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Night Of The Horny Femboy

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Cursed to be a femboy every night, can Brad break the spell?
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This is an erotic horror story with transgender characters, transformations,mind control, reluctant sex and crossdressing. It also touches on transphobia. It's not meant to represent witches or anything seriously, it's just for fun.

I'm Brad, I'm 25 and I work in comic book store, smack bang in the middle of my home town. My life hasn't been the most exciting so far, but I don't have things too bad. I live alone in a 3 room apartment, and whilst I don't have a girlfriend or anything like that, I like to think hope is on the horizon. I'm kind of a big guy, dark hair and macho looking, I don't work out I just look the part.

The comic book store had been my life for a few years now, since leaving school, my home town was a black hole I couldn't get out of, a little bubble where the outside world was too far away to go and see, so it was just easier to stay where I was. I'd turn up every day and sit at the desk opposite Steve; a scrawny guy that had been here as long as I had, he handled inventory and I just worked the register. I didn't own the store, the guy who did was some old man who lived just outside of town, Steve would call him up and keep him up to date on a regular basis. The owner was some big time collector who sent us shipments now and then. The store itself was small but we'd get more foot traffic than you'd expect in a nowhere town like this, because it was either going to the cinema, sitting at home on the internet or reading comic books.

So one day I'm leaning back in my chair and we're both listening to some weird music Steve brought in whilst some girl and this fat dude are walking around looking at stuff. I don't really care if customers read the books while I'm sitting there, I'm not the comic book police. The fat guy eventually leaves, but the girl comes up to the counter with this stack of comic's, she's kinda cute, goth vibe, long black hair, very tall and slender. She had a huge pair of black boots on and some black lace getup that contrasted perfectly against her soft pale white skin. She could be the front girl for a goth band or something, she looked great.

Steve eye's up her stack and gives me a look like what she's got there is a big haul, I sit up in my chair and start running the books through one by one and it ends up like $87, I'm surprised anyone spends that much on books, hell, Steve is going have a hard time explaining to the old man that this isn't a typo on the receipts.

"Card or cash?" I say as she searches her purse.

"Card." she said briefly handing me a battered piece of plastic. I check the name on it and it says "Mr. Mason."

"Is this your boyfriends card?" I have to ask, we don't accept borrowed cards in here and for this amount of books, it's straight up suspicious.

"No... that's me." she says, clearly embarrassed. What? Is this girl? Wait is this... not a girl? I look down to her chest and there's definitely some large lumps in there.

"Mister Mason?" I say, still staring at her chest. She looks annoyed, I'm still confused.

"Yes, I'm transgender, I've not had my cards changed yet." She explains it clearly, but I can't believe what I'm seeing here.

"Oh... yeah sorry... Mr. Mason... uh we can't accept that in here right now..." I look at Steve and he looks kind of disappointed in me, I'm totally confused.

"I'm not Mr. Mason any more, do I need to give you ID or something?" She awkwardly replies, pulling out an old wallet from her purse and putting a picture of a young guy next to her face for comparison.

"Yeah, um, Mr.. I mean Miss Mason, sorry I'm just not sure I can do that for someone like you.", I really don't want to deal with this.

"Someone like me?" she snarled, gripping her purse tightly.

"Look, I don't know what you are right now and I don't know how to explain it to the cops if you stole that card... so..."

"STOLE the card?! You think I stole this? And what do you mean "What you are?" I'm human, you jerk!" she's yelling now, I'm not having this.

"Look, just get out the store I'm not dealing with this today!" I say, standing up and pointing to the exit.

She huffs and says "Asshole..." as she storms out the store, leaving the books on the desk.

Steve looks at me with disappointment.

"What? I can't verify who she is!" I say defensively.

"You're a real dickhead Brad, don't you know who that is?" he says, oh great, they were something important weren't they.

"I don't even know what that is dude," I'm so done with this today.

"That girl is part of that witches coven thing." he whispers, looking around him.

"Come the fuck on Steve, witches? Are you fucking kidding me? It was dressed like a goth cos it probably listens to the same bullshit music you do." I said leaning back in my chair again. Steve sighed heavily.

