonder if his life would be better with her or without her?

We will definitely never know.

The only certainty is that this kind of behavior of a wife does not fit men with balls.

Only sissies and cuckolds would accept anything that came from this woman.

My opinion: kick the bitch to the curb. Just give what feminazi justice will grant and go for life...

It's not worth keeping a slut at home. Better to have freedom and enjoy other pussy, without getting attached.

But that's just my opinion.

krosis666krosis666almost 10 years ago
Not an exhibishionist

She is a cheater. Exhibitionists are open and honest with their partners, wanting to involve them, because they want to show themselves off to their partners too! This was not exhibitionism, the whole idea of exhibitionism is to display yourself in PUBLIC, to other people. She wasn't doing that. She was getting someone to take naked photos of her IN PRIVATE. She was keeping it all a SECRET. That's the very opposite of exhibitionism. If it was just her desire to show off, the first person she would try to involve would be her husband. After all, his reaction when he found out showed the idea of exhibitionism turned him on, he showed her that by going to the gym and watching all the women. So it was apparent to anyone that he is a voyeur. Exactly what an exhibitionist wants. And she would have known all this, and still kept it all a secret. She still didn't tell him who was taking the photos, even when he showed her that he was ok with her being naked, why? Seems like she was doing it for someone else, for another person's benefit.

Doing something like that behind your partner's back is cheating.

bruce22bruce22over 11 years ago
This story dances on the edge of the chasm.

Being an exhibitionist is a problem or perhaps a pleasure, but I am not sure whether it makes her a cheat... It could lead to it though. Nicely done MGM, as always.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
just divorce her

save the pain

TavadelphinTavadelphinalmost 12 years ago
Trouble coming now -

The truth shall set you free - the freer the better

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