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Nightblade Ch.01: Discovery

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What if superheroes were real!? Rob finds out first hand.
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All characters active in sexual encounters are 18 years or older. This story is based on true events that took place some time in the future. Contains Transgender love, Anal, and some other lewd smuttiness. If this isn't your cup of tea, please don't drink it. But if it is, please enjoy.


Typical Thursday in Orlando, bright sunshine, hot and humid. Backpack slung over my shoulder as I make my way to school. Senior year has finally arrived! Taking my usual route, crossing the street when the light signals I have the right away. By the time the sound of squealing tires reaches me, it was almost too late. A black van tore through traffic, nearly hitting another car as it ran through the red light. It was coming straight at me. Squeezing my eyes shut and bracing myself for impact. I hear the intense sound of the tires against the pavement and a huge crash as if the van slammed into a wall. Opening my eyes, a wall of darkness being held up by a girl in some kind of black fiber cloth covering almost every inch of her besides her short brown hair that's shaved on one side, and her mouth. Eyes covered by some kind of glowing black material that I can only assume allows her to see out of it. The black skin tight outfit, revealing her muscular lean body.

The black wall of darkness disappears as men with guns climb out of the smashed black van. The girl looks over her shoulder at me with those dark glowing globes. All of a sudden I feel this intense pressure around me as darkness wraps around me and pushes me behind a car. The sound of gunfire fills the air. As soon as the darkness disappears I glance over the car to see if she's okay. A shield of darkness surrounds her as bullets disintegrate as they come into contact with it. She then covers herself in it and rushes into the air and lands behind them. As the guy closes to her turns around, she cuts his gun in half with a blade she formed out of the dark matter she controls. I guess that's why they call her Nightblade.

Her foot slams into the side of his head, knocking him unconscious. More bullets fly through the air as the other men unload a round of fire at her. Their guns are useless as she covers herself in that dark matter. Suddenly the darkness expands covering everything within 20 yards or so. I can't see anything, but I hear gunshots and the sound of things crashing into each other. All of a sudden the darkness disintegrates and Nightblade is the only one left standing. That was so awesome! She looks over at me as I make my way over to her. Before I get close enough she takes off in the air, leaving a trail of darkness that slowly disappears.

I can't believe that actually happened. I got saved by a real-life superhero! This is the best day of my life! I leave the scene as I hear the sound of sirens. I can't wait to tell my best friend Erin what happened! Erin and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember. She's not your typical girl and I'm not even referring to the fact that she's transgender. She's just not the pink dresses and flowers kind of girl. She usually wears ripped up jeans and a cut off t-shirt, showing off her ripped arms. Of course, she's also hardcore into parkour and MMA, so it's no surprise that she is so lean.

Anyways, ever since Shadow and Titan appeared followed by Starlight and a ton of other superheroes or evolves as the politicians refer them as, Erin and I have become obsessed with them. Nightblade has quickly become both mine and Erin's favorite. She's just so badass. Erin's going to be so jealous when she finds out that I not only got to see her in action first hand, but I was actually saved by her!

As I walk into school I see her waiting at my locker in tattered jeans with a cutoff black hoodie, exposing those caramel colored, lean arms. She smiles as she sees me as I noticed her hair is different. She cut it short with one side shaved. Must be inspired by Nightblade.

"Nice haircut!" I tell her.

"Thanks!" She smiles and blushes slightly. "You look like you just been through some crazy shit." She brushes her hand through my messy hair.

"You wouldn't believe what I was involved with my way to school!" I can't hold in my excitement any longer.

"Not even going to try and guess," she replies.

"I just got saved by Nightblade the sexy superhero! She was so badass! I was crossing the street when this black van ran through the red light and it was about to hit me when Nightblade showed up and produced this wall out of her black magic stuff! Totally saved my life!" I tell her overly excited as I try to catch my breath after spitting all that out.

"No way!" she says and I can't tell if she's being sarcastic or not, but the tone of her voice doesn't show the disbelief that I expected.

"I honestly can't believe she took on several guys armed to the teeth with assault rifles," I tell her, but she doesn't seem that impressed or surprised.

"What do you think of her outfit?" she asks.

