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New Job Physical

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New boss undergoes a humiliating physical.
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Everyone in this story is 18 years old or older.

James could hardly contain his excitement. Just out of college and his first job entailed his being in charge of his own office and staff. Four employees were under his authority. He could scarcely believe his good fortune.

This "good fortune" shouldn't come as that much of a surprise to him. With his good looks and athletic build most everything had come easy for James. Handsome folks seem to breeze through life on a different plane as opposed to us regular folk.

James's blond hair and deep blue eyes had charmed many girls throughout thigh school and college. He was proud of his good looks and sleek body and wasn't afraid to use them to his advantage. He loved to tease those unfortunate girls that didn't meet his standard of looks. He enjoyed playing with their hopes that they might get to date him someday. He'd lead them to believe they had a chance and at the last moment drop them. He lives to treat women like lesser humans than men. He got off on the feeling of putting them in "their place."

The office had only been up and running for two weeks but the four women working there had already pegged James as a prick. Sandra and Pam were also fresh out of college and this was their first job. The other two women in the office were veterans. Blanche and Betty had been with this company a combined twenty-five years.

Both Blanche and Betty had been passed over, by men, for promotions more than a few times. They both were well aware of this but had few avenues of recourse.

All four women under James realized what kind of boss he was and knew they just needed to bide their time. If the women worked together he could do little more than annoy them.

Blanche received a call from corporate indicating there was an emergency that needed immediate resolution. She knocked on James's door. "Come in,"James said.

"I just received a call from corporate," Blanche told him. "It seems someone screwed up royally."

"How's that"? James asked.

"Every employee, new or tenured, starting in a new position must undergo a company insurance physical," she said.

"So how's that an emergency or a screw up." James asked.

"The mandatory physical MUST be completed BEFORE starting the job position. We were supposed to have completed these exams two weeks ago before starting these jobs." Blanche explained.

"So what's the big deal, we'll get them done sometime soon,"James responded.

"Corporate thinks differently. We have twenty-four hours to get these exams completed or they'll shut us down, maybe permanently." Blanche explained.

"What the fuc...you can't be serious"! James said. "How can we possibly get that done in that amount of time, that's Impossible!"

"Well, having been with the company for as many years as I have, I do have friends inside," Blanche announced. "I'd be happy to see if I can get this taken care of, if you'd like me to try"?

"Please! If there's anything you can do I would greatly appreciate it." James responded. "Of course this helps all of us here, you ladies included."

Blanche recognized the smirk intended by his last comment. In other words you need to do this to save your job. Damn was he an ass hole or what?

Blanche called her good friend and co-worker, Dr. Jane Smith. Dr. Smith was the company's on-site medical professional. She handled everything from minor scrapes and yearly physicals to determining if an employee needed to be hospitalized. She too was a long time company employee.

After Blanche had explained the situation to Dr. Smith, she agreed to work them in tomorrow. Blanche went on to fill the Dr. in on what a piece of work her new boss was. She mentioned how he treated his female employees as second class citizens and belittled them at every opportunity.

Dr. Smith listened to every word Blanche said and assured her she'd run into his type many times before and couldn't stand them. She ended the call by telling Blanche that they should all report to her clinic first thing tomorrow morning. Blanche was to make sure everyone understood that she'd be working them in as she could and to expect the exams to take longer than a scheduled exam.

James was relieved to hear the great news and that they wouldn't be in danger of being closed permanently just as they were getting up and running.

The next morning Sandra, Pam, Betty and Blanche were waiting at the clinic door when it opened. The young receptionists said, "You must be the 'emergency' group Dr. Smith told me to be expecting this morning."

Blanche spoke up saying, "This is most of us. There's still one missing," she explained in an unapologetic tone. "James, our boss seems to be running late."

"That's no way to start off with the Dr., she's quite a stickler for being prompt," the young receptionists said. "Dr, Smith instructed me to bring you guys back as soon as you arrived. I guess we'll start without your boss."

She led them back to an exam room where the exams began.

