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New Starts Ch. 01


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My mother looked at the clock and then stood up she walked into the kitchen and then came back out with a bag wrapped around her shoulder. "Better hurry up or I'm going to be late to work." She then kissed me on the check and headed out of the front door.

It was a warm day and I didn't really have any plans to do, at the most I thought I would lie around the house and perhaps look online for jobs but after last night I decided I wanted to spend the rest of the day with my gorgeous sister.

It was later in the day when she woke up and came downstairs. Obviously she had become accustomed to not having another person in the house when she woke up – my father had already left before my mother to go to work at the bank.

She strolled down the stairs almost in a zombie trance and even though she wore no make up she still could have won the world's most beautiful person. As she opened the stairs door she never noticed me sitting in the corner watching her through a perfectly placed mirror on the wall. She was wearing the same thong and panties from last night but due to the heat of the night her skin was radiant and reflected the light from outside with perspiration dripping down her slender body. She walked in to the kitchen and poured herself a cup of black coffee. Honestly I don't know how she drinks the vile liquid but I suppose everyone likes different things.

She then came back into the living room and then sat besides me on the long four seat couch, she lay down with her head on the arm rest and her beautiful bare feet on my lap resting directly on my penis. We watched 'Jerry Springer' ended until the final thought at the end after which I threw the remote on her stomach for her to choose the channel. Whether to tease me or it may be something she actually does watch she flicked onto the softcore channels and began to watch the erotic lesbian scene on the screen. I was completely shocked that my sister would even know these channels let alone be watching them as if it was the news. A smirk spread across her lips.

On the screen two women were going at it. One woman was on her back on the on set couch with her legs wide open, her perky large breaks bounced as she moved up and down. Her face was that of complete ecstasy. The second woman was in between the first woman's' legs where she was moving her head up and down in time to her partners movement. Because it was only softcore in the morning the program did not go into detail of what was happening but because of the movement, the position of the two and the ecstatic screaming (that I thought was overkill) it was clear of what was happening.

My view kept flicking between the screen and my sisters feet, which were still on my lap. Soon my penis began to become erect, whether because of my sister or the screen or both I knew it would be a matter of time before she would notice. It came too quickly. Within a few seconds my penis was straining to get out from my trousers and directly above it was my sisters' feet. I watched her expression to see if she noticed what was going on beneath her but her face was emotionless.

"Enjoying this are we?" She asked casually as if she was watching one of her soaps. To empathize the point she wiggled her feet so that they ran over my hard on.

Personally I was speechless, I mean here I was watching my sister running her feet over my penis while she watched two lesbians on the television. Without giving an answer she continued to run her feet over my penis quickening with each pace. After working herself into a frenzy she moved her other feet to my penis and then used both feet to work their way across my penis. Needless to say I didn't move and soon both feet were wrapped around my pole moving up and down giving a first rate footjob.

"Um what are you doing?" I asked afraid she would stop but trying to lighten the mood.

"Want me to stop?" She asked looking at me and winking but moving her feet at a fast pace.

I couldn't reply to her question and so she carried on. I watched her face and became more surprised when I noticed that she had a look much like that of the girl on the screen. It was only when I looked down at her own body when I noticed that her right hand was now underneath her own panties rubbing herself. She was masturbating on me while I was getting a footjob! I really wanted to remove my erection from my trousers and let her have skin on skin contact but I knew that somehow that could be worst that this is.

Without any female companionship for almost three years I was surprised that I managed to last this long without ejaculating but soon the end was near. Knowing what was happening and stuck in a room of lust, porn on the TV, having a footjob and watching my sister play with herself sent me over the edge and I began to spurt my load. It was five individual shots and each one hit the same place staining my boxers and trousers causing a wet patch to begin to form in a nearly-perfect circle.

My sister looked up at the mess and smiled to herself. Maybe it was the satisfaction she had given herself or maybe it was the fact that she managed to make her own brother coat the inside of his trousers in semen. Nobody said a word and with both our parents at work it was going to be an interesting day.

