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Niece Rindi Ch. 22

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Megan's slumber party.
11.5k words

Part 23 of the 27 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 12/09/2022
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This chapter is longer than most of the others and not as erotic except for the beginning. The next chapter if I do another? Will have more sex.

-----------Saturday September 10th

I wake up and the room is dark, the only sounds are the breathing of three naked girls, one of them snoring softly, pretty sure it's Rindi. I carefully roll Rindi onto her side and the snoring suddenly stops, but she coughs lightly.

"I'm awake Uncle Roy," Rindi tells me quietly. Let's go soak in the hot tub by ourselves and let Candy and Su sleep.

We go quietly into the big bathroom and close the door, each of the bedrooms are soundproofed but the bathroom is not. We are both naked and while the hot tub is filling we are hugging and kissing. I tweak her nipples, massage her bare butt cheeks, pick her up so her sex is against my erect member. Rindi makes a sound somewhere between cooing and purring, it's a sound that I want to hear as often as possible. I stick my tongue in her mouth, she tastes very sweet, mint flavored even, she had already used mouthwash and handed me the bottle reaching around me to get it from the sink.

"Here your breath smells like that rotten pillow did my first day I came to live with you." Rindi teases me.

I gargled a bit of the mouthwash and the tub is now ready. We climb into the tub I sit in my usual seat. Rindi sits down on my lap facing away from me, with my erection inside her tight little sheath. She giggled just a little bit and taking my hands she places them on her boobs. Well, I did the only logical thing and started massaging them, squeezing, pinching, pulling, I couldn't see what I was doing to them so had to go by feel. Rindi was panting and moaning now, still making that exciting sound half purring and half cooing. Her love box is squeezing my erection in rythmical embraces. I turn on the music system to the oldies radio station. You Are The One I Love is playing softly and I start working my hips in time to the slow drum beat of the song. The song ends and Light My Fire by The Doors starts playing. The faster drum beat has us both panting as I keep time to the new rythm. Damn but it's fun keeping time to the music while making love in the hot tub, we hadn't tried this before and it's something we will want to do often, I'm posititive.

The bathroom door opens and Candy and Su walk in also naked. Damn that looks like such a good way to wake up in the mornings. Orgasms and a hot tub, Roy you should write a song and use that for the title.

"Early in the morning, right before breakfast time, sitting in the hot tub, baby on my rod. Need to get my rocks off, going to unload soon. Rindi squeeze my member, out flows all the juice!

Something like that?" I ask, as all three ladies are giggling at my lyrics to the CCR song, Down On The Corner.

"Holy crap! You are just too funny sometimes," Candy says between giggles.

"You started it," I tell her, " Rindi and I were in here just minding our own business, happily screwing our brains out and you suggest a song title. Then ask me to sing it. Did you know I played guitar in the eighth grade, even sang in the choir, freshman year of high school?" I asked them.

"I didn't know you did that either," Rindi said, "And I know more about you than anyone except my adoptive mom, your sister Sheila."

"Well, my voice was kind of weird that year, I was a bit of a late bloomer, shortest kid in class but had the deepest bass voice, the teacher didn't have much music that fit my voice and our grades were based on solo performances sang acapella. He gave me A's not because I was so good but because I gave it my best effort." I related.

Candy and Su had each sat down in their customary positions on the ergonomic seats while we were talking and Rindi was riding me in time to Start Me Up by The Rolling Stones. We both climaxed together just as the song ended. Rindi was starting to get up to go sit in her usual seat, I just hugged her tighter to me still squeezing her pert little boobs.

"Just relax, I'm enjoying myself, playing with your boobs, I tell her. You aren't heavy at all and this is much more fun than having you in your seat would be for us both," I tell her.

There is a timid knock on the bathroom door. "Is it all right for me to come in there?" Megan asks us.

"She can't see anything but our boobs," Candy says, "And she has already seen them often enough down on the dock when we sunbathe naked and with Rindi on your lap your bagli is hidden."

"Come on in," Rindi lets Megan know it's okay for her to come into the bathroom.

Megan opened the door and walked in and giggled seeing all four of us in the big hot tub. I let go of Rindi's boobs reluctantly and turned off the music.

"You all take a bath at the same time?" Megan asked, "Holy shit your bath tub is huge."