Nearly an hour later James came lumbering into the clinic. Strutting up to the receptionists he said, "Hi, I'm James and we, my office subordinates and I, were to get an emergency exam today."

The receptionists looked up at the handsome young man and said, "Yes. You were expected first thing this morning, I believe."

"Oh well I assumed that was for my staff. Since I'm the boss and the only man, I presumed the Dr. could take care of the 'girls' and then attend to me." James arrogantly replied.

"Oh I see," she said. "I'll let the Dr. know your finally here. Please have a seat behind you in the waiting room till I return."

In a very few minutes the young receptionists returned and called for James to follow her back to an exam room. "Please have a seat and the Dr. will be with you shortly," she said.

Not long after she left the room the door flew open and Dr. Smith appeared. "Just for future inquiries I do not tolerate tardiness. My time, if not yours, is extremely valuable and I do not appreciate it being wasted." She said in a scolding tone.

"I had no idea that management was expected to be on the same time schedule as employees," James replied. " I assumed that our management exams would be of a...seperate level."

"This should be a lesson on assumptions. "Dr. Smith answered. " I'm in charge of this clinic and all my exams are carried out as I see fit!"

"Oh...ok then," James mumbled, feeling a bit put in his place.

"Now since you're so late we're going to have to play catch up." Dr. Smith proclaimed. "I'll need you to cooperate with me without any flack."

James nodded his head in apparent agreement.

"Here," she said as she tossed him a hospital type gown, put this on and I'll be right back."

Before she exited James asked, "Is this...gown...thing really necessary"?

"Yes it most certainly is. If you hadn't been so late we might have been able to skip it but since you didn't, it is necessary," she insisted. "And by the way remove everything, your shoes, socks and underwear." With that last word the door closed behind her.

As uncomfortable as it felt James started removing his clothes. When he was down to only his underwear he opened the gown and unfolded it. Looking at it with a puzzled expression he thought to himself what the fuck? When it was completely unfolded it seemed very small. He slipped it on running his arms through the arm holes. It was the type that tied in the back. If it weren't tied the back would be open.

When he got it on he looked down. The thing was short. It barely covered his underwear covered crotch. When he tried to tie it in the back he couldn't even get the strings to meet. Seeing a mirror he walked over and turned. His entire backside was visible.

As he was still trying to tie the strings in the back, Dr. Smith re-entered the room. Her first words were, "I thought I made it clear, no clothes under the gown!"

"Well...this...gown...must be for a kid. It doesn't even close in the back and it barely covers my crotch in the front." James announced.

"I'm sorry but I grabbed the last clean gown in the supply closet. Every other gown is being washed, it will have to do." The Dr. said, "If you had been on time there wouldn't be a problem so you can only blame yourself."

James just flashed her a, 'eat shit and die' look. "Can we please just get on with this...whatever...exam?" He asked.

"Let's get something straight right now, young man! I'm in charge here and I refuse to put up with any disrespect or foolishness. I can either complete this 'emergency' exam my way or you can leave right now and your job is history." Dr. Smith informed James. "It makes no difference to me either way. Do I make myself clear?"

"Ok,ok, I get it. You need to feel like you're the big dog here. You're the 'boss lady'. Whatever, it's all good," James answered sarcastically.

"Hop up on the exam table and sit," Dr. Smith ordered. " I'm going to take your vitals." After taking his temp, blood pressure and looking in his ears, mouth and throat she left the room again. "I need to check on another patient. When I come back please be ready to continue your exam without anymore delays," she said.

James laughed to himself whispering, "you cunt." He did nothing but lay back on the exam table until he heard the door start to re-open. He then quickly sat back up.

"I thought I asked you to be ready to continue with the exam before I left?" Dr. Smith said with authority.

"I am as ready as I'll ever be,"James laughed.

"I guess you didn't believe me before when I said I was done fucking around with your arrogance!" She said as she walked toward him. After looking him in the eyes she grabbed his underwear waistband and with one hefty yank pulled them down to his ankles.

