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New Year's

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Boyfriend and Girlfriend get steamy on New Year's Eve.
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'Why have you made me wait this long!?' Stephanie cried out in exasperation to her boyfriend as he opened the front door to their flat.

'You know why. I want this to be special.' Alex replied as he guided her in.

Stephanie pouted. 'But it's always special! I don't see why we couldn't do it bef-' Alex silenced her as he turned and kissed her lips hard and passionately. Stephanie was about to protest but decided against it, instead kissing him back as he wrapped his arms around her. She melted into his embrace as he finally gave her a taste of what she wanted. After a couple of minutes, she gently pushed him away and looked up into his eyes; they were sparkling, even in the dimly lit corridor. 'We haven't even closed the door yet!' She said in mock horror.

Alex let go of her with one hand. He pushed the door shut and flicked the catch on the lock. 'Happy now?' He smiled ruefully. 'You have me all to yourself no.'

'No...' Stephanie said quietly looking down at his chest. His smile faded, and a quizzical expression formed upon his features. 'You know what I want.' She said in a small voice. Alex's smile returned as he watched her; she was playing with her fingers, still looking down at his chest, slightly embarrassed.

He cast his gaze over her, the white bobble hat that she had fallen back in love with after failing to find another hat she liked. Her hair, blonde in reality but brunette in the low light, flicked out from under her hat and fell down over her face and below her shoulders. Her thick woolly scarf wrapped around her neck keeping the cold from penetrating inside her hoody and the little fingerless gloves that matched her hat poking out from the sleeves. Alex smiled to himself. She had no idea how cute she was, or in fact, how much he loved her.

Alex flicked on the light. Then was confused as to why it hadn't come on immediately, until he heard the fan in the bathroom start up. He rolled his eyes, 'Every fucking time! You can tell I've been away for a while can't you.' He still couldn't work out what has possessed the designer of the flat to put the hallway light and the bathroom light next to each other on the wall.

Stephanie looked up at him and smiled. 'Don't worry I do it all the time. Now let's go clean our teeth and go to bed, I need to be snug!'

Stephanie went into the bathroom as Alex went into his bedroom. He flicked the light on before closing the curtains, then picked up the glass of water that stood next to his alarm clock on the chair and went to fill it up with fresh. When he returned, he placed the fresh glass down on the chair, stripped to his boxers and turned the light off before heading back the living room.


Stephanie looked at her reflection as she brushed her teeth absentmindedly and thought about her boyfriend. They had been dating for just under three years now. She loved him just as much now as she had done on the first day they met, if not more. She gargled mouthwash and spat it out before checking herself in the mirror. Because it was their first night together after the festive holidays, she had made an effort for him that night and she didn't look too bad. She removed her hat, combed quickly through her hair with her fingers then allowed herself a moment to stare at the woman in the mirror. Sharp blue eyes stared back before roaming her body. Her blonde hair, straightened earlier in the evening, was beginning to frizz and the lip-gloss she wore to prevent her lips becoming chapped in the cold air had faded. She touched it up quickly.

Then she heard the pattering of her boyfriend's feet up and down the hallway. 'Babe...' She asked hesitantly, 'what are you up to?'

She was about to stick her head around the door when he called back urgently, 'don't come and look yet! You aren't allowed to see until it's done!'

Stephanie's eyes narrowed suspiciously as she gazed at her sparkling teeth, 'until what's done?'

'Shhh!' Her boyfriend's voice called back. 'You will soon see.'

'It is had best be worth being sex starved for!' She called out.

She had been back just over six hours and her boyfriend had refused all her advances so far, choosing instead to curl up with her and watch DVDs and TV before they went out to watch the fireworks. Even when she was getting changed to go out again her boyfriend had refrained from touching her up like he always did, instead just watching from the doorway. His only input into had been to insist she wear some sexy underwear.

Stephanie turned to leave the bathroom and immediately jumped when she saw him standing there, blocking her view of his room. She hit him in the chest as a reflex for scaring her then realised he was naked. 'Oh I like this!' She stared down at his crotch to find his was still wearing boxers. 'Well...' She said a little deflated, 'I guess it's an improvement.' She went to pull his boxers down but he read what she was about to do and grabbed her hand before she could reach them.

