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Next Whore Neighbor Ep. 006

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No copping out Christina hugs the rooftops. Roof of her mouth too.
5.4k words

Part 6 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/12/2019
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Another day in paradise...Austin Texas...home of the Whore!

Christina Holly was in a much better mood today, having spoken to her man Dixon Moretti and coming to a much needed agreement. Ever since they had hooked up, living together under one roof, his roof, they had pretty much stayed true to one another. As far as she knew at least, Chris definitely faithful until she let her guard down weeks ago. Now that she had experienced the many flavors of men, and one woman Christina blossomed like a rose in the Spring.

Discovering through a butt dialed phone call from Dixon's cell she learned of another woman which threatened her future. After their talk yesterday she felt better about their relationship, but still had a nagging worry. The lingering question was...did she really have competition, or was the girl just being used by Dixon for fun? Was he merely leading one or the other on? It made no sense, Christina told herself. "I do everything for him. EVERYTHING!" Truth known! "Now that I've agreed to his swinging idea how could he not want to keep me? Our private sex life has always been good. Hasn't it?" The thought of what he was wanting should tell the tale. He could have at least talked it out with her rather than go out and find her possible replacement. "I give up! I need coffee."

Shuffling about her home with a horrendous bedhead of Medusa blond locks she found herself brewing coffee in her BUNN brand coffeemaker. Needing coffee filters she wrote it on her shopping list pad hanging on the fridge. It was there she noticed that one of her many lovers had written in silly things like blow up doll, sex swing, mechanical bull, etc. That one made her smile, she actually loved riding mechanical bulls on the rare occasion that Dixon took her out on any real date. Texas was known for them! Duly noted she told herself that she was going to suggest a date to Dixon, one where she might surprise him further. "You want something more Cowboy? I'll give you more." Her confidence level was rising up the flow chart.

Eating the other half of her saved grapefruit and a bowl of Cheerios for breakfast with her coffee, she ended up adding milk to her shopping list below the bull, the expiration date three days past. Not tainted she still used Bessie's best. Funny that bull and milk were both on that piece of paper. She also jotted down creamer for her coffee. It always boiled down to cum. She had to laugh.

After rinsing her cereal bowl and placing it in the dish strainer she refilled her coffee cup and ventured into the bathroom. She needed to wake up better so took a three minute shower to hydrate and feel alive. Having bathed the night before she was smelling fresh, but in her new trade of whoremanship it was a constant battle. Brushing her hair out at least she looked presentable, not that it mattered to her lover boys. They would end up pulling her hair every which direction until it was ratty all over again.

Eying her recently applied tan lines she noted peeling in small areas where she had burnt and hadn't really paid any attention to the irritation area until now. She was gorgeous but in all reality the tanned over words Theo and the guys had written all over her body were hideous. Only due to the fact they were so white compared to the rest of her. She could be seen a mile away. "Guess that is the idea, huh?"

Brushing her teeth then gargling she felt refreshed. A trip back to the kitchen to warm up her coffee before retreating to her front door, she opened it for a rush of early morning coolness. It would reach a distasteful 88 today if the weather report was accurate, so she enjoyed the moment while she could. Eying her mailbox at the end of her driveway she sat her coffee cup on a stand beside the door and boldly ventured outside. Barefoot she walked down her front sidewalk and out to the box.

Totally nude she showed off her new wordrobe so to speak, words her only coverage. Cars driving by tooted horns at her and waved vibrantly. Mostly men heading off to work, or women doing much the same, yet it worried her that children might see her nudity. Looking both directions down the street she did spot a school bus. Yep, tits whipped about in her bolt for the front door that meant too many kids all at once. Even one would be disrespectful. Of course, in her future she might not have any control over that. She had already walked across town naked, but had her faithful entourage around to shock block her for the most part. On her own would be risky even though her newfound free spirit was craving the outside world. Not quite yet! Very soon though!