"Look man, I wouldn't go round pissing them off anyway and can you stop calling her "it"? The monster from the black lagoon was an "it", that was a girl, don't be an ass." He was getting preachy, I fucking hated listening to Steve go off on one at me. I nodded and put my headphones in to drown out him and his weirdo music. I smiled at him as he kept on talking until he realised I couldn't hear him, then he got up and walked into the back room and got on with inventory checking or whatever he did back there.

The day passed kinda slow after that, we had a few sales but nothing really interesting happened, I did feel kinda bad, $87 would have been the best sale we've had all year. But, come on, really? Witches? There's no such thing! Steve was full of shit. It was probably someone bullshitting me to get as much out of a stolen bank card as they could.

Steve always left early and he didn't say anything to me when he left today, but whatever man, fuck him, it's my turn on the CD player tomorrow and he can sit there and listen to my stuff all day. It hit 9pm and I closed up shop. It was the middle of winter, it was cold and dark and the streets at night were always deserted, no one really went out at night around here, the nightlife was pretty dead, the only place you went to at this time was your own home or someone else's to hook up or whatever. I locked the door and turned around to see someone standing on the opposite side of the road, just staring at me. It was too dark to see who it was but they were tall and looked like they were wearing a robe or dress... it had to be that weirdo from earlier.

"Look man, give it a rest, you want those comic books, bring in a real card and show me some ID that matches your face." I shouted at the figure. It just stood there, motionless. This was weird, I didn't like it. I turned around and decided I'd walk home, quickly. Looking back, the figure disappeared from view when I turned down my street, but I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched.

I got home and climbed the stairs up to my place, shut the door and locked it. I'd never really seen anything like this in town before, I'd lived here my whole life but this was kinda freaky. I sat down on my bed and stared into the mirror I had propped up against the wall. Lightning flashed outside and a few seconds later a loud rumble shook the place and for a second, I thought I saw someone outside my window... which was on the fourth floor. Fuck this, I pulled the blinds down over my window, I was going nuts. I wrapped myself up in my bed and listened to rain tapping against the window until I fell asleep.

- She came last night, a cold, wet hand caressed my face as I slept. She whispered in my ears and told me of what I'd become -

I was dreaming, I had no control, I saw a huge dick in front of me, way bigger than mine. It was hard and throbbing and I ran my tongue over the head and looked up and saw a dark hooded figure looking down at me. I felt grossed out by what I was doing, but couldn't stop myself from doing it. It ran it's hand through my hair, which for some reason was really long now. The figure suddenly pushed my head further down on it's dick and I choked a little taking it all, my eyes started to water as the huge dick hit the back of my throat...

I woke up suddenly in the middle of the night, coughing and gasping for air. What the fuck kind of dream was that?! I wasn't fucking gay and what the hell was that hooded figure? All of that crap Steve was talking about must have gotten to me. I caught my breath and sat on the bed until I calmed down. It was still dark, and I couldn't see anything in my room, I got out of bed and felt strange, lighter somehow. I walked into the bathroom and flipped the light switch, I instantly freaked out.

In the mirror looking back at me was this flat chested, feminine... girl. She was me. I was still wearing my clothes but they were really baggy on me, my hips were really wide, my ass looked pretty big and I had shoulder length hair. I immediately thrust my now tiny hand into my pants and checked for my cock, it was still there, but was significantly smaller, it was like 3 inches long! What the fuck? I was shorter too, and my face was soft and girly, I ran my hand over my face and my skin was gentle to the touch. I started to panic, what could have done this? What the fuck happened? Was I still dreaming? I pinched my arm and it hurt. I was definitely awake.

I stared at myself for a few second in disbelief until I started feeling horny, not like a regular amount of horny, but overwhelmingly horny. I was more aroused now than I'd ever been in my life and I had no idea where it came from. I looked down at the tiny bulge in my pants, my little dick was straining, a cloud formed in my head and my mind felt weak as I instinctively started rubbing my 3 inch dick through my pants.