Alex laughed. 'No! Not yet.' Stephanie pouted. 'I need you to promise me something.' He paused to make sure she was listening. 'Promise me you won't go in my room when I'm in the bathroom.'

'Bugger! You read my mind.' She said through a wicked smile, 'Okay, I won't.' Noting to herself that she hadn't actually said the key words "I promise".

Alex noticed it too. 'Please babe. It's just two minutes.'

Stephanie pouted and retracted her hand, 'fine!'

Alex sighed triumphantly. His girlfriend was gorgeous, but when he had a surprise for her she would exploit any loophole to find out what it was before she was supposed to. 'Please babe, trust me, I want this as bad as you!

'Hmph. Fine...' She said again, followed by, 'I promise.'

Alex smiled and kissed her lightly on the lips. She glared at him but still kissed back before stalking past him and going into her room. 'Didn't look like you want it as badly as I do, not from what I saw anyway' she muttered quietly under her breath. He laughed and walked into the bathroom.

Stephanie started undressing when her boyfriend called out to her from the bathroom. 'Oh and babe?'

'Yeah?' She answered.

'I want you to keep your underwear on for me.'

Stephanie stopped midway through taking off her bra. 'Hmm.' She thought to herself. This was new. Normally they got completely naked before going to bed. What was he planning? She re-fastened her bra strap then took off the rest of her clothes until she was standing in her underwear. Her boyfriend rushed out of the bathroom and into his room, she turned to follow him but he stopped her. 'Wait just a second babe. I need to finish getting it ready.'

'Hurry up! I'm getting chilly!' Stephanie turned and admired herself in the mirror quickly, her 34D boobs did look fantastic in this bra. And she conceded with herself, that she did have the wonderful nice hourglass figure that lead down to her legs.

'Okay babe you can come in now!' Alex called out.

Finally! She thought to herself as she walked out of her room, flicking the light off as she did so. She pushed his door open and gasped. His room was lit by four or five flickering candles sat on the table and then two more on his chair, which also had condoms, toilet roll, a blindfold and oddly, whipped cream on it. Alex was lying on the bed in a porno pose in just his boxers.

'Do you like it? He asked nervously.

After a moment Stephanie opened her mouth. 'I love it, babe.'


Alex stared at his girlfriend standing in the doorway. She looked absolutely amazing in her underwear in the candlelight. Her body was putting his to shame after eating all that junk food over Christmas. His eyes slowly looked her up and down taking in every utterly perfect detail about her. Her boobs looked fantastic in her lacy white bra and it took quite a lot of effort to allow his eyes to travel further down her body. Sadly, her panties covered up slightly too much flesh for his liking but he smirked to himself as he thought, 'I can sort that out soon.' His eyes travelled to right between where her legs met, to where he could see the faint outline of his her pussy lips. His cock twitched just at that image. God! Two weeks had been far too long to go without her, despite having averaged about one wank per day, nothing compared to actually being with her. Being in her!

However, he knew this wasn't just about him. He had promised her something when they were watching the fireworks in the crowd earlier on. Their sex life hadn't been as good in the last few months as it had been over summer and before, and although this was the fault of neither of them, Alex was determined to fix this, starting tonight. He looked over at the chair, the condoms were there in case Stephanie didn't fancy a trip to the bathroom after, the toilet roll in case she did, the blindfold was there more as a prop than to actually be used and finally the squirty cream, he wondered what she made of that. Oh well, she'd find out soon.

He had thought about putting the blindfold on her tonight to heighten her senses and hopefully make her cum more intensely but eventually decided against it. There would be time for that in the near future and besides he wanted to look into her eyes as they both came. He would use the blindfold when he would massage her again, like he knew she liked. But he was still going to make her feel amazing tonight. He smiled to himself and leaving his thoughts behind, beckoned for Stephanie to join him on the bed.