Without a word being said she stood up and then walked back upstairs. I was torn between following her and hoping it could lead to something more or staying where I was and waiting for an explanation. Overall practicality won. I needed to go back upstairs anyways to change my boxers and trousers and I figured while I was up there I could at the least gain an explanation of what happened. I followed her upstairs watching her ass wave side to side with each step, how I wanted to grab hold of it and never let go, considering that just happened I don't think it would be a bad idea since she had virtually jacked me off.

The top of our stairs was pretty much the same as any other house with a small landing and three separate rooms not including the bathroom. The room closest to the stairs was the bathroom, the next along was my room, the next along was my mother and father's room and then there was my sisters room at the end of the landing. My sister walked straight to her own room. I was torn between all the variables that were happening around me; what should I do?

Do I follow her into her room and then go with what ever happens? Do I go to my own room and let the tension between us build until it inevitably explodes in a mass of emotions?

Maybe life would be different if I would have made a different decision but given the conditions at the time I thought I was right. I did not follow her but instead went to my own room and got changed from my previous sweaty top and cum stained boxers and jeans. The entire time that I was replacing my clothes my mind was burning like a raging inferno – my emotions were the fuel and my thoughts were the embers to ignite the fire. Once I had gotten changed I knew that there was only one logical choice to make and I would have to make it sooner than later when it would become harder to make, I had to speak to my sister about the events that had unfolded mere seconds ago. Her door was closed so I knocked twice on the door and awaited a response. There was none. I knew she was in there so how come she did not answer? Was she ashamed of what happened and ignoring me?

I put my ear to the surface of the door to listen to any sounds and what I did hear made me want to rush in to the room and grab her with both arms only to never let her go. She was crying.

I knocked more frantically now, repeating the knocking over and over again until she responded.

"Go away!" She called out from behind the door.

"Rachel, come on, we have to talk." I shouted back trying to hide my emotions that were clearly swelling up.

The door opened a small crack but either way I took it as a response to enter the room. She was lying on her bed in the right hand corner of the room, lying on her stomach her head was buried in her pillow sobbing. She had not gotten changed and I could clearly make out the curves of her body or more specifically I could clearly see the cheeks of her ass pointing skywards. Her appearance didn't even register with me as I watched her crying into her pillow.

I walked over to the side of her bed and sat on the small gap besides her. She never moved. I placed a hand onto her back and gently stroked her. Maybe it wasn't the cleverest of moves but I had no idea of what to do and this was what came most natural. She shrugged my hand away. I decided to go to my next approach but was hesitant at what the outcome could be. I placed my arm on her shoulder and with one quick movement rolled her body over so she was facing me. As a baby would do so to a mother she wrapped her hand around me and then cried into my stomach.

"Come on, calm down." I said smoothly trying to be calm and relaxing for her to hear.

"W... what.... I did...was...wrong." She sobbed.

"Hey, come on it's ok." I reassured.

"No... no it shouldn't have happened... you're my brother."

"Look at me." I said firmly lifting her chin so that our eyes met.

She looked at me, her eyes red raw from crying and her face completely soaked.

"You did nothing wrong." I said looking into her eyes and smiling.

"I...don't know... what came over me." She spoke in an almost inaudible tone fighting back crying. "It was like... I forgot who we was to each other and I could finally do everything I dreamed of."

Ok, to be totally clear, I was now more confused than I ever had been – and I had done advanced chemistry and quantum physics.

"What do you mean?" I asked now more intrigued.

"I love you Jon." She said looking straight into my eyes.

"I love you too." I replied.

"No, I mean I love you. More than a sister should love a brother. I always have. Ever since you went to university and moved out I've missed you so much. And yesterday when you came home and I saw you looking at me I just knew that you were the one I want to live with. In that once moment all my love came flooding back to me and I wanted to hold you forever. I tried sending hints when we were playing monopoly last night but then you wanted to win and I thought you didn't think about me that way. And this morning... I only wanted to tease you... to get you to notice me... and then it all spiralled out of control."