James was so surprised by her actions he was temporally stunned. Before he realized it she had removed them from his ankles and tossed them to the corner of the room.

"What the hell? Why did you do that? James squeaked out.

"I told you this is my clinic and things are done my way. If you had been cooperative that would not have been necessary. Dr. Smith answered. "Now since you've taken up so much of my valuable time I'm going to need you to go back out into the waiting room till I'm ready for you again."

"You can't be serious! I can't go out there like this...I'm basically naked!" James argued.

"Again all this could have been avoided if you had just done as I asked you in the first place," she snickered. She then grabbed him by his arm and pulled him along out the door and toward the waiting room. She was able to overpower him because he was too busy trying to hide his nakedness to be able to fight her off.

Before he realized it she had opened the door to the waiting room and flung him inside. The door shut and locked behind her. He was bent forward to keep his junk from being exposed by the short gown. He also remembered that there was no back to the gown and most of his ass was visible.

The waiting room was nearly full. He only saw two empty chairs but to get to either of them he would have to reveal his naked backside to some of the room. He decided to stay put with his back against the wall until he was called back inside.

After calming himself down as much as he could he glanced around the room. He was terrified to learn he recognized some of the women sitting in the waiting room. He couldn't remember her name but the young lady from HR who had given him his initial interview sat directly across from where he was standing.

He saw another familiar face but couldn't place her. He knew he'd seen her several times but didn't remember where from. She was sitting to his left near the receptionists station.

As he continued to scan the room he heard his name being called out. He was in such a state he couldn't figure where it was coming from. He finally realized the receptionists was calling him. "James...you neglected to complete a portion of your medical history form." She said. "We need this filled out before we can continue with your exam. Can you please come get the form and finish filling it out?"

Oh fuck! Was he supposed to walkover to her like this! He was nearly naked. If he moved everyone in the waiting room would see some part of his naked body!

"I can't do that...right now. I'll finish them after the exam," he answered.

"I'm sorry"James, but that just won't do. I need them completed before the exam," she insisted. "Now if you'd rather come back at another date...but I understood that this was something of an emergency."

The reality of the situation slapped him smack in the face. He couldn't come back at another date. This had to be finished today or his job was over!

He kept one hand pulling down the front of his child's gown. With his other hand he tried pulling the two sides of the back together but couldn't make them meet. When he realized this was futile he placed his hand over as much of his naked ass crack as possible. With that he scampered his way over to the receptionist's window. He knew at least half the waiting room was catching glimpses of his nearly naked ass.

He could hear mumbling and gasps as he made the short trip. Once there, his face burning with embarrassment, he whispered, "May I have the forms...please?"

She handed him the forms on a clipboard with one hand and an ink pen with her other. He needed both hands to take the clipboard and pen. He looked at her with pleading eyes. Would she take pity on him and fill out his information herself?

Obviously not as she insisted, "Here, take these, sit down and complete them!"

It took every bit of courage he had to lift his hand from covering his naked ass crack and move to collect the clipboard containing his forms. His other hand released its grip on the bottom front of his gown to reach for the ink pen. With his hunched forward stance the tiny gown slipped completely off his generous ass cheeks. Their whiteness, compared to his tanned torso and legs, shone like a new full moon.

This new exposure was not unnoticed by any of the women in the waiting room. James could hear gasps and murmurs as his totally naked backside became exposed.

As quickly as possible he recovered his ass crack with the hand holding the clipboard. He repeated the action with his other hand grasping the front of the gown once again. Once he'd covered his nakedness as much as possible he made a mad dash for the nearest open seat.

Removing the clipboard just before he sat concealed his naked backside as much as possible. It did not prepare him for the cold vinyl chair covering, meeting his naked body parts. The shock of the cold seat made him jump up enough to allow the gown to flip up enough to reveal a flash of his healthy ball sack. He again heard whispers and mumbles from the opposite side of the room.

