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Niece Rindi Ch. 23

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Megan's 18th birthday.
6.8k words

Part 24 of the 27 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 12/09/2022
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The years pass by quickly. Molly is married to Eddy now. Eddy manages the Pirates Cove restaurant, while Molly manages the bar. Phyl and Sheila have officially retired but go in daily to the bar to help Molly. Candy and Kevin are also married but having lots of struggles, mostly the arguments are over petty things, I act as referee, when it gets too much for them to work it out. Jack and Sammy got married in a double wedding with Rindi and myself. They both retired also. Megan moved in with Rindi and I, when Molly married Eddy, she had been sleeping in her own bedroom here ever since her twelfth birthday party.

Su still sleeps with Rindi and I on occasion but has her own bedroom and the one Candy used first is now a nursery for her one year old son Troy, and Rindi's six month old daughter. I am now thirty-one, Rindi calls me an old man, she is twenty-six now. She got pregnant when we spent two weeks by ourselves on an ocean cruise to the Carribean islands, on our honeymoon. We brought souvenirs home for all of our friends but Sierra is our souvenir from that trip. I have several million dollars in my bank account and Rindi has a bit less in hers. She still gets monthly checks usually between twenty-five to twenty-eight thousand dollars. After six years with interest and buying anything and everything she wants, she has roughly one million dollars in her account.

----------Friday September 6

"Uncle Roy can I ask a favor?" The five foot eight inch girl asked me while sitting on my lap hugging me with her arms around my neck, resting her head on my right shoulder. She is so cute, her hair is similar to Rindi's, chestnut brown, she has the greenest eyes I have ever seen. She weighs just a bit over a hundred and ten pounds but with her height she is perfectly proportioned.

"What is it you want this time Brat?" I asked Megan.

"Remember my slumber party when I was only twelve. I would really like to have a similar party next Saturday when I turn eighteen. Would it be all right to invite a few of my friends from school?"

We had been spoiling Megan for years ever since that first time she came to Pirates Cove and was so shy and cute, the year after her mother died.

"How many of the seven are you still friends with?" I asked her.

"Well actually, I am still friends with all seven but Nancy and Paula hate each other now, ever since they found out the guy they were each dating was dating them both on alternate weekends. They turned eighteen last spring and it turns out he had been having sex with both of them during the summer, he was also seeing a third girl and they all four got crabs. If I invite them both they will fight and ruin the party, if I invite one the other would feel like I was playing favorites. Truthfully I don't like either of them enough to want either of them here this time. Jessie is still my best friend after you and Rindi. So that leaves five for the party. Jessie, Rachel, Becky, Trudy and Brandy." Megan answered me, naming each of her friends. "I am the youngest one they all turned eighteen already, I am the last in the class to reach adult status."

"I think we should tell Rindi just in case she already has plans," I tell Megan.

"Rindi, can you come in here a minute?" I call to my niece, now she is really my wife though.

Rindi walked from the babies room bare chested carrying Sierra who was hungrily sucking one of my wifes acorn sized nipples that she can barely fit into her mouth. Su had lots of problems breastfeeding Troy as her silver dollar sized nipples were just too big for his small mouth, her doctor fitted her with a special gadget that looked like a pacifier and a funnel but had a special suction device that fit over her breasts, and my son thrived with the thing.

Rindi sat down next to me and continued feeding Sierra.

"Megan wants to have a birthday party next weekend and have her friends spend the weekend again," I informed my wife.

"That should be fun," Rindi said. Over the last six years, all the girls had been here numerous times for sleepovers, usually one at a time but on occasion three or four at once.

Sierra stopped feeding and Rindi asked me to hold her so she could go put on a shirt. "You don't need to wear one on my account," I told her. Her once 32B breasts were now 34C and the size made her self conscience about them. Megan was still sitting on my lap so she got up while Rindi handed me our daughter.

Sierra smiled at me and made gurgling, cooing noises.

"She is so small and cute," Megan said.

Sierra is a miniature copy of Rindi, she has the same hair and eye color, the same button nose, even Rindi's smile and giggle.

Rindi came back into the living room wearing the same green shorts and this time a yellow tube top that could be easily removed to breastfeed our daughter as needed.