Stephanie saw him beckoning to her and as sexily as she could manage, crawled up the bed to lie next to him. He took her hand in his and kissed her passionately as his other made its way down to the small of her back. Then, he rolled her over so that her top half was lying on top of him with her legs dangling onto the bed. Stephanie felt his tongue flash across her lips. Understanding what that meant, she parted hers, yielding to him and allowing his tongue access into her mouth. She let him explore for a few seconds on his own before meeting his tongue with hers and forcefully invaded his mouth to explore like he had.

They continued to kiss like this for a few moments before she pulled back. 'So what is all this for?' She whispered.

'Because I love you and I want to show you properly, I feel I haven't for a while.' He answered. She shook her head gently and went to say something but he put a finger on her lips to stop her. 'Besides,' he continued, 'you look sexy as fuck tonight. I'm so hot for you right now.'

Although not liking to accept his compliments, she let it go. Partly because he was giving her 'that stare', the one she pretended not to know what it meant, but secretly rejoiced every time she saw it because it meant he loved her. However she mainly let it go because he was kissing her again, but now his hands were starting to explore her body. She felt him grip her ass and squeeze, definitely feeling the bulge in his boxers move against her leg. His hands moved up her back and over her shoulders, massaging them gently before pushing her up and breaking their kiss.

She looked into her eyes and he gazed back at her with pure lust. 'Straddle me,' he said in a soft but commanding voice. Stephanie got to her hands and knees, threw one leg over her boyfriend, and knelt above him. She threw her hair back and looked back down at him. Their eyes met.


Alex couldn't believe how lucky he was, even after three years, when she was in this position she blew him away with her beauty. He grinned at her and massaged her legs. His hands strayed to her panties and his thumb brushed over the fabric where he knew her clit sat beneath. She gasped softly at his touch so he let his hand linger for a few seconds more before moving it up her body towards her breasts. They looked absolutely huge, bigger than he remembered, but then his memories never did do her justice.

Alex placed his hands over her breasts and squeezed. He admired how her bra made them look full and well rounded. She truly did have amazing tits. He moved his hands to her sides and pulled her down to him, her hair falling over and around his face as he did so. He pulled her down further so their bodies were touching as much as they could be and he kissed her passionately as he fumbled with her bra strap.


Stephanie felt her bra strap undo and her boobs fell slightly against their restraint as they were no longer supported by her back. He slowly pulled the straps down her arms as she pulled away from him, sliding out and revealing her boobs at last. Again she was kneeling above him. She could feel her nipples hardening in the cool air of his bedroom as she brought her hands up to cup and massage her boobs. She could feel the soft warm flesh of her nipples and areolas against her palms.


Alex threw her bra onto the floor, being careful to miss both the table and the chair because of the candles. He gazed up at his girlfriend caressing her own boobs for a second before he decided it was time to replace her hands with his. He reached out and squeezed her hands around her breasts before he gently pulled them away, revealing her perfectly flawless breasts. He allowed his hands to grasp their entirety before squeezing and pushing them up to look full and rounded, like they had done in her bra. He squeezed them gently again before slowly massaging them in a circular motion. He knew she liked this and made sure that his fingers drifted to her nipples as he paid more and more attention to them. He wanted her to get every possible pleasure from this, so he slowly rolled her nipples between his forefingers and thumbs to harden them more until they were like little bullets. He then gently pulled on them to extend her nipples more.


Stephanie had closed her eyes and was enjoying the sensation of her boyfriend playing with her breasts. She hadn't realised quite how much she enjoyed her boyfriend's touch on them. Exhaling a low moan as he stimulated her nipples by pulling them gently and rolling them around in his fingertips, she placed her own hands over his and squeezed, indicating her pleasure. Her boyfriend squeezed and massaged her boobs for a while as she closed her eyes and sat there enjoying the sensation.

After a few minutes, she felt his hands start paying more attention to her nipples again, however this time he pulled on them slightly harder. She knew this meant he wanted her to come back down. He moved his hands around and onto her back and massaged it as they kissed passionately once more, the whole of their torsos touching. Stephanie squashed herself against his body; she knew he loved this. When her breasts squashed and splayed out over his chest, it always heightened his arousal. True to form, his hands gripped tighter around her back and he pulled her as close as possible. She sighed happily. As much as she was gripped with lust and desire for her man, it was still nice to feel that loved. It always made her feel completely at ease and safe with him.