I was shocked. She actually thought that I was not interested in her. I would have to be blind to not be able to notice her. I was speechless. I did the only thing I was able to at the time. I grabbed her tightly embracing her in my arms and planted a kiss on her lips. I didn't plan to linger the kiss but her arms wrapped around my neck and we stayed in the embrace. Not as brother and sister but as two lovers would.

I was the first to break away. Now that I had regained my senses I knew that she had to know the truth about how I felt. But... even if she knew the truth about us how would that help our situation? We could never be together it would be deemed wrong by everyone and we could never be seen together as anything else. She still deserved the truth, my analytical brain already had formulated a thousand a plan to be together, in secret at first but by the end of my plan the world would know our love.

"Rachel... I love you... more than a brother should, I know that I shouldn't and I knew that society will see us as freaks but I don't care. Ever since I saw you last night and at the party I knew you were meant for me and believe me I saw the signals but I didn't know if you felt the same about me."

We continued the kiss, it was a causal kiss with no tongue just my lips touching her. She made the first move parting her lips and slipping her tongue into my mouth, caressing my tongue and exploring the new depths of our relationship. Albeit, slowly, I moved my tongue into her mouth mimicking her movements. Personally I could have stayed like this forever but I knew that realistically we couldn't and I broke contact.

"Come on." I said pulling her up so she was standing. "Let's go back downstairs."

We went back downstairs and it was then that I noticed that I had left the television on and never bothered to change the channel. The show was no longer two women together but had not changed to a heterosexual show. We both managed to walk into the living room when the title of the show appeared on the screen. In neon green the words read out "New Starts".

I grabbed the remote to change the channel when my sister grabbed the remote off me and sat down on the couch. I grabbed the seat next to her.

The show started out with a buxom beautiful blonde walking onto the screen and throwing her robe onto the floor to reveal a tight and curvy body. Her breasts were obviously false and looked too large for her body. The camera man did a whole body shot starting at her head and then moving down to show her feet in what must have been six inch heels. The camera man then swung around to show a man walking through the same door that the woman had entered and then in a same twist he dropped his robe to reveal his muscular body. The man had definitely been hitting the juice (not that I recommend that anyone ever do so). His abdomen was the perfect definition of a six pack, feeling slightly self-conscious my hand rubbed over my abdomen. My stomach may not be as well defined as this man on the television was but it was slim with a noticeable four pack. The man on the television then walked over to the blonde who was already sitting on the end of a bed that had appeared out of nowhere, he took his place in front of the woman who then placed her hands on his hip and moved her head towards his penis.

I was watching the man on the television receive what appeared to be an expert first-rate blowjob. My attention switched over to my sister sitting next to me. She looked over at me and smiled seductively as if she was doing this for my interest, maybe she was. Due to the fact that I was watching porn – or because of the fact that there was an incredibly hot girl besides me who had moments ago confessed her feelings and those feelings were forbidden given the nature of our relationship – I began to get hard again. My mind wondered back to moments ago when my sister and beautiful girl had given me a footjob all the time rubbing herself.

Almost robotically her hand moved from her sides and rested on top of my trousers that were doing the poorest job of hiding a raging erection. They slipped underneath my trousers and boxers and then grabbed my hard pole. I was in a complete stage of arousal – my sister was holding my hard penis. I had not even asked or motioned in any way but she began to rub up and down giving me a handjob. Boy, her hand was smooth and soft. Her hand swiftly glided down my pole and then back to the top repeating the motion again and again. My hips moved off the couch to accommodate her movements but as soon as I lifted my hips she stopped what she was doing in an act to tell me to stop what I was doing. I settled back down and she started again. Up...down...up...down.

