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New England Triad Ch. 07

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Beth and Ann try sex without Stephen.
4.8k words

Part 7 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 10/17/2021
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Chapter 07

The flea market yields unexpected delights, sex, and further complications for Beth and Ann.


Author's note: Chapter 7, like the others, is not really a self-contained short story. Rather, it is one part of a fairly complicated long story. For absolute best results, begin New England Triad at Chapter 1 and read the chapters in sequence.

If you'd like to do it differently, the plot-summary, below, should get you off to a good start.

The story so far: Everybody here is a well-educated thirty-something professional. Stephen and Ann Lancome have been married for 10 years. Ann had a brief affair with a married man, Paul, five years ago. Then this July, Stephen stumbled into a loving and ongoing affair with fellow bicyclist Beth Gordon (Chapter 1). At the same time, Beth became Ann's colleague at the office (Chapter 2). How's that for awkward? Ann knows about the affair and has been putting up with it, hoping it will all blow over soon. Ann and Beth actually like each other. One night in August they had lesbian sex together and then a threesome with Stephen (Chapter 3).

On a business trip to Pittsburgh right after Labor Day, Ann had a one-night stand with an old boyfriend from college, Justin Abernathy (Chapter 5). Ann tells Beth about it briefly in this chapter (7). The action in this chapter takes place on Sunday, October 10.


Hitting the Sunday flea market in Loomisville--three days after her lunchtime rendezvous with Stephen--was Beth's idea. It would be something different and also cheap recreation. And who knows? she might even find something there she liked. Or, almost as good, something so atrociously, irredeemably awful it would make a great conversation piece or a fun ironic gift.

An excursion like this demanded company. Alas, Dev wasn't free this Sunday, and Beth's friend Kathy was out of town with the kids. Beth realized again that she didn't have altogether that many friends.

Stephen was a possibility, she thought, and the two of them could even bicycle to Loomisville if they wanted. But most of the distance would have to be on fairly crowded, fast two-lanes--highway 44 or else state route 66. That was do-able but not especially enjoyable. And somehow Stephen just didn't seem like the flea-market type. Not the Loomisville flea market type, anyway. Or maybe, Beth realized, she was just in the mood for some female company. She dialed Ann's number.

The outing sounded like fun to Ann. They decided that, unless it rained, Beth would pick her up Sunday about 9:30. They'd spend an hour or two at the flea market, then have lunch somewhere.

Sunday morning, before Beth arrived, Ann had just one question for Stephen. "Did you tell her about Justin?"

"No, not a word."

"Thank you."

He waited for the second question: Did you and Beth have sex when she came over for lunch Thursday? The third question would be, In our bed? But the second and third questions never came. The questions that didn't get asked, Stephen mused--like the dog that didn't bark in that Sherlock Holmes story. Is that silence an important clue? To what?

At last he resolved to stop worrying about it and nearly succeeded.

What he felt mostly was relief that he didn't have to go back to that flea market. He tried to remember some of the junk he saw there the first time. Used percolators, both stovetop and electric. LPs of Christian devotional music by dozens of obscure male quartets. Used clothing that even Goodwill would hesitate to accept. A pile of random nuts, bolts, screws, angle brackets, turnbuckles, and other hardware. Wooden trays made in 7th-grade shop class. Bootleg and even home-copied cassette tapes of country/western hits. His memory had mercifully suppressed the rest. Perhaps a female eye could find objects of beauty and value that he had managed to overlook. Best of luck.

He and Ann each greeted Beth warmly when she arrived. A couple minutes later the ladies were off, looking like they were starting out on a fun adventure. Stephen grabbed the last of the coffee and returned to the stack of quizzes he was grading.


The Loomisville outdoor flea market was not as bad as Stephen remembered, though Ann and Beth did walk quickly past many of the tables. But a display of costume jewelry was fun. Beth browsed a board of national-flag pins and bought one with a design she liked: three horizontal bars and an intriguing seal in the center. It turned out to be a version of Ethiopia's flag, obsolete since 1987.

On the same table Ann found a cameo pin of Lenin, his profile red on a goldtone wavy-flag background. It looked cute as heck and wonderfully transgressive, and there must be someplace she could wear it to. If not, Stephen might enjoy wearing it to class just to alarm the business majors. Not that most young people would recognize Lenin if they tripped over him.