"Honestly, I think it's so badass! She looks so hot in that outfit! Like, seriously! I mean... Obviously, she's a superhero and all, but wow! I think I'm in love!" I admit to her. "By the way, she totally digs me, I can tell! She gave me this look as she flew away."

"Okay, loverboy..." Erin says with that cute little smile she wears on rare occasions. If I didn't know any better, it almost looks as if she's blushing.

"Don't be jealous!"

"Me? Jealous? Why would I be jealous? I mean... It's not like you're actually into girls like me," she mumbles, awkwardly looking away.

"Wait... I was referring to meeting Nightblade, what were you referring to?" I ask. There's no way she's actually jealous of Nightblade... I mean... She doesn't even like me like that, right?

"Oh... Nothing! Obviously, I knew you were talking about that, duh!" The bell rings, signaling the first period. "Let's get to class."

As we make our way to class, someone bumps into me, nearly knocking my books out of my hands, but I somehow catch them all, to my surprise. "Watch it loser!" Zack Lambert pushes past me. Zach's always been a jerk to me for some reason I can decipher. He's your typical star athlete, all brawn and no brains. Unfortunately, we have history class together.

"Hey, jackass! You might want to get your eyes checked. Maybe glasses will help you see better," Erin shouts at Zack.

As we walk into class and take our seats, Erin sits right next to me at the same two-person table, the second bell rings signaling classes have started. Ms. Martin gets up from her desk and makes her way to the to the whiteboard. "Can anyone tell me about the Industrial Revolution?" she asks.

"Isn't that your job?" Zack so rudely interrupts, eliciting laughter from the rest of the class.

"What kind of teacher would I be if I answered all the questions? Besides anyone who did the reading I assigned can answer my question and we can all assume you didn't do the reading, Mr. Lambert." A sly smile forms on Ms. Martin's face, then she turns to me. "Mr. Shaw, I know you've read the material. What can you tell me about the Industrial Revolution?"

I hesitate, looking over at the other students. Why does she always put me on the spot like that? Everyone already thinks I'm a know-it-all. "Ah... Well... I find that the text doesn't do the Industrial Revolution justice. From what I've read from the biographies of the great robber barons, it seems like each innovation spurred on even more innovations. The developments in the manufacturing of Steel changed how they constructed buildings. With steel, they could build skyscrapers. Not only did you have innovations adopted such as locomotives, steamboats, steamships, hot blast iron smelting and other new technologies such as the electrical telegraph, but you also had men like Andrew Carnegie who donated a majority of their wealth to build libraries and other such philanthropic causes."

"It's good to see someone takes their education seriously, not only did you read the text, but you've gone above and beyond. I'm impressed once more, Mr. Shaw. Others could really learn from your example." She gave me a genuine smile causing me to blush. I hear Zach snickering behind me, calling me a brown nosing teacher's pet under his breath. I can hear him crumple up some paper and I can only assume his intentions are to use my head as target practice. Just as I hear him wind up and throw the paper, I "accidentally" drop my pencil on the ground and bend down to pick it up as the paper sails pass me and hits Ms. Martin in the crotch. The look on her face was that of utter fury.

"Mr. Lambert, you have just earned yourself an appointment with the principal for disruptive behavior." She gives him a glare of utter rage.

"I didn't mean to..."

Before he can even finish she interrupts him. "I suggest you make your way down there immediately, you don't want to be late as usual."

He relents, getting he purposely bumps into me and I can hear him utter this isn't over under his breath. I don't understand why Zack is such a jerk. I'm going to do some research into this.

As the day carries on, lunchtime finally arrives. I hurry up and grab my lunch out of my locker and meet Erin at our usual table. She's already dug into her lunch as I pull up a chair next to her. "I don't understand why Zack hates me so much," I sigh.

"Maybe if you weren't such a know-it-all, constantly showing everyone up in class, Zack wouldn't pick on you," she states.

"That doesn't make any sense. Why is intelligence looked down upon while athleticism is celebrated? It's like being dumb is cool..." I rant.

"How do you even know all that useless information," she asks me.

"I have what you call a photographic memory. I remember every page I've ever read as if the book was in front of me," I explain.

"That must be great," she sighs.

"Ehhh, it has its benefits, but my father thinks I'm not using it to its full potential. Ever since he discovered my photographic memory, he forced me to sit in the library all day long reading books. I've read everything from economics, to finance..." I tell her.