"It's not a bathtub it's a Jacuzzi hot tub," Rindi tells her, "We might let you try it out some weekend when Candy and Su are at work, and just Roy and I are here. What is it that couldn't wait until we were done?"

"Oh, it's the day of my birthday party, I was wondering if we could have biscuits and gravy for breakfast this morning?" Megan asked us.

"Of course, give me about ten minutes to finish my bath and I will fix enough for all of us," I tell the precocious preteen. "Are you going to be eleven Monday or twelve?"

"I think I said I was going to be eleven, but on September 12, I will be twelve. Megan said a bit hesitantly, I'm the oldest girl in my grade since I was too young to start school in the fall when I was four and had to wait until I was five, then a week later

I was six, my mom tried to get me in but the principal said the class was already too big and I'd be the youngest one. Now I'm almost two years older than some in sixth grade."

"Megan, if you measure out six cups of flour and four teaspoons of baking soda, then two cubes of butter, I will be dressed and ready to fix the rest." I tell her.

She happily runs off to the kitchen and

I get out of the hot tub after giving Rindi's boobs a final pinch. She pinches my limp rod in retaliation and giggles as it tries to come to life again.

"Later I tell her, oh not later today, but later tomorrow, since you will be staying with Megans classmates all night, I guess that I will need to be content with Candy and Su." I teased my niece.

"Shit!" Rindi exclaims, "I hadn't thought about that, maybe you should sleep in the ballroom with us?"

"No way!" Candy said forcefully, "Could you imagine one of those little girls telling their parents Roy slept in the same room they did."

"It wouldn't be any different than camping in the woods which I did once at a summer camp and it was a coed camp," Rindi said.

"Forget it," I tell Rindi, " You will just have to be content knowing I am having sex with our friends while you are entertaining eight young girls, remember it was all your idea?"

I put on my jeans and a t-shirt and went to the kitchen then.

Megan had dough mixed up for biscuits and had started the sausage to browning in a frying pan.

"Good girl," I tell her, she will be a better cook than the older girls in no time, she has had much more practice since she had cooked for both her mom and aunt many times in her young life.

When I had taken the biscuits out of the oven, I asked Megan if she wanted to tell the ladies that breakfast was ready?

"Uncle Roy says come and get it before he tosses it out to the seagulls," I could hear Megan shouting all the way from the bathroom to the kitchen.

The five of us ate the biscuits and gravy and then it was time for Candy and Su to head to work so they left.

"Should we show Megan the ballroom all decorated for the party or wait until everyone is here," I asked Rindi.

"What do you think Megan?" I asked her, "Want to see it now or wait until later?"

"I think I want to see it now so if I freak out it will only be you two so I won't be so embarrassed in front of my classmates," Megan said.

"Smart girl," Rindi said.

We walked up to the big ballroom and Megan freaked out seeing all the decorations, we had set up the room in several sections. One area had face paint makeup. Another had a hot potato game. We had set up a thirty inch dart board that uses a toy gun with sticky balls. We had a bunch of helium balloons, one mylar balloon said 12 years old, another had Rindi and myself dressed up in our pirate outfits. Melinda had gotten my permission and that picture was very popular with her clients at the flower shop, especially for teen parties, she had told me when I bought them. The girls will probably want to swim first. Then have dinner, after dinner, we can either play games or watch movies. I had originally put the time to start at noon, but didn't want to do two meals plus dessert so had changed the start time to two p.m. There was a quarter sheet cake on one table decorated in a pirate themed boat with Megan at the helm of the boat. I had paid Amy extra to make it for the party. One wall had a curtain over a big screen tv that couldn't be seen, it was hooked to a karaoke machine that was also hidden until later.

"Do you have a sleeping bag?" I asked Megan?

"Uh oh, I don't even have one at home," she said sheepishly.

"No problem, it's warm enough you could probably just sleep on a blanket and cover up with another one, or something?" I teased her.

"Roy, you are really mean at times," Rindi accused me. "Megan see that package over by the cake table, the big box, go open that one up."

Megan tore off the wrapping paper from the box and inside was a plush sleeping bag from Big Dick's sporting goods. The card said from Rindi and Roy.

Megan hugged Rindi, then surprised me as well as herself when she hugged me and kissed me on the lips and then jumped back down red faced with emotion.