Things settled down as he finally gathered himself enough to complete the forms. He was not about to announce he'd finished the forms fearing the receptionists would have him return them to her. His plan was to hold on to them till he was called back into the exam area.

When the exam door opened James already knew the name that was going to be called. His premonition was indeed correct. He heard his name being called. Again blushing he slowly stood, maintaining his bent forward stance to protect his male parts from being displayed. The hand and clipboard returned to cover his ass crack along with the other hand pulling down the gown in front.

Half way to the door the receptionists called out to him, "Sir...I need those forms returned to me before you go back there!"

James replied, "I'll just hand them to the nurse here at the door."

"That won't work. She doesn't need them. I'll be the one processing them." The receptionists insisted.

Flustered, James turned and headed for her window. Once there he begrudgingly handed her the ink pen and removed the clipboard covering his crack, to hand to her. This once again left him mooning the women in the waiting room. More whispers and murmurs were rampant behind him.

As quickly as possible he moved his hands back to cover himself as he headed for the door. Once inside the hall with the waiting room door closed he felt a wave of relief wash over him.

Unfortunately that feeling was short lived. As he followed the nurse back into an exam room he was astounded to see the four women from his office. Pam, Sandra, Betty and Blanche were sitting in chairs along the wall in that room.

"What's...this? Why are...they here? They can't be in here!" James blurted these out before he saw the angry look on Dr. Smith's face.

"I think we've been over this before," Dr. Smith replied. "To be specific if you had not been an hour late...most of this would not be happening. Had you shown up on time we would have had all the empty exam rooms needed. But since you didn't, we have to end up doing the best we can! We will be sharing the rooms...because of you."

James still had an astonished look on his cringed but still handsome face. He couldn't believe he was being made to appear dressed like this in front of his office staff.

"Why aren't my employees dressed in a gown, like I am?" James protested.

"Same answer as before," answered the Dr. "They've all already completed the part of the exam that requires them to wear a gown. Now I'm done explaining the way I run my clinic to someone who didn't respect it enough to show up when he was supposed to."

James started to object more but Dr. Smith cut him off, ordering him to stand still. "I need to record your resting heart rate, now shut up and be still."

James was so angry, being ordered around by this woman Dr. in front of his employees.

"Ok now hop on the treadmill. I need your heart rate after some activity." Dr. Smith demanded.

"But...I...I can't do the treadmill...like...like...this!" James protested indicating his ill fitting gown.

"Nonsense, everyone else did the exact test dressed in their gowns," the Dr. said.

"Well...they didn't have to do it in front of...an audience,"James mumbled.

"Sure they did. The all took the exam in front of each other," the Dr. said.

"But these are my subordinates. They shouldn't be allowed to witness the person in charge of them being subjected to something like this! I'm their boss for gods sake!" James expressed.

"You may be 'in charge' at your office but this is my exam room and I'll run it the way I see fit!" Dr. Smith informed him. "Now get on the treadmill, you've wasted enough of my time."

James carefully maneuvered his way over to the treadmill. Still pulling his gown down in front and keeping his other hand hiding his naked ass crack.

"I'll start you off slowly and build up the speed gradually to raise your heart rate,"she instructed

James thought he was going to be ok as the machine got into a rhythm. Unfortunately as the speed kept increasing he found it more and more difficult to maintain his balance. As a last resort, before actually falling, he had to use both hands to grab the stabilizing handrails. This left his naked rear completely uncovered. He was also forced to abandon his hunched forward stance to a straightened one to keep from falling forward.

His co-workers were now treated to views of their bosses naked ass jiggling as he ran on the treadmill. Without his hand pulling the gown down in front flashes of his penis and balls bouncing around were available. These glimpses were causing chatter among the women watching.

Blanche was giggling to Betty asking if she'd gotten a peek at their bosses penis. "Did you see that?"

"What, did I see what?" Betty asked.

"His penis or better the head of his penis," Blanche whispered.

"I kinda saw stuff. Things were moving too fast for me to get any details," Betty answered. "I saw more of his low hanging balls than anything else," she said chuckling.


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