Another display caught their interest: racks and piles of newly manufactured clothes and accessories that looked straight out of the late 1960s. "Stephen's dad would have loved this stuff," Ann explained. "Actually, Stephen and I kind of like the look too."

Beth was glad to take a look, so the two of them began sorting through the tie-died T-shirts and halter tops, sweatshirts with Zen mandalas and legends like "Be. Here. Now." Not to mention bead headbands, necklaces, bracelets, and anklets; sew-on patches featuring The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers and Mr. Natural; lovely long skirts and dresses in Indian fabrics; fringed, buckskin-looking skirts and jackets; denim miniskirts and shirts; beautifully woven guitar straps; inexpensive hookahs; cigarette rolling machines; silver jewelry; roach clips; and lapel pins with slogans including "Make Love Not War" and "Anarchists Unite!"

Who knew there was still a market for all this late-1960s nostalgia? Or maybe there wasn't--which is why it was here and priced low at the Loomisville flea market.

Ann and Beth each found a handful of jewelry they wanted plus a few tops, skirts, and, for Ann, an Indian-print dress. A dressing room was even available: an old tent, maybe nine or ten feet square and more than tall enough to stand in. Flaps were in place covering the main screen-windows, but there was some ventilation at the bottom and the top. The open door faced a patch of woods, so there was reasonably good privacy. Certainly more privacy than anybody felt they needed at Woodstock, to judge from the photos and movie! The two women left the jewelry with the cashier and carried the clothes into the tent.

The mirror inside was too small, but Ann and Beth could give each other feedback on the fit and the look. Some of their selections didn't fit or simply wouldn't work; others looked good on them. Both women were glad there was a fitting room, primitive though it was.

To be sure, it felt a little odd in there, rather sexy too. There the two of them were, partially undressed yet surrounded on three sides by other people. Ann and Beth could not be seen, yet through the thin tent material they could clearly hear the private conversations of dozens of people, all fairly close-by. Close your eyes, and you could easily feel that you--half-naked, or more than half--were exposed in public. It was a little creepy and maybe more than a little erotic. Like those old Maidenform Bra ads. To say nothing of the fact that the half-naked person sharing the tent with you had recently been, for a few hours anyway, your lover.

They were just about finished with the clothes when Beth inhaled sharply. Ann turned to look.

Beth was embarrassed. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. I just..."

Ann raised her eyebrows. At that moment she was standing, wearing only her socks and panties. Beth was in her shirt and panties.

Beth tried again. "I mean, obviously I've seen you with your clothes off before, but it's just... I don't know... the light..."

Ann moved closer to Beth, facing her, her lips a little pursed, silently inviting her to speak more.

"The light was just catching your breasts in this lovely way, and I guess I was just kind of suddenly struck by... uh..."

Ann reached her hand up and touched Beth's upper arm.

"By how beautiful you looked."

Ann saw that she had to get in touch with her feelings quickly and think quickly. The moment was very, very charged. The sensible thing would be for her to respond casually and quickly change the subject.

And the sensible thing would have been not to have sex with Justin. Or Paul. The sensible thing would have been to tell Stephen and Beth to keep their pants zipped and their goddam hands off each other. The sensible thing would have been not to initiate lesbian sex when Beth came over for dinner. Or now. I've got quite a track record when it comes to being sensible, don't I? she thought

She also thought, how can you have very nice sex with someone just once and then just back off and leave her stranded and act like it never happened? Someone you cared for enough to have sex with in the first place.

And did that apply to Justin too?

Last, she realized that she had nowhere near enough time to think all this through, so she might as well act on instinct. As usual. Maybe as always. She gave Beth a quick kiss on the lips.

"You are beautiful too, Beth."

They kissed again, and this kiss lingered, though it stayed more tender than passionate. Beth touched and then caressed Ann's right breast, and both of Ann's nipples stiffened. The strength of her own response surprised Ann. She moved a hand to Beth's panty-clad bottom.

A minute later it was Beth who uttered the first sensible words. "We need to get dressed."

They did and left the tent. They placed the unwanted garments on a table, brought the wanted ones to the register, retrieved the jewelry, paid, and walked on. Neither of them really felt like browsing any more.