This will be my first birthday without my mom, she said rather sadly. She would have really enjoyed meeting you two. She lived for fun and since it was just the two of us we did most things together. It was too much sometimes, she would hug me in front of classmates which embarrassed me then, but now I miss her.

I turned around so Megan wouldn't see the few tears in my own eyes, thinking about all the times my own parents had done similar things when I was in middle school.

I walked over to the rubber mats that I had bought, the ten mats were stacked in a single pile. They were each six inches thick and four feet wide, six and a half feet long, perfect size for sleeping on if you weren't over six feet tall.

Next I walked over to the sound system, turned it on and wasn't sure what music to play for eleven and twelve year old girls. Finally I just put on a six cd set called best songs from the decades loaded up all six of them. That would be about four hours of continuous music.

"Shall we go back downstairs now and play some pool before anyone gets here?" I asked Megan and Rindi.

"I'd like to dance with you first," Megan said.

"Oh of course," I said as Born To Be Wild started playing, this isn't really a dance song, I thought to myself. I faked my way through it doing mostly cha cha steps that Megan followed nearly effortlessly. Rindi clapped when we finished.

"That looked like fun," Molly said when the song ended. She had come up sometime while the song was playing.

I checked my phone for the time, 12:00 noon, two hours before the guests are set to start arriving.

"Molly, I am not sure about music for twelve year olds, my cave man stereo has a feature I have never told Rindi about since she picks on me and says it's an antique but it has built in satellite radio. Do you think you can find some dance music for the girls or anything they might like?" I asked her.

Megan went with Molly and soon Helen Reddy was singing, I Am Woman Hear Me Roar.

We all went downstairs and I decided I might need a quick nap since it was going to be quite a long afternoon and evening. Rindi settled next to me and Megan managed to lie down on both of us. Molly used the recliner and soon we were all asleep.

Suddenly we all awakened at the same time when someone knocked on the back door by the garage. I checked the time using my phone, one forty-five someone was early.

I opened the back door and there was a young blond girl standing on the porch with an older blond girl, a bigger copy of herself, I assumed they were sisters until the older one said, "My daughter was invited to a party here. I'm Heather and my daughter is Jessie, short for Jessica."

I had put paper plates with signs pointing towards the house and a few balloons at the end of the driveway on the mailbox to help guests find the house.

"That's right, I'm Roy Maxx, this is my house, please come inside, we were all just napping so we would be wide awake for the party." I said. "Megan will you take Jessie to the ballroom so she can leave her overnight bag and sleeping bag there," I introduced Heather to Rindi and Molly.

After the usual comments about the lake, I led Heather up to the ballroom, Rindi and Molly stayed downstairs in case more guests arrived early, so they could act as guides.

"You sure like mirrors," Heather commented when she saw the one entire wall of the ballroom was one giant mirror reflecting the lake through the window that was on the opposite wall. "I hope that it's all right if I swim with the girls for a while before leaving, I brought a swim suit and towel along hoping it would be okay?"

Megan is giggling now and she said, "Roy, I invited all the moms to swim with us for a while this afternoon and then have dinner that you will fix for us all."

"Oh!" Heather said, "You didn't know she invited the moms for the party did you?"

"No, I didn't but it's fine, in fact if I had thought about it, I would have invited them myself. Since Megan's own mom died last year she might feel a bit left out though."

"It's okay Uncle Roy," Megan says, "I have you, my Aunt Molly and Rindi so I will be the only one with two mom types and an uncle type.

"Are you her uncle?" Jessie asked me.

"Not really, everyone calls me Uncle Roy though so I'm used to it," I replied to the young blond.

Andrea and her daughter Rachel came up the stairs and Megan showed Rachel the pile of mats and where the sleeping bags will be kept for now. Then Five more girls and moms came up stairs along with Rindi and Molly. I realized then that I'm outnumbered by females, somewhere around seventeen to one.

I will leave so you can all change into your swimsuits I said. I walked downstairs wondering just how I had gotten drafted to be the only male at a birthday party for eight girl children and nine adult ladies.

Rindi and I went into our bedroom so she could change into her blue bikini. I pulled her shirt off and fondled her perky little boobs for a few moments, then pulling her shorts off I massaged her butt cheeks.