I staggered through the bathroom back into the bedroom, unable to stop rubbing away as I fell onto the bed, furiously masturbating until I shot my meagre load into the inside of my underwear. I didn't feel satisfied though, the overwhelming arousal didn't go away. I'd never been able to do this before. I started rubbing again and after a few minutes, came again. I let out a long moan of frustration, why was I still horny? I'd came twice! I kept playing, hoping for the feeling of release, but it never came. I was confused as all hell, my breathing was getting heavy and I couldn't think straight. I was so fucking horny, what was happening to me?

I don't know why I did it, this wasn't me doing this, I grabbed an empty beer bottle I'd left next to the bed and pushed the tip to my asshole, this was so fucked up but I couldn't stop myself from doing it. I pushed it in slowly and started vigorously fucking my asshole with it until after 5 minutes, I came again and finally felt release. The sweetest, best release I'd ever felt in my life. It was incredible. I pulled the bottle out and laid face down on the bed, letting out a long contented sigh, I relaxed for a few seconds before I remembered my predicament. I had so many questions running through my mind that I couldn't think straight, but they all drifted away one by one until I fell asleep, in a sudden onset of extreme tiredness.

The next morning I woke up feeling really great. I felt relaxed and fulfilled. After a few seconds of enjoying my pillow I came back to reality and remembered last night. I leapt up and looked into the mirror. I was back to normal, my face was my face and my body was my body. Did last night really happen? I saw the discarded beer bottle on the floor. I picked it up and hesitantly smelt it. Yup, it smelt like the kind of thing that had been up someone's ass. I was stumped. That part happened, but what about the transformation? I wasn't drinking last night. There was no way I'd shove a beer bottle up my ass in my sleep. I remembered pinching myself too and I was definitely awake... did I imagine it? I reached into my pants and grabbed my average sized dick and sighed in relief. Okay. This was weird, but there was no way my mind was playing tricks on me.

I hit the shower and sat down for breakfast, my mind still trying to piece together last night. I put on my rain coat, it was still stormy outside, and braced myself heading into work.

Sitting down at my desk Steve waited expectantly for me to put on one of my CD's but I was so distracted I couldn't think about anything other than whatever happened to me last night. Parts of the dream I had and the transformation were hard to remember, I sucked a dick, I remembered that and had a beer bottle up my ass... and....

"Going to play one of your boring-ass discs today brad?" Steve asked mockingly. I turned to him, dazed.

"Uh... nah man, you can play what you want today," I said, distantly.

"Oh, I see. Think you can make it up to me after being a jerk to that girl the other day, huh? Well being nice to me isn't going to atone for your sins buddy." He said, getting up and taking a disc out of the folder he kept behind his little desk.

Some folky indie tune came on. I spaced out for a while. The hooded figure outside the store, the other one from the dream, did this have something to do with that girl from yesterday? Was she really a witch?

"Hey, uh Steve? About that... girl yesterday." I didn't know how to phrase this.

"What about her Brad, feeling guilty?" He said in his usual morally upright tone.

"Is she really a witch, or did you just make that crap up to scare me?" I asked, straight out.

"Brad, you've lived in this town your whole life and you've not heard of the coven?" He sighed.

"Look I just thought it was some campfire crap kids told each other for shits and giggles, I'm an adult man, I don't seriously believe in that sci-fi junk." I didn't like it when Steve knew something I didn't, which was more often than I'd like to admit.

"Sci-fi junk would be aliens, you idiot, these are witches, it's the paranormal and no it's not some campfire mumbo jumbo, it's real." he said, definitively.

"Witches aren't real, stop fucking with me, it's just some freaks dressing up like goat people and hiding in the woods getting high." I knew I didn't know what I was talking about, but come on, it couldn't be real.

"Why even bother asking me if you don't want to hear what I've got to say? Just shut up and get back to work, if you're scared of pissing off the coven, then good. You should be."

The conversation fell silent. I stewed for a while thinking about it, could what happened last night be that weirdo from yesterday? Like, how would they even do that? Witchcraft is bullshit, putting some twigs in a bowl and saying stuff isn't going to do anything. Right? I was talking myself into this, but in the back of my mind I knew the two things were too much of a coincidence to not be connected somehow.

The storm continued outside all day, lashing rain against the windows until everything outside was a greyish blur of raindrops, the store was deserted and me and Steve just sat at our desks reading or staring out the window.