After a minute, Beth made a suggestion, rather hesitantly. "I could make us lunch."

Ann thought, if I want to change direction I need to say, "Let's go to that restaurant we passed." Do I want to change direction? Then she thought, again, don't try to think this through. It will take hours to think this through. Just do whatever feels right. That usually works well enough.

"That would be nice," Ann said.


This was the first time Ann had seen Beth's house. Beth gave her a tour and, like Stephen, Ann found the house charming. They had it all to themselves today. Dev was off at one of the labs again--there was one at the main campus and another at the medical school, and Dev did something or other at each. Ph.D.-level biochemistry was pretty much beyond Beth's comprehension, and Ann's too.

Beth had a pound of bay scallops in the freezer. They would thaw quickly in water. Ann chopped the fresh parsley and some salad ingredients while Beth prepared the rest of the meal: scallops and a bit of prosciutto poached in a white-wine sauce over toast points, plus a quick green salad. The nearly-full bottle of Rhine wine in the fridge would serve for both sauce and beverage.

They ate at the kitchen table. Ann enjoyed both the meal and Beth's company. The wine, complex and fairly dry for a Rhine, went well with the scallops. Ann allowed herself a second glass. Beth, who had to drive Ann home, decided to stop at one.

Beth made coffee and found some cream and sugar for Ann. They carried their cups into the living room and sat and chatted some more. After a bit, Ann surprised Beth by bringing up the evening in August the three of them had spent together. The evening Ann and Beth had made love to each other and then all three had made love.

"Speaking of the '60s, I don't suppose you have any more of that lovely Cannabis you brought over for our dinner?"

"Alas, no," Beth replied. "That was the end of a small but very thoughtful Christmas present." She smiled. "I wrapped it and kept it in the freezer for a special occasion."

"It was a pretty special occasion," Ann said, "and we've hardly seen each other since."

Again Beth was surprised: Ann was being unusually forward. Of course they had just shared a very intimate moment at the flea market. Then again, a 25-mile drive and a couple hours had come between that moment and now. Could they get back to where they were in the tent? Beth gave it a 50-50 chance.

"It was very special for me too, Ann," she said. "Though next time I might like to try it after two or three fewer glasses of wine. And not necessarily with Stephen waiting in the wings. Though I expect the smoke did us nothing but good. Unless it was the roast lamb."

"Aren't scallops supposed to be an aphrodisiac?" Ann inquired. "Or is that just oysters?"

"Shellfish is shellfish," Beth declared. "It all works the same. Are you feeling horny?"

"Yes. Want to take me home to my husband?"


"Want to take me upstairs?"


Ann smiled, stood, and set down her coffee cup. Beth did the same. Once again, they held hands and climbed a flight of stairs.


Their first time together was easier, and somehow it had seemed more natural and inevitable. For one, they had had much more to drink and some Cannabis on top of that. Plus, as a warmup, a playful discussion of threesomes. And Stephen had been present--first in the living room, where Beth and Ann's lovemaking began; and then he had been at least nearby, when the two women moved to the bedroom. Somehow his presence made their lesbian contact seem a little more more like... maybe enhanced heterosexuality? And, that first time, the girl-girl sex had all been entirely unplanned and impulsive.

But now they were doing it deliberately, with much less alcohol and no dope and no Stephen. And in broad daylight. It's really lesbian this time, felt Beth. And I'm more straight than bi. Beth wasn't sure, anymore, exactly where Ann was located on the spectrum.

They were standing, facing each other, topless, in Beth's bedroom. With both of her hands Beth fondled Ann's breasts. "It's different this time, isn't it?" Beth said. "How are you feeling?"

"A little awkward," Ann admitted. She put her hands on Beth's breasts. "But nice."

"We could take a rain-check...."

"Let's not."

Ann kissed Beth. She kept one hand on Beth's breast but moved the other hand around to caress Beth's back and bottom.

"Let's get undressed, climb into bed, and snuggle for a bit," Ann said. They did. Soon each had a hand between the other's legs, and they were kissing. Their tongues explored each other's mouth playfully.

After a few minutes their lovemaking felt much less strange and awkward to both of them, felt more natural and normal. At one point Beth surprised herself when she realized that, for the past several minutes, she had just been making love with her partner, not making love to a woman specifically.

