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New Corporate Courtesan Ch. 02

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Diane makes her decision and gets to work.
4.1k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 06/21/2022
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Chapter 02

The story so far: The company is re-establishing an executive position that might (but won't) be called "Corporate Whore." Diane, a young professional in the manufacturing division, is surprised when her boss (Phil Uhler) tries to recruit her for the position. She agrees to an impromptu "feasibility study" in her boss's office. He is pleased with the results.


When she walked into Uhler's office Thursday morning, Diane had not decided whether to accept the new position. The rewards were large, but the drawbacks seemed pretty substantial too. For one, the job would probably play havoc with her social life--what there was of it. And it would doubtless make finding a long-term mate even more of a challenge. Not that she even had any prospects at the moment.

The sex itself would probably not be a big problem, she figured. She already took sex more casually than many people did. She refrained from having two-person sex with the partners of her good friends: that was her main inhibition. Beyond that, she was open to possibilities.

A bigger problem was self-image. She had long ago resigned herself to being a "corporate whore" in the metaphorical sense--sacrificing at least some principles as necessary to get ahead. There's just no getting around that in any corporation. But now we're contemplating "corporate whore" in a rather more literal sense, aren't we? Probably no one would use the W-word in her presence. Still, a spade is a spade even with a fancy ribbon on its handle.

Of course she would hardly be alone. It was understood that some of the more successful women in Sales would go to interesting lengths to keep an important customer happy or to land a new one. To be sure, the women were working partly on commission. They had some strong personal motivation to go that extra mile. In the presence of these women, male colleagues occasionally gave each other a knowing look or a smile, but Diane had never heard anyone actually speak a word of disparagement. In business, the most important moral virtue is success.

Intellectually, she was divided and uncertain. Emotionally, she sensed, she was inclining towards yes.

On Tuesday Uhler had informed her of this new position. The job overview had startled her but not, obviously, repelled her. Her own attitudes towards sex had been pretty advanced, for years. Even so, Diane had never considered prostitution--if that was the right name for this new job opening. Names aside, the increase in salary and perks apparently would be large.

For some reason, on Tuesday she had agreed to a "feasibility study" in Uhler's office. To her surprise, she found herself, on command, displaying her pussy to Uhler, stripping naked for him, kissing him, then kneeling and blowing him and--on her own initiative--swallowing his semen. And then, even more improbably than all that, enjoying delightful sex with the beautiful Cathy Polischuk, from Payroll. Too bad Uhler hadn't been able to stay and watch, she reflected. The sight of the two of them must have been lovely. Two days later, Diane's head still was spinning a little from Tuesday.

The three sat in the leather chairs around the low, glass-topped table. Diane sipped the remarkably good coffee Uhler had managed to procure. Chuck Barnsley, from Executive Development, was speaking with refreshing candor.

"Tolland Health and Beauty has been paused at an inflection point for too long," he said. "We know we have to change our approach. For one, our own brands are too mid-market. But the middle of the market is shrinking, along with the middle class generally. We've got to go either upmarket or down, or conceivably both, if we have the resources for that.

"We had a plan we were getting set to announce when the global pandemic hit. That upended everything. The supply chain and logistics suddenly went crazy in ways nobody had foreseen. Just as an example: glass bottles. Standard plain ones are still reasonably available, but custom-made fancy ones are extremely difficult to get. That's okay news for discount brands, bad news for Chanel, mixed for us. Catalog-grade paper suddenly is scarce because mills are switching over to corrugated cardboard--you can imagine why.

"The pandemic did us some good, too. Business for our contract manufacturing division has gone through the roof. Because even if a Chinese contractor manages to get a product made and packaged, getting it across the Pacific has gotten very dicey and very expensive. So what used to look like a liability for us now looks like a good asset: several U.S. manufacturing plants. Five years from now, who knows? An extra bonus for now: firewalls be damned, you learn a lot about a competitor's product by manufacturing it, and you start seeing new possibilities.

"The upshot is, the Powers That Be have now decided to move in several directions at once, and we'll see what endures. It would be prudent of me not to speculate on how this big initiative might affect profits in the short term, so I won't. We all know how the SEC feels about insider trading, so a word to the wise. Don't do anything before the public announcement.