"Do you want Uncle Roy and I to plan this party? Do you even want us there?" Rindi asked Megan.

"Well I kind of want both of you there of course, but maybe not my aunt or step uncle. We want to drink some of the plum wine and just relax. All the girls will start classes sometime this fall at the local college, it's our last chance to be together as a group until Christmas vacation," Megan said, looking thoughtful. She was a bright kid and had graduated early just like Rindi had done, so she had taken some college courses the previous year. Cooking, Photography, computer programming and media marketing, they were Saturday classes and she had been using Rindi's escape, named Atlas to get back and forth from school ever since she got her license at sixteen. The media class I had suggested in order to expand Pirates Cove. We are thinking of posibly creating a chain of several more theme park restaurants. We don't need the money but income taxes are ridiculously high and by investing our money it's much better than having the government invest it which helps no one.

"There is one other thing I want and it's a big deal and I don't know how to ask, this is awkward." Megan told us. "Nancy and Paula told me how much having sex hurts for the first time and the only guy I have ever kissed is you Uncle Roy. Would you, could you?" Shit how do I ask this?" Megan blushed and looked down at her hands in her lap.

Rindi looked over at me and smiled her mischievous best at me. "Roy she is asking you to be her first sex partner and I think you are the perfect choice for her. You will treat her with the patience and kindness she needs and wants. The only thing is I get to be there and have sex with you too," Rindi told the blushing girl.

"Shit that sounds perfect but how do girls have sex, I mean I've watched a few video's but they look disgusting and phony." Megan said.

"We need to go see your gynecoligist," Rindi told her, "And since we don't want you getting pregnant anytime soon, you will need birth control. I had the Nexplanon, when I was eighteen and now there are others, Depo-Provera lasts three months instead of five years and doesn't cause Osteoporosis like the five year one does but you still have to wait ten days after the shot for it to be working fully. It's what I use now and will probably keep using until Sierra is two, then I want another baby with Roy. I'm kind of jealous that Su has a boy but I love Sierra."

Rindi called and set up an appointment for Megan. "Since Molly is your official guardian she will have to come too."

"Did it hurt your first time having sex?" Megan asked Rindi then.

"It was like a really strong pinch, Candy and Roy had both been licking my boobs and then after I had a boobgasm, Roy licked my pussy until I was nearly orgasming again, then he had me on top of him and as I slowly lowered myself onto him it felt so good the pain wasn't really bad and the orgasms were incredible and later he did the same for Su. You are lucky you will have a great first time with us." Rindi told the wide eyed seventeen year old. "You just have to wait until you are eighteen, since you've already waited seventeen years another week or two won't be long at all."

I carried Sierra in and put her down in her crib laying her on her back being careful not to awaken her. Troy was asleep and Su was rocking him gently in one of the four rocking chairs we had installed into the nursery along with a radio, baby monitors that could be heard from every room in the house except Megan's. We even had a sixty inch wide screen tv in there. Mobiles above both cribs and lots of baby blankets and baby toys.

--------Saturday September Twelfth

I wake up next to my wife who is naked and Su who is also naked, sucking on the boobs of either one gets a bit of sweet tasting milk in my mouth and I don't steal too much as I don't want to deprive either of the growing babies, Su's and Rindi's boobs are the exact same size and except for color and nipple size are identical. Their nipples got even darker during pregnancy. They are even more sensitive now too and I wake them both with a nice boobgasm. Both pussies are slightly looser now so my own pleasure can be prolonged for a long time. They both practice kegal exercises several times a day and Su has already lost the weight gain and now weighs ninety-five pounds again. Rindi feels fat at a hundred and five but has already lost fifteen. I insert my erection into my wifes pussy and lower my hips up and down, she is still able to control her vaginal muscles to milk my rod into giving her the cream her pussy craves from it. We both reach an orgasm and we hear one of the babies crying, Su is already heading into the room next to ours and we get up after using toilet paper to avoid getting liquids on the bedding.

"It's Troy who's awake, Su informed us, "You two go take a shower, I'll feed him and give him his bath then I'll take a shower myself."

Sierra has a slightly different schedule than her half brother, she sleeps longer in the mornings and still needs a two a.m. feeding while Troy sleeps all night but is awake by seven every morning.