"So you're basically a walking Wikipedia?" she asks as she takes a bite of her sandwich.

"I guess so," I sigh. "Although to be honest, I much prefer the fiction books. When my father's not around I'll sneak one or two of them in." I add as I take out my pouch of protein juice I'm forced to eat because of my severe food allergies.

"Sucks you have to eat those instead of real food," she says.

"Ehhh, it's not so bad once you get used to it, besides I've never actually had so-called "real food" so I have nothing to compare it to," I explain. Although for some reason, I have these memories of eating real food, I don't remember what they taste like. It must be my subconscious distorting memories reflecting my desires.

As I ponder this, Kate Maxwell walks across the cafeteria and takes a seat next to her friends at the popular girls' table. She's looking absolutely stunning today in that pink top and those short jean shorts showing off those long tan legs. Her dark brown hair seems to flow as if a light breeze is constantly blowing like the motion of water in a gentle river. Just the mere sight of her is intoxicating.

"Hello, earth to Rob!" I pull myself out of the trance Kate puts me in and turn my gaze to Erin.

"Sorry... Did Kate do something different with her hair today?" I ask.

"Oh my god! What is the big deal about Kate? It's not like she has superpowers!" Erin mutters as she looks annoyed.

As I observe Erin's obvious disdain for Kate, the TV's that were put in the cafeteria giving us our daily news shows a live feed of a bank robbery in progress. I watch intently as I slurp on my metallic tasting protein drink. Before I get the chance to say something about it, Erin gets up and takes off. "Gotta hit the pisser," she says as she rushes off out of sight.

I continue to watch as the reporter gives us the play by play of the scene. Police have the bank surrounded, apparently, the robbers have some advance tech and are holding hostages. Wait a sec, that's my father's bank!

As the police officer orders them to surrender and come out, someone busts open a window a couple stories up and opens fire with some kind of beam cannon completely obliterating a police car with a thick red laser. They take aim at another car, this time two police officers are in the crossfire. Just as the beam cannon lights up, a sphere of darkness covers the police officers. Nightblade just arrived! I knew she would show up! Just as the cannon stops firing, she surges up to the window, leaving a trail of dark matter. All we can hear are gunshots going off, several windows shatter from what I assume are bullets. Darkness seethes out of them like smoke. After what seems like a long time, Nightblade walks out the front door with a bunch of civilians behind her. Even though we really didn't get to see much, it was still incredible.

The bell rings, which means it's, unfortunately, time for gym... I look around, but I don't see Erin anywhere. I hesitantly pack up her lunch and take it with me. I'll give it back to her in gym class. I manage to get into the locker room and change without being bothered. But as soon as I walk out into the gym Zack is there waiting for me. "There's the fag that got me in trouble!"

"Technically throwing a crumpled up piece of paper at Ms. Martin's crotch got you in trouble," I correct him.

"Looks like your freak of a boyfriend isn't here to save you," he says as he shoves me.

"She's not a boy, first of all, and secondly, she's not my girlfriend. We're just really good friends. Best friends in fact."

"I don't give a shit what she is or whatever is going on between you two. You got me in trouble and I should kick your ass!" He shoves his finger in my chest. I never really understood the need for violence. Why is Zack so volatile with me. Is it just with me or is it with everyone? He must be displacing his anger by some confounding variable.

"Leave him alone, Zack!" Erin walks up between Zack's friends and pushes them all aside. Zack reluctantly backs off.

"Freak!" he calls her. "This isn't over fagboy!"

Zack and his friends walk off. "Where have you been?" I ask Erin.

"Sorry, had to take care of some issues," she says shyly. Recently, Erin has been acting strangely. I've noticed a change in her behavior for the last year and a half. She's always disappearing and her excuses are extremely vague.

Mr. Lewis finally gets the class started with a few laps around the gym. Gym class goes without a hitch as well as the rest of my classes. After school, I walk with Erin over to the local gym she practically lives at.