Barnsley took another mouthful of coffee then set his mug down again. As he moved, Diane noticed how beautifully his gray suit fit him. Uhler's likewise. Her own business wear, including the silk-blend dress she was wearing, was decent enough but not in that league.

Barnsley continued. "We're going to make a serious effort to increase product development and sales--both upmarket and down plus contract manufacturing. This new position is a part of that effort. We tried a position like it before, in the 1980s. Results were mixed but encouraging. A mistake we made then was that the ladies were not well grounded in our industry. Clients would speak freely in their presence, but the ladies weren't attuned to the significance of what they were hearing--or often even the literal meaning. Eventually we realized that the position required an industry professional, not just an attractive outsider.

"The position faded away in the 1990s. A decision was made to bring it back now and this time do it right. You could be a big part of our doing it right, Diane. The benefits to the company would be large, we think. And your compensation would be commensurately large. We're all aware of your current salary. Multiply that by about 1.7 or 1.8. Beyond that, there will be a small clothing and grooming allowance. On occasion you may require some upscale duds, a fancy hairdo, or some high-zoot facial treatment that my wife could explain better than I could. Note I said "require," not "need."

Diane acknowledged the compliment with a smile. Barnsley continued, "Plus you'll have the conventional perks. Occasional performance bonuses when warranted. Reimbursement for necessary travel expenses. The standard employee benefits package but with the better health plan that the higher executives get. Needless to say, we want both you and our clients to stay healthy."

He took another sip of coffee, glanced at his wristwatch, and then returned to his explanation. "You'll have a private office--modest in size but private. And an appropriate title. We're thinking 'Manager of Client Services' has a nice, businesslike ring to it and a useful vagueness."

Diane broke in. "Not to put too fine a point on it, but exactly who would I have to fuck?"

"I'll try to answer that in the same candid spirit as the question itself," said Barnsley. "Often, nobody. The majority of your contacts will be with important clients. Sometimes all they want is an attractive and charming person to take to dinner, perhaps dancing afterwards. Or just to pay attention to them at a cocktail party. If you do find yourself having sex, it will usually be with a major client or potential client. A high-ranking executive or corporate counsel. You'd be a factor in cinching an important deal, perhaps the deciding factor. We're not going to waste you on mundane deals. You'll also continue to do some of your current work in manufacturing cost accounting and QA. Your more social responsibilities will ebb and flow. When they ebb, your other work can pick up the slack.

"When you are attending to a client, you will also be engaged in the ancient and honorable art of industrial espionage," he continued. "No cloak-and-dagger stuff, no break-ins, no miniature cameras. Just keep your eyes and ears open and hear what you hear and see what you happen to see. Obviously, if he wants to talk confidentially about his business, be receptive. And let the company know when you hear or see anything interesting. Again, that's why we want an industry pro like yourself in this position, not just a pretty face."

"What about in-house sex?"

"Yes, occasionally. Perhaps as a reward or incentive for outstanding achievement. Not a reward for you: for him. Or conceivably her. As a practical matter, plan on making yourself available also to anyone with the title of Vice President or above plus Chief Corporate Counsel, if he asks--and if your schedule permits. That's, I think, nine people. Of those nine, probably two or three are too old-fashioned--and at least one is too gay--to take advantage of the opportunity. In any case, we're talking once in a while, not every afternoon. One of the higher-ups may ask you to service another party. You'll report to the VP of Operations, Skip Mobley. If any problems develop, bring them to Mobley. He's a good man, and he watches out for his staff."

"Yes," Uhler concurred. Diane liked hearing that.

Barnsley continued. "He'll probably refrain from having sex with you himself, except at first, to assess your skills. How are you at anal, by the way?"

"It's not my favorite. I can do it."

"We'll work on making it easier and more comfortable for you, Diane."

"Thanks." She hoped he would pick up the sarcasm.


"I'm on the pill," she said.

"Fine. If and when you want, you can use a condom too, even insist on it if you care to. That's your decision to make. Use your best judgment of risk and reward.