"We don't have time right now but damn, I wish we did," I told Rindi. "It will take both Candy and Su to keep my mind off all the moms in their bikinis and bathing suits though. I'm not going swimming either, that wouldn't look right, as horny as I am right now."

Rindi giggled noticing my stiff erection, "I will make it up to you tomorrow after all the girls are gone," she told me.

She put on her tight little blue bikini, the thong bottoms barely concealing her butt crack and a tiny triangle covering the front enough you couldn't see her heart shaped pubic area. The top was small and left all but her nipples exposed. I tweaked her nipples and they poked out of the top. Twin walnut sized areas and she slapped my hands away.

"Stop that, do you want all those moms knowing we were making out just now?" She asked me.

"Of course, didn't you see how some of those moms were looking at me, like a was a piece of grade A steak in a butcher shop?" I told her, "This way they will know I belong to you," and I gave each nipple another solid tweak.

For the next couple hours the sounds of laughter from the lake filled the air. I took a bunch of pictures using my phone hooked to my telescope from the bedroom. There were nine adult ladies to focus my camera lens on and the little girls were very cute also. Six of the ladies were topless and I got great pictures of them, as they played in the water.

I went to the kitchen and started slicing sweet potatoes, I made a huge pile not knowing how many would be needed. Then I made a bunch of hamburger patties, figuring one for the little girls, two for some of the adults. I took the meat outside on a huge platter over to my outdoor barbecue grill. I cooked about thirty hamburger patties. I had made a few bowls of potato salad the day before and took those up to the ballroom and put them on the big table. I heated thirty hamburger buns then and brought those up. I also had sliced watermelon and cantelope in big bowls. I left the hamburger patties on low heat and then walked down to the dock.

"Dinner is ready whenever you all decide to come up and eat," I yelled loudly enough to be heard all the way to the swim dock half a mile away from me. There were a few bikini tops on top of my rowboat and I tied them together using a figure eight knot. Then I looked around trying to see who they belonged too and hoping to see naked boobs. I didn't wait on the dock very long as Megan was the first one out of the water followed by Jessie and Heather who was topless, Molly came out of the water topless also as did Rindi and unashamed they walked to the boat and Rindi picked up the string of six bikini tops and began trying to untie the knots.

"Who did this?" Molly asked us.

"He did," Megan ratted me out to her aunt.

I picked Megan up and threw her back into the water out past the diving board. She came up sputtering and giggling. Several of the young girls came out of the water and began walking towards the house after toweling off. I went to the grill and took the patties up to the ballroom in a big metal pan that would keep them warm quite a while. I had swiss cheese, white cheddar and extra sharp on a plate next to the patties. Ketchup, mayo and mustard next to the buns.

Rindi, Molly, Heather and three other moms marched up the stairs topless their boobs on display to my amusement.

"Uncle Roy we decided if you want to see our boobs so much we will let you," Rindi told me. She then flung the bikini tops still tied together at my head. I caught them and undid the simple knots I had tied earlier and told the topless ladies it might be a bad example to remain topless while eating. They each grabbed a top from me and put them on.

There was a lot of giggling and laughter throughout dinner. Many compliments about the sweet potato fries and potato salad. The smoked trout was easily one of the favorites, we also had some smoked chicken breasts, and drumsticks that received comments. One lady swore she was a vegetarian and ate three of the smoked chicken breasts anyway. We had bottled water and bug juice for the kids, plum wine for the adults.

"Did you cook all this food yourself?" Heather asked me. She seemed to be the spokeswoman for the group.

"Yes, Megan did help with the salads and cut up a few watermelons and cantelopes though." I answered.

"Do you ever do any catering," You'd get rich.

Megan, Molly and Rindi appeared to be choking from laughter at the compliment.

I just thanked Heather for the compliment.

Megan couldn't resist any longer and said, "Uncle Roy's already rich, this house is paid for, he owns the whole lake, is part owner of Pirates Cove Park, where we get to go tomorrow." She jumped up into my arms and snuggled against my chest. "He's my bestest friend too."

Several of the ladies looked at me then, I mean really looked. Not just seeing a young guy in jeans and a t-shirt hugging a young girl carefully but seeing that same guy with wealth and a caring attitude for a young girl with no father or mother. They looked like they wanted me to be that kind of a friend for them too.

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