Obviously, there were differences, if you were paying attention. This time her partner's body was soft, not firm; the chest and underarms and legs were hairless, not hairy--none of Beth's male lovers had been a body-shaver. Also, there was no erect penis bumping into you every time you snuggled up; and your partner's face was not handsome but pretty. Beth took another look. Very pretty.

Then Ann repositioned herself and initiated a side-by side 69. Beth did her part. Okay, she thought, this part is 'way different. She found performing cunnilingus pleasant enough, though she didn't take as much delight in it as Stephen and some other men did. Maybe it's pheromones or something, she thought. Maybe men's brains respond differently to whatever natural chemicals are down there. Like women and chocolate. On the other hand, she did really enjoy being on the receiving end of oral sex--now as always. Ann obviously did too.

Ann had a small, quiet orgasm, and soon Beth did too--less quiet. Small but lovely, Beth thought. This one came with a kaleidoscope of colors--mostly blues and yellows and greens--which lasted three or four seconds. Beth was pleased. The light show had happened several times before, over the years, but it didn't happen often. It hadn't yet happened during sex with Stephen.

"That time I saw colors," she said.

Ann, her head still between Beth's legs, gave her a tender kiss. "Which ones?"

"Different shades of yellow... green... blue.... Maybe a flash or two of silver."

"Mmmmmmmmm," Ann replied, her voice muffled.

The position was starting to get a little uncomfortable, so Beth removed her vulva from Ann's face and moved herself around and onto her tummy, her head between Ann's legs. She savored Ann's scent and taste a bit. Once again she decided that the experience was pleasant but stopped short of wonderfulness. Not a bad way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Add Stephen to the mix again, and it would be even better.

Beth got to work with her tongue, and Ann responded nicely. Beth soon brought her to orgasm and then licked gently around the area for another minute.

"Oooh, thank you," Ann said. "Can I return the favor?"

"I think I'm fine. Let's just hug for a bit."


Ann and Beth snuggled for awhile then worked themselves up to a sitting position--naked, their backs propped on pillows against the headboard, feet stretched out in front of them. They pulled the top sheet up to the top of their pubic mounds.

Ann felt playful. "Well," she said, "you wanted to try it sober this time. How did it go?"

Beth smiled. "Oh, it was very nice. But as Dev would say, there are too many uncontrolled variables here to draw firm conclusions--scallops this time vs. lamb and dope, daytime rather than night. Further research clearly is indicated. Do you concur?"

Ann enjoyed Beth's pastiche and did her best to reply in kind. "Far be it from me to impede the forward march of science!" They smiled and hugged.

"How was Pittsburgh, by the way?" Beth asked. "I haven't seen you since you got back."

Ann couldn't think of any reason to hide any of the highlights.

"They tired me out but good, but otherwise I had a pretty good time. I had to dress a bit more provocatively than I'm used to when I was manning the booth. That really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be--actually, it was kind of fun. And apparently I did a decent job of discussing our products and answering questions. Some of the older guys who came up to the booth seemed quite surprised that a girl with nice legs--as they judged--would know the difference between an RCA connector and a Fahnestock clip. The younger ones were much less sexist, which is good news for Western Civilization.

"I had to go out to dinner a couple times with some company execs and important clients. I basically just had to look pretty and act charming. So I had some really, really good food at a couple very nice restaurants. And nobody asked me to help make the sale by sleeping with a client--though I'm sure the thought occurred to a few people. And it wouldn't have done my career any harm if I had. But they all knew I was a technical writer, not a salesman, and definitely not working on commission."

Ann had an afterthought. "And, of course, married."

"Drat!" Beth kidded. "So I don't get to hear any racy stories of illicit sex?"

"Now, I didn't say that, did I? I did run into an old flame of mine at the show."

Beth looked intrigued. "And?"

"We dated my freshman year at college. A really nice guy, good-looking too. Even more so now. African and Jamaican ancestry. Unfortunately for poor Justin, I was seriously a virgin back then. And afraid of boys' bodies, and I hated my own. He did help with my body-image problem. He loved my breasts for some reason, and I'd let him play with them--it seemed like for hours. That's about all the poor guy got from me at the time."


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