"There will be a few weeks of training," Barnsley added. "You'll be fully dressed for most of it. Training in upper-class makeup and grooming styles... French cuisine and table settings... social customs in a few key regions... ballroom dancing, if you lack that. Geisha training, you might call it, or advanced finishing school. Don't worry: you'll do fine. I doubt you'll need much. And in all honesty, you'll use those advanced skills only rarely. But let's make sure you're prepared for anything. Plus we'll work on further refining your skills as a lover if and where warranted. Phil tells me you have fellatio pretty well mastered. We might work a little on deep throat."

She looked up at Uhler, startled. He smiled and then winked. Then he set down his mug and spoke. "An employment contract is drawn up, Diane. I've read it carefully. It's very standard, apart from the euphemisms and vagueness when it describes your duties. Legal must have had fun drawing this one up. Of course the key phrase is, "and other such duties as the Company may require." Chuck has represented what it says very fairly and accurately. I can show you the exact passages representing salary, benefits, and duties.

"If you like, you're welcome to take the contract home and show it to your lawyer. He'll tell you three things. One, it says just what you've been told it says. Two, if it requires what we all believe it requires, it's not legally enforceable, as performance of your new duties for pay is technically unlawful in Connecticut. Three, you couldn't do much with the law anyway, as you have agreed to take all disputes to binding arbitration. You and all the rest of us. I can't give legal advice, but I wouldn't worry about enforceability. Tolland has its faults, but I've never known it to renege on a commitment."

Diane reflected for a moment. Money, status, and perks were all nice indeed. In fact they were the triple Holy Grail of corporate existence. But in fact she had not been especially lusting after any of the three. What the position really offered her was something new. A change in the routine. A chance to try something very different without burning any bridges. An easy step up the corporate ladder.

Also a chance to be very naughty, safely, and be paid well for it. A chance to put a fantasy or two into actual practice. Probably have some fun, too. And her sex life had been in the doldrums for at least a year. Is this all it takes to get me to make a major change in my life? she reflected. Sad. But whatthehell.

"I'll do it," she said, quietly.

Uhler and Barnsley smiled broadly.

"Wonderful, Diane," said Uhler. "Sign here... and again here... and sign this one too. Now would you kindly initial the top of each page of the contract?... Thank you."

Barnsley extended his hand. "Thank you, Diane. I'm sure we will all be happy with the arrangement. I'll see that the paperwork gets processed and you get a copy of everything. Meeting you and talking with you has been a pleasure. You and Phil can work out the logistics of your transition." He began packing his things.

"Can you stay a few more minutes, Chuck?" Uhler asked. "Diane and I are going to consummate the new agreement and celebrate her promotion. I thought you might care to watch. I'll see that you are taken care of afterwards."

Diane stared at Uhler, stunned.

"Thank you, Phil," Barnsley said. "That does sound enjoyable, both parts."

"Consummate?" she said.

"If you don't mind, Diane. My titles do include the phrase, 'Vice President.' And like everyone else, I've spent some time fantasizing about having sex with you. Especially after Cathy's five-star review on Tuesday. Unless there's a problem, would you be so kind as to strip and then sit and open your legs?"

Maybe this is another test, she thought. Or maybe it's the new normal. She was not in the mood for sex at the moment, but she figured she needed to comply. This was something she'd have to get used to. Might as well start now.

Diane removed her shoes and then stood, moved to Uhler's chair, and said, "Unzip me?" She turned her back to him, not waiting for an answer. No man would conceivably say no, ever. Uhler stood, eased the dress's zipper down the back, and sat again. Diane turned to face him again, removed her arms from the dress, then pulled it down over her hips and off. The thin, silk camisole--cream-colored, like the dress--came off next, and then the bra.

Uhler and Barnsley admired her breasts, Barnsley for the first time. Her breasts were a comfortable, pleasant size, probably on the border between B and C cups. Their shape was attractive too, with a nice, gentle slope down to the brown nipple and then a sexy tight curve below. They were large enough to sway as she moved but not so large that they dominated her body. "Harmonious," thought Uhler, who had a bit of a poetic streak.