Inside she waited until the bus went by before stepping back outdoors. Having placed her mail next to her coffee cup she just felt like...being noticed. Her tan was speaking to the flesh saying show me off bitch. She was more than happy to. Testing her boldness she took a short walk to the end of the block, only three houses away but far enough if busted by the wrong person. While most of the local homes knew of her she still had to be careful. Yes she walked quite a few blocks the morning after the party at Theo's, but she was high on life at that point. Now with Dixon potentially replacing her she needed to walk a fine line. Getting arrested for indecency she wondered if he would even bail her out. Her heart said yes but uncertainty was still bobbing to the surface. Greg and the guys would bail her out, truthfully she felt more secure in them than Dixon at the moment. Perhaps it was her collar that made her feel protected. Owned by many while Dixon was away meant a lot to her. Her mind was all over the place amid her identity crisis.

Reaching the corner without any real resistance she pushed herself, turning right to head to the next street over. Hearing nail guns in the distance made her heart skip a beat. This meant roofing teams that she could tease. It was a huge challenge never knowing what each new person she met would be like. One wrong set of eyes might dial 911, yet Christina could not resist. Sweating under stress she pushed on until setting foot on the next corner. Another car drove by and spotted her standing proud. A thumbs up meant she was safe, the older man enjoying her big titties spoke to her as he lifted a hand as if squeezing her breast from his car. Shaking her chest at him she blew him a kiss. Good enough for the old fart.

Searching for the source of the nail guns she noticed a truck to her left toward the end of the next block over. Two trucks actually, one with a large retractable ladder on it. Dead giveaway in her mind even if at her angle she couldn't see the roofers. Swallowing nervously she stepped across the street and pursued the nailers. Halfway there she heard kids talking and she panicked, jumping behind some bushes until two bicycles rode past on their way to school. She realized then that she should have waited another hour before going on her walk. That stupid school bus should have been her clue, but Christina wanted to live in the moment. Nerves under control she peered about for the enemy like a soldier in a trench. What she hadn't realized was that her enemy was in her own backyard. Well, front yard technically, and not her own.

Sneaking up behind her she felt a harsh swat on her ass making her jump and scream. Turning pale she ventured to look over her shoulder to see a good looking middle aged man likely in his late 50's wearing a bathrobe and slippers. In her reaction he grinned vividly and held up his morning paper.

"Good news!" He chuckled, "Having fun are we?"

"Oh my God! You look like George Clooney."

"Close...George Carlton. What do I owe the pleasure of your visit in my yard?"

"I felt...mischievous." She blushed under pressure.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yes! I heard the roofers down the way I was going to...tease them."

"Sounds fun. Let's go." He used his paper as encouragement, "I'll walk you over."


"Nothing better to do at 7:45 in the morning. Well, I mean...I can think of a few things." He lowered his gaze to her inner thighs seeing a sweet tight looking pussy. "Very nice!"

"Thanks." She nibbled her lower lip. "You would really walk the sidewalk with me?"

"Sure! At least I'm covered up."

"Maybe I should just go home before I get arrested."

"You won't."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because I'm a cop." He laughed.

"Oh crap!" She cringed suddenly choosing to try covering up her private parts.

"Calm down! I retired last year but I have tons of sway with the force. You ever have a run in with the cops you just tell them to contact me, I'll have you out of trouble in two minutes flat."

"Why would you...would they...?"

"Come on pretty girl...even the Cops like a bit of fun now and then. Consider yourself under my protection."

"Really?" She relaxed her arms and placed them to her side again. "That's really nice of you George." She still seemed leery of his character. "Can I see your badge?"

"You doubt me?" He chuckled. "Hold on a second." In his robe pocket he had his cell, pulling it out he went into his gallery and brought up pictures of his retirement party at the department. Showing her himself in uniform with others she smiled with relief that he wasn't making it all up.

"You were very handsome in your uniform."

"Put on a few pounds since then."

"I can relate." She fidgeted over her size.

"Nothing wrong with a little meat on your bones. You're beautiful...Miss?" He searched for her name.


"Morning Christina." He winked. "Before our walk lets put your stress behind you...okay?"

"What do you mean?"

"Trust me...I won't let you down." He lifts his cell and makes a call, waiting on an answer, "Hey Billy the Kid! You in my neighborhood by chance?" Her eyes bulged that he was calling the cops on her. "Drive by my house and call for back up." He chuckled. "ETA five minutes? Good!" Hanging up he calmed her with a palm poised before him, "Don't worry nobody will cuff you...unless you want that." Another wink was met with a worried look in her eye. "Coffee?"

"I've had enough caffeine, my chest is on fire."