So Rindi and I take a long leisurely shower, I carefully wash every inch of her skin, front and back, carefully washing her boobs so we don't waste any of the precious mothers milk. I clean her pussy and butt with equal care and we both enjoy the closeness we share with each other.

"Are you sure about what Megan wants, that you won't be angry with us or anything?" I asked Rindi.

"Of course not, she has been like our own daughter ever since we met and if I hadn't been so occupied this last year and a half after our fabulous trip, with being pregnant and having Sierra, I would have noticed that Megan was growing up so quickly and probably getting hornier every day." Rindi told me.

After our shower Rindi put on a black silk robe and I put on jeans and a t-shirt. She went into the nursery and held Troy while Su went to take a shower. Rindi was holding Troy while sitting in one of the rockers.

"You are sure you want another one like that?" and I point at my son.

"Of course, but Dr. Amos said I should let my body recover for at least eighteen months before getting pregnant again. She also recommends starting the prenatal vitamins now since they will speed my own healing from having Sierra."

Rindi told me.

Troy fell asleep after a while and Rindi put him in his crib, then changed Sierra and started feeding her. The sight of Rindi's boobs dripping milk and my daughter hungrily feasting is a different kind of turn on for me. I feel the pride of being the father to both babies and the erotic sight of a mother feeding her baby, knowing Rindi will never refuse me. Shit, first Su when she was pregnant, it seemed like she was horny nearly constantly and it was all Rindi and I could do to keep her lust satisfied. Then when Rindi was pregnant it was nonstop sex, either with me, Su or her blush vibe. I thought I was having a lot of sex when all three ladies were in our bed together, it was nothing at all compared to a pregnant woman who is constantly horny and I felt like they were trying to wear my dick to a nub the last two years. Between them both those two years were the happiest and most sex filled of my life.

"Come and get it before I toss it to the seagulls" Megan calls out from the kitchen.

She had made breakfast burritos, damn, they are even better than mine. "Not half bad," I tell her after eating four of them.

Rindi eats three and decides that is enough for her, those extra ten pounds on her five foot two frame aren't horrible but she wants to get back to ninety-five as soon as she can.

There is a knock on the door and Jessie walks in. "Oh something smells good in here," she sings out. I have told Megans friends that they are like family and not to expect service when they are visiting so Jessie got a plate and cup, poured some cranberry juice and folded three burritos and began eating. "These are your best ever Uncle Roy," Jessie says.

"No they aren't," I tell the eighteen year old blonde. "Megan made these."

"Wow, between Roy and your cooking classes you are better than he is at some foods," Jessie told her friend then.

Megan just giggled and thanked her friend for the compliment. "Uncle Roy still does a lot more foods better but burritos are one of my specialties, he showed me a few tricks and school showed me some too."

I went with the two eighteen year olds into the rec room, "I have a surprise for you both now," I tell the two young adults.

I push the little button that opens the hidden door and escort them into the rumpus room with the four inch think rubber floor and show them the swing that has the leather seat with strategic holes. We also have an exercise bike, treadmill and other work out equipment in there.

"Holy Shit Uncle Roy! How long has this room been here?" Megan asked me.

"Ever since I had the house built, it's one of Rindi and Su's favorite rooms, in fact Su got pregnant with our son Troy while using the swing one day when you were in school. That was one fun day for all of us. We had used the swing in every position we could think of and each girl had several orgasms, I'd had one with each of them and when we were done Su had gone to her parents house for a few weeks, when she came back she told us she was pregnant that's how we know exactly what day it was." I told the girls.

"You married Rindi, isn't it weird to have a baby with both your wife and her best friend?" Jessie asked me.

"If Megan married a guy and they asked you to share a house and a bed with them would you do it?" I asked Jessie.

"Yes of course," she answered.

I explained about spring break with all three girls, how we created the CaSuRi pizza, how Candy and Su moved in after graduation, how we all four shared the same bed, how after Candy married Kevin, it was only the three of us. How Su quit working during her pregnancy after the third month.

"Doesn't Su miss out though, her son has your last name but she won't get widows benefits or be entitled to your estate or anything?" Jessie asked.