One art Diane knew she had not mastered was gracefully removing pantyhose. She pulled the top of the hose and also her panties down to mod-thigh. She sat again and worked the garments down her legs and off. Then, naked, she stood and moved the chair away from the table, turned it to face the two men. Blushing a little, she sat near the edge of the seat, leaned back, and slowly opened her legs. As she had done Tuesday, she savored the feel of the soft, cool leather against her skin.

At about the same moment, Uhler said, "Lovely," and Barnsley said, "Beautiful."

"Touch yourself, Diane," instructed Uhler. "Enough to get the juices flowing; then I'll take over."

Diane licked her fingertips and complied. Did they want her eyes open or closed? she wondered. She decided closed would speed up the process, so she did that. Such a performance was neither new nor shocking to her: she had masturbated for boyfriends on several occasions and once for a girlfriend. Of course, doing it at work for your boss and a man you had just met was new and different. Unsettling and a bit degrading, definitely, but kind of pleasant in an odd way. Soon she could feel her moisture developing.

Uhler removed his suitcoat and tucked his silk necktie into his shirt. He approached, knelt, inhaled appreciatively, and began licking her pussy. Diane moved her hand out of his way, brought it to the back of his head and caressed his hair. His tongue was doing lovely things to her private parts; clearly he knew a thing or two about cunnilingus.

She contemplated resisting her own increasing arousal, denying him the satisfaction of driving her to orgasm. That's what the captured maidens always attempted--always unsuccessfully--in the porn stories she had read and the romance novels too. Six or seven licks later Diane decided that attempting that would accomplish nothing except reduce the pleasure all three of them were feeling. What would be the point of that? She let herself relax and enjoy.

Very soon she felt her tension building rapidly, the muscles of her thighs, buttocks, and pelvis clenching. Suddenly she came, not especially quietly. It was a good-sized orgasm, bigger than her first usually was. When she recovered most of her wits, she glanced at the two men. Uhler looked pleased, Barnsley impressed. She realized she had probably set a new personal record in time-to-first-orgasm. Or maybe the record properly belonged to Uhler. She decided he had earned a little positive reinforcement, so she spoke.

"Wow," she said. Uhler smiled.

"When you catch your breath, Diane, kindly go to my desk, bend over it, and move your legs apart." She took a deep breath and obeyed.

She heard him come up behind her, heard his trousers reach the floor. Felt the pressure of his erect penis rubbing on her vulva, borrowing her lubrication. Then it was pressing from behind on her moist vaginal opening. Before she could ask him to put on a condom he was deep inside her.

At about his eighth stroke, he inquired, "Did you want a condom?"

"Next time, please. This time we're fine. Enjoy." In fact she too enjoyed the feel of skin inside her much more than latex. And she especially enjoyed feeling a man ejaculate into her. She decided that Uhler was probably as clean and healthy as they come. She had taken bigger risks in the past.

"Enjoy? No worries about that, Diane," he said. Hands reached under and cupped each of her breasts as he fucked her from behind. He squeezed the breasts with moderate pressure and gently tugged each stiff, brown nipple.

"Unfortunately, I have a commitment at 11," he added, without breaking his rhythm. "So we'll have to call a halt to the fun much sooner than I would like." A minute later he clenched her breasts tightly and flooded her vagina with what felt like an ounce of semen.

Another minute passed, and then he withdrew and kissed the small of her back. Placing a hand where he had kissed, he said, "Stay." Diane remained bent over his desk, examining the tight grain of the walnut. A drop of semen started moving down the inside of her right thigh.

"Sloppy seconds, Chuck? Or would you prefer a different approach?"

"Seconds sounds great, Phil. Do you happen to have a condom? No offense intended. Loretta has been on the warpath lately, so I'm being extra prudent these days."

"No offense taken, of course." Uhler finished restoring his trousers then walked around to the front of his desk. He bent down and kissed Diane on the lips; then he opened a drawer, retrieved a condom, and brought the packet back to Barnsley.

"Diane," said Barnsley, "reach back with both hands and spread your cheeks." She noticed the absence of "please," let alone a "would you kindly...." She laid the right side of her face on the desktop, reached both arms back, and pulled her buttocks apart.


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