Steve packed up his stuff and left, leaving me to lock up. I have to admit, I was nervous after yesterday. I searched the shop before leaving. It was empty. I was jumpy, how would anyone have gotten into the store when we both stared at the front door all day? I was losing it. Putting my coat on, I went outside and checked the street, it was empty. The rain was still coming down hard, I turned around to lock the place up, but when I turned back around the same figure was there from yesterday. They just appeared out of nowhere. I froze in place.

I gathered up all the courage I had, clenched my fist tight and started marching across the street towards it, it's shape obscured by the darkness and the rain. A horn blared as a car passed the street in front of me, narrowly missing me. I turned to watch it speed off, looking back in the direction of the figure, it was gone. I walked over to where it was and peered down some pitch black alleyways, water pouring off guttering and gurgling down the drain masked any sound of footsteps. I must have scared it off. I was alone, I stood there for a few seconds and sighed; this was fucking bullshit. I went home. I know people in town have a lot of free time, but hanging around in the dark and the rain to freak me out? That was some next-level stuff.

I got home and locked the door again, not having visitors tonight, I went around and made sure all the windows were locked. I checked everything, looked in all my cupboards and pulled all the blinds in my house. I didn't know what I was trying to hide from, but deep down I was scared. I checked the clock, it was 10:30pm. I got into bed and curled up, looking around me, watching as the headlights of cars going past outside cast shadows on the ceiling. I couldn't sleep.

10:58pm, I was still staring at the ceiling, my mind racing. Suddenly I felt a tingling sensation all over my body, like everything had gone to sleep, then a deep rush of overwhelming pleasure. I looked down and watched my hands get smaller and my muscular chest wither away, I got out of bed, shaking as my body weight decreased rapidly. I freaked the fuck out grabbing my clothes as I slipped out of them, watching as my underwear stretched to encompass my massive ass, I turned to the front and saw my familiar bulge decrease in size and my thighs thicken. I fell to my knees and ran my hands over myself as my body hair disappeared in a weird, but somehow pleasurable sensation. I looked down, I saw long black hair frame my vision and I looked into the mirror and realised I'd changed back into the feminine looking guy I was last night. The sensation faded and I was left standing in front of the mirror, dumbfounded. I ran my hands over myself, this wasn't a dream, I hadn't gone to sleep. This was really happening.

Then, just like the night before, it began again, an overwhelming feeling of sexual arousal. I was unbearably horny. My little bulge poked out the front of my boxers and I couldn't stop myself from rubbing it. I fell onto the floor rubbing away at my bulge before sliding my hand into my underwear and giving it a stroke, I let out a high-pitched, girly moan as I rolled onto my back and played with my little dick, frantically stroking the shaft up and down. In no time at all, I spurted, but just like yesterday I wanted more. I felt like I needed something inside me and looked around for the beer bottle, there it is! I picked it up, rolled onto all fours and slid down my underwear, revealing my thick, juicy ass to the mirror, looking at it I couldn't help but be aroused. I'd always wanted a girlfriend with an ass like that. I watched myself push in the beer bottle, just like the night before and pumped my ass hard with it until I came. I felt contentment and laid on the floor of my room, smiling widely. It felt amazing. I rolled back onto my back and stared at the ceiling, then lifted my head to look down at my peach shaped body. Fucking myself with a beer bottle felt shameful, but this whole thing was so weird, what was happening to me? Is this a curse? I got up off the floor and looked into the mirror at myself some more, pinching and testing parts of myself. This was real. I was experiencing this.

There was a bang on the window and I could see the outline of a person through the gaps in the blinds. A car headlight went past, blinding me temporarily and as my eyes adjusted to the darkness, it was gone. I was suddenly reminded about the weird shit going on outside my appearance. There was no way this wasn't something to do with the figure in the street. Someone had done this to me. I looked back in the mirror at myself and felt weak and vulnerable. I didn't have any of the body strength my normal self had, I was small and pathetic now and I didn't like it. I crawled back into bed and nervously stared into the mirror until my eyes were too heavy to stay open. I hoped I changed back like the yesterday, I couldn't bare to get stuck like this, my worried thoughts faded into a blank nothing as I fell asleep.

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