It was if I was having an outer-body experience, I knew what was happening but I was so out of focus I could not think. When her hand reached the top of my pole her thumb then ran over the purple head before bringing her hand back down and repeating this on every other stroke.

"So I have to do you and myself" Rachel said slyly looking at my own hand and her pussy.

"Oh, I'm sorry" I replied knowing what she was on about.

For the first time in my life I was scared. I mean was this how the relationship between me and my sister was going to start? Before it even began?

Thoughts raced through my mind: what if I hurt her? What if she did not get the pleasure she was giving me?

Slowly my hand made it's way to her. I slipped my fingers under her panties and to add to the many first times in my life my fingers brushed across her bare, bald, beautiful pussy. I took my time, I knew that if I rushed into doing it then she may not like it and I wanted to give her the best pleasure I could offer, if I took my time then I could explore all her spots and find the best to make her tick. I ran my hand over the fold of her lips and then ran my middle finger over her slit. This response gave a small moan and so it encouraged me to carry on. I ran my finger back up the slit and created small circles around her clit. Thankfully my years of biology paying off I knew all about the female genitalia. With me rubbing her clit her breathing became heavier, quicker and sharper. Her body thrust upwards to meet my fingers. Changing my finger for my thumb is maintained pressure on her clit but managed to slip a finger inside her. It was one of the most erotic feelings that could ever be described; she was warm, hot, wet and smooth.

She moaned even deeper and I knew that I had to be doing something right. I decided to experiment now that I knew what I was doing was right, I moved my thumb faster over her clit while slowing down with my fingering. The effect was an incoherent squeal that was barely human. The next experiment was to slowly rub her clit and speed the fingering – the effect was a moaning of "Oh my god!" with a bucking of the hips to meet my fingers. In the final experiment I decided to go full steam ahead and both rub the clit as fast as I could and finger her with all the power I could muster – the effect was a deafening screaming and extreme panting as if she could not breathe. Now that I knew all of her reactions I knew how to keep her on her toes and continued to give her a mixture of all the speeds at random times. Giving a great focus on her pussy I had lost all track of time; how long had either of us been going at it like this?

Time had seemed to stop; there was nothing else in the world but just us two entwined together, our bodies acting as one.

I glanced at the television realising that I had been watching it but not knowing what had been happening. The woman on the screen was now on her back with the man lying on the top of her slamming his hips forwards ramming himself into her. Over the sounds of my sister squealing the television moans and hers merged together much like both of us and them on the screen. I glanced sideways at the image of the most beautiful woman at my side, her eyes were closed and her mouth agape, her chest was rising and falling in rapid succession and her whole body shaking at the pleasure ( I hoped) I was giving.

"I'm coming!" She screamed out of the blue and for the first time I noticed that her panties were soaked to the core.

Suddenly I remembered that not only had I been giving her pleasure but she was giving me a handjob, lost in her touch I never noticed that her hand was now sliding up and down my own pole and I could feel the impending pressure building inside. I was going to come and soon.

Her pace on my own penis increased building the pressure immensely, soon the pressure would become too much and I was going to explode. Feeling myself building to an orgasm I began to thrust in and out while rubbing her clitoris in a lightning pace. I knew that she was going to come before she did. Her vaginal muscles clamped on my fingers in a death like vice, her body leaned forward and she gave a banshee wail of pure ecstasy. I felt her juices come rushing out of her and coat my fingers in her slickness. At the same time that I felt all of her juices escape her private I felt myself let go of all the pressure in my own privates. Spurt after spurt I shot my seed into my boxers. I must have coated my sisters' hand in cum because I knew that she never let go.

At once all my senses came to a complete overhaul. I could practically smell the aroma of my beautiful sister in the air. It was a sweet smell that had the smallest trace of bitterness. I could feel all of the perspiration sliding down my skin, each trickle smoothly running south giving the smallest hint of a tickle causing goose bumps on my skin. The air had a slight chill but given the recent activity both our bodies were giving out a large amount of heat.

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