"Play this out and you will see I'm being on the up and up. Love the tan lines by the way. Trying to make a statement?"

" was a dare." She opted for all of her loyalist lovers sake to be careful what she admitted to, he being law enforcement, retired or not. "I lost."

"Not in my eyes Sweetheart. You look good in suggestive words." He chuckled, she could tell he was getting an erection his robe was poking outward. That alone gave her hope he might be leveling with her and not getting her locked up. Trying to remain calm she dared to show off every tan line better, pointing out each. "So I see a collar tattoo. That mean what I think it does?"

"That I'm owned? Yes!"

"Who's the lucky guy?"

"I would rather not say." Mainly because she didn't know if he knew Dixon or Greg or Theo...any of her men. Protecting all of them was a proof of her own respect.

"All good Christina. Sorry about my..." George lowered his gaze to his tented robe.

"Why? A man should be hard around a naked woman."

"That is a fact. I just don't want you to think I'm trying to trap you or anything. I know my being a retired Officer probably spooks you but it shouldn't. Freaks everywhere these days even in high places."

"I can believe that. You can show him to me if you want. It might calm me more."

"I can do that as long as you understand I'm not pushing anything on you." Saved by the bell a patrol car pulled up on the street in front of his home. Out stepped two officers one a man the other a woman. The male in the lead saw only George at first then in passing the hedge row peripherally caught a glimpse of Christina. Eyes bulging the man paused his partner before she could see Christina herself.

"Mornin' Billy." George smirked, the female officer offering a bewildered look.

"What's going on Cap?" Christina immediately related Cap to Captain and nearly peed.

"Before you step up Billy I need you to put aside your oath and take what you see without knowing what you should do. Ain't that right Lancer?" He said to the male officer. Christina presumed Billy was the man, not the woman.

"What are you up to Cappy?" Billy shook her head then eased next to Eddie Lancer. Looking over at Christina Billy dropped her jaw. "Nice! You can relax we're not here to arrest anyone."

"See Christina? You're amongst friends. Billy? Ed? If you ever see her walking around like this you just ignore Christina here and let her do her streaking with pride."

"No problem." Billy shrugged, "I might whistle at you, but unless you hear a siren don't jump out of Nice tan lines."

"I just said the same Billy." George chuckled. "Spread the word on the down low. Nobody arrests Christina here for indecent exposure. If for any reason she gets reported make it look good, but just escort her home safely. Got it?"

"Will do." Ed puckered, "You need a ride home now?"

"Nope!" George intervened, "She's got some roofers to go tease. Hang back in case anyone calls her in so you're the first responders." He smiles at Christina, "Go on and have your fun."

"I...think I'd better just go on home." Christina felt as if she were being set up.

"Let's work on this trust Christina. Billy?"

"Yeah Cap?"

"Show Christina here you're not tricking her. Ed? You go wait in the car." The lanky officer nodded and waved at Christina before returning to his squad car. As soon as Ed was behind the wheel he drove off leaving his partner by herself. Once gone George opened his robe to reveal an extremely hairy body, a light paunch in his belly but fit. His dick was a sturdy eight inches but rather narrow in girth, still worthy in every way.

Christina flared her eyes at his unexpected disrobing. Billy dropping to her knees took her hat off and began fondling George. Seconds later she was sucking her old Captain off with a sloppy vigor. Eying Billy first with praise George looked over at Christina. "See how easy I am to get along with? We both know this looks every bit as bad as you running the streets naked. Yet, we're doing it aren't we? Tighten those lips Billy." The officer clamped down and fed on him with a starvation look in her poise.

"Can I...join her?" Christina was all kinds of wet watching Billy's intensity.

"Absolutely! Go side saddle Billy." He prompted as Billy Kidman released his beast and shifted her stance to merely lick his cock from the side. Christina swiftly knelt to the brunette's side and went in lips grazing. With both beauties sampling George he chose to forsake his robe all together, carefully removing it and lowering it to his lawn. Standing totally nude in his 6'2 stature George enjoyed his morning. Sharing in lengthy throat thrusts, one girl then the other back and forth George rallied forth a heavy load that went to Christina. She refused to share in a greedy moment of conquest.