She smiled to herself before planting a kiss on him and inserting her tongue back into his mouth. His hands were everywhere, flowing through her hair, stroking her back and sides and gripping her ass. She felt him slide his hands inside her panties and squeeze her bare ass cheeks, normally she got scared when he did this because she was reluctant to try anal but tonight he showed no signs of trying to penetrate her anally so she relaxed and let his hands massage her before they moved up to her side to her boobs. She rose and propped herself up on her elbows as his hands moved round and cupped her boobs. Although she couldn't cum from it alone, after two weeks of absence, she loved all the attention her boobs were getting.


Alex cupped his girlfriend's breaasts, feeling their weight. He had seen a fair few pairs of boobs in his time, mostly when looking at porn, but hers were by far his favourite. He loved everything about them, including her nipples which he knew she hated. He raised his head to her left breast, extended his tongue and traced the outline of her areola. He felt her shudder as she enjoyed the sensation. He smiled to himself before setting to the task of licking both of Stephanie's nipples with his tongue before stopping to tease her by blowing on them.

'Hey! Oh-!' She moaned softly in protest but he quickly put his lips to her right nipple and sucked it into his mouth.


Stephanie closed her eyes again as she felt her nipple enter her boyfriend's mouth. She knew he loved sucking on her boobs and she didn't mind as it felt fantastic. His mouth was warm and welcoming around her cold nipple and his tongue flicked over the most sensitive central parts as he sucked gently. She stayed in that position, feeling herself get wetter as her own juices start to flow between her legs. He finished sucking on her first nipple by planting a little a kiss on it before turning his attention to the other and repeating the process.

He kneaded her breasts for a few seconds before pulling her down to kiss him again. Then in one swift movement he rolled them around so that now he was on top and lying in between her legs. His cock throbbed harder now as he knew it was time to finally take off her panties. He traced with his fingertips from her knees up the inside of her legs and over her pussy before grabbing the top of her panties and started pulling them down.

Stephanie lifted her hips in compliance, allowing him to pull her panties off of her bum and down over her legs. She sat her back down onto the sheets and lifted her legs up, slipping them out of her panties and watching with a rueful smile when her boyfriend immediately discarded them.

With the barrier now gone, he grabbed his girlfriend's legs and pointed them straight up in the air towards the ceiling before proceeding to kiss the back of her legs from just below her ass up to the back of her knees. He was rewarded with a constant flurry of contented moans. Then he finally spread her legs apart and they made eye contact again. He moved back up her body and kissed her passionately on the lips.


Stephanie eyed him full of lust as he slowly broke her kiss. She closed her eyes and let her head roll back onto the pillow in pleasure as her boyfriend slowly started kissing down her neck and navel. She shuddered as she felt him kiss down her chest, kissing each boob all around the nipples before slowly descending down her stomach and between her legs. She opened her eyes when he stopped kissing, mere centimetres away from her pussy. She could feel his hot breath on her moist lips and his fingers gently parted her legs further to gain more access. She knew what he was about to do and her wet lips were all but crying out for the hot touch of his tongue.


Alex stayed where he was for a few moments, his mouth so close to her pussy, knowing she would be going mad feeling his hot breath on her but not quite making contact. He admired her shaven beauty and just how wet he had made her as she glistened in the candlelight. He inhaled her sweet, musky smell. He watched her face. Waiting until she couldn't take it anymore and opened her mouth to complain.

'Will you just eat my -Ooooorrgh!' Her complaints trailed off into one long raspy moan.

He stuck out his tongue and softly licked at her from her clit up to the button. Stephanie shuddered in pleasure and fell back onto the pillow with a second loud content moan. He stuck his tongue out further and licked at her pussy more passionately. He spread her lips and caressed his tongue down the length of her pussy, going from the top of her button, over her clit, all the way down over her pussy entrance down to just above her tight little asshole and back again.

He licked his lips savouring the taste before he started running his tongue all over her pussy making it slicker than it had been in a long time. He pulled back slightly, wetting a finger and circling her clit with the tip. Then he very gently and slowly, slipped the first digit inside her.


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