Jessie is definitely a lawyers kid. "It's all taken care of," I told them. "Rindi and Su will share everything equally, just like we do now. We each get one fifth of the profits from Pirates Cove, I still have my water business and once in a while I invest a few dollars in a stock or two."

We went back to the rec room and I closed the secret door. We played a few games of pool, the girls have gotten good in the last six years. Rindi came in then, Sierra was asleep in her crib and Su was happily watching both babies. Rindi whispered something to the girls and they both giggled.

On my next turn Megan pulled her top down showing her great looking boobs to me, shit they were firm orbs, 34C with average nipples, and just clamoring for a hand to massage or a mouth to lick them. Of course I scratched and lost the game. Megan pulled her top back up still giggling at me. My next turn, Jessie pulled her top down and her boobs are slightly smaller than Megan's but just as firm, 34B and I scratch again. I walk over to Rindi, pick her up and deliver four quick spanks to her shorts covered ass. "There that will teach you to tell them your secret weapon," I growl at my wife.

The three women are giggling and laughing at me.

"He really does get distracted by boobs, how many moms flashed him at my twelfth birthday and were topless?" Megan asked.

"Shit!" I explode then, I think I'm keeping your presents you brat," I tell Megan.

She looks crestfallen at that.

"Don't worry," Rindi tells Megan, "He loves you too and his bark is worse than his bite but not as much fun."

I have to laugh now. Next time you want to show me your boobs I need to get my camera, I already can't remember what they looked like I teased the two younger ladies.

"Later you can take all the pictures you want of me," Megan promised.

"If you promise to never let anyone see them outside of our friends here, you can take pictures of mine too," Jessie told me.

Rachel, Becky, Trudy and Brandy walked in and heard her say that. "Oho do you want pictures of ours too?" Brandy asked.

Rindi giggled realizing that all these young ladies couldn't wait to show me their very nice young firm boobs and nipples.

"How warm is it outside right now?" Rindi asked me.

I checked the temperature app on my smart phone. seventyeight and the water is about seventysix.

"Okay ladies go get into your swimsuits and we can swim for awhile, then we can sunbathe on the swim dock. Sierra just ate and is down for her nap so I should be good for four hours or so." Rindi took charge and said.

The girls all carried their overnight bags up to the ballroom. They changed into bikinis and Rindi and I went into our bedroom. Rindi put on a tiny bikini bottom that covered part of her pussy but left her landing strip hair exposed, the top half of the heart visible. There was a tiny piece of string in back, I noticed her ass was much bigger than it had been for years, except when she was pregnant, the last time she wore a bikini was on our cruise. Her yellow bikini top showed her mom boobs cutely, two small triangles barely covering the nipples and nothing else.

Rindi is already upset about her weight so I keep quiet about the size of her posterior.

Rindi had bought me a black speedo suit so I put it on now and we walked hand in hand to the dock.

The cool water wasn't bad and we swam towards the swim dock, half a mile away with Rindi matching my speed. Of course the girls caught up and passed us and were already claiming spots on the warm wood when we climbed the steps. There was a pile of bikini tops sitting on the dock and twelve boobs visible as all the girls were lying on their backs. Rindi seeing the tops pulled hers off and added it to the pile. She giggled seeing my erection poke out the front of my speedo.

"Which boobs do you like best?" Rindi asked me.

"Yours," I answered immediately, realizing any other answer would be trouble.

"No silly," Rindi chided me then, "I meant which of the girls, you know all of them have had a crush on you for six years now and I think none of them would object to you actually having sex with them either."

"Would you object?" I asked her.

"Not if we do it together," she answered.

We found space on the dock and let the sun warm our chilled bodies for the next two hours. Rindi and I dozed off as a six month old child needing care around the clock tires a person out and we sleep when we can. I dream about all the boobs I had seen today, Rindi, Su and six young ladies. I awaken to a hand squeezing my erection through my speedo.

"Megan what are you doing," I asked as she moved her hand up and down the length of my erection.

"We were playing truth or dare and I was dared to check out your erection," Megan giggled.

I looked over at Rindi and she said, "Truth or dare?" Shit, either way is trouble.

"Truth" I tell her as the girls have gathered around us still topless.


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