Billy easing back looked up at George who mentally set the officer in motion for a more intimate action. As Christina lifted her mouth away to expose his cum on her tongue she turned to Billy and offered a truce. Billy eased in kissing Christina, tangling milky tongues until George's retirement plan had become a part of them. Praising both women he picked up his robe and fanned it out in the grass behind Christina as a blanket. "Why don't you two stretch out a bit."

Billy while not as big as Christina found the strength to encourage her on to her back. Chris was more than willing. After her first bi-sexual encounter with Greg's girlfriend Loni the idea was very appealing. On her back, legs wide she welcomed Billy with a sigh. "Dig in Billy." George tapped the woman's ass with the side of his foot. "Show Christina she can trust us."

Burrowing deep Billy fingered Christina and gnawed at her clit. Instant gusher freshened up Billy's jawline making her laugh. "Wish I had time to return the flavor. Another time?"

"Whenever you want." Christina giggled, "I hope I didn't stain your uniform."

"Grass stains maybe. Quit hogging all of Cap's robe." Christina wiggled back until one half of the robe was shared by both. The grass at least was cool as the temperature outside was rising. Going back in Billy ate the buxom blond until she came a second time. "Damn you're delicious."

"Thank you."

"Alright muff muncher!" George chuckled, "Get on up, Ed's back." Billy reared up on her knees and adjusted her uniform shirt which had gone awry in her sprawled out posture. Tucked back in George helped her to her feet. Christina cooed after her release, rolling about as if a dog scratching his back in the grass. "Think maybe I adopted a pet."

"That was fun Christina. I hope we can do that again sometime. You owe me." Billy smiled warmly, then rubbed George's fuzzy abdomen. "So do you Old Man."

"You know where I live Kid."

Stepping away Billy got into the patrol car and Ed drove off. Once gone George stood over Christina fondling his beast back to life. Peering up at him she spread her legs and mentally offered him entry. Grinning George opted to save it for another day. She appeared disappointed but sat up without seeming too upset.

"Trust!" He told her, she merely nodded with a shy grin. "Take your walk. Do it without worry. We have your back Miss Fuck Me." Writing on the wall!

Standing up she brought his robe up with her to hand it over. Biting a nail she peers toward the roofer project three houses down. Uncertain still after a number of cars drove by she turned to George and gifted him with a kiss on the cheek. "Here goes." Off she went. As he put his damp robe back on, tying the sash, George Carlton watched her wiggle down the sidewalk. He had a newspaper to read.

"I am the law." He bragged to himself. Good cop, bad cop, it remained to be seen.


Shuffling along while rubbing her upper arms to compensate her nerves, Christina pushed onward. Three homes away was not that far, so it only took a few heart pounding minutes to cross in front of the home with the roofers. Peering back at George she found him gone, leaving Christina to her own fun without making her feel as if he were babysitting the blond. Strangely she hoped he might be keeping an eye out for her. With more cars driving by she had no place to hide unless she ducked behind a parked car, namely the Roofing Company's twin trucks. Honks with friendly intent made her more confident, deciding not to hide herself in a slumped over stroll. Standing tall she sucked up every bit of courage she had and pressed on.

Reading the side of the trucks their banners said ON TOP OF IT Roofing and Gutters. The on top part made her smile. Gutter minds for certain. The roofing part made her think of a dog. "Oooo! Doggy!" While stopping to read the trucks she realized the nail guns had ceased firing. Freezing in step she kept her back to them just to see what they might say. Whistles filled the air in an unprofessional way. This too brought on smiles, it was nice to be desired. Shaking her butt at them she heard feet coming down a ladder. Refusing to turn to greet them she simply danced in step following a spike of adrenalin.

"You lost?" A man's voice called out, boots in the grass walking toward her. She had to see whom it was. Twisting in step she faced her oncoming suiter, a tall burly man with a lengthy beard and hard hat.

"Hi." She mumbled fluttering her fingers. "I'm not lost. I want to be here."

"Daaaamn! Ballsy you walking around without a stitch of clothing on. Not that we're complaining. Owners might though, they're inside. When they check on our progress they might see you."

"I can go up there." She hinted.

"Better not, I don't need you or my crew breaking their necks falling off the roof." He stroked his beard eying the SUCK EM tan lines over her big beautiful breasts. "Sorely tempted." He chuckled using his body to block hers in case the homeowner's looked out their windows. "First time I've ever seen a gal go streaking broad daylight."

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