Her legal guardian, Bristal, greets us as Erin throws her stuff in Bristal's office. Bristal owns the gym and took Erin in after the death of her parents. She never talks about her parents and I've never asked. Apparently, Bristal and Erin's mom were close friends, but I don't know the history behind their relationship. I will admit that Bristal is very intimidating. If I would have to guess, she's probably 6'3 and all muscle. Her thighs are thicker than my waist. Her arms are ripped, but not bulky. She looks like the perfect athlete. Lean and mean. I would never go against her in a fight, that would be unwise. And yet she exudes a beautiful aura, her blonde hair shines brightly as it comes down and rests between her shoulder blades. I can tell there has always been more to her than her physic.

"How are you doing Robert?" she asks.

"I'm doing exceptional, Ms. Ward," I reply.

"How many times do I have to tell you, Robert, you can just call me Bristal."

"At least once more, Ms. Ward," she grins at me with such a mesmerizing smile.

"Such a gentleman," she compliments.

"Such a kiss ass!" Erin mutters. "Come on brown noser, I want to get a good work out in and we should go over isotopes for the exam next week."

"Like you need to study, your understanding of chemical elements is exceptional," I tell her as I grab out my tablet from my backpack.

She grabs my hand and drags me behind her as we head over to the squat rack. As she puts on a few plates on the squat bar I get on The Shadow Leaks app to see if there are any new Evolve sightings. Ever since the battle Titan, John Farrell, and a few others fought against that horrifying alien, Evolves have been popping up everywhere. Recently Starlight took the spotlight. Nightblade showed up a little over a year after Starlight's first appearance. I've been tracking superhero appearances and cataloging each of them. I pull up the app and notice they've uploaded a new video.

I click the play button as Erin starts doing reps of squats. I can't help but notice her perfect form and the way she sticks her butt out. An intense heat takes over me as if a fire was lit inside my soul as I watch her. I quick tear my eyes away from her as she puts the bar back on the rack. As I look down on the screen two people in golden armor, almost spartan like, but with advance tech are fighting another one of those aliens that almost defeated Titan. The creature lifts up a car and throws it at them. Holy shit! It's so strong! And hideous. It's almost completely covered in some kind of dark metallic armor. The little skin that is visible is a dark shade of greyish purple, almost deathlike. Its eyes have a nightmarish purple glow. It's somewhat human-like, but its body can morph. It's like its bones break themselves to reconfigure its posture in order to adapt to the fight. Do the so-called evolves stand a chance against this monster?

Just as I ask the obvious male of the two attacks, charging from its side. As he goes to strike, the monster is a tad bit faster with its fists, connecting with the man's abdomen sending him flying, smashing into a car a few yards away. His female counterpart charges from behind as the alien connects with her male partner, producing some kind of red flaming weapon. This time the abomination wasn't fast enough and the female stabbed her red flaming weapon through its torso, nearly slicing the creature in half.

"Holy crap! Erin, you've got to see this! Another evolve video, this time these golden armored Spartans took on the same creature that almost defeated Titan!" Erin immediately rushes over to see the video. Her face displays almost no emotion as she watches the video. After she finishes, she immediately takes my tablet to Bristal and shows her. I follow her in.

"Hmm... Those are Centries," Bristal says. "And another Crux scout, the question is what are either of them doing here? This is not a good sign, Erin."

What is she talking about? Centries? Crux Scouts? How does she know all this? Erin hands me back my tablet and pulls me aside. "I'm sorry Rob, but I have to go. Are we good?"

"What was she talking about? Crux scouts and Centries?" I ask.

"I'll tell you later, I'm sorry Rob. Got to go," she says as she takes off. I put my tablet in my bag and call Ms. Martell, the woman my dad hired to look after me.

She pulls up to the gym and I hop into the front seat. "You know, usually the people I drive around prefer the back seat," she says.

"Why? The front seat has better airbag protection, your neck is likely to experience severe whiplash in the back seat in case of an accident," I explain to her.

"Ha, I learn something new every day with you," she smiles, as a string of her blonde hair travels down her beautiful face.

We drive off, heading towards the tower that is my current home. As we get closer to the giant pillar of glass in the sky, I continue to look through current events and news on my laptop.

We enter the parking structure and finally Ms. Martell parks the car. I follow her to the elevators as I scroll through the news channels. Suddenly a breaking news story crosses my eyes. A horrible accident at Shaw Laboratories. That's my father's lab!

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